Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 454 Black and Red, the Plan in the Shadows, Xu Brilliant's Blessing

"Back off, you are not needed here."

Calvin, who came to the teleportation array room alone, waved his hand to drive them away after seeing the priests and machine servants bowing to him on both sides.

The priest machine servant wearing the robes of the Holy Hammer order nodded, and then led the machine servant to withdraw silently from both sides of the giant.

In the empty room, there was a low moan after Calvin was the only one left, and with this moan, a large piece of frost bloomed from the center of the equipment room.

Then in less than ten seconds, it occupied all the surrounding walls and floors.

Huh... Calvin let out a long breath. In order not to worry the members of the Honor Guard along the way, he forcibly suppressed his psychic energy fluctuations.

But in less than 15 minutes, the weight of the whole "initial heart" almost made his body collapse.

In a sense, Solan, Hepper's deputy casting supervisor, was right. On the way back to the Indefatigable Crusade, Calvin was carrying a Titan on his back.

"Original heart?" Calvin thought, calling out tentatively.

"Should I call you that?" he murmured to himself, but the armor made no reply.

He was extremely sure that this armor had its own consciousness after undergoing unknown changes.

Because it was just now, when he almost reached the limit of his physical strength.This armor suddenly activated a function similar to magnetic levitation according to the part of his force.

And this function has never been known to him during his decades of use of this pair of power armor.

That doesn't seem to be the case anymore.

Calvin, who called to no avail, simply changed his direction. After initiating a communication to the bridge of the battleship, Calvin obtained the right to use this cabin and the psionic amplification matrix.

After the Indefatigable Crusade trembled and officially entered the subspace navigation state, Calvin, who was standing in the center of the teleportation array, opened his eyes and officially activated the function of psionic amplification.

The silent air waves surged with the energy, collided with the deck of the cabin in the process of turbulence and rollover, sending out a low-pitched roar.

Under the instigation of Calvin, a large amount of psionic energy rushed towards the power armor on his body after being magnified by the Unremitting Jihad.

The high temperature brought by the intense flow of energy and the low temperature brought by the spiritual energy appeared on this piece of power armor at the same time. The rapid passage of energy caused Calvin's body to be lifted out of thin air by the spontaneously formed force field around him.

Calvin closed his eyes, and his conscious perspective followed the psychic energy to explore the power armor, and in the power armor that absorbed his power endlessly, he finally saw those three black hole-like, familiar but strange existences.

The Bell of Erebus, the Lanyard of Helios, and the rest are the rewards of his trip.

"Selene's Veil" Calvin repeated the name in his heart.

But based on his understanding of the ancient Terra mythology, the essence of this artifact named "Moon God's Veil" does not match its name.

The armor core has both the derivation and repair capabilities of physical armor, as well as the energy supply of energy shields converted from psionic energy.

And this newly added artifact was not the whole of the accident. What really surprised Calvin was that these three artifacts merged in a certain sense after they met.

And this merged artifact has a brand new name - Hyperion's Sanctuary.

God of Titans, God of Light—Hyberion, Calvin chewed on the information given by this artifact, and smiled wryly at himself.

This blessing is really unexpected and heavy...

Thinking of the huge volume of liquid metal that he saw before he fell into a coma, Calvin couldn't help complaining weakly in his heart:
He is really wearing a Titan on his body!
The infusion of spiritual energy is still continuing, and the burden on Calvin is also rapidly reducing.

The armor named "Hybrion's Shelter", while infused with spiritual energy, continuously fed back information about it to Calvin, and while Calvin was receiving and understanding this information, he was captured by the imagination of humans in the golden age. Overwhelmed by force.

How outrageous... Calvin sighed.

It turns out that this piece of armor is nothing more than a combination of fragments of the Doomsday Ark.

No, this is not even a fragment, because whether it is the Bell of Erebus with navigation and positioning function, or the remaining lanyards and gauze, they are just one of the fragments of the functional area they are responsible for.

It is these scattered fragments that are not even considered as remnants, in the eyes of Calvin today, they are already beyond imagination.

And the golden humans who designed them at the beginning used Calvin's jaw-dropping imagination to endow all the parts of this huge battleship with extremely flexible shapes and mechanisms.

These people have even foreseen the failure they will encounter, or know that they may not be the ultimate owner of this battleship.

They endowed all the parts of the battleship with great flexibility, so that every part of the battleship will produce different shapes and even roads after encountering different parts.

And the "Hybrion's Blessing" on him is a spontaneous adjustment made according to Calvin's situation after these three fragments met.

"It's still too weak..." Calvin laughed at himself in embarrassment.

After triggering the mechanism, the three artifacts can jointly choose armor as the next form. Apart from showing that they are worrying about Calvin's survival, what reason can there be?

hum!The deep psychic resonance interrupted Calvin's thoughts, and now this set of power armor named "Hybrion's Shelter" has completely returned to its normal weight under the infusion of massive psychic energy.

No, Calvin turned his body slowly, experiencing the current performance of this set of power armor. He could feel how terrifying what was contained and restrained by this set of power armor under the seemingly light movement strength.

This is no longer Power Armor.

Especially when the power backpack on the back has been cancelled, its operation is entirely supported by Calvin's spiritual energy, and the power of the metal bionic muscles inside it is also entirely in Calvin's motives.

Behind the original body today, the position of the power backpack has been replaced by a backpack with a storage function and a jet port for jumping operations.

The chest and various joints of the entire armor were also replaced by the "Erebus Bell" detection array disguised as large and small crystal balls;

"Helios' rope" is like a net extending in all directions, while penetrating the whole body of the Power Armor, it also replaces the original servo;
"Selene's Veil" was quietly placed under Calvin's left shoulder, in the form of a Terminator Cross, supporting the entire armor layer at both physical and energy levels.

I should be regarded as becoming stronger, right?Thinking this way, Calvin walked towards the bridge.

The mighty power is accumulated in his hands and legs, and with his steps, he can turn from light and swift to unstoppable in an instant at any time.

The potential energy contained in the surrounding air on the power armor also changed repeatedly as his mind changed from thin to stagnant. In the empty corridor of the battleship, there was a terrifying hum from time to time.

The gap brought about by this terrifying power made Calvin's hairs stand up due to the nervous control, but he never tired of it;
All the way to the gate of the bridge, he focused on himself, completely ignoring the weird expressions on the faces of the honor guards he met on the way.

However, the appearance of Tibers interrupted his experience. The captain used a simple sentence to wake up Calvin from the pleasant experience:

"The latest information, the war in the direction of Jamolo, has already begun."

"How many people?" Calvin calmed down instantly, and then asked Tibbers back.

"I don't know for the time being, but the troops invested in the early stage have already exceeded two complete battle groups. The situation of the sea wolves is not very good, and the battle damage is very large."

Tibers answered worriedly, obviously worried about the strategic deployment of the Primarch.But out of trust in the commander-in-chief, he could only keep silent about it.

"Are you ready?" he asked Calvin.

And Calvin touched the armor on his body after thinking for a while, and answered in Tibers' doubts:
"Ready, just now."

Two more.

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