Chapter 525 Redemption
The Wind Angels, a force affiliated with the Order of the Holy Rose, are a force that is often misidentified from the perspective of the outside world by their sisters who are similar to themselves - the Seraphs.

The same tactical positioning, the same equipment, the same organization, and even the same class within the order are the "results" of their external performance;
Different origins, different selection standards and even different promotion paths mean that they have completely different divisions of labor and definitions in the "divine" organization of the Order.

There is no need to go into detail about the latter, which is almost the pinnacle of the non-transformation system in the imperial force.

Each Seraph is a warrior of the highest caliber, worthy of the respect of all within and without the Order.

There is actually only one selection criterion for the former, and that is - those who can listen to the emperor's edict.

Yes, this is the definition of wind angels and the "special" mission they have.

Each Wind Angel is from a sister who is believed to be able to "listen" to the "Voice of the Emperor" for a long time after undergoing ritual appraisal.

And it is these "puzzle" sounds that make them gradually lose the ability to communicate with their comrades as time goes by.

They still have a strong will to fight and are still willing to take up arms to fight for the Emperor, but their poor communication skills make them almost independent of the entire company.

Therefore, unlike the promotion paths from low to high and bottom to top of all other military organizations, the ranks of the Wind Angels are very strange... they are reversed.

Only newly promoted nuns who are confirmed to be Wind Angels will be appointed as the commander of the team while maintaining certain communication skills;

And when their connection with the Emperor becomes closer and they lose the ability to communicate with the outside world, there will naturally be successors who will take over the position.

Padilla is such a "lucky guy."

She has just completed her tenth year of service at the grassroots level (the Sisters of Atonement, Medical Sisters, and Death Cult Assassins are not included), and she is only one step away from being promoted to a Clean Angel representing the elite.

"Fantasy" and unintelligible "voices" began to appear in her mind from time to time.

In this way, the purity ritual becomes the only way to tell whether she is contaminated.

After going through the life-and-death ceremony, she became a glorious Wind Angel, and on the first day she entered this special force, she was awarded the title of Commander of the Wind Angel Team...

Unlike all her predecessors, Padilla did not have the opportunity to gradually lose her language skills during her long service.

On the contrary, after experiencing the Battle of Farr, she became the first among this generation of Wind Angels to "hear" the voice of the Emperor...

But the problem is that the sound she heard came a little too late...

The trap of the traitorous legion appeared almost at the same time as the omen in her mind.

And Selvi's fallen figure fell in front of her, at the moment when her mind and body were on the verge of collapse.

In the slowly opening door of the church, she also saw another familiar figure.

That is the person they are most familiar with, and the person the battle sisters have fought alongside countless times and trust the most:
Anglican priest - Kaczynski.

This traitor who betrayed his faith openly walked at the forefront of the rebels.

And it was the appearance of this person that explained Padilla's doubts that had been buried in her heart - how did the enemy know about them, and how did they know this secret location.

Padilla passed out but was not completely unconscious.

Her consciousness seemed to be pulled out of her body by some force, and she ruthlessly "observed" the entire battlefield from an overlooking perspective.

Inside the main entrance of the church, rows of armored Rippers were marching out;
At the ends of the two streets, there were two rows of tall shield guards slowly approaching.

Countless gray figures emerged from the shadows of the corridor.

The dark green eyepieces on the uniform helmet and gas mask are the only features, and the Agrippina laser gun in their hands is their standard weapon.

The two teams occupied the empty street, and at the end of the field of vision behind them, there was the faint roar of the engines of armored vehicles.

A team of at least 1000 people, not counting the soldiers occupying positions in the shadows.Padilla thought in her heart, but surprisingly there was no fear or anger.

The enemy does indeed pay enough attention to them. Just from the number of these soldiers, it can be known that this should at least be a complete company in the Astral Legion.

Her sisters were backing away, dragging her along as they tried to occupy the building opposite the church.

But both the enemy and she knew clearly that they were dead.

If this manpower is used in mobile warfare, there is room for improvement, but this is a defensive warfare, and there is no deep space to speak of.

To be fair, that building and her remaining sisters, in the face of an enemy of this scale, were just people waiting to be killed in one or two waves of attacks.

What the enemy has to consider is nothing more than the cost of killing them.

Time, or blood?That makes no difference to these traitors.

As long as one or two waves of offensives or waiting for tank fire to be in place, this bit of resistance is a flame destined to be extinguished.

And all she can do is watch these sisters of hers die meaninglessly in this unknown corner because of her stupidity and carelessness...

Is she willing?how come!
Is she angry?certainly!
Then the flames accumulated in the soul, and the soul was struggling fiercely!


She had chanted this holy name countless times, but only this time she felt fully engaged.

The desire for revenge made her burn everything about herself, and even her instinct of self-preservation was ignored!

"Please listen to my prayer!" Padilla's soul was wailing, and even the reflection in the subspace had bloody tears falling.

The ancient starry sky was moved by her soul at this moment, and the existence of distant Terra was also moved by it!

"Please give me the power of revenge! Please give your servant a chance to stand up again and clean up the dirt that should not exist in this world!"

Will there really be a response?
Padilla's thoughts wavered, and then she felt ashamed that her faith had wavered.

But when her soul prayed with the most humble attitude, what awaited her in the void was still endless coldness and silence...

"It's my fault..." Padilla began to reflect.

Seeking help from the Emperor is her extravagant hope and transgression. Thoughts and beliefs have never been a transaction, and the Emperor's existence is not a god of the past!

She reexamined her short life and faith, and reaffirmed the reason why she first learned the name of the Emperor, walked into the monastery and knelt down.

Responsibility is never a burden, but faith is the reward!
Padilla plucked up the courage again, without any hesitation. Her soul was sublimated in an instant, and she understood the source of power without any teacher.

A golden spark appeared in her soul, and the moment it appeared, it began to burn blazingly with everything in her existence as fuel!
"Now!" Padilla's soul shouted loudly, and the all-consuming soul fire responded to her call!

Feng Angel, who felt the physical existence again, opened his eyes in the arms of his comrades.

And that ancient and distant existence also dropped the golden crown representing him at this time, and the white wings representing the pure will of mankind!

"As your ears wish!" said the voice.


  py recommends the book "Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor"

(End of this chapter)

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