Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 428 Black and Red, a plan in the shadows In the shadows, darkness comes

Chapter 428 Black and Red, Planning in the Shadows ([-]) In the Shadows, Darkness Comes

The battle on the black ship was still going on, and the Astartes present, no matter which faction they came from, kept their eyes wide open and refused to miss this legendary duel.

one second...

two seconds...

three seconds...

The storm of Fenris still roared tirelessly, pouring out its wrath on the mountain in front of it, but the mountain stood still, revealing its existence in silent contrast.

Ragnar has departed from the mortal world as a high king's chosen warrior since the day he stepped forth from the ice-fields of Fenris;
And since he drank that cup of wolf wine, he became a descendant of Russ, and he was even more persistent in the empire's borders, beheading countless enemies for the empire in several centuries.

But even in these hundreds of years of fighting, he has never had such a fun battle.

Because no one has ever really had the opportunity to let him do his best, let him burn the anger in his heart to the end, and at the same time swing the battle ax in his hand to the last breath.

Never had, and he thought never would.

He was a warrior by nature, and he wielded a weapon as instinctively as he used his own body, claws and claws.

Whether starting as a Bloodclaw or becoming a Wolfguard after fulfilling his Oath of Vengeance, he has had no match in the hundreds of years since becoming a Space Wolves.

In the occasional lull in battle he guessed that he would die in a fleet naval battle, or disappear in some warp voyage.But he never thought that because of a one-on-one duel, he would have a sense of imminent death.

Yes, even though the demigod in front of him didn't fight back, but merely defended against his offensive.

But he knew the initiative in this battle from the first second when he confronted the opponent with the weapon in his hand, and he never completely belonged to him for a moment.

That is stronger than his strength, but it is often restrained in the defense that is exactly equal to his offensive. It is sharper than his eyes and body, but it is able to maintain a speed equal to his.

Even the martial arts that he is proud of are the same, every adjustment of the opponent's center of gravity is tempting him to attack.

And these subtle shifts of the center of gravity under the seemingly ordinary movements in the milliseconds made his offensive feel like a stone sinking into the sea, and he never received even a single positive feedback.

He has tried his best, but the eyes and weapons of the enemy are pointing at his loopholes all the time. He is close to the limit of his physical strength, but under this seemingly simple counterattack, he can't even retreat So, I can only continue my dancing.

Yes, maybe in the eyes of onlookers, he is still continuing his attack at this time, and if there is no accident, this suffocating attack will continue, and it seems that there will never be an end in sight.

But Ragnar, who was in the center of the storm, knew that until now, he was like a kite controlled by strings, only dancing for it under the guidance of the other party.

The slashing and stabbing of the battle ax... the shoulder and knee bumps of the power armor...

The wolf's whole body was used as a weapon, so it could be said that he used everything to his extreme. The hundreds of attacks in the past few seconds can be said to have displayed all his abilities.

However, the epee in Calvin's hand was like a wall of sighs. While resolving his attacks one by one in various structures supported by the body, it also showed him the limit of the so-called defense.

The victorious swordplay from Ultramar, the champion epee from the Imperial Fists, the rapier and scimitar from the Phoenix Guard, the gladiatorial arts from the World Eaters.

The great sword in the hands of the mysterious Primarch in front of him is waving, and his martial arts routines always show shadows that make Ragnar astonished...

And what made his heart sink even more was that the original body just used a sword as a shield to force him back with a set of martial arts belonging to the imperial army, and made him an extremely familiar opening gesture in front of him:
Tusk of Fenris - The one-handed version of the dual-wielding battleaxe.

Is this underpants seen through?Or did the Primarch already know their Fenrisian martial arts?

Ragnar, whose body suddenly retreated, felt in a trance. Amidst the absurdity and astonishment, he had no doubt that the guy in front of him would be able to teach him the "Various Martial Skills of Fenris" again in the next battle. .

And he, Ragnar, was the unlucky guy who used it as a teaching tool.

Is this really a battle?Or is this just a cheek-to-cheek show of force?

What is he trying to explain to himself?Oh right.

