Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 48 Seeds and Thieves

Chapter 48 Seeds and Thieves

Thinking about good and evil in human history has existed since the very beginning.What was born almost at the same time was the religious concept that explained the human cognition of the world when the productive forces were not yet developed.

It is unknown when the concept of demons first appeared in human religions.

Relatively speaking, what can be verified is that in the early days of the slave society that can be traced back, there were already descriptions of demons in the original shamanism.

What's more interesting is that the same or similar concepts appeared in Shamanism, Druidism, and East Asia at the same time in almost no particular order under the isolation of thousands of miles between different human origins during the ancient Terra period In the Changshengtian sect.

Such a coincidence may not have attracted the attention of humans at the time.After all, due to the communication efficiency problem limited by productivity, most people will not step out of the coverage of their civilization in their whole life.

However, in the past 3 years, human technology and productivity have no longer been slash-and-burn as before.With the development of the times, human footprints have already spread all over the galaxy.

In the past 3 years, with the advancement of science and technology, the human beings whose eyes have spread all over the galaxy have been able to maintain an empire with a territory all over the galaxy as the political system of the entire race with the support of subspace communication technology.

When mankind, under the leadership of the emperor, developed the national power of the empire to its second peak since the golden age, the chaos gods in the subspace had planned for a long time with a rebellion that spread to the entire galaxy, and the human empire was severely punished. Unprecedented trauma.

It was also at this time that the scholars and wizards of the empire finally turned their attention to religion, a concept that has accompanied human beings for thousands of years.

With the need of faith, the concept of gods was rediscovered from the ancient notebooks of human beings, and a derived concept corresponding to it: demons, also began to be noticed by people.

When the most intelligent groups in these empires began to trace the history of mankind itself because of the history of religion, they vaguely realized the forward-looking role of the Chaos Gods in the materials preserved over the years. profound malice.

These projections corresponding to the first evil deeds of human beings since their birth have been quietly buried when human beings as a race were still in their infancy.

In the memories of the Chaos Gods, the Eldar were still active at that time.But in the vision created by the life of the gods in units of ten thousand years, the time of belonging to these spirit races is running out.

The last "field" has produced the greatest fruit, and Xin Liezhi was born here.So what about the next field?Naturally, the seeds symbolizing disaster were planted early.

The Chaos Gods don't need to pay too much. They only need to wait for these evil seeds to grow with the rise of mankind, and they will eventually reap the fruits of disasters that represent the extinction of a race.

The Emperor had discovered this problem too, but it was too late, too late.In the recorded materials, the possibility of the birth of the emperor was the earliest thing after human beings got rid of ignorance.

Therefore, even if the emperor is as holy and great as himself, he can do nothing about these seeds that have been planted since the barbaric period, and after they grow, they become vicious curses that parasitize the entire civilization.

Because the emperor is also a member of human beings, since he is a human being, in the face of these demons representing the original sin of mankind, his power can only be limited to the scope of injuring and sealing these demons.

These daemons are naturally immune to the powers of the Emperor capable of destroying them, simply because the Emperor is also human.

Sealing is one of the few ways to deal with such an existence, but it is only a delay.

As long as human civilization exists for a day, these parasites rooted in the concept of human beings will also exist for a day.

And as humans last longer, they will become more and more difficult to restrain.

According to the original fate of this universe, these seeds will eventually expand to uncontrollable one day.The day they emerged from their shells was also the time when the Chaos Gods harvested the human race.

When the final moment comes, these fruits will become exclusive weapons like the cursed blade that the gods stabbed at Warmaster Horus.Or to put it another way, these demons are essentially Achilles' heels deliberately created by evil gods for humans.

Fate cannot be changed, but fate has its own destiny.Calvin is such a constant, but also a variable.

When the variable Calvin came to this universe from another world, the originally established trajectory of fate was naturally changed.

Was Calvin a human being?Of course he thinks he is.

But is the human being he thinks exactly the same concept as the human being born in this universe?Obviously not.

Otherwise, why is the essence of his soul so different from those of these natives?

So when such an outsider who claims to be a human being and looks like a human being, but is not a human being in essence, has a chance to transform from a mortal to a divine nature by chance and coincidence, and truly becomes a human being with When God exists, he naturally has complete restraint on this seemingly unsolvable curse in terms of power.

Was Calvin divine?have.

So he, like the emperor, was able to effectively kill these demons.

Is he human?Yes, but he happens to be not a human being in this universe, so the original sin represented by demons has nothing to do with him.

Then when Calvin had the opportunity to completely destroy these original demons because of his divine power, they naturally did not have the privilege of avoiding death when they faced the emperor.

"I'm sorry, I don't like your tricks."

Such was the attitude of Calvin's divinity towards these demonic powers.It was also the biggest reason why Calvin deliberately chose his residence here.

Ever since he lived in this room at the bottom of Titan, these fragments that escaped from the body of the great demon in the deep seal of Titan's underground, poured tirelessly towards Calvin's direction.

In the eyes of that great demon, these fragments were originally insignificant.

Moreover, during the tens of thousands of years of growth before this big demon arrived in the real universe, the short-lived species in the real universe really had no way to completely eliminate it.

In the past practice, these fragments originating from it were usually eliminated by the gray knight recruits who came for the trial, and it was the original established procedure to be reborn in the subspace relying on its own concept.

And if they are not wiped out by luck, these fragments can bring back new information about the surface for the big demon.

Although it doesn't help it break the seal, it is also a good benefit for it to have news of new things and to pass the boredom caused by the long time.

Therefore, in the eyes of the big demon who has no sense of crisis, releasing these fragments of himself to any creatures on the surface that come to the surface has become a business that is sure to make money.

But all this began to change when Calvin came here. The fragments that were supposed to return on time, after a series of short and friendly exchanges with Calvin, readily abandoned their old master.

After they are digested and absorbed, they become part of Calvin forever, and there is no chance of returning to the original body.

Correspondingly, the powers carried by them: the powers of the evil gods that have been accumulated from the entire human race and civilization over a long period of time and should have been handed over to it at the end of the human race in the future, are just like this. Wen quietly retained it, and it became the nutrients he needed for his own growth.

The evil gods should be outraged by this, if they ever get a chance to catch Calvin, a shameless thief.

However, in countless timelines, Calvin, who was also the only one, wiped away the traces of his small actions.

Therefore, these farmers who have worked hard to plant seeds in the "field" of human beings in ancient times, and plan to wait for the fruits to mature slowly, may be destined to never wait for the harvest time.

Or the old saying, who cares?Calvin didn't care anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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