Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 462 Black and Red, Before the Decisive Battle in the Shadows

Chapter 462 Black and Red, Planning in the Shadows (47) Before the Decisive Battle
"Forty kilometers..."

The sound of heavy artillery shells falling to the ground came from above Calvin's head through the armor layer more than ten meters thick.

He also just returned from another battlefield, and came here non-stop after receiving the meeting notice.

Looking at the readings displayed on the holographic projector, Calvin turned his head to look at the artillery liaison officer of the Tindalos Legion, who is also the artillery staff officer of the headquarters, and asked:

"The position of the 33rd Motorized Rifle Regiment has entered their direct fire range. They won't last long. I need your men to intercept and shoot."

"It's hard to do." The artillery liaison officer shook his head and denied:
"Curvefire's trajectory is too long to break through their close-in interception systems, but if that's your order, we'll carry it out..."

"But the price is your early exposure? No, you can be sacrificed, just like me, but it can't be like this..." Calvin smiled wryly and denied his proposal, turning his head to look at the 33rd motor step The area of ​​the regiment's position.

This corps has followed in his footsteps since the beginning of the Storm Star Field, and it is one of the troops he is most familiar with, but when they are on the front line bearing the unscrupulous cross-shooting of the Murder Lords, as the commander of these soldiers, he can only Sit back and watch their sacrifice.

"I can join the battle at any time." Speyer's voice sounded in the command room, and he himself was already on standby on the Iron Throne of the Imperial Political Commissar.

The titan had been on standby for a long time, and Calvin was hesitant to reveal its existence.

"No!" Calvin denied his opinion again, and this was the third argument between the two within two hours.

"It's not the time." Calvin explained again.

He is well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the political commissar of the empire, so he cherishes the suddenness of this titan's first appearance in front of the enemy.

The special offensive method of the political commissar of the empire is undoubtedly an extremely effective blow to the Titans of the Lord of Murder.

It will certainly be able to bring double damage to the enemy at the beginning of the battlefield under the control of Speyer.

But it also has its disadvantages, that is, its too slow attack frequency and the lack of assistance from the attached battle group, compared to the enemy's relatively small number.

"The plasma reactor of the imperial political commissar has an upper limit, and the energy storage of the shield generator can only withstand 4 rounds of direct artillery fire at most.

And although their known warlord-level Titan has only one machine, there are as many as 20 supporting Marauders... Let the armored troops go, how many shadow swords do we have? "

"Six vehicles." The head of the armored regiment who had been silent in the corner finally spoke.

This powerful hunting and annihilating team is the most precious asset of the armored force, and he was reluctant to use it in previous battles, and Calvin's order at this time means that the time to activate them has appeared.

Even if the timing is not right, it is equivalent to letting them face the artillery fire of the Titan Legion without any cover.

"How is the status?" Calvin asked, and the implication of this sentence was to ask about their willingness to fight.

This is not nonsense, because the more brutal the battlefield, the more important the fighting will of a unit destined to be sent to the front line is.

An army unwilling to fight could not have been sent by Calvin to undertake such an important mission, because if they were forced to fight, the harvest would almost certainly be rebellion.

"Fightable." The colonel of the armored regiment didn't say much, but simply saluted Calvin, picked up the military cap on the table and walked outside the bunker.

The strength of the Shadow Sword lies in the direct-firing volcanic cannon it is equipped with. This kind of high-energy laser ray weapon affectionately called "onyx" by the mechanical priests can cause fatal damage to any heavy Titan. kill.

Compared with its weapon unit called "Titan Killer", the Shadow Sword's poor mobility and long charging cycle make this Titan Killer almost no way out after firing, and it will surely withstand the fierce attack of the enemy after being injured. counterattack.

Three rounds, up to three rounds of shooting.The colonel calculated silently in his heart.

There is a time difference of up to three salvos before their positions are locked on to by the Murder Lord's scanning array.And how many shots and how long he can survive after that depends entirely on the blessing of the Emperor.

This was almost a deadly mission, and as a veteran of fighting Chaos for many years, the Colonel did not refuse.His only request is that if their sacrifices were worthwhile, please count him too.

The command room was quiet again, and the Primarch turned his attention to the next problem to be solved.

"What about the northern foothills?" Calvin looked at the liaison officer left by the sea wolf. The garrison there had sent a signal for help half an hour ago, and the force responsible for handling it was the Space Wolves.

"The gap has been blocked." Sea Wolf's liaison adjutant also had obvious scars on the power armor, which also reflected that the force had reached its limit.

Like all Russ' sons, however, his inner pride would not allow him to speak to Calvin of any Chapter damage at this time.

"It's hard work." Calvin nodded and looked at the other officers, but the rest of them didn't ask any other questions.

There is a temporary solution to the crisis of the Titan Legion, and the attacks from other directions are also resisted by the sea wolves.

If there were no accidents on the orbiting fleet, they should have started their counterattack against Chaos after the Indefatigable Jihad rejoined the team at this time.

The only thing Calvin is worried about now is where the enemy's main force, which has not yet appeared - the headquarters of the Word Bearers Legion will appear.

He didn't give this question to anyone, but left it to the gray knight and himself: the four members of the honor guard had set off half an hour ago, lurking in four different directions according to Calvin's arrangement.

Correspondingly, the sixty gray knights who had just withdrawn from various battlefields and all of them were dressed in Terminator power armor were waiting for the arrival of the Primarch outside the gate of the bunker headquarters.

Once the enemy's main force appears, as the last mobile force of the entire position, Calvin and his gray knights will launch a final beheading blow to the enemy.

"That's it..." Calvin looked at the remaining officers in the room after arranging the final emergency plan, and turned to leave after saying goodbye to everyone.

Everyone knows that this is the moment when the final battle will come, and everyone also knows how many people will meet again after this battle.

At this point in the war, the entire empire's army has maximized its potential, and the rest of the victory or defeat, they are powerless to change and can only do it with a clear heart.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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