Before ascending to God, be a good lord

Chapter 308. 305. The Family Fund and the Great Fairy Are in Distress

Chapter 308. 305. The Family Fund and the Great Fairy Are in Distress
Because Rand's family population is too simple, even though Rand has seen the genealogy of the galloping royal family in the palace, he has never thought about the relationship between the genealogy and his own family. As a result, Rand really can't think of it. what effect.

"This group of insects obviously want to monopolize the running horse fund!" Huck running horse said viciously.

"What? Our family still has a fund?" Rand's eyes lit up after hearing this. Although he had never heard of it, he could understand it. Blessed by the Goddess of Commerce, it is also stamped by the Imperial Finance Office.

"Of course there is, but it is very difficult for our family to get it. This money is the deposit of the Galloping Horse Kingdom in the Imperial Finance Office. After the country's subjugation, His Majesty the God Emperor used the annual interest of this money to train young people from the Galloping Horse Clan in various places. People, when Albert went to study in the imperial capital, it was because of this money." Huck became more and more angry, "The Marquis of Fiat, relying on himself as the suzerain of the Benma family, dared to distribute the proportion of the fund at will. Since Albert After Te came back from the imperial capital, the money was never given to our family again!"

"No, now that we have taken Yeqi City, why do we still have this fund?" Lante grasped the key point, "I have seen the large amount of documents left by the Ministry of Finance, including deposits and debts, If this money is the inheritance of the Benma Kingdom, it should be returned to the Yeqi City Financial Department after deducting all debts. Now that the Benma Plain has returned to human hands, this kind of recovery fund is no longer necessary Instead of setting up a Kuang Fu Benma Fund and watching them steal money, it is better to use it for the construction of Yeqi City and the entire plain."

"Rand," Huck was a little stunned when he heard what Rant said, "Are you sure? Many members of the Benma family can only go to school in the imperial capital and various capitals because of the subsidy of this money! You If it’s revoked, they won’t be able to come over and work hard!”

"This money belongs to the Benma Kingdom. If they use it, they can send their young people to Yeqi City to work; if not, I can continue to lend them money, as long as they repay the money with principal and interest in the future. In short, we are the masters of the Benma Plain. I don’t recognize their genealogy. I have the official genealogy of the Benma royal family, but there is no Fiat Benma’s name on it. I also have the meeting minutes of the Yeqi City’s governing hall. , the higher-ups do not agree to give the funds of the Galloping Horse Kingdom to their unworthy descendants."

Rand, who holds Yeqi City and the complete Padmira Palace in his hand, is not afraid of any legal disputes at all. Today's city was handed over to Rand by Queen Padmira, and the sacred Supreme Council specially appointed him as the Archon.

After listening to Rand's words, although Huck was relieved a lot, he still had some doubts, "Rand, they are all relatives. Except for that Fiat, we should try our best not to offend anyone else."

"My lord, my lord, there is an emergency here, which must be handed over to you immediately," before old Huck could continue, Yuling who was guarding the communication room ran over and handed a piece of manuscript paper to Rand.

Lante couldn't allow any of the big goblins to have problems, so he immediately asked to assemble the knights, and Wendy took the two magic goblins of Fengshui to walk the waterway, and he and the two big goblins, Tanya and Fiana, rushed eastward overnight.

"Please tell me clearly, when did I underestimate the enemy and rush in, the hundreds of people in that camp plus one can't beat me, I'm just distracted by that shit priest, their ordinary weapons can't hurt me at all!" Teresa spread her butterfly wings at this moment, and the surrounding earth elements formed a small sandstorm, constantly hitting the senior knight, suppressing him speechless.

The content of the manuscript is very simple. When the great magic goblin Teresa Lava attacked Rocky Love Mountain, she encountered an accident due to underestimating the enemy. Currently, her life is not in danger, but the entire attack has temporarily stopped.

"If you write like this, what will Tania think if she reads it? If that fire baby, who is called Fianna, is here, where will I save my face? Do you know that fire baby can laugh at me for hundreds of years?"

. . .

At the same time, Teresa Lava was getting angry with Wayans at Station No. 9 in the East at the same time.

"What?" Little Linque couldn't believe it either. In the morning, she swore that the Eastern Front that won the mountain pass would be fine, but now it's endangering the big goblin.As for Huck, Wendy and the others beside them, they were even more surprised and speechless.

"I want to truthfully report the situation to Lord Lante at that time. It was very critical at that time." Waynes Lanyuan finally found a place to retort, "If they succeed, I can't explain to Lord Lante!"

"It's urgent, you're the one holding me, or I'll flatten that mountain and bury them directly. If you don't send a message today to tell them the truth, you won't be able to sleep!" Teresa said like A big moth kept flying around the knight, "Just write, there are more jackal barbarians than expected, about 500 demon possessors, we went deep alone, and we couldn't find their leader after killing seven in and seven out. After the battle, write and post quickly, Huo Niu should fly over and laugh at me if it is late!"

"Teresa is in distress?" Lante couldn't believe that the barbarians on the plain could threaten the magic goblin, but this information was reported by Waynes himself, so he couldn't tolerate disbelief.

When the magic goblin was pestering the high-ranking knights, the barbarian priest Shrike Bearpaw looked at them with a bitter face. The battle during the day was really abnormal, and Shrike couldn't figure out what happened, let alone be sure. With the existing less than a hundred knights, nearly 500 barbarian demon possessors near the mountain pass can be subdued.

"You dare to write quickly. You just took advantage of my building the castle and ran to report the news. If you dare not pass by me next time, you will send a message to Yeqi City. I can't spare you." The more Teresa said, the more anxious she became. I almost wrote a letter to Lan with a pen, but the magic goblin doesn't know human characters, at least not from birth.

Rand didn't receive the new message from the big goblin. In order to cover up her situation, Teresa spent more than an hour instructing Wayans to write a letter. Night is not a fixed communication time. He could send someone to the salt mine on horseback, but when the messenger came back, Lante had already brought two magic goblins to the East Nine Station.

"Ah~ Teresa, Your Majesty the Queen has personally taken care of you since she was a little elf. How could you be tricked by a few barbarians? Is it because the turbulent flow messed up your judgment, or did the barbarians hide it from your eyes? "As Teresa expected, the flame fairy Fianna started to mock her as soon as she met her.

(End of this chapter)

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