Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 423 Black and Red, Out of Control in the Shadows

Chapter 423 Black and Red, a Plan in the Shadows ([-]) A Situation Out of Control

Throughout history, threats to the rule of an empire rarely come from outside, and most of them come from internal strife and hatred.

The Jan Morrow star area, or according to its local native language pronunciation, should be called "Jan Morrow". The myth of , means hindrance or disturbance.

This star region is no different from other star regions in the empire. Its underdeveloped industry and fairly good agriculture make it self-sufficient. Although there is no delay in paying the eleventh tax of the empire, it is just enough.

Zhan Moluo, to understand the true meaning of disturbance, or to clear the obstacles in the heart.

Just like the name of this star area, the two forces standing in the center of the star area now obviously regard each other as obstacles, and both regard each other as demons that disturb their hearts.

Calvin and his fleet traveled through distant space and finally arrived at the outskirts of the Jamoro star sector a week later.Although he and his knights have been traveling day and night, the disputes here obviously have no intention of waiting for him to mediate.

From the fierce intertwined communications in the subspace, the astropath smelled the smell of war, and the countless orders carried the omen of blood, which made his soul always cruise on the edge of teetering.

This is by no means a good sign, it means that the conflict between Fenris and the Inquisition has intensified, and there is obviously no one here to prevent the battle from happening.

Inquisitor Lisetta is exercising the power granted to her by the emperor, constantly issuing ominous orders to the surrounding star areas and even further directions.

Within two months, at least a few passing companies of the Astartes had been called up to join the confrontation with Baelogo at her behest in the Emperor's name.

Born in this desolate world with the same harsh natural environment as Fenris, the judge with a matriarchal social background, just like a provocative she-wolf, showed her sharp white teeth to Fenris' stubbornness.

As for the Space Wolves, who had long been prejudiced against the Inquisition, they did not give an inch.With the addition of a company and warships from the direction of Fenris, on the edge of the Ballog IX galaxy on the upper side of the Jamoro star sector, the smell of gunpowder and blood in the confrontation between fleets is strong enough, only the last A little bit of "accident or premeditated" Mars.

Calvin's fleet was supposed to jump out of Jamolo's homeland, but that was clearly no longer the case.

The Primarch's concern about the center of the dispute left him with no choice. With the help of the navigator, the fleet could only slightly deflect its direction and head directly towards the center of the storm.

"Holy Hammer Order?"

On the edge of the Palpatine galaxy adjacent to Baerlogo, Liseta, who was on the black ship of the Inquisition, raised her voice.

The black-and-gold armor in her hand is tightly holding the notice from the Calvin Fleet, and the baroque-style feedback power armor on her body is neighing loudly, showing the anger of its owner at this time .

She first looked at the communication report in her hand again in disbelief, then walked a few steps amidst the sound of "bang bang" armor hitting the ground, and then turned angrily to look at her staff:
"Who? Who dared to report to Terra over me?"

No one dared to answer her questions, just as no one could question her authority.

Under the high platform, all the judges, regardless of their factions and religious orders, lowered their heads before meeting her sharp gaze.

The Astartes lined up on both sides wore armor of various colors, representing the chapters and companies behind them.

The Emperor's angels are like majestic, majestic statues, with no interest in understanding the strife within the Inquisition.

"Call back!" Lisetta looked at the clerical nun behind her, who heard the sound and took out a seal, paper and pen from her waist.

"According to the established charter, I have been authorized to deal with the affairs of this place with full authority. My department has received enough support and does not need more power to join."

After saying the last word of this sentence, Liseta looked at the position of the emperor angels. At the end of this group of giants, there is a special existence without any color painting, only wearing the original color of steel .

The clerk nun took the written order to the judge to seal it, and then quietly left to the astropathic deck of the battleship.

The Inquisitor turned his head to look at all the representatives of the Astartes, the Star Militia, and the Imperial Navy, and then gave them the final order:

"Then, warriors of the Emperor, please issue them an ultimatum according to our established plan!

