from Xingyuan

Chapter 189 046.Never Fade Away

Chapter 189 046.Never Fade Away
The throat of the last betta in front of the Grand Duke was broken. Alexia clamped his artery and trachea with her thumb and index finger joints, squeezed hard, and ended his life.


The corpse fell to its knees and then collapsed.

The six Beta-level guards were all wiped out by Alexia alone.

Alexia was not at ease. She raised her head and looked at the Grand Duke Gamoth in front of her. This despicable comprador betrayed the interests of the people of Gulant, only for the continuation of her own life.

For 300 years, he watched his sons die one after another. Not to mention the life and death of the Gulante people, even if the entire country perished, he didn't care at all.

Grand Duke Gamos sat paralyzed on the throne. His burly body was extremely shriveled, his muscles were atrophied, and his lime-gray skin was as rough as tree bark, full of cracks. His body was filled with various electrodes and tubes to maintain his body. Normal voltage, and inject nutrients into his body.

Pound, thump...

The strong heartbeat resounded throughout the room like a war drum, full of a strange sense of oppression.

His cloudy eyes could no longer see what color it was, he only knew that his head moved slightly sideways, his huge arm was spread out on the armrest like a Roman column, his gaze slowly turned, and fell on Alexia's face superior.


A hoarse sound came from the respirator, echoing continuously in the Yanwang Palace:

"Finally, you are here."


Alexia had nothing to say. She beckoned, and the spear nailed to the psychic's corpse immediately flew back into her hand, re-melted and transformed into a sickle, and immediately slashed towards the opponent with a piercing blow.

In response, the Grand Duke raised his eyelids.

Suddenly -!
Immediately, a ferocious half-wolf, half-human green demon spirit escaped from the void in front of it. It raised its thick arms to directly block the air-piercing slash, and its three eyes lit up with a dark blue light.

'Master Wolf knows you, hehe, the ghosts of the old times, there is one of you! '

The green wolf spirit smirked:

'You comrades, I know, ha ha. '

"……what do you know?!"

Alexia withdrew her offensive, and out of concern for the motherland, she hurriedly asked.

"Cang Cui." The Grand Duke said dissatisfiedly: "Don't talk nonsense."

'What a pity, Gammos, this is a relic from the same old days as you.It would be too pitiful not to tell her the truth. '

Gamos remained silent, his heavy breathing added a dark cloud to Alexia's heart.

"Comrades of Yamilyoko, what's the matter?"

'Indomitable tastes spicy, pain is slightly sweet, and despair is as creamy as cream. '

The green wolf spirit cracked a long kiss and laughed shrillly:

'That was a real hit, a feast for the taste buds. '


Alexia clenched the sickle tightly, and a cold murderous intent appeared in her dark golden eyes.

"I'm in a hurry, hehe, I knew you would be like this. People in the old days are too simple."

The green wolf spirit laughed in a low voice, his figure faded, and he sneered and disappeared into the void:
'Don't worry, they are defeated, and you will soon be too! '

The moment the verdant wolf spirit disappeared, Alexia's figure instantly cut through its afterimage, and swung the scythe of judgment towards the giant on the throne!

Grand Duke Gamos did not move at all, but a vermilion radio suddenly appeared in front of him. It seemed to be an earlier product than the old times. The red radio was floating in the air, turning slowly, sending out Rushing electric sound:

'Swish-Swish-Welcome to Sunday, Carrie tells ghost stories. '

The magnetic but horrifying male voice seemed to pierce the deepest fear in people's hearts at once:
'Today, our story is: 'Death of a Giant''

Alexia's pupils shrank, and she tried her best not to hear the other person's voice, but the sound of the radio quietly penetrated into her brain and rang through her heart.

'Ivan is an old giant standing on the edge of the end of the world, his arms ran away from home, his legs ran away with the other giants, his head is rotten and covered with maggots, and the only thing left is a pile of mud . '

Alexia's pupils dilated and contracted violently, and her consciousness became extremely blurred. She bit her lip and used the pain to stay awake.

After his death, the evil giant who was once eliminated by Ivan became even more aggressive. People forgot that Ivan had defeated the greatest evil and regarded Tom next door as their savior. '

The cold, the incomparably thorough cold, spread from the bone marrow to every cell in the body, and every molecule seemed to be frozen.

'Well, did this story scare you?Ms. Alexia Inmanuel Justin. '


The sickle was slowly lifted away by a paw, and a hawk-headed demon wearing a gentleman's hat and holding a cane casually put aside Alexia's weapon, and said happily:
'Good day, ma'am, it's a pity you didn't see your great country crumbling and disintegrating in the face of natural disaster - but I promise in the name of the great [Greedy Speaker] Red King, it was a very grand scene display! '

The eagle-headed demon spirit pinched Alexia's neck, and the opponent's resistance seemed quite weak. No matter how much she struggled, it meant that her defense line of will was broken.


Alexia was like a dilapidated doll, thrown on the ground at will, and the eagle-headed demon spirits circled around her, constantly mocking and desecrating her lofty beliefs.

'Your faith is meaningless, because people only live for themselves, and even the poorest workers in Yamilyoko will proudly puff out their barren chests when they think of their ideals of 'breaking inequality' - no Do you think it's ridiculous? '

'No one is willing to inherit that will, you are just a group of anti-human lunatics. '

'You are the most evil regime in the world, monsters without humanity and conscience. '

'When Yamilioko was born, there was an evil demon in the whole world. '

'You want to take away the hard work of the elites and distribute them to the poor, but if the giants just shrug their shoulders, the whole world will be out of order. '

'Ordinary people are not worthy of mastering the world, only powerful elites are worthy. '

"Eagle emblem, kill her."

