Before ascending to God, be a good lord

Chapter 304. 301. Experimental Tiankeng

Chapter 304. 301. Experimental Tiankeng
The original intention of Abiris Thorn Fairy was not to let Rant make breeding tanks for intermediate dragon blood thorns dozens of meters high, but to make them for the magic plants that have just become junior, even if it can speed up the breakthrough speed from primary to intermediate , It is also excellent news for the Dragon Blood Queen and the Thorn Fairy.

However, standing in the huge sinkhole, Rand had a new idea. "Mr. Abby Liss, haven't you thought about changing your thinking?" Seeing the dazed expression of the big goblin, Lante smiled, "For example, connect these stone pillars to form a stone wall?"

"What?" The big goblin didn't understand Rand's meaning, "What are you talking about? Do you still think the area of ​​this tiankeng is too big? If they are all connected, we may plant [-]% less thorns!"

"Then what if life magic patterns are engraved on the stone walls connecting the rock pillars?"

"Then why..." The big goblin who was about to refute Rand stopped. Every stone pillar in this tiankeng has existed for thousands of years. For thousands of years, there have only been grass-type and wood-type pillars in the entire tiankeng. Entering with the big goblin of the vine system, each of them is a magister of life magic, but they never thought of starting from the stone pillar.

"But, but, it's not just the wall. A wall tens of meters high will block the sun. How should we grow those thorns?" Now that there are 3 earth-type magic goblins, it is not a fantasy to transform the entire sinkhole, but such a project is too whimsical, and I am afraid that the Queen may not be able to make a decision.

"Mr. Abby Liss, I think we can test it first. Can you find us a smaller cave or tiankeng, not too high, with a height of more than ten meters and an area of ​​more than a hundred meters. Let's make a small one." Let’s test it, as long as we know whether the magic plants can grow better after adding the inside. As for the higher wall blocking the sunlight, you don’t have to worry about it. We can only make the earth wall on the ground and glass on the higher part. "Rand explained with a smile. "Also, if it is determined that this method is useful, I think you can transplant the primary and 0-level magic plants out, and grow them first in a breeding tank or in a smaller sinkhole..."

The communication between the Thorn Fairy and the Dragon Blood Queen does not need to be face-to-face. In less than a minute, Abby Liss got a definite answer and led Rand to another smaller sinkhole. The height of the wall is less than 1 meters, the rock wall is extremely smooth, and the bottom is more than [-] meters in diameter. The soil layer on the ground is fairly thick, but it is covered with shrubs and weeds.

"Your Majesty the Queen said, you can use this tiankeng as you like. If you need the energy of the earth veins, just tell me. If you need any funds, please report the number directly to me. If you need the guide metal for drawing the magic circle, go to the Red Dragon Family directly. As long as you If this tiankeng can successfully grow low-level dragon blood thorns, Her Majesty the Queen is willing to help you break through the high-level personally." In the eyes of the thorn goblin and the dragon blood queen, all gold coins and resources must make way for the planting of dragon blood thorns. It's worth the effort, as long as it can increase the production of thorns.

Fianna Hearthfire and Tanya spent the whole afternoon measuring the location of the small sinkhole, while Lante was busy asking the high-level thorn Andiris about her requirements for the growth environment. Lante did not forget that he The original intention of being pulled over was to make a special breeding tank for Andirise.

"Is it possible that this was also cursed by someone?" Rand looked at the little cardinal, thinking of the nightmare he had a few days ago.

Lante proposed a brand new way of thinking for the thorn fairies, and also added a lot of work for himself. By the time Lante led the two big fairies back to Yeqi City, it was past dinner time.

"What are you? Have you broken through?" Tanya asked, she clearly felt that the magic power of the girl in front of her had changed significantly.

"Did you hallucinate yourself?" Rand understood now.

When Lante, Tanya, and Fiana saw Little Cardinal, she had just been carried out of the training circle by several girls. Trying to release the healing spell, Little Cardinal didn't have any wounds on her body, which could not be healed.


"Not necessarily, it's not the kind of drugging or illusion magic, it's more like using extremely complicated magic to put yourself into a certain state." Tanya saw that the little cardinal's mouth stopped trembling, The eyes are also rolled up. "It should be that she left the training circle, and the fan lock she gave herself stopped."

"For example, she released a fan lock, but because the fan lock is too complicated, the effect can only be reflected on her body."

"No, she doesn't have any source of magic other than her own and the magic of the leylines." Tania flew up to the girl, opened the eyelids of the little cardinal, but saw the girl's eyes fixed on the front, It didn't look faint at all, "I think, did she fall into some kind of magical illusion?"

"My lord, you are back. Something happened to Miss Cardinal!" Just as Lante passed through the portal, Yuling ran over and shouted, "She fainted in the training circle!"

"What? What does this mean?" Lante was a little confused.

"Ahem..." With Tanya's support and constant pats on the back, the little cardinal gradually came to life, "My lord? Teacher Tanya? Teacher Fiana? Why are you here?" Little cardinal Still don't quite understand what happened after she fell to the ground.

"I don't know. In the magic book that the adults gave us, there is a small learning fanlock, which has a similar effect to the teaching fanlock. It can strengthen the concentration and inspiration of the members of the fanlock. I tried to use it in the training magic circle. Release a learning fan lock, and solve the math problems encountered in releasing the fan lock in the learning fan lock." When the little cardinal spoke, her lips turned white, and she looked very weak.

"Good guy, this is to use a server to build a virtual machine, and then program the system in the virtual machine, right?" Rant was speechless after being shocked by the programmers of Little Cardinals.

"Hurry up and get her something to eat," Rand asked someone to bring the girl something to eat, "Little Cardinal, it's okay if you can't solve some math problems, you can solve them in time when you reach a high level. This kind of complicated problem not only consumes your brain, but also your hair, why don't you ask Tanya and the others to braid you with magic patterns?"

"What are you concerned about?" Tanya was very speechless at Rand's escaped thinking, "Little Cardinal, although this training circle can simulate your state of being connected to the magic net, the magic circle is not a magic circle. The net itself cannot provide you with unlimited magic power. A magic lock requires at least a magister to activate, and junior magisters are very laborious. And the magic power that this magic circle can provide you is the level of a great magician. At the current intermediate level, it is too difficult to activate the myth lock."

(End of this chapter)

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