from Xingyuan

Chapter 24 024. Cheese Nomi

Chapter 24 024. Cheese Nomi
"R-103 carbine, VK-74 vertical rifle—where did this group of medical rescuers get the standard weapons?"

Li Aoz didn't dare to touch these equipment because he was jealous of the potential handwriting of the "biochemist", but Nomi, who was born in the Rose Army, had one eye, and after picking out the bullet from the bullet hole, he began to touch the body of the vigilante.

After some searching, she was deeply confused by the array of active weapons used by these vigilantes.

"I'm not familiar with firearms, what should I pay attention to?" Li Ozi asked, having almost forgotten the information about the early weapons and equipment.

"The military weapons of the four countries are basically divided into two types, either they are developed by themselves, or they are directly purchased from GTB - I heard that GTB's firearms are extremely exquisite in workmanship, they are not like mass-produced murder weapons in factories, but elegant and beautiful. Works of art. I'd love to snag a few."

Nomi turned the rifle upside down. She was small, and the vigilante's rifle, which required exoskeletons and prosthetic bodies, required her to hold it with both hands together—the small body was stacked with the huge gun, it seemed Kind of funny.

Nomi pouted:
"Look, it's FPM-RFI on it—meaning Frost Plated Military, Leif Small Arms Industries."

"I know Leif Light Weapons, the largest military-industrial complex enterprise in Frost Plating." Hearing a familiar name, Li Aoz frowned instead: "Are you sure? This is a weapon manufacturer exclusively for the Frost Plating Defense Force. "

"Of course I'm sure! Look, there's a serial number behind it—RFQAJ2200121, uh..."

A gleam of light flashed through Li Aoz's gray eyes. He had faintly sensed something, but for the sake of stability, he still asked, "What do you mean?"

Nomi says:
"It means... this gun was manufactured on January 1 this year."

This sentence is more straightforward, that is, Mingji Humanity just completed the transaction from Frost Plated's number one military-industrial complex in January this year.

Nomi's speech made Li Aoz deep in thought.

The Four Kingdoms are not just countries. For the people outside, the Four Kingdoms are holy places, a paradise, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the Garden of Eden in the mythology.

Shikoku monopolizes all energy, mineral deposits and even sunlight in the world by deploying large-scale hemispheric cities.

The red and black evil cloud covers the entire atmosphere of the blue star. Without sunlight, trees cannot survive. Without sunlight, the earth is frozen for a long time. At the same time, due to the low temperature and poor terrain, storms are raging, and the nutrients in the soil will be directly blown away. .

Without these basic living conditions, no biological gathering place could be born in the outside world.

Therefore, only people have ever smuggled into the four countries, and no one, including Li Aoz, would be willing to stay outside.The extremely harsh environment here is simply impossible for people to live on.

It is precisely because the four countries have monopolized energy and resources that the oppression of border towns and outside areas became more unscrupulous, and this led to the rise of resistance groups such as the Rose Army.

Energy is life, and resources are the lifeblood. The Four Kingdoms are in charge of the lives of all living beings. From this perspective, the Four Kingdoms' exploration of the outside world will only lead to outside organizations and groups turning to the Four Kingdoms that control their destiny.

In other words, if an outside organization is connected to the four countries, then the organization itself can be regarded as a part of the four countries.

It’s not that no one has explored this plot line in the previous life, but it’s because Frost Plating, a coin-minting country, has relatively little news, and Frost Plating players were confused by Law [-], gender discrimination, harsh upgrade environment, and endless specialties. Desperate, who is in the mood to pay attention to a long-term task of the "Mutant" topic.

Players really dig out the mission plot of "Not to Be Remembered" after version 3.0, as a chat material after dinner and dinner.

version 3.0?The blue star was blown up by the players themselves!It would be weird to dig out the plot.

"Mingji Humanitarian Rescue Organization... The professor said that this organization itself was established to continue the humanity of the outside world. However, no matter what she means by this sentence, I feel that the Mingji Human Way is an outside organization."

Li Aoz played with the blade with his fingertips, thinking.

"Biological body guards, ordinary people imprisoned, and military contacts between the four countries, the outside world has been rumored that 'the dark traces of humanity are conducting taboo human experiments'..."

