Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 483 The elephant in the room revives

Chapter 483 The elephant in the room – recovery

Constantine finally accepted Calvin's proposal and joined another organization in his legion alongside the Gray Knights themselves - the War Council.

The sublimation ceremony was urgent, but the location was chosen to be performed on the Silver Dawn because of Calvin.

In order to adapt to the fighting style of the legion, it is also to adapt to some special requirements of the original body.

The Silver Dawn, the oldest and most powerful creation of Jupiter, the last of the Glory Queen-class battleships, has been changing its internal structure since it was officially unsealed and joined the Gray Knights' battle sequence.

The Silver Hall, the luxurious building on the upper floor of the Glory Queen next to the public area "Titan's Glory" auditorium, is dedicated to serving the primarch's personal etiquette and diplomatic needs.

It is composed of nearly a thousand rooms of different sizes. It is not only connected to the residence of the original body in the rear, but also to the dormitories of the Honor Guard on the left and right wings, as well as the working areas of the War Council.

As the name suggests, this huge space temple is designed and built with silver as the main tone.

The main body of the entire hall takes into account the styles of Terra and Titan. The sculptures and patterns made of expensive materials jointly decorate the hall with a glorious and magnificent atmosphere, and every detail of the entire space embodies professionalism. The coldness of a Titan.

And in addition to the obvious ceremonial and court functions in order to adapt to the imperial environment and the traditions of other Astartes Chapters;
It obviously also possesses some secret functions exclusive to the Gray Knights and the War Council due to Calvin's particularity of being the original body of the Gray Knights and the supreme leader of the War Council.

Behind the throne at the core of the temple, a hundred-meter-high wall stands. The legion emblem composed of holy scriptures and swords is huge, and it is surrounded by countless reliefs.

Two huge wings spread out from the Legion emblem to both sides, and if you are careful enough, you can clearly see the details of the two wings, which consist of countless sword blades symbolizing the Gray Knights and gears symbolizing the War Council. , composed of bolts.

The luster of the entire wall is in harmony with the colors of the surrounding columns and sculptures, but only the members of the legion know that this high wall and the throne under the high wall are composed of the mysterious psychic liquid metal.

Constantine's sublimation ceremony was held here, and in the center of the hall below the throne, his body was slowly sinking under Calvin's gaze.

On the lower level of the silver hall, a lake similar to what Calvin had seen on the space hulk was submerging Constantine's body.

And after being transformed by these metals, his consciousness began to flow into the Iron Temple in the Legion's will.

On the edge of the Silver Lake in the lower hall, under the gaze of several Gray Knights, a huge life-saving capsule was being simultaneously sunk into the lake.

Suspended in the nutrient solution inside the life-support cabin is a face that looks very similar to Constantine. It comes from a young body cloned and cultivated by the Krieg Industrial Alliance based on Constantine's genetic sample.

Consciousness... Consciousness was silent. After Constantine separated from Calvin, his eyes had already converged inward under the surge of the silver lake.

The replaced mechanical prostheses and organs on his body lost their functions due to the corrosion of liquid metal, and fell off and went offline one by one in his system.

The servo in his brain that was used to assist thinking and calculation was going silent. The sound of electricity that he thought would accompany him until the end of his life gradually disappeared from his senses.

Silence is the only thing he feels now, and this experience is infinitely close to the death mentioned by Calvin.

The consciousness that is used to experiencing the world through electricity and codes becomes extremely clear-headed at this moment;
Although the data storage function has obviously been lost, the memory that still surges up from nowhere makes this priest who insists on "the flesh and blood are weak and the machine eternal" clearly feel the existence of the soul for the first time.

Oh, the cold and sticky feeling, that was when he had just been expelled from the tube of the culture tank and gained the first glimmer of consciousness;
Oh, severe pain and numbness, that was the first time he denied the potential of the human body and implanted a servo chip into his brain...

From the memory of a lonely and cold boy learning in countless dark nights under dim lights, and then standing out from countless others of the same kind;
From a person wearing a red robe, walking silently, shuttling through the underground corridors of the Order of Omen that never see the light of day, memories that are gradually as cold as the surrounding steel...

Tired of it, of course.Studying, working, praying, and sleeping day after day. Such boring days can hardly be called life, but can only be called alive.

He also had moments when he was exhausted and about to fall into sleep, questioning himself whether everyone was like this.

Are you tired? Don’t dare.

The peers around him are becoming increasingly rare as time goes by.

The Order of Omen's icy screening mechanisms are ubiquitous and seem to last forever.

Living is his original obsession;

Staying alive was also his core motivation after finally passing the screening.

Belief in the Emperor and humanity had been instilled in him countless times since he had not emerged from the artificial amniotic fluid, and this belief was repeated countless times in his life after birth.

So, change?The question suddenly appeared in Constantine's mind.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity appeared in front of him. As long as he nodded slightly, he could end his mediocre and miserable life.

But will he agree?The rejected illusion was shattered in front of Constantine, and what was before him were countless questions left for him at this time after countless self-doubts in his life...


The calm lake water began to churn again, and Constantine, who had answered all his questions, had successfully returned from the sublimated Soul Temple.

The silver lake water spontaneously gathered around his consciousness and began to solidify. A series of winding metal wires connected the life-support capsule, and while opening the latter, it also poured pervasively into the inside of the body.

Constantine is resuscitating, and his body is also undergoing simultaneous changes. The psychic liquid metal is replacing the fragile bones in his body, and building information transmission channels similar to ganglia in his body.

In the silver lake, the water surged against gravity in violent tumbling, and in the center of the water flow, Constantine's body was being lifted upwards.

The first heartbeat made Constantine regain the feeling of life again. He opened his silver eyes and looked at Calvin from afar.

At this time, the Mechanical Priest was no longer the bloated thing made of steel that had just fallen silent, but the brand-new body strengthened by the system was already a superhuman existence that was no less than an ordinary Aster Tower.

"Back?" Calvin nodded with satisfaction.

"Back..." Constantine stood up slowly, and then said to Calvin as if he suddenly thought of something:

"Oh, should I change my title, my lord?"


(End of this chapter)

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