Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 565: Destroying the legacy of Demon Draconion

Farr - a world that is still lifeless even under the light of stars.

After the raging power of Nurgle, all that was left on this land was corruption and decay; the faint yellow cloud bands and deathly black scars became the only things that could be seen from the perspective of the orbit.

Calvin stood on the edge of the deck where the fighter planes took off and landed, and one step further was the periphery of the artificial gravity field;

In the field of vision that had been switched to spiritual vision, the yellow bright spots on the ground were flashing in a shocking way.

That is pollution, and it is the scar left by Nurgle to this world.

These places, occupied by the corrupting power of disease, were precisely the purpose of Calvin's journey.

Because of their tenacious vitality, even if the Mechanical Ark changes the world, it cannot be wiped out by the changes in the environment.

Killing the snake will not kill it, but it will leave trouble in the future.

Calvin's cheek turned slightly, and the eyes of the Templars in the honor guard beside him met him;

The meaning of the original body's gaze is self-evident, and these high-ranking members of the Gray Knights also nodded slightly, and then led the teams behind them towards the teleportation array behind them.

At the same time, at the end of Farr's sky, silver fighter planes were tearing apart the cloud belt in front of them, flying over the smoky land at high speed.

When the star's light accidentally passed over the emblems on their bodies, these fighter planes threw long metal rods with the classic sword emblem onto the ground as they roared past.


The transmission beacons in groups of four attract the aimless walking corpses in the distance with their dull sound inserted into the ground.

And in the next second, these long metal rods glowed and heated in the eyes of the walkers, and then, after an instant of dazzling light, they tore open the curtain between subspace and reality...


A figure as tall as a hill rushed out of the thick fog. It was a chaotic egg covered in abscesses and maggots, attacking with the instinct of hatred for the living.

Twisted tentacles as thick as thighs were covered with mucus and were waved by the body weighing nearly a ton. The turbid roar stirred in the air, and together with its heavy footsteps, shocked any creature who witnessed this scene.

The silver-armored giants who emerged from the lightning and thunder ignored the huge momentum and calmly stood back-to-back in a ring with halberds in their hands.

"Titan has an order!" The leading giant took a step forward, and the halberd held horizontally in both hands shook slightly.

Incandescent light shines from the eyepiece of the silver Crusader helmet, and the same thunder flows on the blue blade of the Valkyrie's halberd!

The mud-covered ground was trampled by steel boots, and the giant transformed from a static burst into a dynamic one. In an instant burst of the next second, it headed towards the huge chaos egg, and then swung its halberd to chop it down!


The halberd carrying thunder and lightning was as powerful as breaking bamboo, splitting the huge mountain of flesh into two.

The Gray Knight, who was half-kneeling on the ground, slowly stood up, and then said the second half of the order to his comrades behind him who were on guard with their halberds:

"Slaughter the monsters!"

Boom... what responded to him was the uniform steps of the four giants.

The shadowy figures in the thick fog looked longingly, and a vague and distorted howl echoed in the forest.

The gray-armored giants were unafraid and were spreading out, using the edge of their field of vision as intervals to slowly move forward in formation.

Similar scenes were staged simultaneously throughout Farr's continent. Thousands of Gray Knights are walking out of the same teleportation beacon, and then use the power of thunder in their bodies to completely eliminate the remnants of Nurgle here.

Calvin himself stood on the battleship in orbit until the Silver Dawn arrived over the Zerita Hive.

This is the starting point of all chaotic pollution, and it is also the core area of ​​two sacrifices to the evil god.

Calvin's eyes were pointing at the lower level of the hive. The power of chaotic evil energy is emitting a dazzling halo there.

And if he guessed correctly, this was the lair of the Chaos Wizard who dominated the entire sacrificial ceremony.

The sea breeze from the port hovers over Zerita, and this trade wind, which is supposed to bring rain and life, is now echoing with the sorrow of countless souls.