These things are intricate and seemingly irrelevant, but once they are related to the 'four countries', they don't seem to be so confusing.

"Speaking of which," Nomi suddenly realized something, and looked at Li Ozi with a wrench on his shoulders: "Aren't the dog doctors Mingji very kind to you? Why did you suddenly turn your back on them? Or do you want to fuck them?" Help those messy gangsters capture here, and then ask for benefits? If it's the latter, I advise you not to think how simple and kind people outside are..."

"Does it matter who I'm against?" Li Ozi didn't care.

"Huh? I think you look good, how do you talk... tsk tsk, are you so inhumane?" Nomi was a little surprised: "I beat up these villains because I had a problem with them , what are you planning?"

"Is Mingji Humanity a good person?"

"No. Have you ever seen a good man who would arrest a beautiful girl, perform surgery on her waist, put her in confinement, and make a bunch of rotten fish and canned shrimp?"

"Then why didn't you hit me?" Li Aoz gave her a weird look: "People who have done bad things, normal people see him and don't bully him, it is pity for him. No matter what you do to this kind of person, morality and Conscience will not be condemned, so why not do it?"

"Hey, I heard that you are not from the Four Kingdoms? Why are you so ignorant of the rule of law?"

"Law?" Li Aoz smiled, "Where there is political power, there is law—does it exist in the outside world?"

Nomi glanced at him unexpectedly, then grinned:
"Congratulations, you have mastered the survival rules of the outside world."

master?Li Aoz shrugged, there were at least two versions of the time he stayed in this place.

The outside world is a place outside the law, and those who seek the continuation of humanity in the place outside the law... are all lunatics.

"This is the realm where beasts live. Human beings should not come here, nor should they pursue the so-called light of humanity here."

Thinking of this, Li Aoz suddenly had a new idea.

In the past, players only found out that the Nether Trace Humanity and the White Fang Gang were not good things, but their way of digging was through the plot and collecting textual materials.

This method cannot be said to be inaccurate, but some information will be missed.

Because players generally only follow the standard process, at most they will destroy the White Fang Gang and the Necromancer Humane, and then explore the plot based on the leftover props and information.

But if the four countries are involved... "Not to Be Remembered" is more than just "unscrupulous doctors fighting evil gangs".

Li Aoz was planning in his heart. In fact, he had already activated the fourth line, which was the Rose Army.

How to maximize the benefits, and how to thoroughly uncover the secrets behind the human way of the underworld, for Li Aozzi, these two are actually the same thing.

"It's okay if I just get a guaranteed income, but my strength has grown, so I can try to get more rewards..."

So why not?

Li Aoz is not a greedy person, he just doesn't touch what he might get if he knows that if he puts in the effort, he just lets the opportunity go to waste—then why bother?
Moreover, if his thinking is correct, maybe the entire "Not to Be Remembered" mission process can be shortened by half, and in the next half a month, he will be able to get a generous mission reward, and he can go wherever he wants .

It's done!

Li Aoz made up his mind, adjusted the plan, and made a little adjustment.

"Who will you hit next?"

After a short rest, Nomi poked Li Aoz on the shoulder and asked:
"The area here is quite quiet. Why don't we rest a little longer, and then let's run away while they bite the dog?"

"Hit White Fang," said Leoz.

Nomi was taken aback:
"Huh? Are you crazy? The doctors of Mingji have done so many bad things. You have seen it yourself. Why do you help them..."

"Who said I'm going to help Mingji? Although Mingji is not a good thing, but the White Fang Gang is a real animal scum, human scum -- they and they, everyone must die."

Li Aoz tapped his temple.

The plan has been fully settled, just waiting to start the implementation.

"However, you have to play a play with me later."

"Acting? What are you going to do? Don't you just run away?"

"Idiot." Li Aoz gave the little man a contemptuous look: "Are you three shoulders or six legs, and the Mingji and White Fang gangs don't have vehicles? Or do you think I can conjure cheese bread for you with my bare hands?"

"Let you (Civilization Frost Plating) (quality external land)! I, I have worked hard in the external land for so many years, wouldn't I know? Besides, wouldn't it be over if you just went out and snatched their vehicles?"

Nomi blushed, and then his eyes lit up again:
"—and tell me about the cheese bread... where is it? Where is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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