Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 582: Landing and encountering the enemy’s father’s heart

Chapter 582: Landing and encountering the enemy’s father’s heart


Everyone in the narrow torpedo room was shaken, and the red status indicator light also quietly changed color.

Seeing the pale skull in the middle of the gate in front of him, making the unique friction sound of copper alloy as it flipped, Calvin finally dispelled the spiritual energy that had been condensing in his hands and led the team to walk out of the gate supported by the hydraulic system.

Thanks to the Emperor's blessing, during the short flight just now, the aliens did not find Calvin who was hidden in the swarm of camouflaged torpedoes.

Despite his fear, he further strengthened his determination to personally participate in the vanguard team.

Someone has to take risks, so why not him?

If the landing torpedo he was riding on was hit, he would still be able to pull out a portal to transfer; but what about the other Gray Knights? Where do they have this ability?

"Gorgon! Sutherland!"

Calvin looked at the excessively empty deck cabin in front of him, and contacted the leaders of the other two teams through the psychic channel.

In the first wave of attacks just now, the approaching output effect of the bomber group was not ideal;

Despite Calvin's repeated reminders, the enemy's maneuverability far exceeded their expectations, which still allowed the bomber pilots to adopt targeted area coverage tactics, leaving behind far more enemies than planned.

And this kind of bad impact effect also directly affects the escort fighters that follow, and even the smooth progress of the torpedo landing craft group.

Groups of alien fighter jets exchanged fire with the escort aircraft sent by the fleet at medium and close ranges.

However, the human fighter planes cannot effectively lock onto the opponent, and cannot exert the lethality of physical ammunition at mid-range;

The power of energy-killing weapons is not enough to penetrate the opponent's obviously technologically inferior protection system at this distance.

As a result, human fighter planes continued to fall, and the landing torpedo groups protected by them also withstood high-density saturation strikes.

But fortunately, in this batch of landing torpedoes, the real payload is only three teams of Gray Knights.

And because he already had the experience of fighting, Calvin deliberately asked these gray knights to remove and use the sedatives in the power armor before setting off.

As a result, the three Gray Knight teams, whose heartbeat frequency became lower and the heat radiation from their body temperatures approached zero, finally managed to sneak into the Black Stone among a group of false targets mixed with living creatures and Imperial Marines. The edge of the fortress.

And this is because they deliberately adjusted the flight angle of the landing torpedo, because this is not far from the landing battlefield of the aliens and the defenders.

Before the torpedo group arrived at the fortress, Calvin had already issued an order to use two information virus bombs exclusive to the Inquisition to forcibly open the servo on this side;

This behavior was purely a last resort, because not only did they not have time to communicate with the defenders of Blackstone Fortress, they were not even sure whether they agreed.

But the particularity of this landing support operation lies in the unique structure of Blackstone Fortress.

The obsidian-like material reacts to energy with astonishing inertness. Even the plasma weapon, which is known as the strongest penetration among individual weapons, can only be fully charged against a wall made of black stone. A shallow melt mark is left on it;

Unfortunately, the main building material of this huge fortress is composed of these stones.

As for the low-power hot-melt demolition cannon that comes with the landing torpedo that Calvin and the others are riding on; unless they are very lucky, they can hit the rare human beings on the Blackstone Fortress that is in dynamic rotation. In the building.

Otherwise, with this little firepower, I am afraid it can only warm them up a little in advance for the environment where the corpses will be placed before they are knocked flat against the wall like the hamsters Calvin saw in his previous life.

Well, maybe it can make them stick a little more firmly...

"This is Gorgon. Team No. 2 is in position! The position has been confirmed! The surrounding environment is being checked!"

"Sha...this is Sutherland! Team 3 is in position! We are deflected, but not too far! The position is being confirmed and the action route is being re-estimated!"

Replies from the other two teams came from both sides. Although the signal was obviously weakened due to the material of the Blackstone Fortress, considering the essence of Calvin's soul, this signal was still far stronger than ordinary psychic communication. Much clearer.

Calvin quickly sorted out the positions of the two teams and the time difference caused by the deviation of the third team. It was finally decided to make slight adjustments to the planned rendezvous position in the direction of Sutherland.


