Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 493: Elephant Saving Plan Gothic Change

Chapter 493: Elephant Saving Plan—Gothic Change

The gears of destiny ripple gently, and all living beings in the universe are pulled by it.

In the boundless starry sky, there are countless beings beyond human understanding, struggling for their own destiny every moment, thus becoming a corner of an extremely grand picture.

But in the ancient and rigid empire that occupies the center of the galaxy, a special and young original body works freely, trying to change the fate of the race with its own meager power.

This was Calvin's third visit to Mars, but the man chosen by the Emperor and the Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar still did not appear in any part of his visit.

Calvin was not upset, as if his visit was really just a regular meeting with Mars on behalf of the Order of the Hammer.

There was nothing unusual about the deputy casting supervisor who came to greet him, and everything was proceeding in an orderly manner according to the established procedures.

"The God of All Opportunities guides you." The Deputy Foundry Superintendent nodded slightly, turned around and walked back the way he came.

Calvin also walked towards the Thunderhawk's cockpit, preparing to take a nap on the way back.

+Sir, information on the Antarctic direction. +
Calvin raised his head and looked at the Gray Knight behind him, and once again got a positive answer from the latter's eyes.

The tail flames of the taking-off Thunderhawks lit up slightly and imperceptibly, and then disappeared into the red atmosphere of Mars.

On the iron ring casting belt of the orbit, the Astropath deck of the Argent Dawn, which was supposed to return to Terra, received the order to proceed to Titan as soon as the fleet of the original body entered the battleship.

In the original body's palace deep in the battleship, the encrypted communication channel belonging to the Inquisition has appeared on Calvin's desk together with their senior members.

"Golden's company lost contact? When!" Calvin asked the permanent representative in the Antarctic direction the moment the communication channel was established.

The red figure on the opposite side of the video signal stood up slightly, adjusted his glasses slightly and said to the original body:
"The news was received two standard Terran times ago, but the news from the Astropath network from the Pacific Star Territory has a time error, so the specific time cannot be confirmed."

.........Everyone in the conference room looked at Calvin, but his hand was subconsciously rubbing the hilt of the sword of Imperial Truth.

"You can wait and see what happens. Communication between galaxies is not stable. Before getting accurate information, we cannot rule out the possibility of subspace turbulence."

"Are there any mobile troops nearby?" Calvin opened his mouth slightly, while the surrounding staff remained silent.

"What's the reason? Have you found out?" Calvin asked again, but this time even Chasov from the Antarctic direction was silent.

"Well, get ready and initiate contact with the Grand Master Council." Calvin thought for a while and gave an order to Tabos, who was participating in the meeting simultaneously on the bridge.

The latter nodded slightly, and in the communication signal between the battleship and Titan, the figure of Grand Master Walden also appeared on the projector in a flash.

"Is something wrong?" The old man raised his head and looked at Calvin across the screen, as if this was a daily meeting.

Calvin lowered his head and thought for a while, then made up his mind and said to the only person in the order who could dissuade him:

"I formally apply to you to transfer the representative seat of the trial court."

"Um... Got it." Walden did not hesitate, and gave an affirmative answer the moment Calvin finished speaking.

The two people's eyes communicated across the screen for a moment, and then were cut off by the other end of the video signal.

"Return to Terra." Calvin ordered, and then added a new order.

"Inform the throne room that I want to go out."

"Your will!" Chasov bowed slightly across the screen and then disappeared.

Several Imperial Guards present also looked at each other briefly, then turned around and prepared to return to their homes to prepare for the battle.At the same time, behind the orbits and satellites of Terra and Titan,

The Gray Knight fleet was on regular patrol, but two ships broke away from the fleet during the patrol.

The surrounding escort fleets also spontaneously split off to form a new fleet.

A total of six battleships were adjusting the formation of the fleet as they turned around and headed towards the Manzeville Point in the solar system. Not long after they completed this action, the Silver Dawn arriving from Mars happened to arrive.

After filling the core flagship position of the fleet, the engines of the entire fleet began to increase their power, and the Geller stance and subspace engines in the ship also began to warm up simultaneously.

The entire fleet continued to move forward for a third of a light second before disappearing into the vast starry sky.

"The fleet is intact, communications are normal, Geller's position is normal, the star torch coordinates are clear, and it is entering a deep navigation state."

Tabers' figure appeared on the table where the meeting had just been held, and by the porthole not far away, Calvin was still standing quietly.

The scenery outside the window had been replaced by the lowered deck, but the original body still maintained its original posture and remained motionless. Tabos knew that this meant that he was thinking, so he did not say any more.

"The Astropath's network is disconnected on the planet Farr, right?" Calvin asked abruptly.

"Yes, according to the existing information, the astropaths in the direction of Agathon and Kantaha decided to report the news to Terra after they were unable to observe the soul projection of the astropaths in the direction of Farr."

"I remember the war there was going pretty well."

Calvin thought thoughtfully and said that in his memory, there was no special news coming from the battle on the front line of Cristrax-Fresh.

In the eyes of professional soldiers like them, no news actually means the best news.

But the current situation is obviously not like this. The imperial soldiers on that battlefield have obviously encountered major changes. Otherwise, with the empire's mature astropath network, it would be impossible for several star sectors to lose their external communication capabilities at the same time.

"Yes." Tebos responded in a low voice, and Calvin turned his attention in other directions.

"Where's Kanak? There's no news either?"


"Not even Pandex?" Calvin finally confirmed something and then turned to look at Tabers.

The latter also understood what the original body meant and reacted with some concern:

"Then the one who lost contact with us is the entire Gothic Sector, right?"

"I'm afraid so," Tabers admitted with difficulty, and at the same time he really began to worry about the situation there.

Two forge worlds that are extremely important to the Empire, plus an entire sector fleet and a small half of the Obscure Sector as a strategic barrier to the outside world.

Losing this place would mean changes to the war situation in the entire Hazy Star Territory and even the entire northwest for the empire.

And if this speculation really becomes a reality, then the plan brewed by Calvin and Trajan in the Pacific Star Territory will completely become a castle in the air without a foundation after the hard-won breathing space disappears.

 First update, it’s the end of the month, please vote!

(End of this chapter)

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