Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 467 Black and Red, the planned decisive battle in the shadows, its 4 precious traditions

Chapter 467 Black and Red, Planning in the Shadows (52) Decisive Battle, Part [-] - Precious Tradition
The pursuit continued, and the two blood crows were still running away with all their strength.

But after all, the enemy has the overall advantage from the orbit to the atmosphere. Half an hour after the abandoned airdrop pod was captured by the auspicious instrument, they finally encountered a team flying in front of the Thunderhawk in the last few kilometers before entering the mountain range. A squad of Word Bearers coming to stop it.

The short and intense firefight took place in the woodland at the foot of the mountain. After trying their best, Levan and his comrades finally managed to escape from the enemy's interception.

However, fate seems to be deliberately targeting them.

Before the two were about to break away from the pursuit of the Word Bearers, a stray bullet flew from behind the two, and the chain fixed on the reliquary that Herbert was carrying broke instantly under the hit of this explosive bomb. .

The moment the heavy metal box slid down, Herbert's footsteps suddenly slowed down. Lewand only had time to look at him before seeing Herbert turn his head back resolutely.

"do not!"

Lewand subconsciously stopped his comrades, but immediately saw ballistic tracers shoot out from the depths of the jungle, Herbert's advancing body suddenly stopped under the rain of bullets, and metal impacts and explosions sounded from the power armor one after another.

He's down, and the Word Bearers of the jungle are emerging in a shooting pinch.

Lewan looked at the reliquary that kept the trophies of the Blood Ravens and the fallen Herbert. The comrades who were close at hand and the mission targets farther away were waiting for his choice in these few seconds.

boom!A heavy bolt bomb exploded at Lewan's feet, and he instantly woke up from his entanglement.

The last commander of the Blood Raven Company did not hesitate, but pulled up Herbert's body and walked far into the depths of the dense forest.

"The target object has been recovered!" The commander of the Word Bearers walked to the reliquary box, split the box open with a chainsaw sword, and said to the communicator.

"Return immediately!" Zalourak on the track ordered immediately.

"There are still two bugs alive, brothers think..."

"Come back! This is not the time for fun! The Chief Pastor's plan must not be lost!"


"Close the team!"

The tall Word Bearer looked at the end of the forest for half a second before issuing an order in the squad channel.

The seven Word Bearers in the same armor closed the reliquary, and then slowly backed away in a vigilant gesture.

In the field of vision in front of them, the figures of Lewand and Herbert are disappearing from sight, and behind the clearing in the woods, a red-painted Thunderhawk is slowly descending...

Struggling to drag Herbert for several kilometers, Levan, who confirmed that there were no pursuers, finally stopped.After finding a nearby hiding place, he began to clean Herbert's body.

However, after carefully inspecting his whole body, Levan was delighted to find that the gunshot wound on Herbert's body was not fatal:
The hit parts of the five general-purpose bolt bombs were not fatal, but left deep bullet marks on Herbert's shoulder armor and abdominal cavity, but the bullets of the stainless steel stone were still embedded in the armor and did not explode. Injuries to organs and limbs.

And the three heavy-duty bolt bombs that hit the torso were miraculously blocked by the two-finger-wide fine gold skeleton after piercing through the ceramic steel armor;
Only one heavy bolter exploded a second time after penetrating the breastplate, yet its deadliest shrapnel merely deformed the adamantine armor frame severely.As a result, Herbert's chest ribs were broken and the bone spurs pushed back, forming a rupture and hematoma of two lung lobes.

After nervously dealing with Herbert's injury, Lewandow sighed with relief. It's not so much that Herbert was knocked out, it's better to say that the high-intensity combat over the past few days has pushed his body to its limit, and his lungs The gunshot wound just activated his self-protection mechanism...

"It can still be saved..." Lewand opened the broken armor page on Herbert's chest, then took out the dagger at his waist and slowly cut into the skin. After seeing the two purple-black lungs, he used only his own The remaining psychics can close their arteries...

Three hours later, after Lewand used up all the hormones on the power armor of the two men, Herbert finally woke up with a difficult gasp.

"Are you awake?" Lewandow asked.

"Probably..." Herbert coughed subconsciously twice, and then asked Lewand:

"What about things?"

"I lost it..." Lewand replied.

"So we failed?" Herbert lay on the ground, his vision piercing through the forest.

Lewand knew where he was looking, but at this moment he didn't want to answer.