The majesty of the empire cannot be challenged!
The confinement of them by the Codex Astartes cannot be overridden!
Within three hours, I want to see them withdraw their mad behavior of interfering in the government affairs of the empire!
Otherwise, let them suffer the Emperor's wrath for their arrogance. "

"Yes." Everyone answered in unison, and then walked to their respective battleships with Liseta's order.

After everyone left, the judge looked at the quiet conference hall and the arbitrator who remained in place, and asked the latter after taking a deep breath:
"Alvin, my friend."

"Speak." The helmet of the Gray Knight Arbiter paused slightly, and then spit out a short word.

He doesn't need to perceive the other party's thinking, because the intense emotion itself releases information all the time.

He even knew that whenever Lisetta used the word "my friend", it meant that this wild and wild lady was going to ask him some embarrassing questions again.

"How much do you know about the name 'Calvin'?"

Liseta took off her helmet and walked to sit opposite Erwin. Just as she had fought side by side in the previous 100 years, this judge who gradually grew from a girl to a lady in Erwin's eyes was testing him again. bottom line.

"I don't understand." Alvin rejected the judge's temptation, and this was just one of the countless invisible confrontations between him and her.

It's also true that he doesn't know much about Calvin's identity, as he hasn't returned to Titan since he and his squad were authorized to follow the man 100 years ago.

He may know some information about Calvin, but that is only a little bit of understanding in a few words when he met other teams by chance during this special "long-term" mission.

He is special, because even the Gray Knights of the Warband era rarely had a squad stay with an Inquisitor for long.

He is also lonely, because after receiving this special order, he has no chance to return to Titan, thus forming a kind of virtual isolation from his own warband.

"Really?" There was a sly smile in the lady's eyes, but the Gray Knight didn't respond.

Neither of them used psychic powers to read into each other's minds, even if it seemed as easy as instinct to both of them, just as they would never force each other to swear in the name of the Emperor when questioning each other.

This is a tacit understanding and the bottom line.

"Well, to be frank, I don't agree with the changes of the Holy Hammer Order."

Liseta's tone became formal again, as if the temptation just now had never existed, and she began to discuss some facts that both of them knew.

Around familiar people, her tone of voice always jumps between formal and chatty, just like her emotions, which are always cloudy and uncertain.

But this conversation obviously meant something. Alvin knew that she was talking about the reform of the Holy Hammer Order within the Inquisition Chamber, and the more independent behavior of the Holy Hammer Order after the reform.

And this sentence can be further extended, that is, she does not welcome an ally from the Holy Hammer Order to join at this time.

Because this will not only dilute her power, but also strip the dominance of this incident from her.

More importantly, this meeting will undoubtedly allow Erwin to meet again with the high-level members of the Holy Hammer Order, and if the other party is interested, then this meeting will also remove Erwin and his team from Liseta's side. take away.

This is unacceptable to her.

Either one is unacceptable.

"I, and we, only obey orders." Alvin looked at Liseta, and said in a cold tone after a few seconds of silence between the two.

This is how he has always acted.

From the day when all his memories were washed away and he became the Gray Knight, his tone of voice had only this temperature.And this is also the limit of what he can do, because apart from his own mission in his entire brain, he will no longer allow any mortal emotions to exist.

"Understood." Lisetta's tone became cold, she got up and put on the helmet interlaced with pure gold and ceramic steel, which was considered as the end of this conversation.

Erwin watched indifferently as she changed from "Lisetta" to "Judge" again, and then watched her walk decisively towards the front hall of the battleship—the bridge.

The conversation ended here, and he was ready to go back to his brother.And just when he was about to leave, the figure that was about to disappear from his vision left another sentence:

"The fleet of the court of justice will arrive in 18 hours, and I will end the farce here in these 18 hours."
"How long?" On the outer orbit of the Barlogo galaxy, the strike cruiser "Frost Shadow" belonging to the sea wolf Dalian is quietly lurking in the asteroid group on the side of the galaxy.