The truth that Fenris has known and recognized in countless times - power based on absolute power.

"No more fights! I admit defeat..."

Ragnar, who had figured this out, instantly lost the desire to fight, and the opponent had already proved his strength.And as a complete loser in all aspects from physical fitness to martial arts, what else can I do besides offering my loyalty to the winner?

Obedience is also a kind of survival wisdom, especially among the cold and cruel wolves.

Panting violently, Ragnar looked up at the giant in front of him, and finally, with an unwilling growl, he held his battle ax upside down and handed it out to the victor in front of him.

The Primarch, who carried the epee behind his back again, strode forward and snatched the battle ax from Ragnar's hand, and then raised it high to show it to all the witnesses.

This is the handover of power after it is proven, and it is also the transfer of power after it is confirmed. The culture of Fenris is so naked, and Calvin, who understands their rules, will not refuse and be polite because that is right. Ragnar's greatest insult.

The wolf guards were silent after seeing the victor's appearance, and finally knelt down on one knee in a row, expressing their obedience to the newborn supreme power;
The Black Templars looked at the Primarch's figure with complex expressions, because they also saw Dorne's shadow for a moment during the battle just now.

But that would never be Dorne, because Calvin never concealed his temperament and his terrifying psychic power.They just remembered the appearance of a brand new Emperor's Son while remembering their genetic father.

The battle on the bridge of the black ship finally came to an end, and on the battlefield of Barlogo ahead, the two fleets that had been keeping an eye on the direction of the black ship finally stopped attacking each other under the orders of their respective commanders.

The internal strife that took place in a corner of the empire was finally temporarily pacified by Calvin, but the hidden contradictions and conspiracy behind the strife have only just emerged.

"Your deployment, come to me after confirming the casualties." Calvin ordered directly to the wolf without the slightest politeness, and he believed that the wolf didn't need any false politeness.

The chief wolf who had recovered from the emotion of defeat did not hesitate. After receiving the symbolic battle ax from the Primarch, he nodded to him, and then led the wolf guards to the flight deck of the black ship, and began to pack the black ship. All of the Space Wolves.

At this time, Hrafinkel had also opened the deck, and after breaking away from the bound position on the flight deck, the group of Storm Eagles started their engines and flew towards the black ship during the slide jump.

And the black ship whose captain was killed on the spot, under the command of the surviving court personnel, opened the most vulnerable belly of the battleship towards the Astartes who had just met their swords...

Calvin stood up and walked towards the top of the bridge. His eyes swept across the crowd, and after nodding with the black templars bowing their heads, he finally locked on to the corner behind the crowd, the woman who was kneeling on the ground body.

She knelt and sat on the spot so quietly, as if nothing could disturb her thinking anymore, and Erwin's head with his eyes closed was on her lap, as if he had fallen into a peaceful sleep...

"He's not dead." Calvin's words brought the judge back to his senses.

"Not dead?" She looked up eagerly to confirm his words, while the Primarch looked at the unconscious Alvin and said:
"It's just suspended animation, but you can still be saved, and you..."

"I'm dead, right?" Liseta slowly got up from the ground, looking at the freshly baked "Eye of the Empire" in front of her, but she didn't show any intention for herself.At this time, she has completely lost control of this place, and she can't even order her own ship.

She did not attempt suicide, and Calvin seemed to have no intention of stopping her from doing so.

One of the two was confident, while the other already had a vague understanding of Calvin's identity from the reactions of the Astartes around him.

They all knew that in the face of a Primarch who was good at controlling psionic energy, death was not enough to be an obstacle to the search for the truth.And it was after seeing Calvin with her own eyes and understanding his special identity that she finally felt the abnormality behind the order she received.

Hostility towards the Space Wolves is nothing new within the Inquisition, this view has long been present at the grassroots level of the Inquisition.

However, the existence and explosion of contradictions are two completely different properties.

In fact, there are many people who dislike the Tribunal, and there are even more factional disputes within them than outside, but how many of these conflicts finally erupted, leading to fierce bloodshed?
Who is deliberately guiding the contradictions, and finally created this encirclement and suppression of the Space Wolves in a short period of time?

