Chapter 545 542.Gift

When Jenny Benma met Rand for the first time, she was neither particularly surprised nor disappointed.From her point of view, the young knights and mages in front of her are the more ordinary children of big families: they have reached a high level at a young age, they are obviously very arrogant in their hearts, but they will appear approachable.

Jenny, who used Mermaid Charm but was not very successful, secretly thought in her heart: "Let me see your fineness, and see how rich you, the owner of Yeqi City, are."

"Earl Lante, this time I am here on behalf of my father, Marquis Fiat, just to see what our family can do in Yeqi City," Jenny said in a gentle voice, and took out the ring from the space ring in her hand. I bought several magic sealing boxes. "My father asked me to bring you some presents."

A box of potions, a set of magweave armor that can be used at the beach, and a small box of magic books and magweave jewelry. These are the gifts that Jenny put all her belongings on. These gifts are always available in the market for 6000 gold coins. of.She hoped that such a gift would impress the lord on the opposite side, allowing him to open an opening for her family, so that she could have a higher status in Yeqi City.

However, the girl didn't see a hint of greed on the man's face. Instead, he took out three boxes in a calm manner, opened them, and said, "Just in time, I also have some here that you can bring to the Marquess of Fiat." of."

The galloping horse vintage suit, a complete set of galloping horse knight team leader armor, and a set of 16 pieces of magic pattern amber jewelry. After Jenny carefully checked the magic pattern of these three boxes, she found that Rand deliberately picked out the magic patterns in comparison with her gifts. Three gifts of a similar type come out, but more expensive.

Especially those 16 pieces of magic-pattern amber jewelry. Although one of his gifts included a rare mid-level car headband, it was still a little thinner compared to the whole set of magic jewelry.

The more she looked at Rand's gift, the more worried Jenny became. It was obvious that she didn't want to take advantage of her. When they meet in the future, they just want to recognize a relative, and as long as they don't owe each other.

After reading all the presents, the girl found that Rand took out a very delicate bottle in her hand. There was a running horse logo on the palm-sized glass bottle, and there seemed to be a lot of magic patterns on it.

Rant handed the bottle to Jenny, and introduced: "This is our latest product - skin cream, you can use it as a potion for external application. The potion is extracted from two kinds of magic fungi, combined with long-haired sheep Fat, can play a very good role in moisturizing and maintaining the magic lines of the body."

"Moisturizing?" Jenny took the glass bottle, only to find a small piece of amber with magic patterns embedded in the bottle. The amber exudes a faint water magic, which makes the girl who is fed up with turbulence and dryness immediately feel I feel better.

In fact, Rand has no idea about skin care products. It was after Kay mentioned that her magic lines needed maintenance, and Rand and Harkara tried to make a few products together. However, Wendy and others couldn't say anything about moisturizing creams. Opinion.

Seeing the interested look of Jenny in front of him, Rand knew that he had given it to the right person: "You can try it and give us some advice. Most of my territory is local children, and they don't have much feeling for moisturizing."

After unscrewing the bottle, you can smell a faint floral fragrance immediately. Girls try to pour some on their hands and apply it on the water magic lines on their cheeks, and immediately feel a refreshing feeling of returning to the sea.

Jenny closed her eyes and enjoyed it for a moment before she began to comment: "I have to say, it is really a great potion, but can I suggest that you make the effect of the magic pattern on the bottle more prominent, so that water magicians can use the bottle itself as a potion?" A magical accessory to carry with you."

"You mean, it's similar to essential oils, right?" Lante nodded, "Thank you very much for your proposal, I knew you would be able to give professional advice."

After the baby fight, the two of them fell into a brief silence. Jenny is a latecomer who sees every trick and adapts to the situation. She understands that the lord in front of her has a good card: recovering Yeqi City, backing the Fairy Queen, and fighting the orcs And win the battle, let the barbarians convert to the emperor, which one is more reliable than their family running the Benma family but relying on sea monsters, controlling the Benma fund, shouting to fight back to the Benma Plain but building warships every year up.

Therefore, Jenny wished that Lante would speak first, she would understand Lante's thoughts, and then she would make the best use of the situation to bridge the misunderstanding between the two families.However, Rand in front of her was obviously a latecomer. After both of them were silent, she had to speak first as the one who took the initiative to ask for a meeting.

"My lord, I know that you have heard some rumors about my family, and you also have some understanding of the various organizations and composition of the Benma Fund." After a short thought, Jenny decided to say some of the most practical things, "I don't know if you would like to know What about the accounts of the Galloping Horse Fund?"

"I brought back a few boxes of ledgers from the imperial capital," Lante said with a smile. They were moved back one after another in the name of Yeqi City Finance Department and Harkala.

"It's not those superficial accounts, it's the detailed accounts of our family and the Galloping Horse Fund. I wonder if you are interested in listening to Mr. Rand?" Jenny looked at Rand with a smile, and when he nodded, she began to recite stand up.

"From Emperor Shenhuang 725, the world was at peace, and His Majesty took back all the war bonds held by the Benma family. After the formation of the Benma Fund in 730, the fund has been in operation for 272 years. In the year when the fund was established, the Imperial Finance Department allocated 20 Gold coins invested in 12 magic workshops of the family, and then invested 5 gold coins successively in the following 35 years to support another 40 workshops. This total of 52 workshops is the source of the current prosperity of the galloping horse clan. Last year alone was the year 996 of the Emperor of God In one year, all the magic workshops of the Benma family will pay 75 gold coins to the Benma Fund, of which 52 gold coins will be handed over by the Southeast Kingdom."

Speaking of this, the girl asked Rand, "Is this consistent with some of the data you saw?"

Seeing Rand nodded gently, Jenny continued to add: "I can also tell you some specific accounts, such as dozens of magic workshops belonging to the Fiat family in the Southeast Kingdom, mainly producing religious buildings and necessary items in public facilities. The water system magic pattern plate, the water system healing scroll, and the cultivation of 6 kinds of magic shells."

"I can understand Lord Rand's perception of the Benma Fund, and I can also understand your desire to use the Benma Fund for the construction of the Benma Plain. However, I must remind you that the fund that looks valuable to outsiders is actually The flexible funds that can be withdrawn are very limited, and the annual subsidies distributed to various Benma families are entirely maintained by our Fiat family.”

(End of this chapter)

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