Before ascending to God, be a good lord

Chapter 737 Chapter 734 Communication between Dwarves

Chapter 737 Chapter 734. Communication between dwarves
In the corridor of the factory building in the new industrial zone, several knights rolled several large 2-meter-diameter wine barrels towards the center of the factory.

As they entered the production workshop of the factory, they heard the hearty laughter of the legendary dwarf.

"Jionni, Sophia, you don't know how powerful Queen Tenia's artifact is!" Sherman raised the hammer given to him by Lant with his right hand, his eyes filled with pride.

"That day I went to the High King of Furnace City and lent him this artifact to try. Guess what? The High King was so greedy that he wanted to trade his crown with me, but I didn't even bother to pay attention to him!"

"Uh..." The honest and sweet Jonny always thought Sherman was a dwarf who couldn't brag, but she ignored that he had already drank several barrels of soju.

"Don't you believe it, hahaha"

The dwarf looked at Jonny's look and continued, "It is said that when Her Majesty Tenia visited Ocetilan and the Furnace Queen in the Furnace City, the High King cried and asked the two queens to make him an artifact to bring Oceti to the furnace. Queen Lan is so annoyed!"

"Ah? Did the last two queens do it?"

"It's done. The two queens made an iron drill from a piece of earth's core rock..." At the mention of this, Sherman began to laugh so hard that he couldn't speak. "But... that artifact can't be used. , because...hahahaha..."

The legendary dwarf kept laughing, so that the two girls were a little confused. Fortunately, another dwarf quickly explained.

"It's like this. The two queens added a magic to that great artifact. Before any dwarf can use it, he must abstain from alcohol for a month..."

"A month of abstinence from alcohol?" Sofia looked at Sherman holding a wine barrel next to her. "Is there any dwarf who can do this?"

"No!" the dwarf said in embarrassment, "I'm afraid the High King has no chance to use it!"

"Hahaha... You deserve that guy to cry in front of the two queens and embarrass Queen Ossetilan!" Sherman finally recovered. "Queen Ossetilan has witnessed the success of several generations of high kings in the Crucible City. Mother, can you spoil him like this?"

Sherman patted the dwarf next to him and pointed to a barrel of fine wine: "Old Hammer, you have been helping me collect the orcs' fine wine from Hindukel these years, and now you have brought such important news. You can bring the barrel of wine back with you, and I’ll give you some compensation for these years.”

Old Hammer is the dwarf bartender at the Papa Camel Tavern in Abaidee. It was he who told Sherman that the High King cried in front of the Forge and the Fairy Queen. He who guards the commercial capital of Abaidee does nothing but pour out fine wines from all over the place. , the more important mission is to pass information between dwarves everywhere.

"Thank you for your gift. This kind of wine is a priceless treasure in Abaidee!" Old Hammer said respectfully, "But Your Excellency, I came here specifically to see you this time because I heard that our compatriots in the empire have made it. Out of the magic furnace?

You also know that the magma in many mountain forts has tended to cool down. If magic power can no longer be injected, the furnace that maintains the mountain forts is likely to go out. So I would like to ask those compatriots how to obtain a magic furnace? "

"This..." Sherman looked at Jonny and Sophia on the side, took Old Hammer aside, and asked in a low voice, "The magic furnace is of great importance, how did you hear about it?"

"Of course it was revealed to me by the High King. He also heard about it from the Queen of Furnace City." The implication of Old Hammer's words was very simple. Tenia visited Furnace Castle and informed the Ossetian woman about the magic furnace. ,

"When Queen Tenia came, the High King wanted to ask for the artifact. He could only ask me to ask you later, how to get the magic furnace?" "Oh, that's it..."

The legendary dwarf, who had been enjoying himself just now, suddenly lost his alcoholism. He was keenly aware that although the empire tried its best to block the news of the magic furnace, with the Queen of the Demon Network visiting various places, this news would definitely spread among the Fairy Queen. spread between.

"The magic furnace is the most complex and precise product of the Salt and Iron Division. The current magic furnace mold was personally participated by Queen Tenia back then. The production of each one also required multiple magisters to draw it personally..."

When the magic furnace was mentioned, Sherman sobered up a lot. He kept emphasizing the complexity, precision, and difficulty of manufacturing the magic furnace. He emphasized how many processes and manufacturing steps were used in these devices that were almost works of art.

Jonny and Sophia on the side looked more and more embarrassed as they listened. They both knew that the most critical step of the magic furnace was that Lant had to personally come forward during the installation. This was the magic network's use of his hands to carry out the magic furnace. "Authorized", however, when Sherman said it, it was as if only the Salt and Iron Company in this world could manufacture magic furnaces.

When Sherman saw that the two girls had strange expressions, he said calmly: "Of course, the magic furnace is not only the work of the Salt and Iron Company, but also the authority of the magic network. Every magic furnace connected to the magic network must pass through Personal operation by the one favored by the Demonic Network."

"The favored one of the magic net? Is it a magic fairy?" Old Hammer asked.

Old Hammer is just a mid-level dwarf and has never experienced the Magic Network in his life. In his opinion, the magic goblin is part of the Magic Network, and naturally he should be able to integrate the magic furnace into the Magic Network.

"According to you, even if the fairy queens have this right, there should be new magic furnaces everywhere on the entire continent!" Sherman patted the old hammer on the shoulder, "You are making things simple. At present, The only ones who can successfully install the magic furnace are the favored ones of Queen Tenia of the Magic Network..."

"Marquis Lant?" Old Hammer reacted before Sherman could continue. "No wonder there have been so many divine descendants in Hindukel's city-state recently..."

When Sherman saw that Old Hammer had come to his senses, he was afraid that if he told the whole truth to the dwarfs, many dwarf mountain forts would break away from the Salt and Iron Company and trade directly with Rand, so he quickly said:
"Old Hammer, the installation of a magic furnace is a systematic project. In the early stage, it is necessary to conduct on-site exploration and construction of the magic furnace room and control room. In the middle, it is necessary to design, build, and install the magic furnace. After installation, there is debugging and operation and maintenance. Each of these Each step requires the participation of many magisters."

Sherman pointed to Sophia and Jonny beside him and introduced: "This Sophia is a magic pattern designer. Her main job is to design and draw the magic patterns and magic circles on the outer surface of the magic furnace.

This Jonny is the model designer of the magic furnace. In addition, Gu Leiya and Wendy are responsible for the magic circle design of the magic furnace room, and your brother Luo Zin Bintie is mainly responsible for smelting and casting the magic furnace... "

The legendary dwarf read out the names of dozens of magisters one after another, with 5 magic goblins among them, which made Old Hammer frown.

"So complicated?"

Sherman nodded proudly and said with a smile: "This is still simplified! If you don't believe it, just ask them. When the first magic furnace was installed, several legends were standing by."

"Hmm..." The two girls nodded. What the legendary dwarf said was correct. When they and Lant installed the first magic furnace, there was indeed a group of legends guarding the side, but they didn't do it at all. No action!

(End of this chapter)

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