Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 498 Invitation to the Elephant Saving Plan

Chapter 498 Saving Elephants Plan—Invitation

Calvin walked through the array of Luna Wolves under the guidance of Talos, and this tragic ceremony finally ended in silence.

Talos put down the sword in his hand and looked back. Even if he had thousands of words, he could only say "disband" in the end.

Nicholas, the shield captain of the Forbidden Army, stepped forward covertly after watching all the Asterta leave, and whispered a key number to Calvin in a low voice: "Sixteen."

"Hmm..." Calvin nodded slightly. While confirming his conjecture, he also suddenly found the correspondence between these black shields and the specific legion.

"Son of Horus", the next second this concept flashed through his mind, his eyes met Talos's.

That was a calm look, and it was also a gamble by Talos.

Calvin's reaction showed that he made the right bet. This fellow Primarch was not angry about their origins. He just whispered when he walked up to him:
"Let's go, it's not your fault."

Even that wasn't Horus' fault... This was the half-sentence that Calvin didn't say.

In the final battle on the Vengeful Spirit, the Emperor knew exactly what had happened to Horus before he was executed.

The Lord of Mankind and his beloved child reached an unprecedented understanding at the last moment of their separation. Facing his father who was unable to kill him, it was Horus who personally begged him for the final relief.

"Kill me... I'm too weak... They're calling me... Please end this..."

These were the last words of Horus when he faced the Emperor after he had found himself again.The Emperor, who was also deeply wounded, could no longer prevent Chaos from eroding his beloved son again.

So the man who understood that everything was irreversible finally made up his mind to break away from his father's identity and kill him completely in the name of the Lord of Humanity.

On the dilapidated Spirit of Vengeance, the Emperor faced the corpses of two Primarchs in such an environment. Outside of the Spirit of Vengeance, he faced the equally miserable and devastated Human Empire.

Calvin's words were nothing less than a reaffirmation of Talos, and this warrior who had experienced legion division, civil war and even the death of the original body was finally recognized by the empire again after Calvin's official statement.

"Your will." Talos responded in a low voice and took the lead.

Everyone walked through the dim cloister of the monastery and walked all the way to the public training hall.The lighting environment here is acceptable, but the ammunition and armor accessories placed in the corner still show their embarrassment.

"Sorry, we don't have our own reception room and conference room."

Talos stood on an open space in the side hall, and behind him was a long stone table.

"It doesn't matter." Calvin has become desensitized to similar situations. After everyone sat down, he looked at Talos next to him.

"I need manpower." Calvin wasted no time, and Talos obviously had a premonition and asked directly: "Goth?"

"Goth!" Calvin replied affirmatively.

"No problem, when?" Talos did not hesitate, but began to calculate the supplies for the troops in his mind.

"The sooner the better."

"Supplies and ammunition?" Talos looked at the strong man behind him, and then confirmed the relevant material preparations with Calvin.

"No problem, the fleet has enough reserves." Calvin said.

"Equipment maintenance system, as well as the support of technical sergeants." Talos added again, and then explained this sentence:
"Although the armor has been replenished with parts, the overall wear and tear is serious, the servo system is obviously aging, and the frigate we got does not have a large-scale equipment maintenance system at all..."

"Well...this is a question." Calvin turned back to look at Nicholas, "Do we have MK III accessories?"

"No..." Nicholas' answer made Talos slightly disappointed, but he was filled with surprise the next second. "But the Seiko-class MKIV power armor brought out from Krieg still has a reserve of standard units. I just brought it out this time to find an opportunity to change the armor of the Reviled Chapter stationed in the Obscure Star Territory."

"A standard unit? That's a 10+3 configuration? Got it." Calvin thought for a moment, then turned to look at Talos:
"That is specially modified power armor. In order to silence the sound, some parts may have to sacrifice strength. Can you adapt to it?"

"...Of course." Talos was a little at a loss. Although they were not professional infiltration troops, as a legion that was once directly affiliated with the Warmaster, all tactics were within their contact range.

He didn't know the existence of the Krieg Chapter Alliance, so he couldn't understand why there were standard Mark series power armor in the Gray Knights' war reserves.

The batch of MKIV exceeded his highest psychological expectations, not to mention it was a non-mass-produced product from Seiko. The happiness came so suddenly, which made his emotions a little complicated for a while.

"Then take out the three hundred sets first, and then look for opportunities to make up for the abusers." Calvin ordered Nicholas, who nodded and started to contact the battleship.

"Is there anything else?" Calvin asked again.

"No, it's your turn now." Talos's problem was solved and he simply looked at Calvin preparing to meet the other party's request.

This batch of supplies was too precious for them and came too timely. When the other party gave it to them with such unconditional hands, he was worried about whether his people could meet Calvin's requirements.

"The target of the mission has not yet been confirmed, and it may not be limited to aliens." Calvin said, and Talos relaxed a little after hearing it.

The Death Watch is a choice they made in order to settle down, but it does not mean that they limit their tactical functions to this.

"There may be a battle with Chaos..." Calvin stared at Talos closely and asked his most worrying question in a cryptic manner.

"We are the Luna Wolves, not the Sons of Horus." Talos instantly understood Calvin's concerns and gave a decisive answer.

"The local situation is unknown and there may be continuous fighting." Calvin continued.

"No problem, we are good at this." Talos nodded.

"That's no problem." Calvin stood up from his seat and walked out, saying to Talos behind him:

"The items will be delivered to the battleship you are responsible for within two hours. They will be assembled and landed first. The process of changing equipment and debugging can be carried out on the battleship."

"Understood! We can leave within that hour."

Talos stood up to answer the order, and then gestured to the logistics officer on the side.

The latter turned and walked away, while at the same moment the sirens for the gathering of troops sounded in the cloisters of the monastery.

The neat and heavy sound of steel boots echoed the sharp alarm. Although the Astartes who had just dispersed were not clear about the goal of the mission, they still quickly gathered in the cold air.

In Calvin's senses, this army was quickly awakening like a wild beast, and he was ready to leave after completing the purpose of his visit.

"The transfer order will arrive soon, I won't delay you." Calvin stood up and nodded to Talos and walked out. The latter clenched his fists and beat his chest to greet him.

Calvin left surrounded by the custodial guards, while Talos briefly stared at the crowd before preparing to start mobilizing the troops before gathering. "Oh, right."

The voice of the original body came from afar, causing Talos, who had just picked up his helmet, to stop. Calvin's next words surprised him even more:
"When this mission is over, you can come with me."

 The first update is to make up for yesterday's update, and the second update is in the middle of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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