Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 470 Black and Red, the Planning and Decisive War Lord in the Shadows

Chapter 470 Black and Red, a Plan in the Shadows (55) Decisive Battle - Lord of War

Battle of the Titans, just like the meaning of the word Titan itself, is full of grand, magnificent, yet primitive and violent colors like prehistoric myths.

Against the background of the mountains behind, a black giant more than [-] meters high, nearly six stories high, is holding up the lightning and thunder in its hands like a storm god, charging towards a group of beings as old as it.

In the eyes of soldiers and demons looking up, the bodies of the murder masters are also tall and majestic.

The crimson rays they shoot are like spears in the hands of ancient knights, and also like swords in the hands of demon gods in mythology.In the same huge but evil body, it reveals the most essential charm of steel and violence.

The crimson, enveloping laser beams converge on the void shield, constantly forcing it out of the invisible state;

The huge energy impact caused ripples in the shield with a heart-wrenching creaking sound, and finally penetrated it, leaving huge red and molten scars on the dark body of the Titan-like spirit. .

However, the crown of the storm has also been thrown, and all the matter of the real universe along the way collapsed and disintegrated before this incomparable force...

These old and great avatars of the Mek-gods exchanged and poured out their wrath on one another, in clumsy and brutal ways that were the exact opposite of the dexterity of mortal battles, as they had been given the hope.

When the light that people couldn't see directly was dim, a wound the size of a dreadnought mech appeared on the chest of the Imperial Political Commissar, and as the price, a whole ten machine titans were turned into dust by the former's full blow.

But it's worth it...

At least in the eyes of the Lord of Murder in the last second, it is worthwhile to pay such a heavy price for the death of the psionic titan.

But will the truth really be what he wants?

Just when the murder lords, who had lost all their strikers, and even some members of the core battle group, saw the psychic titan fell silent with a fatal wound through its chest.

On the psychic titan that made them fear, there were signs of high-energy activity again!

Reaper's Ingenuity!

This is an ability exclusive to the psionic titan, and a psionic blessing that can only work on itself.

In the era of the operation of the Omen Order, the use of this power means that at the cost of completely exhausting the life of the psyker, the psychic titan, which is originally a mechanical creation, has limited self-healing ability under the influence of supernatural power .

And when this titan was assigned to the Gray Knights, starting from Calvin's terrifying soul source, and then pouring endless spiritual energy into it through the will of the legion, the original limited recovery of this spiritual law was restored. Ability becomes almost infinite!
So when the masters of murder thought they had the chance to win and were striding forward, a scene that they will never forget appeared:

Subtle spiritual energy fluctuations reappeared, and the eyes of the Titan, which should have been dim, began to light up again;
On the land under the Titans, the metal that had been melted and turned into scrap iron defied gravity and time to reorganize and go back in their eyes. The huge wound that was enough to see through the scenery behind was being repaired and shrunk visible to the naked eye!
"how can that be!"

Several fallen Titan pilots who retained their personal consciousness let out an uncontrollable exclamation. The appearance of this supernatural force completely defeated their reason.

In their eyes, among the resurgent Psionic Titans, Speyer, who is in charge of the entire Psionic Titans alone, is leading this miracle and is also under tremendous pressure that the outside world cannot understand.

Yes, in a sense, Speyer is indeed performing a miracle.

But as a price, he and the political commissar of the empire have to bear the scouring of the wave of psionic energy transmitted by the will of the entire legion.

Even though this tough soul has gone through nearly ten thousand years alone with his own will, he still seems to be struggling under the impact of this incomparably huge force.

The majestic power is impacting his soul every moment, and the rebellious machine soul of the political commissar of the empire may escape his control at any time.

His metal body that exists in the real world is becoming unstable with the erosion of power, and the link between the silver liquid metal wire and the Iron Throne is also flickering, and may break at any time.

Will, or will.

The star-like huge soul that existed in Calvin's body was constantly torturing his will while injecting boundless mighty power into his body.

And this kind of torture is not only related to his own survival, but also closely related to the changes in Calvin's spiritual world.

The magnificent steel temple in the pure land of the soul is undergoing corresponding changes for the changes in reality, and whether Speyer can survive this test and then sublimate again is directly related to an irreversible path choice in Calvin's soul.

+What are you? +
There is a majestic voice questioning him in the majestic power.

+I... I am human. +
+What is a human being? + That voice is so divine it cannot be disputed.

+ humanity!We have humanity! +
Speyer struggled to maintain his consciousness.

+May stick to the original intention? +
Different from Calvin's original three soul questions, this voice skipped the last question, but directly questioned Speyer's fundamentals of maintaining himself.

Speyer didn't answer immediately, but in his mind, all the time he had experienced flashed back to his eyes again.

This is a sign of the death of the soul, for every soul has more or less similar experiences when it comes to the end of its life;
But this is also the starting point of life sublimation, because if there is someone who can always understand and stick to his vision like this soul, then in this idealistic universe, what awaits him will be the re-blooming of life.

+May stick to the original intention? +The voice questioned again.

"Yes!" All the past years were first broken in Speyer's eyes, and then gathered together again under his firm will like gold.

After combing through all the meaning of his life, Speyer's soul became crystal clear at this time, and in this extremely pure crystal was his ideal that had never changed for thousands of years.


Subtle cracking sounds emerged from his soul, and countless negative memories representing regret and reluctance in the past were also stripped away.

In the silver wave of spiritual energy, his soul once again gathered into the appearance of the youngest, and on top of his head, a crown similar to Calvin, but simpler was also born.

Lord of War!

In Calvin's spiritual world, the steel temple in the pure land of souls is undergoing earth-shaking changes!
Countless praying souls in the central square looked up, and countless soldiers who fought for the empire in the Pure Land also took off their civilian clothes at this moment and wore military clothes!
And under the gaze of the Holy Emperor in the center of the temple, a huge and ancient long table is being born from the void.

On the right side of the main seat at the end of the long case, a stone seat that is slightly short but also far beyond the size of a mortal is rising from the ground with engravings engraved with Speyer's life as a soldier!

Lord of War!

At the very top of the Iron Temple, the sacred bell chimes without wind!The entire Pure Land world is celebrating the birth of another leader who can protect mankind!
The knowledge possessed by Calvin's soul branches on countless timelines is rapidly pouring into him according to Speyer's characteristics;

And whether it was Calvin in the distance or Speyer in the political commissar of the empire, they all looked up at each other instantly!
Calvin's soul, because the pure land finally ushered in a comrade-in-arms who can share and share the essence of his huge soul and silently celebrate;

On the iron throne of the political commissar of the empire, the originally smooth skin on the silver body, which was originally the size of a mortal, became as gorgeous and majestic as armor in just a few breaths, and at the same time, it also skyrocketed to more than three meters!

 renew.I broke my promise.Don't say much, just keep writing.

(End of this chapter)

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