Grand Duke Gamoth was angry, but the demon spirit called Eagle Emblem didn't take it seriously, and still wanted to torture Alexia with words.

'Let me play, Gamus, you haven't let me out in 200 years, let me relax. '

Eagle Emblem swung his arms and poked Alexia's spine with his cane.

Gamos's eyes lighted up with a faint blue aura, and the eagle emblem demon spirit felt as if it had been hit by an electric current. With a muffled grunt, it raised its sharp claws reluctantly, and stabbed towards Alexia's forehead.

There was a loud crash, and it was the blocked gate of Yanwang Palace.

Ying Hui was taken aback and muttered:
'What happened?I feel an uncomfortable breath. '

Grand Duke Gamos panted violently, with sweat dripping from his forehead, he insisted:
"Eagle emblem! Kill her!"

'You are very annoying, so long-winded! Ying Hui choked dissatisfied: "I advise you to clarify your position!"Without the spirit body to help you support your body, you are just a rotting lump of protein!Someone outside is knocking on the door?Are you unresponsive? '

"Don't...don't worry about, my...spiritual...spiritual power is blocking the door!"

'Is that so? '

As it spoke, it opened its mouth, drawing the faintly visible spiritual power from Alexia.

The door blocked by spiritual power was slammed again. The huge impact sounded like the ringing of a death knell. The back of Gamos' hands trembled, and the skin all over his body heaved rapidly, revealing a disgusting purple rash.

"Eagle emblem! Hurry up!"

'I've had enough of you, Gamus! '

The eagle emblem surged with hostility, and immediately threw Alexia heavily on the ground, stepped on her spine, turned around and immediately rushed towards Gamos, its empty body merged into Gamos' body, the Grand Duke The pupil shrank, and immediately opened its mouth wide, emitting a raging gray light from the inside out.

Gamos lowered his head slowly, pulled off the respirator on his mouth, put a gentleman hat on his head, and said proudly:

"Haha, you old bastard, do you think I don't know that you are at the end of your battle? Now, this body belongs to me!"

As Yinghui said, he raised his finger, and Alexia's body was slowly covered by invisible spiritual power, and hoarfrost covered her body.

"Farewell, the last old man."

A cane emerged from Eagle Emblem's hand, and just as it was about to smash the frozen Alexia, the door was hit again.

"Damn, it's never over!"

Ying Hui was furious, and looked up at the gate—the barrier of spiritual power collapsed in an instant, and countless fragments of spiritual particles were like crystal dust, falling like snowflakes.

At that moment, Yinghui suddenly realized why it felt extremely uncomfortable.


The flames were burning continuously, reflecting a gorgeous crimson brilliance in the crystal clear debris of spirit seeds all over the sky.

Alexia slowly rolled her eyes, and in her frozen vision, she could only vaguely make out the burning figure.

"Li Ao..."

The figure of the flame made a hoarse voice:

"There is no longer a door that can stop me."

Accompanied by the rapid regeneration of the body, the burning flame slowly subsided, revealing Li Aoz's scorched face.

The super ability pod protruded from the elbow joint, spouting purple and crimson heat.

【Eternal Blood】——Superposition

'Don't die, live! '

Nomi gave him the importance of life.

【Natural Flame】——Superposition

'If you have time, go to college. '

Qiu Ran told him the dignity of life.

The power of arcane energy is intertwined and intertwined, and the sustenance of the soul makes an agreement here.

More and more people put their hopes on him and their abilities to Li Ozi, hoping that he will do something.

What a nuisance, he's stupid, stubborn, and arrogant.

But there are so many people who are willing to believe in him and wish him well.

"Sure enough, I still don't like to use my brain."

Li Aoz raised his burning fist, under the flames, fresh flesh and blood continued to proliferate and regenerate. The flames used flesh and blood as fuel, and the flesh and blood used flames as energy, just like a phoenix in nirvana, embracing new life in the fire.

The abundant arcane energy provided him with infinite motivation, and Alexia who fell to the ground reminded him of Qiu Ran who was transformed into a raging fire.

"Alici, you can't die here."

Li Oz said.


"If you're afraid that you won't find the meaning of living—then, do you want to see the sun?"


Alexia murmured.

"Blue sky, white clouds, sun, moon, and endless star abyss."

"It's too far away, it's impossible..." Alexia didn't dare to hope. "We've all failed, and neither can you—"

"The so-called romance is to do things that others can't do, to go where others can't go!"

"I think, even if your faith is far away, there is nothing more romantic than going to the universe for the entire Azure Star. If you believe me, then I will take you to see space, see the moon and the sun , walk to the edge of the black hole."

"Don't doubt me, Eilish—history may be forgotten, but those who have succeeded will never disappear."

"Going to that unknown star abyss and dying on an alien planet is the ultimate destination of mankind!"

Alexia opened her mouth and whispered:
"...I don't believe that humans can do it, but I believe in my groom."

Li Aoz clasped his fists in both hands, the red and black in his pupils expanded to the entire eyeball, and his whole body was wrapped in raging flames:
"Two in one—Phoenix Bomb!"

 Everyone's stereotypes are too strange, how can anyone think that if a female character comes out, she will die.

  Besides, according to the order, it should be Yawen who died, right?
(End of this chapter)

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