Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 452 Black and Red, the Awakening of the Plan in the Shadows

Chapter 452 Black and Red, the Plan in the Shadows (37) Awakening
Calvin's consciousness quieted down, but the "guests" in his body started their carnival.

The creations of the three golden human beings of the same origin meet again after tens of thousands of years, whether it is the bell of Erebus and the rope of Helios at home, or this giant metal ball that has just arrived.

After reuniting after a long absence, they all showed extraordinary activity and excitement.

They seem to have a mechanism similar to group consciousness. The strength of their consciousness is only instinctive when they are alone, but after gathering, it will increase exponentially with the increase in number.

In the past, Calvin had also done a lot of research on the Bell of Erebus and the rope of Helios, but he still couldn't figure out their specific functional positioning in the ultimate creation of the golden man. clues.

Apart from learning their names from the inside of the two artifacts, Calvin had no further information.

But now this situation has changed.

When this newly added "part" merged with the other two artifacts, it obviously triggered some mechanism of them, thus obtaining a higher authority.

The three artifacts began to absorb the liquid metal spontaneously, making up for their incomplete parts, and at the same time, their functions in the original whole began to become more and more clear.

The appearance of the Erebus Clock has not changed, but it has new functions inside. The spherical three-dimensional scale was originally composed of deep black, but now there is a little silver starlight.

If Calvin was still awake at this time, he would be shocked by the message this artifact gave him:
The Bell of Erebus - the remnant of the Doomsday Ark's sensing and scanning array, was also the largest part of the [-] observation equipment in different directions in its heyday.

Helios's rope has also grown considerably. The silver chain is covered with more exquisite and complicated patterns, and hidden in each of these patterns is the physical energy circuit that begins to spread throughout the entire chain.

Its original function is also quite special, it is an energy hub of the Ark's energy engine that can swallow black holes.

As for the last, that is the newly acquired artifact—Selene's veil, a special object called veil, which is actually a spherical part.

After it obtained a higher authority, its body shape hardly changed. After devouring more than half of thousands of cubic meters of liquid metal alone, fine lines began to appear inside it, and it grew outward until it spread to the entire place like flowers and leaves. sphere surface.

And it was only at this time that this artifact called "Selene's Veil" truly revealed its function-the armor core of the Ark of Doom, which can drive liquid metal to repair the armor of the battleship, and at the same time it is also the energy shield of the battleship. generator.

Calvin was still in a coma, but the psychic energy emitted unconsciously was captured by this sphere, and it was this little bit of weak psychic energy that was transformed into an indestructible energy shield under the transformation of this sphere.

The lava outside the shield is still churning endlessly, but inside the shield, there is not much left of the huge liquid metal mass.

The evolution of the three artifacts is coming to an end, but a new problem has appeared on Calvin:
The three artifacts, which appeared in a brand new form, could not return to the state of psychic energy without Calvin's psychic energy infusion, let alone hide in his soul again.

On the other hand, the Primarch's body itself was considered perfect, and there was no mechanically modified part for them to lodge.

So in the unmanned state that lost the control of Calvin's consciousness, the three artifacts spontaneously activated the emergency mechanism.

After repeated confirmations, they turned their attention to the already damaged Master Seiko Power Armor—Chu Xin.

Driven by the three artifacts, only a small part of the liquid liquid metal with psionic energy began to pour and erode into the gaps in the armor of "Original Heart" without Calvin's complete knowledge.

And the three artifacts also devoured and replaced the corresponding parts of the "initial heart" in accordance with the standards of their respective functional positioning.

The transformation process starts with the outermost armor, and "Selene's Veil" leads the entire process of erosion and replacement.

The liquid metal seemed to slowly corrode the surface layer of ceramic steel mixed with fine gold, and then derived solid metal armor in situ. The continuous liquid metal continued to penetrate inward, and then replaced the deep fine gold skeleton one by one.

Helios' harness wasn't idle either, turning his gaze to the armor's servos.

The gorgeous chains spread to Calvin's whole body, and then starting from Calvin's damaged leg armor, the shape of the chains was changed to a more slender and soft form, and the cables, energy circuits, servos and electromagnetic muscles inside the power armor began to be damaged. replace……

The last and earliest to appear is the Bell of Erebus, which was only added halfway through the transformation process of the first two.

This crystal ball-like artifact obviously has its own aesthetics, and after repeated selections, it found its new home on Calvin's breastplate.

Originally on the reliquary in the middle of the chest, the emblem of the imperial double-headed eagle grasping the sharp sword and inserting it on the classics was changed. The proportion of the sword was obviously enlarged, and then a crystal ball was left on the tsuba Location.

And this is only a superficial change. The deeper part of the armor is connected with the line of Helios's rope, and some smaller crystal balls also appear on the joints of the power armor.

The three forces of transformation finally merged at Calvin's back. After swallowing the thick plasma-powered backpack, a long, narrow and dense metal spine was also formed on the inner layer of the power armor.

The entire transformation process was completed within a few minutes, and at the moment when the metal spine was formed, with the failure of the energy shield, two rows of dense spikes protruded from the inside of all the metal spines, and they were heavily inserted into the two sides of the original body's spine. side!
The severe pain caused Calvin's consciousness to come online instantly, and before he had time to observe the current situation on his body, the Primarch subconsciously drove the psionic energy into the power armor, and at the same time it was transformed into a shield through the psionic cable, his whole body suddenly exerted force, stepping on the power armor. The meteorite under his feet jumped upwards.

Then he was shocked by his own speed, because the feedback given by Chu Xin and the output of the electromagnetic muscles were completely beyond his imagination.

The body of the Primarch was like a missile. While smashing the meteorite under his feet, it also smashed his body, which already weighed more than [-] tons, into the molten magma.


The silent impact and explosion occurred deep in the ground, and then under the conduction of the magma without the slightest elasticity, it was made on the surface of the Selinde crater, causing two small earthquakes that were almost indistinguishable from each other—one was caused by the force of the meteorite. Suddenly downwards, once Calvin himself charged straight up.

Fine dust jumped from the ground, and the heavy forge was slightly deflected.

With the crater as the center, the observation equipment of the entire Hepper Forge World faithfully recorded these data, and the high-ranking priests waiting in orbit looked at each other in suffocating silence.


It was another weak shock, but the data from the scanning array showed that the source of the shock was rapidly approaching the surface.

Before everyone could react, there was another more obvious and violent roar, and the sea of ​​lava in Sailinde began to churn violently, and a silver figure jumped out of it!


(End of this chapter)

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