Calvin's voice spread within the Legion's Will, and the Gray Knights behind him also moved forward quietly.

The cabin in front of me is extremely large, but also very old. This is in line with Calvin's impression of the Blackstone Fortress, because its scale is too large. Even if humans have been operating for thousands of years, they still cannot effectively utilize all the space.


Thick dust has been deposited on the ground for who knows how many years, and then rises and falls under the trampling of steel boots.

In this quiet environment, the breathing filter silently senses the surrounding environment and starts to activate spontaneously.

Breathing, footsteps, and the sound of dust falling to the ground are all the Gray Knights can perceive in the dark environment.

In this environment, after traveling for nearly ten minutes, Calvin and his men finally arrived at the planned location.

"5, 4, 3, 2..." Calvin counted the time in his mind. It was soon the routine reporting period between the teams.

As he expected, the voices of the two team commanders appeared again on the communication channel in the next second. But this time, because of their different positions, they brought completely different news to Calvin.

"Report the position and calculate the error!" Calvin directly ordered the moment the communication was connected, and the two commanders later responded in a fixed order.

"The route is confirmed! I will arrive in one minute!"

Gorgon's voice was still calm, but along with the report, there was a piece of information that was enough to attract attention:

"On the left wing of the team, about one kilometer away, the sound of gunfire could be clearly heard a minute ago.

Initial suspicion is that we are approaching the battlefield, waiting for orders! "

"Well...one minute, one kilometer." Calvin quickly calculated in his mind and then made a decision:

"Establish defensive positions on site."

"Yes!" Gorgon's voice disappeared, and then Sutherland's channel was connected.

The young commander had obviously heard Gorgon's report, and the unexpected deviation of his team had clearly hampered the entire team's action plan under such circumstances.

"Give me three minutes! No! Two minutes!" He said quickly in the communication channel, and Calvin had already seen the dilemma he faced from the information flow of Legion Will.

This is no longer just a matter of positioning deviation.

Even judging from the surrounding environment information he wore, there was an error even in the layer he was on.

Calvin sighed softly, feeling a little headache for Sutherland.

He knew and understood this guy. This commander, who was born into a Terran noble, had always held himself to extremely strict standards because of his family background and his relationship with Calvin before joining the war group.

But it seems like a joke of fate. The more serious he is, the more uncontrollable accidents like teleportation deviations occur, the more people like to find him.

Once or twice is okay, but once the number of times accumulates, even Calvin will inevitably cast strange looks at him every time something unexpected happens.

And what about himself? Presumably, although this guy remained calm in front of others, he was the one who was under the greatest pressure behind his back, right?

This was not the era of the Great Crusade, and Calvin was not one of those Emperor's Sons who couldn't even take care of himself.

In the eyes of him, a foreigner from Eastern civilization, the word "character" can be divided into "nature" and "character";

In Calvin's eyes, the so-called "character determines destiny" is nothing more than an individual's continuous and consistent choices based on his "personality" in the countless encounters of fate;

Then in the end, one's destiny will be directed to a fixed but unknown path...

And this is "lattice".

In the world in his previous life, the so-called "depending on parents for the first thirty years, and personality for the next thirty years" meant exactly this.

"Take your time, don't rush..." Calvin thought a little, but he didn't dare to let this sensitive soul notice anything strange.

He endured the peculiar irritability of his military nature and tried to appease little Calvin across the communication channel.

Isn't he in a hurry? of course not.

This is a battlefield where every slight mistake will be caught by the enemy and magnified without limit!

And who is little Calvin? It's the commander!

Any mistakes made by his team should be fixed on him, the person in charge, under the ruthless responsibility mechanism of professional soldiers in a state of war!

What's more, it was his own fault!

However, he really couldn't be in a hurry.

This is what he gained after coming to this world, and it is also the second growth he gained after re-examining his responsibilities and character after having a lifespan far beyond that of ordinary people.

He is no longer the company commander, he must have a more tolerant mentality.

Compared with the battles in a long life, which are destined to gradually fade over time.

The growth and destiny of his special heir are far more important than the former...

 renew! happy New Year!

  (End of this chapter)

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