Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 54 The Beginning of the Journey

Chapter 54 The Beginning of the Journey

707.M39. Solar star field. Solar star region. Solar system sub-sector. Solar system galaxy. Saturn. Titan.

Five years, five years have passed since Calvin received the transformation of the Astartes warrior and the trial of the holy blood.

For an angel or demigod, such a period of time is probably just a slightly longer combat mission, but for Calvin, it means that his gene-seed gland under the neck has finally announced its first maturity.

Seed extraction itself is just a simple operation, and the complicated and technical content is more about the storage of the seeds themselves and the observation and treatment experience of various possible mutations of the seeds after extraction.

On the day when the seeds were confirmed to be absolutely mature and taken out, all the mentors in the warband who had not been out attended and observed the whole process of the operation.

The chief pharmacist from the Fifth Company, who was also the Grand Master himself, inserted the seed extractor into the incision that had been prepared on Calvin's neck.

The operation went smoothly and the quality of the seeds was perfect.Except that the cell activity of the seed itself is far superior to that of the same kind, there is no abnormal data.

Under the personal escort of the Grand Master of the Chapter, this precious gene-seed was also sent to the training base on Mars.There, the cultivation base that had been vacant due to advance reservations was waiting for the arrival of this seed.

For the Gray Knights, this operation means that their follow-up recruitment problems will most likely be resolved; for Calvin, it means that he has finally fulfilled his basic obligations as the Primarch— Leave at least one seed of pure origin for the future of the Chapter.

And with this most critical obligation being fulfilled, the mentors of the battle group finally no longer imposed strict restrictions on Calvin's scope of action like a mother-in-law standing next to a daughter-in-law who was about to give birth.

Although the Primarch is still the most valuable asset of the Gray Knights, since the bloodline has been left behind, considering Calvin's strong will and the lack of manpower faced by the Chapter, the Grand Mentors finally agreed with Calvin Wen can participate in some battles to a limited extent.

In five years, Calvin was not without gains.

First of all, the offspring of the unlucky Shalushi who was sealed under the Titan has shrunk by a third of its size under Calvin's five-year sustainable consumption.The spiritual pressure and pollution intensity it exhibited is only half of the original one.

In the future visible to the naked eye, Calvin will very likely carry out a complete trial and destruction in the next century.

Secondly, after three years of iterations, on the basis that Calvin's spiritual power has stabilized, his spiritual power command system has also gained preliminary trust in several years of continuous experiments.

The members of the honor guard have also undergone long-term adaptation and passive transformation, and the nature of the psionic side has also begun to move closer to the direction of order.

In the actual battle against the demon samples inside the base, the psionic power with the concept of order has greatly improved the killing effect on chaos. As for whether there will be loopholes on the battlefield in the future, it can only be decided by time.

In the end, Calvin's body shape has also continued to grow for five years, and is finally close to a final shape. It is possible that his three-dimensional body will continue to grow over time in the long future.

However, it is a reliable conclusion drawn by the pharmacists after long-term and careful observation that the rapid development period belonging to the protoplasma has passed smoothly.

Calvin's latest data is as follows: naked, 2.99 meters tall, and close to 3.1 meters with armor.The naked body weighs 840 kg. (The author is a math scum, um, just for this point, it is very suitable for writing Warhammer. When I wrote about the weight, I was corrected by readers more than once. However, I suffered from the lack of a specific reference object, and the final reference object was a polar bear with a height of 2.6 meters. The observed limit weight is 800kg. Specifically, the ratio of normal bone density to water is 1.138:1, and the density of fat is close to water. Again, the proportion of polar bear body fat can reach nearly half in autumn, and refer to humans The standard weight of a strongman with a height of 2.0 meters in the competition is also more than 200 kilograms. It is recorded that the actual weight of a strongman with a height of 2.08 meters is 244 kilograms. When the height of 1.8 meters is 60 meters, the weight will be drastically reduced to about 840%. Then it can be inferred When the height increases by nearly one-third, the weight increase is not linear, but is likely to be nearly doubled. So the final figure is 160 kg, and after subtracting the bone data of 170-670 kg, there is still 244 kg left. This is barely in line with the background conditions of his height and muscle density. It can also roughly correspond to the doubled weight of a two-meter-tall human Hercules at [-] kg. The above results are not rigorous, but they are indeed the limit of the author. Welcome Everyone correct me, but I don’t want to change it. ToT)

After putting on the armor, his weight is close to 1.6 tons, and his running speed is unknown, but with the support of his powerful cell vitality, his muscles can easily resist the heavy restraint of the tactical fearless power armor when the power source is lost.The electromagnetic muscle bundles equipped with the heavy armor do not increase his growth significantly, and are even slightly cumbersome.This is also the main content of his complaints to the armor sergeant of the Chapter many times.

According to gossip, under the premise that the Gray Knights paid a high price, Mars is providing the Gray Knights with data samples from unknown sources and obviously abnormal for the project of customizing power armor.The project is highly classified and the source declined to comment.

It seems that today, when the emperor has not seen things for a long time, the integrity of the priest and production director on Mars is indeed questionable.

But this is understandable, after all, when the price is up, many other programs will become indifferent.

In this day when the entire empire seems to be sluggish, manufacturing directors do occasionally have some special needs outside of their personal responsibilities.

As long as you can channel to those big people who really have the right to do things, some small requests that are reasonable and reasonable will always be rewarded with corresponding generosity.

Such examples are not uncommon in the upper echelons of the Empire, especially in the Forge World faction represented by the Astartes Chapter and Mars.

It is even less illegal, but not so legal. In some special forging worlds, you can get a response after enough effort, such as an unknown world of Huangquan No. [-].

This is not surprising, after all, it is business, not shabby.If you don’t believe me, look at this STC and that STC, which one is noble and which one is depraved?
As for Calvin's weapon, after comprehensive consideration, he chose the other two weapons that Calvin was best at in his memory: single-handed heavy sword and lightning claw.

This configuration can make full use of Calvin's best martial arts skills, making him not only flexible enough on the battlefield, but also able to fully display the agility brought by his powerful body in close combat with cold weapons.

Presumably, the enemies he faces on the battlefield in the future will pay a lot for it when they see this "fast and heavy" style of play.

All in all, after Calvin himself has been limitedly lifted the ban, he still needs to wear the less-fitting tactical dreadnought power armor modified by the warband for a long time.

But this is not important, what is important is that our protagonist, after five years of staying in the ten lipo of Titan, is finally able to participate in the battle of the frontline fighters to a limited extent.

And the champion knights of the honor guards who accompanied them were indeed the powerful support that the great mentors on the front line urgently needed.Although such a powerful unit requires more complicated considerations when delivering it.

The war never stops, and the war is about to begin.

 I don’t want to name the chapters anymore. Since the book friends in the book review area said that they can know the content by just looking at the name, I feel a little PTSD when I think about chapter names.

(End of this chapter)

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