"Become a demon?"

Calvin looked away from the face that was looming in the trade wind.

The vision of being able to interfere with the weather represents the birth of a demon blessed by the evil god. The aura belonging to the Demon Prince leads the already polluted hive city to an even more decadent end.

At this moment, it seemed to feel Calvin's gaze, and that corrupt and blasphemous power was shrinking and lurking deeper into the hive.

"...He is an abandoned son after all." Calvin took the halberd of the Goddess of Vengeance from the gray knight beside him.

He poured power into the weapon, and then followed his perception and threw it toward the ground with all his strength.

The war halberd wrapped in thunder drew a dazzling silver line in the orbit and atmosphere;

And with the unscientific gravitational acceleration brought by spiritual energy, this silver light is pulling out a series of terrifying sonic booms in the sky above Zerita.


Next to the rail train station on the edge of the hive city, a group of corrupt zombies were instantly purified by thunder falling from the sky.

And in the corner of the station not far away, a seemingly thin child was trembling because of the huge noise in front of him.

The silver light dissipated, and a huge hand appeared out of thin air, and then pulled out the halberd that had penetrated several floors of the building and was deeply embedded in the ground.

Calvin, who followed the halberd all the way, stared indifferently at the demon prince disguised as a human child in front of him, confronting him from a distance in the empty station hall.

"Is an existence like me worthy of your personal action..."

The young child realized the failure of disguise the moment he saw Calvin, and the omen of death made him simply walk out of the hiding corner.

An old and hoarse voice came from under the seemingly young face.

Calvin didn't react at all. He just weighed the short spear-like halberd in his hand, and then suddenly threw it towards the open space aside!


Amidst the explosions that tore through the air, the Heavenly Punishment Arms finally could not withstand the mighty power of the original body. In a crackling sound of electricity, it twisted and melted into one with the steel of the rail train.

Under the strong light at the moment when the halberd passed by, a shadow was forced to appear in the transparent air, retreating in an embarrassed manner;

But the demon in front of Calvin had already quietly dissipated in silence.


The demon prince let out an angry and frightened roar, but before it could completely reveal its ugly true form, the light and sharp imperial truth turned into a ray of silver light, flashing past the center of its forehead...

This is the new form that Imperial Truth took on in the hands of Calvin after devouring Draconion.

The essence of this form is the improvement in the carrying capacity of Calvin's will after obtaining the second seed of the "Seven Deadly Sins".

As a result of its re-upgrade and return to the battlefield, this demon prince belonging to Nurgle had no choice but to die in this humiliating background...

Well, even though he was only promoted to the most unworthy mortal, he was still a demon prince after all, wasn't he?

Calvin stood silently, feeling the soul benefits brought to him by all the demons on this planet who were strangled by the Gray Knights when they died.

And deep in his soul, the scene of Draconion being "killed" on a mystical level was slowly reappearing...

Deep in the soul, Draconion's core concept is no longer struggling, and the sword in the hand of the faceless angel has been inserted into the deepest part.

The concept of "murder" has been completely defeated by order, and the corresponding authority and power are no longer resisting and are on the verge of being dismembered.

The fine silver light meanders like cracks in crystal glass, radiating orderly silver light from the inside out;

The black-red concept itself is disintegrating all the time, allowing countless tiny conceptual fragments to escape and linger around it like smoke...

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Salazar Slytherin was resurrected a thousand years after his burial.

After waking up, he was shocked to find:

At that time, families who were keen on marrying Muggles or simply being Muggle-born claimed to be pure-blood families.

The madman who appeared out of nowhere and pretended to be his descendant became the dark lord that people talked about.

While all kinds of magic spells have become fancy, the bodies of wizards are extremely weak.

Slytherin: Voldemort, I think you are a bit extreme - and, how come I didn't know I built a secret chamber in the castle? You're not talking about my exclusive classroom, are you? !

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