Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 523 Good Friday

Chapter 523 Good Friday
Emotion is the best fuel, especially when the name of that emotion is hate.

The battle sisters supported each other and disappeared into the shadow of the hive.And before the imperial reinforcements appeared, every minute left to them was so difficult.

"We just left like this?" Miris asked Padilla. This was her duty as a discipline officer.

As the most ardent disciple of the Emperor among the Sisters of Battle, she has the authority to doubt any commander's inaction.

Padilla herself began to receive her teachings at the beginning of her career as a novice nun.

But this is obviously not the time.

Padilla's gaze passed over the former's injured shoulder, arousing the other's instinctive anger. However, Padilla was not afraid and stared at this former boss and mentor without giving up:
"Of course not, but our values ​​should be placed in a more suitable place!"

"Then prove it to me with the blood of your enemies!" Miris roared in a low voice, but Padilla did not answer.

She wanted to explain, but the pain in her head made her eyes dizzy.

The pain had appeared after the tower battle, and she had thought it was just a simple concussion.

But now, this pain was becoming more and more intense, like a sponge expanding in her frontal lobe, and like a pacemaker constantly vibrating in the blood vessels of her brain.

The spasm of blood vessels and the pain throughout her head made her think that she was in a hallucination.

However, the current bad situation and the doubts from her comrades made it even more difficult for her to avoid her responsibilities and have no rest at all.

"You can't tell her the secret of the sacred object, at least not before seeing the sacred object!"

Padilla's tooth sockets were creaking, and the pain finally subsided temporarily after reaching a peak that caused her to have tinnitus.

That secret is known to only a few commanders, and to this team it is their last value.

Whether she can successfully find the sacred object is something she cannot guarantee.Once the mission fails, she will inevitably be charged with cowardice.

She couldn't hesitate, let alone show any cowardice in front of this harsh senior.

This secret must be protected until she finds the relic!

"I am the commander, and I have my will! Do you want to take away the command? If not, then obey my orders!"

"I will keep an eye on you!" Miris stared at his former apprentice and finally chose to retreat.

She smelled something in Padilla's words, and the young commander's character made her trust him.

The brief quarrel finally ended, and Padilla stood up again and looked around her.

These are two incomplete teams, among which the one directly belonging to me is the Wind Angel;

Among the four injured, except for Miris, a middle-level officer who had started serving as a forward Archangel and had comprehensive experience.

The remaining three people were responsible for the heavy fire attack on Qiu Angel.

Eight people, all veterans, not a novice nun.

And these eight veterans, plus Padilla herself, are all her confidence to complete this mission.

Although these sisters were in ragged clothes or pale faces, none of them even groaned in pain at this time.

"Let's go, we don't have much time..." Padilla said to them, and then motioned to Sylvie, the only one who was fully equipped and kept alert.

The latter nodded after receiving confirmation, then tightened his armed belt and left.The team needed a bright and sharp eye, and she was the only one who fit the bill.

Padilla watched her walk away, and behind him there was the sound of scraping armor and swords.

The uninjured members silently picked up the heavy equipment, then turned back to pick up the injured sister.

After Padilla turned around and saw this, he walked to the corner and pulled up Miris, who was struggling.

She ignored the other party's resistance and whispered to her mentor:

"Listen to me, I need your help..."

"Really?" Mirius stopped struggling and cooperated with her apprentice's help. The joy of being able to continue to contribute her own value to the team made her temporarily ignore the shame of needing help.

"Swear by the throne!" Padilla's expression was solemn, and the trembling of her brows came from the irregular and severe pain.

"I believe it, just say it!" Miris stood firm and walked out of their hiding place with Padilla.

Although half of the team members were disabled, they still maintained a complete vigilance posture as much as possible.

"That's it..." Padilla looked at the comrades around him, and then whispered to Miris:
"Our team is obviously made up of a temporary team, and there is no complete tactical division of labor..."

Yes, she needs Miris' help.

Because this temporary nine-man team not only had half of the wounded, but even the remaining few people left the position in a hurry without enough equipment and ammunition.

Half of the sisters here are like me, from the Wind Angels who are accustomed to mobile warfare in the tactical position;
The heavy fire support that the remaining Qiu Angel sisters are good at has become a problem that this unit cannot avoid.

They are not qualified to fight a tough battle, at least not until they find the sanctuary.

These storm bolters and flamethrowers become a huge liability when the squad is being pursued by enemies.

Equipment is very important to any soldier, and it is even more so in this army, which is famous for its faith.Trying to persuade these sisters to abandon their equipment is actually the same as asking them to abandon their comrades.

As for the candidate who could solve this problem, Padilla searched the entire team, and only Miris was suitable.

She is a veteran, she is the disciplinary officer in charge of faith and discipline, her most fanatical Archangel, and she has gone through all the basic positions in the order before becoming the Archangel.

Clean Angels are the exclusive organization for such veterans in the Order of Battle Sisters, and they are also their exclusive title.

They are the elites of the order and the reserves for the leaders of all levels of the order. They are the first choice for diplomats assigned to other units, and they are also the most desired military advisors of various inquisitors.

Padilla's military rank is only one step away from this position, and Miris is such a veteran.

She was supposed to stand beside the Grand Sister and the Inquisitor together with other elites who were also pure angels.

However, because of his zealous character and belief, Mirius ultimately rejected the Order's promotion order and chose to become a discipline officer stationed on the front lines of the battlefield.

"I am more suitable to be a sword than a brain, and I prefer to be an eye rather than a pair of hands."

This was the answer Mirius gave when she first faced the nun, and it was also the reason why she was able to survive and be here today.

 An update to make up for yesterday’s update.

(End of this chapter)

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