Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 489 Saving the Elephant Plan The Lost Temple

Chapter 489: Elephant Saving Plan—The Lost Temple
From then on, the term Sister Silence disappeared from the history of the Empire;

From then on, the other half of the figure, who was affectionately called the "Emperor's Claw" by Malcador, and who fought side by side with the Adamantine Guards in countless reliefs and murals in the throne room, was quietly covered in the long night. the curtain of history.

The Order of Silence is no longer a legal organization recognized by the Empire, and the sisters within the Order have since been scattered all over the world.

A few older members lost hope in life and chose to continue living together, but as time went by there was no news;
Most of the members chose self-exile after experiencing ideological confusion, and since then they have disappeared silently into the sea of ​​stars.

"No more Silent Order! No more Silent Sisters!"

Cassin's gestures were urgent with anger and pathos, while Trajan became silent under Calvin's translation, making the air heavier.

The young Unsworn walked behind Cassin at some point and looked at his elder's emotions with concern.

Calvin had already stopped translating and looked thoughtfully at Cassin, who was still immersed in the past.

Yes, if we say who is the most affected person after the disappearance of the Silent Order, it must be the branch of these nuns serving the Astrology Court.

Before the Order of Silence was officially banned, the relationship between the Sisters of Silence and the Astral Court was more like cooperation. When this central institution, equivalent to the ancestral home of all Sisters of Silence, disappears, the Sisters of Silence who have lost their political asylum are bound to have a difficult time. impact on their original status.

Changes in weapons and equipment, accessories, personnel training and even the right to speak...

The proud Sisters of Silence never thought that one day this post for second-line combatants would become their last refuge;

Facing the huge existing forces within the Star Language Court, they also need to put aside their original pride in order to preserve their bloodline after adapting to their new status.

The sharp and silent claws of the Emperor were cut off from the Emperor by mortals;

The warriors who only knew how to contribute without thinking about survival were forced by reality and struggled in the mud.

Calvin could imagine how stingily these nuns planned to use the few supplies in their daily battles;
He could also easily imagine how these warriors sacrificed their lives silently on some nameless battlefield while maintaining their expectations for the Emperor in darkness one after another without the sight of dawn.

The Custodes owed them, no doubt; the Emperor owed them, and that debt fell upon Calvin.

"How many Silent Sisters are there in the Black Ship Alliance?" Calvin asked Cassin subconsciously.

His thoughts at this time were no longer on short-term goals.

The utilitarian integration of these nuns into the active service of the Emperor's Claws can certainly immediately solve the dilemma faced by the Imperial Guards.

But the huge leap from the hunt for psykers to the battle against demons will obviously make these warriors who have no time to adapt pay an extremely heavy initial price for what seems to be a safe plan.

The Black Ship Alliance's missions against psykers within the empire usually face targets with slight psychic fluctuations.

In the empire's official psychic assignment table, they are only slightly stronger than the people at the bottom who are inactive.

Most wild psykers, before being exposed to their own kind or the contamination of Chaos, would be no more destructive than a Hive City bastard armed with a privately forged weapon.

It is these unfortunate people who have just acquired a hint of psychic characteristics that form the huge base of the "taxes" paid by the governors to the Astropath.

And looking at the Sisters of Silence known as the "Emperor's Claws" in the Throne Court, what kind of enemies do they face?Before the Great Heresy, these Sisters of Silence, who carried out the missions of the Emperor and Malcador together with the Custodes, faced enemies who were opponents of the Emperor, and even some powerful enemies called the Eternals;

During the Great Rebellion and the Webway War, the enemies faced by these Sisters of Silence were demons that had broken through the curtain of subspace and reality and manifested in the real world...

The gap between the two troops can be seen at a glance, but if a second-line security force, without adaptive training and selection, directly enters a hot battlefield where the first-line troops must also be prepared, what is the difference between this and massacre?
As long as the situation permits, this is not a choice that any rational commander can make.

At this time, Cassin and her sisters were no longer regarded by Calvin as the answer to the Advocate's problem.

He has already begun to think about adding an appropriate proportion of Gray Knights to the Custodes order to make up for the latter's combat deficiencies.

The plan to rebuild the Silent Order must be officially put on the agenda now.But what gives him a headache is the loss of the inheritance of combat experience of this unit belonging to the Throne Court.

Yes, there is no need to think too much. Just from the combat directions of the two armies, we can know that Cassin's army and the Emperor's Claws affiliated with the Throne Court have two independent and complete skill training systems. of.

The essential difference between suppressing psykers and fighting demons is not that big, but any detail in a real battle can determine the victory, defeat, life and death of both parties in an instant.

In the battle against demons, the Sisters of Silence in the Throne Court have obviously gone far enough, but Cassin and the others have no experience in this area.

Calvin was worried about this problem, but Trajan, who had been silent for a long time, gave him a huge surprise:

"Actually, I mean, I might know the whereabouts of a Sisters of Silence..."

"Huh?" Calvin and Cassin's eyes instantly focused on the Forbidden Marshal.

The latter, after seeing the two people's gazes, gave a somewhat embarrassing explanation:
“This is not my fault, but the attitude towards the Sisters of Silence within the Ten Thousand Husbands at that time was not unified.

There were also many different opinions within the Forbidden Army at that time. After being unable to reach unity, a few of them chose to take off their armor and join the intelligence system.

It was these people who, after learning that the Silent Order had been banned, tried every means to contact a group of them, and with their support, these Silent Sisters were able to secretly re-establish themselves on some remote planets. Their temple. "

"So?" Calvin's eyebrows almost flew up. He extremely doubted Trajan's original intention of coming to him.

Trajan obviously also noticed the anger of the original body, so he explained to the two men in a low voice:
"But the problem now is that they refuse any messengers from the empire, especially refusing to communicate with us."

"I understand, so you actually had an idea early on, but you just lacked a messenger, right?"

Calvin lowered his head slightly and decided to look for an opportunity to settle the score with him later, but it was obviously not the time now.

He first narrowed his eyes and glanced at Trajan, then turned to Cassin and said:

"Look, their sincerity is here. Thank you for your hard work."


(End of this chapter)

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