Who can't see the integration of the big but not strong Tribunal, but wants to call out this special Terra lord?

And who can't see the imperial army returning to the stage of the empire after thousands of years, and want to lure their only link with the Inquisition away from Terra in the early days of the Eye of the Empire?

Do they really want the obedience or destruction of the Space Wolves?
Is their goal just to bring this person from Terra to her eyes?
Lisetta, who had regained her global vision, felt a bone-chilling chill the more she thought about it. The moment she collected all the clues she had, she had already grasped the ultimate meaning of all the events that happened here:
"Someone doesn't want you to go back! This is a trap!!!" Liseta reminded the Primarch loudly.

At this time, she hated herself so much that she actually deviated from the oath she made when she joined the trial court because of such a little selfish desire.

She didn't even dare to imagine how much the entire empire would pay if Calvin really died here...

"That's right... here is indeed a trap." Feeling the tide in the distance, Calvin's eyes had passed through reality and looked towards the distant Terra,
And at the moment when these words were spoken, a large net surrounding the entire Jamero star region and even the entire eastern portal of Terra finally began to surround the prey in the center after a long preparation...


The low-pitched subspace fluctuations erupt from far to near, erupting at a physical distance of thousands of light-years.Only then did the psykers on the black ship and even the entire Jamero star region react, and they all looked in the same direction as the original body.

Incomparably huge waves of energy have already surged in the distance. While they completely cover the starry sky closest to Jamolo and Terra, they are also like the dark clouds and the faint thunder before the storm, spreading across all souls. It resounds in the ears of those who can.

The black clouds weighed down on their rationality like a weight, and in the treacherous sky of the orange clouds, the evil and corrupt forces that belonged to chaos also began to violently sublimate and agitate.

Every psyker can clearly feel this pressure, and from this moment on, the actions of their will in the warp will become more dangerous.

But this powerful disturbance is still not the storm itself, it is just the aftermath of a larger phenomenon, and the danger that really makes them feel suffocating fear is slowly but firmly approaching them.

Order is dying, and chaos is rising...

Endless evil carries a noisy, whispering sound that is many times louder, resounding around the soul projection of the psyker, and the more powerful the person who is closely connected with the subspace, the more likely he will be in the subspace at this moment. Intense erosion...

The astropaths on the black ship became the first victims of the feast:

He first stood up suddenly with a low roar, and then fell down trembling and twitching on his steel seat and cage when the guarding and monitoring soldiers around him had no time to react.

All the ornaments and brandings on his robe were burning violently, and under the horrified gaze of the stormtroopers monitoring him, his voice changed from rational suppression to a crazy growl, and then from a crazy roar It degenerates into laughter full of madness and hatred...

The sound of bones melting and the rapid growth of cortex were heard at the same time. Under the eyes of everyone, that poor man was first a pool of formless flesh and blood, and then countless wet tentacles grew out of his remains.

This terrifying and distorted scene is crazily impacting the sanity of all those who witnessed it.So after receiving the scarlet warning in the eyepiece, even though the stormtroopers couldn't control their own emotions, they still used the promethium flamethrower in their hands to send timely purification to the evil in front of them.

However, its influence has already caused serious consequences, because the wills of the other crew members around Hu have been severely impacted and polluted after witnessing this mutation,
And after the sanity of these people on the verge of madness reached a certain limit, the collars on their necks were finally a step ahead, using self-destructive explosions to make physical relief for the pain they endured in advance.

Similar scenes also appeared on other warships and planets. Except for the think tank belonging to the Astartes, most of the psykers in Jamorow died under the first wave of this dark tide.

But it should be noted that not every battleship or every planet has such a complete defense mechanism as the black ship.

After these psykers infused with the power of chaos were devoured by chaos, their remaining bodies in the real universe were not all properly disposed of in the first place.

As a result, under the starry sky of Jan Morrow, countless forces of chaos, large and small, unfolded from the portals built by these skins, and the most dense place among them was the Balogo once guarded by the space wolves...

 Supplementary update, take a break, and update normally at night.

(End of this chapter)

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