Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes.

Chapter 72 Honesty and Wisdom

Chapter 72 Honesty and Wisdom

File Five: 0125.667.M39
I cannot destroy that seed.

Whether it is fire or physical removal, first find a way to approach it.

There seemed to be something magical about this seedling.Let everyone who walks into it can hear a singing from the soul, which makes people unable to stop.

I finally chose to give up, and after banning this hall, I pretended that this had never happened.

After Killing Night, I haven't been in this hall for more than two months.

But recently I have been having nightmares, dreaming that a fruit with a human face grew on that seedling, and Pierson's face was laughing at me on it, laughing that I would not escape the ultimate doom after all.

He would beg me again, begging me to give him relief; and then when I wanted to ask him what was going on, his face would suddenly shatter into the faces of all the brothers who died that night.

They looked at me together, and I woke up with a creepy start, and I could still hear them singing in the last moment of waking up:
"Be one with me..."

I'm going to destroy it!When I was awakened, I didn't hesitate for a moment, I walked straight from the bedroom to the hall in my pajamas and bare feet.

In the moonlight of the night, the whole bedroom was extremely quiet. Along the way, I passed the dozing guard and walked towards the front hall alone, and I could see it again just across a door.

I was alone at night like this, and after two months, I opened the dusty door of this hall again.

It really grew up again!That seedling is now a full foot tall, with more leaves growing from its branches!
I can even see its gray roots have pierced through the soil and the stone tray supporting it at some point, pulsating gently in the pool of the fountain!
right!By the Emperor, its roots move!
It seems that although the last killing didn't leave the body to it, there must be something left behind that I can't see, so that it can continue to grow.

So, does the soul really exist?It seems that my belief in the Emperor is far from pious, this is my retribution.

I'm going to destroy it!
But I can't.No matter how many ways I tried to hurt it, it would be back to normal overnight.

I dare not throw it out, that would only lead to worse results.

It has grown to such a large size that I ignore it.I couldn't fool myself into throwing it any further and naively thinking everything would be fine.

In the end, I chose to pay a huge price. I spent half a year's output of the entire galaxy to get a small set of stasis field from a black market merchant.

This is the best way I can think of.Since it can't be destroyed, at least let it stop the damn growth.

The stasis field works very well and has no downsides other than the power cost.

Fortunately, I'm not obliged to explain to anyone where this new power line went, and the seedling finally stopped growing.

I seem to be able to see the dull and happy days waving to me again.By the Emperor, please end me with honor.

File Six: 678.M39
11 years of quiet time, my brothers and I are extremely grateful for the generosity of the Emperor.

I almost forgot that this document even existed.After all, there is nothing that can be deliberately recorded in a peaceful day.

The brothers have gradually integrated into the social circle in the past 30 years, and some people have had their own children after marrying with the local nobles.

This is something to celebrate, after all, it means that the Corps finally has an offspring of its own.

Forget it, I lost this function permanently in a fight with the Greenskins decades before the Mandela War.

I have decided to identify this child as my heir so that he can enjoy the wonderful life we ​​have built for him.

Something is really wrong with the mining planet next door!If it wasn't for the reminder from a passing charter captain, I really didn't notice that it had been 3 years since the last tax was delivered on track!

The charter captain says that the mining world barely sees any signs of life in the scans of his ship's crude auspice.

Something is wrong!what should I do?Thinking about the judge who disappeared before, I seem to have smelled an ominous smell.

I decided to seek help from the upper layers, and immediately blocked the traffic in the galaxy.

Fortunately, we have no contact with the mining planet, which is the territory of the wandering trader Sidney, as well as the agricultural planet.

Sidney that bastard!He will pay the price for his actions!

File Seven: 697.M39
Another ten years have passed.

We've pretty much gotten used to living without an affiliated planet.

If it weren't for the deteriorating economic conditions in the Hive Capital after the loss of trade reminded me, I really don't want to think about these troublesome things.

I cannot count on the administrative efficiency of the empire, after all, there are so many things in such a large territory.

From the reporting of an incident, to the receipt of documents by the central decision-making body, to confirming information, drawing conclusions, determining measures, and determining specific executive personnel and materials...

If the empire can be regarded as a kind of creature, then her time axis and me and other mortals may never be in the same dimension.

I can still wait, because if I can afford life-extending surgery, I still have at least 200 years to live.

But for those civilians at the lower level, in the eyes of the empire, their whole life may be just a distraction time between her thoughts.

But some are quick to respond.We finally know who the late former Permanent Under-Secretary Sir Bernard said was behind the Rogue Trader.

A Chapter Astartes!That's right, and only this kind of group, who is the leader of many armed forces in the empire, can provide enough protection for a rogue trader whose business scope covers several star regions.

Similarly, only such a group would wait for ten years to appear here without haste, knowing that there was already a Tribunal under the watchful eye, to erase the traces of their own protection.

I was aware of this when the garrison on the system defense system informed me of the identity of the visiting cruiser.

Mr. Sidney, the arrogant and domineering rogue trader, must have been crushed to ashes in some unknown place by now.

This is the meaning of white gloves. When they are not dirty, they are glamorous no matter how they look; but if they are dirty, the only way to go is to be destroyed.

Presumably these emperor's angels are also extremely angry at this moment.

After all, as a spokesperson in a certain sense, honesty and intelligence should always be chosen.

Either you are honest, so someone will wipe your ass in time when you get into trouble;

Either you are very smart, and with enough benefits shared, most people will always shut up for you.

But if you are neither honest nor smart.The fate of this person is a lesson for you.

I don't feel any sorrow for his disappearance, and I even feel a little happy.

But when the command authority of the orbital defense force was suddenly taken over, and the familiar meteor shower fell in the sky, I understood what it means to catch fire at the city gate and bring disaster to the fish in the pond.

I may be dying.Died of what could be called absurd reason, simply because we know why the Rogue Trader once existed.

And the one buried with him was the entire Hive City.

I am Hailan, the Governor Hailan who is about to involve the people of the entire Hive City to be buried with me.

 I haven't asked for tickets, but I still feel a little sad to see the dwindling number of votes. Otherwise, just ask?
  One more chapter to come later.

(End of this chapter)

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