Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 496 The Elephant Saving Project Visits

Chapter 496: Elephant Saving Plan—Visit

Calvin roughly understood the situation of this force, and also understood the considerations of the representatives of the Tribunal in the Obscure Star Territory.

This Death Watch itself has a special origin, and its team composition happens to come from other star fields.

In particular, the main component is a "black shield" of unknown origin.

This relatively fixed force with questionable loyalty is an indigestible problem for any star region or even star region. It is no wonder that they can be transferred here from the distant Storm Star Region for training.

The members of the Death Watch do not have a fixed configuration, because their sources of troops are not stable, but are volunteers from various Astartes Chapters in response to the deep-rooted hatred of xenos at the genetic level.

Usually only when the war is approaching, a Death Watch commander will come to the battlefield under the guidance of the Inquisition and issue a summons order;

Members in the nearby star sector will choose whether to join according to their own wishes. If they are still alive after the war, they will disperse and go to different battlefields with their own understanding of the mission.

This creates some wonderful scenes. For example, you can meet the same member with different tactical functions between two teams responsible for different battlefields.

He may have been the vanguard at the front in the previous team, but in this battle he was the rogue guarding the flanks of the battlefield.

They have no names, only temporary code names for each other; they never ask about the origins of their comrades, because that person may not even be from the Empire. (The Black Shields are such a typical example. They are Astarte warriors who have lost their faith in the Empire and completely separated from the original legion. Although the final fate of most Black Shields is still to fall into Chaos, it is undeniable that the Empire The Emperor successfully engraved the hatred of alien civilization into their souls. Therefore, when alien civilization appears on the battlefield between the Empire and Chaos, it often happens that the Asterta on the side of the Empire and Chaos give up the battle and turn to guns and cannons. A strange scene that is unanimously exposed to the outside world.)
They do not have a fixed team. Except for the occasional fixed partner combination when they work together for a long time, there is almost no stable organizational structure.

They also come and go freely, and you can even see some small teams of traitors (who rebelled against the empire but did not fall into Chaos) in the starry skies on the borders of some empires.

Talos's unit is obviously a weird one. He and his old brothers obviously will not accept the order of being separated, and a volunteer organization like the Death Watch does not have mandatory regulations in this regard.

And when a fixed team with more than ten people, and members from unknown sources continue to join within a hundred years, and the final size reaches more than a hundred people, appears;
No commander with no sense of crisis can ignore this "squad" that is larger than the entire team under his command.

This is already a key force that can influence a war zone, but due to their origin, the Inquisition is unable to incorporate their leaders into the core intelligence layer;

Ordinary attrition wars cannot be a solution to deal with these "black shields". This is not only due to Calvin's influence in the Storm Star Territory, but also has an inseparable relationship with the mature and tacit combat effectiveness of these warriors. .

For decades, this special "Death Watch" experienced hundreds of battles in the Storm Star Territory.

As the last blood descendants of the Luna Wolves, their tactical literacy and experience inherited from the legion era, as well as the tactical advantages brought by being more than a company-level unit and entering the war as an organization, allowed them to maintain an outrageous death rate despite going through many hardships and dangers. .

This is a medium-sized miracle, and it naturally has the influence of Calvin:
Although he did not pay much attention to Talos after leaving the Storm Star Territory, his experience of fighting side by side with the Ashbringer still allowed them to never give up on the Inquisition at the critical moment despite their shortage of ammunition.

In the past, on various battlefields in the Storm Star Territory, this golden sign made them gain more trust.

Especially with Talos, a shrewd leader, using Calvin's name to trade with other Asterta war groups (the list of supplies includes not only ammunition and supplies, but even gene seeds), and occasionally giving them to the local mechanical gods. Teaching and doing odd jobs actually made this "Black Shield" live a prosperous life.

But "good times" are destined to not last long, and the word "stability" is destined to be a false proposition in today's galaxy.

At a time when many of the direct bloodlines left behind by the Primarchs have suffered heavy losses and are difficult to maintain, let alone these "wanderers" who have no legal identity and no genetic father.

The Heretic Tribunal has always been aware of the existence of Talos and others, and the latter's continued expansion has finally touched their bottom line.

There were naturally no restrictions on the surface, and Talos and his brothers also had some scruples and did not expose all their manpower.

But when their team still appeared in the Inquisition's information in a nearly full strength after several battles, the proposal to deal with this team could no longer be shelved, and it was placed in the hands of the Inquisition's sector. on the human table.

This is obviously a difficult problem to deal with, and the Grand Inquisitor of the Star Territory also has concerns about it.

In the internal high-level meeting, although some people proposed to send them to expendable battlefields, in today's highly unified world of the three major monasteries of the Tribunal, this proposal was ultimately shelved by the top leader.

So this "Black Shield" was eventually sent to the Obscure Star Territory and became one of the Heretic Tribunal's support forces in the war zone.

Calvin also received a message from the Gothic direction at this time. When his fleet arrived in the Obscure Star Territory, it happened to be the day shortly after the "Black Shield" arrived at Desperate Watch.

The fortress monastery of Desperate Watch belongs to the preparation area of ​​Talos and others.On the central seat of the weapons showroom, a bald man was carefully wiping the firearm in his hand.

The obviously plated gun body is far more slender than an ordinary bolter, and the additional muzzle brake and the magazine bent forward indicate that this is a custom-made precision product.


The giant man paused in his movements, then raised his head and looked towards the door.

"Alexei said our hormones are gone."

"Then go get it!" Talos replied impatiently, then suddenly reacted and asked incredulously:
"No! Didn't I just pick it up the day before yesterday? I remember it was three times the standard!"

"Brothers' power armor reserves are already empty. If we divide this batch of goods, we will just have some foundation in logistics."

The visitor's mood was equally depressing. A logistics officer was not a good job in any army, because no matter whether it was wartime or not, there would always be many incomprehensible voices in his ears.

"I know, give me a form and pick it up after I finish reading it." Talos sighed and answered helplessly.

"Yes..." The strong man responded in a low voice, but the sound of moving steel boots did not ring in his ears.

Talos looked up in surprise, and saw that the latter was still standing at the door.

"Anything else?"

"The rations are gone..."

"The emperor's fart..." Talos, who had stopped speaking in time, stood up and walked towards the strong man, questioning in disbelief:
"Didn't you just get it yesterday? Where are the things? Have you eaten them all?"

The strong man did not answer, but looked at the former with a positive look.

"Hiss... I think it is necessary to ask someone from the Tribunal to come over. Aren't you contaminated by those green things?"

"I'm so hungry..." The strong man looked up and explained, then closed his mouth again.

"I...then go get it again!" Talos wanted to be angry, but he knew the situation of his brothers. Unstable logistics really put them in a dilemma, and the long-term lack of special elements made these "wanderers" "People" are generally in a sub-healthy state.

"Yes." The strong man received a satisfactory reply, turned around and left the small showroom.

Talos picked up the gun and gun cloth, but had no intention of continuing his previous work. He looked at the ceiling above his head alone, and only began to mutter to himself after the footsteps were far away:

"There will be a way... there will always be a way..."

"Boss..." The familiar voice raised Talos' blood pressure again, and this time he had no energy to be angry.

"What happened to him again?"

"There's a big guy at the door, saying he wants to see you." The strong man's steps were a little hurried, and he also suffered a lot of fright.

"Huh?" Talos frowned subconsciously, and the strong man's next words made him drop his favorite firearm.

"He said his name was Calvin."


(End of this chapter)

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