The wolf lord of Sea Wolf Dalian, Hoffman Siren's Howl, was standing motionless in front of the holographic projection.

This was the 60th hour he had been standing here without sleep, and he and his 1500 Sons of Morkai were ready to attack any incoming enemy from the flank.

"It won't be too far, the storm will bring the first wind of the tide." Rune Priest Gargoru Stormrage stood behind him, his beard that fell to his breastplate and the eyebrows that drooped on his face. , making it impossible to see his specific appearance.

"Where are the people from the Jamoro Fleet? Where are they?" Hoffman asked his assistant in a low voice, the long and narrow canines were exposed at the corners of his mouth, and even though he had lowered his voice, his words were heard by mortals. There was still a cry of anger in his ears.

"It has been evacuated in the direction of Fenris, but Lord Wolf, we cannot fight the Empire after all, the Tribunal..."

"Don't think about them!" Hoffman roared and interrupted the rune priest. He turned around and approached the latter with his burly body that was about to overflow the armor, looking down into the rune priest's eyes:
"Don't you know what they think? No matter what we do, there will always be this battle!"

"All Father and Russ..." Seeing Hoffman leave in anger, Rune Priest Gagolu chanted the holy names of the Emperor and the Primarch in a low voice.

Why didn't he know the conspiracy after this battle, but Russ, they have retreated and endured long enough.

This time, they will not retreat again, Fenris is behind them, and there is no way for them to retreat...

"How much longer?" The same voice sounded from the other side of Jamolo.

In the warp far beyond the star sector, on the Indefatigable Crusade, the flagship of the Gray Knights fleet.

Tibbers, who was at the front of the bridge, looked at the lighted instruments around him, picked up the communicator and asked the direction of the navigator's deck.There was no immediate feedback from the other party's channel, but the voice of intelligence summary could be heard through the communicator.

Calvin stood in front of the holographic projector not far behind him, and had not spoken for several hours.Regarding the upcoming armed conflict between Fenris and the Inquisition, the Primarch has been full of energy, thinking about possible solutions in various situations.

"17 hours." The voice from the navigator's deck rang in Tabers' ears. He lowered his head and looked at the information on the display screen. While pushing the information to the holographic projector, he interrupted the altitude of the original body focus on.

"Where's Palpatine's reply? Has it arrived yet?" A deep voice came from Calvin's back, and the crew on the deck below the podium immediately confirmed to the Astropath deck, and then to Tibers above him silently shook his head.

"There is no news for the time being." Tabers confirmed to the Primarch, and the latter had walked to his side at some point.

"Is there no response? Or is it unwilling to respond?" Calvin looked at the instrument in front of him, and his voice had penetrated Tibbers' heart.

"I can't be sure..." Tabers said that he didn't even believe it, but the fleet had sent Calvin's identity and his opinion to Palpatine before.

If Grand Inquisitor Lisetta cared so much, it shouldn't be the silent reaction now.

"Prepare for the worst." Calvin's voice sounded again, and the smoldering storm in his will was undisguisedly spreading out along with his spiritual energy fluctuations.

Facing the determination and will of the Primarch, Tibers also understood the irreversibility of the situation.

"I will make the most comprehensive preparations." Tabers assured the Primarch, and the Primarch was already preparing to go to the maintenance hall on the lower floor to start the final mobilization before the battle.

"I remember, we had a squad there?"

Calvin, who had already walked outside the bridge door, said suddenly, while Tibbers quickly searched in his brain, and finally locked on the team that had been out of the Titan's sight for a century.

"It's Erwin's team, they belong to the Seventh Company." Tabers said, and he was also searching for the information of these Gray Knight veterans from the warband era.

"Give me their information." Calvin said, and then left a final instruction to Tibbers before leaving:

"If necessary, order them in the name of the Titans to open the teleportation channel for us!"


(End of this chapter)

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