"Probably..." Lewandowski looked at the psychic energy fluctuations above the hive city in the distance, and gave the same answer as Herbert a few seconds later.

That huge and evil force is waking up, and when the evil ritual item was recovered by the Word Bearers, and most of the Blood Ravens died, no one can stop it from coming to the world.

In the hive city in the distance, countless lives imprisoned in the dark room are being slaughtered, spreading the vision to the entire Padilla galaxy, and even the three galaxies including Shadow and Hess, a huge and unprecedented sacrificial circle , which is starting to run at the same time.

Layer upon layer of power is rising exponentially after reaching a critical point, and such a subtle and powerful power is the last trump card that Erebus relied on when facing a Primarch .

The violent energy fluctuations finally reached the extreme, and in the three galaxies, the branches of the four magic circles on thirty planets were finally fully activated.

The huge subspace power is like a natural disaster, triggering changes in the celestial phenomena in thirty worlds at the same time, and the moment this power accumulates to its peak, it will be a dark tide that will shroud the entire Jamero star region. It has been pushed to the pinnacle beyond everyone's imagination for a whole few years in advance...

At this time, Erebus passed through the layers of secret passages under the ruins of the church, and had already reached the legendary portal.

At this moment, the magic staff behind him was called by the power from afar, and the entire staff body floated up from his back. Under the turbulent and majestic force, the material of the staff body creaked unbearably.

Calvin also stopped in the distance, the blessing of Hyperion was warning him frantically, and the red pointer of the Erebus clock was trembling extremely fast.

It is a force that can easily tear reality apart and destroy the entire planet, and it can even attract a ray of consciousness of the gods in a breath, and summon them from the battlefield of the bloody battle of the gods to directly serve the demon army chips.

"Are you scared?" Erebus was finally relieved of his tension, and he turned his head to look at the burly body greedily after he got his breath.

Huge power is interacting with him centered on the staff, and this power is also being strengthened every moment due to the awakening of the magic circle in the distance, and there is no end to it at all.

All the waiting became less tormenting at this moment, and all the fear and hesitation began to become sweet after Calvin showed cautious retreat.

At this time, Erebus seems to have obtained the boundless mighty power in advance, and the power and power of this mighty power in the mortal world are really affecting this person who made him run away in embarrassment.

A Primarch... an existence that he once dared not look directly at, but could only induce, and beside him, on the stone wall within reach, was the eternal path leading to the secrets of the gods that haunted him forever and ever. Door.

The power on his body is still growing, so that his mortal body begins to mutate under the majestic subspace power:
Hot blood plasma like lava was pumped from his heart, and the tooth-piercing sound of bone growth exploded in his old body;

Sharp and glistening black nails spread from his fingers; red scales began to replace his pale and wrinkled skin;

The rickety figure is full and straight because of the steel-like muscles; the cloudy eyes and disgusting baldness are also covered by evil red light and slender and winding magic horns.

"But it's too late..." Erebus has almost obtained all the visions of the demon prince in the mortal world, and while he declared his victory declaration to Calvin, he swung the staff in his hand instantly!

An irresistible force froze Calvin's body, while Erebus took out the gorgeous and strange sacrificial knife at his waist with his other free hand, and walked towards the Primarch...

A sudden sound like broken glass made Erebus, who was already in demon form, and Calvin, who was about to break free, stop at the same time.

And from the perspective of the Primarch's psychic power, a small but obvious stagnation suddenly appeared on the trajectory of the head priest's already perfect magic power!

However, the original huge and perfect energy trajectory began to fluctuate at this time, and it was rapidly increasing!
"This?" Expressions of surprise, hesitation, confusion and even fear appeared on Erebus's face in just a few seconds.He couldn't understand why the magic circle, which had already started to operate, would have problems at this critical moment.

And in the barren world of the distant Padilla galaxy, two survivors of the Blood Raven are making detailed inventory preparations for the upcoming wilderness survival:
"This thing is useless..."

"Then throw it away."

"This one is useless."


"This one... Huh? Where did you get this one?" Lewan looked at a gloomy and strange crystal amulet, and asked in Herbert's direction.

"Which one?" Herbert, who was fighting with a pair of flint and steel, looked back, and then pointed at the hive city in the distance:

"Oh, it was smooth when I came out from there, the tradition of the warband, you know!"


(End of this chapter)

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