Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 573 The Departure of the Lord of Crows

Chapter 573 The Departure of the Lord of Crows


A slight breath appeared in Calvin's ear, and then turned into undisguised laughter.

Calvin looked down and saw that the Lord of the Crows had woken up in the shadows at some point. He had obviously appreciated the entire conversation between him and Sura.

"For Ultramar? Hahahahahaha..."

As Corax spoke, he laughed uncontrollably again.

He didn't know that Gray Knights were born in this way, and he was shocked by it just now.

But the Lord of the Crows, who had calmed down after the God Queen, couldn't help but think of the conversation between Calvin and Sura.

So after some reasonable thinking, a Gray Knight who shouted "For Ultramar" loudly before the battle appeared in his imagination irresistibly.

"Is it funny?" Calvin also felt very strange, as if he had eaten a strange chocolate - the food was obviously good, but the taste was very strange.

He didn't think much about it when he was rescuing people, but once the incident happened, he noticed something strange.

So his rhetorical questions were a little stiff, like a lion that was angry about getting out of bed. The seemingly ordinary questioning contained a daunting pressure.

Corax smiled faintly, but the arcs at the corners of his eyes were also stiff.

This is a real beast, a beast as dangerous as he is and perhaps even more dangerous.

The smell of hormones, the rhythm of breathing, the power of heart beating, and even the ferociousness that had just been revealed on the spiritual level.

All kinds of information are gathered in the mind of the Raven Lord, and finally pieced together into an abstract and complete image that cannot be observed by mortals.

This was his brother, a giant with the same burly body as himself;

But this is only their appearance. Their real existence is far larger than this body, and the corresponding sense of existence has already overflowed outside this palace.

This was the Primarch, a Warp predator trapped in flesh;

This is the Emperor's Son, a human demigod created by the Emperor and shackled by his own humanity.

But this did not deter Corax.

Hugh said that he had seen more ferocious beings in the subspace. Even before he entered the Eye of Terror, there were crazier people among other Primarchs.

Madness is not to be feared, neither is strength;

What is terrible is the unknown and despair, what is terrible is the changes and betrayal of people's hearts.

And as long as there is no such thing, Corax, who is also the Primarch, even enjoys this huge pressure.

Because he knew that this was just Calvin's normal mood swings. This was also a small indulgence of his emotions by a human demigod after not meeting an equal existence for a long time.

It's a pity that this unconscious emotion is a trust that most mortals are not blessed with.

It's like a cat showing its teeth and claws in front of you, you will find it cute; but when its Siberian cousin is in front of you, you can only slide and shovel...

And if you extend this thinking a little further, what if this "normal" emotion is in a demigod?

Or take it a step further and put it on the Primarch that the demon feeds on?

I'm afraid no one in today's empire can bear it even if it's repeated several times.

So whether it is Calvin or Corax, or even in the distant future, the Lord of the Ultramarines who was supposed to be resurrected two thousand years later, all have similar troubles.

They are so powerful that the fragile people around them cannot bear their emotions. And only when they meet each other can they show their true side.

That may be ferocious and terrifying in the eyes of mortals, but you have to admit that that is the tenderness between them.

"Funny." Corax's voice was as cold as ice springs. The biting chill allowed Calvin to regain his composure while also observing the Lord of Dark Crows who was close at hand. The two original bodies had a brief but long confrontation in the moment of eye contact;

And they also realized with satisfaction that they were companions who could withstand each other's pressure, allowing them to be happy and angry as they pleased, and live more like ordinary people.

This is good, at least for Calvin, a latecomer.

Suppressing emotions for too long is ultimately a problem, and Calvin's time as a Primarch is obviously not enough to have the experience to solve this problem.

"Then smile more." Calvin shrugged nonchalantly, but the structure of the armor prevented this unintended movement.

He looked forward again, where on the operating table, the resurrected Sula was being transferred to the life-sustaining cabin by the pharmacists.

Corax, in the shadow, remained silent, looking at Calvin's actions with extremely complicated eyes.

This was the first time he observed Calvin's soul, and whether the latter's attitude towards the Nurgle Demon or his treatment of Sura, his cognition was greatly impacted!

eat you!

The brazenness that did not hide his appetite and threat was still before Corax's eyes.

And this roar that had never sounded in reality had no bluff in Corax's ears...

Different from human language, there are billions of individuals and billions of species in the Supreme Heaven, and the reason why they can communicate smoothly is because there is only one "language" - based on real will and information. .

The "appetite" displayed by Calvin at that time was also proven by those who were devoured by the unborn.

Therefore, the Emperor is above! What did He create again?

The nature of this beast is probably even more outrageous than Leman Russ! The former is at least a wild man who looks like a wolf, while the latter... is simply a wolf! A wolf that feeds on the unborn!

And the transformation of Sura! Corax's eyes tried hard to hide the complicated emotions.

But he clearly saw that behind that costly act was an equal contempt for all bloodlines of the Legiones Astartes.

A Primarch that can change the bloodlines of other legions, a Primarch that can feed on subspace creatures and continue to grow and become more powerful...

Your Majesty the Emperor... Is this the sword you forged for humanity and to resist the subspace?

Are you really sure that this terrifying power will not eventually stand opposite us like Horus?

No, he won't.

Corax's eyes flickered, and the few days he spent with Calvin were replayed in his mind.

This Primarch he had just met was clearly the one with the most humanity of all his brothers. But it's him who possesses the most inhuman essence!

He marveled at the magic of Calvin, and even more at the power of the Emperor.

In his eyes, Calvin's growth path that is completely different from everyone else's, the rich humanity he embodies, and his intrinsic terror are all probably deliberate choices made by the Emperor.

And it is the subtle combination of these three that creates the sharp sword in front of you that is specially designed for chaos.

Controllable, loyal, and...really useful.

The Lord of Dark Crows had mixed feelings in his thoughts, and he became more and more determined to do something.

"I'm leaving," he said softly to Calvin.

"Huh?" The unexpected news surprised the original body.

In the silver hall, which was quiet again after the operation, Calvin saw Corax's pale face again.

"I'm going to pursue my destiny, but before that, I will get some things back and put them here with you."

 renew! Ha ha ha ha! Super fast, right?



(End of this chapter)

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