from Xingyuan

Chapter 253 110. White Ring and Black Sun

Chapter 253 110. White Ring and Black Sun
"That's what I said. It's been so long since we've assembled, so it's time to go. I can't wait to beat up the eagle dogs of the King of the Rings."

"The most important thing is to save Big Brother!"

"That is to say, if the eldest brother cannot be rescued, the people will not be willing to trust our Red Fan team. Only a pure and kind person like him can do it."

The members of the red team outside the door couldn't wait any longer. Everyone was looking forward to such an important day and prepared to fight.

"I can't help it, I'll go to remind you——Sister, everyone is ready."

A close adjutant stepped forward and knocked on the door:
"Big sister, we—"


The door opened, Kagami Kazama bowed his head, his hood was pressed down, he followed the steps, clenched his fists, held his jacket in one hand, and walked in front of the people, his colorless eyes like a mirror swept over these soldiers.

Some of them were workers, some were former teachers, some were just housewives, and many were students.

Now, at a young age, they are scarred warriors.


The short purple-gray hair was pulled up by the wind, revealing the bronze ring around her neck. Kagami reached out and touched the ring around her neck. This was the last thing Teacher Alkanu gave her.

'This is the ring of order, which can filter the blood of the ether, preventing your brain from being taken over by that society and causing you to lose control and go crazy. Since the power of the blood of the ether is weakened, this will also greatly curb your combat effectiveness.However, no matter what, you must not take off this ring, otherwise you will become a monster more terrifying than an anaerobic person.Never, never, never take it off. '

"Crazy... Maybe, in the eyes of ordinary people, I, who have been fighting against this fucking world, have long been crazy."

She raised the corner of her mouth, took a step forward, faced the crowd, and shouted confidently:

"Hey! Classmates, I want to tell you some bad news—now, the entire country of Tianhuan Nation has taken up arms against us!"

The soldiers of the Chifan team looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"They say we are vermin, terrorists, demons who disrupt order."

The narrow mirror paused and said:
"They underestimate us - we are nothing, we are just gravediggers of the old order!"

"We will never stand still. The people have been blinded by kings and gangs who have stolen children's books, women's virtues, men's lives, and families' granaries. Now, they And enslave our whole world forever!"

"They said that the people of Tianhuan were brave and good at fighting, but they didn't mention that it was just an evil invasion."

Someone touched the unhealed wound and laughed.

"They say that for the King of the Rings, hundreds of millions of subjects are destroyed, but they dare not say that the King of the Rings is just a mortal!"

The students laughed out loud, scornful.

"They say don't complain and be content, so why can't Tianhuan eat the rice grown by farmers? Why does Tianhuan, as a member of the Four Kingdoms, insist on plundering and occupying the bitter cold outside? Why do those people keep saying The son of a rich family who says he is more noble than a pariah, but never dares to go to the battlefield?"

The former farmers in the rice fields and the former workers on the assembly line stopped talking. Their eyes were full of hatred and anger. The women who had been deprived of their husbands wiped away the tears from the corners of their eyes, and their eyes became more resolute. , clenched the steel gun in his hand.

They come from all walks of life, from all backgrounds, men and women, but now, they have only one identity in common: the oppressed.

"Let them say whatever they like, and history will remember that we have been here! Let them suppress and massacre, the noble ideals will not be killed by guns, and we unite and brave Tianhuan people, we will never die Do not succumb to the cruelty of the old kings and ministers."

The soldiers of the Red Fan team immediately raised their flags and waved them in the wind.

It was a pitch-black sun, and the blood-feuding red background symbolized the pain of being oppressed by the sky ring and the group, and the pitch-blackness was the opposite of the white color, which represented the "King of Heaven and the King of the Ring".

This is the flag that belongs to the people.

"Students, I know that most of you have not finished reading, we are very immature, but please remember that everything we do is chosen by this era, it is what people desire in their hearts but dare not do it Yes. The whole country is going to be suffocated, and someone has to go and lift the roof off and breathe."

"We are not great people, we are just the masters of this country."

"Now, the gods and emperors should kneel before us! It's time to drag them down from their shrines and thrones!"

She raised her fist, smashed it high into the sky, and shouted:

"Forward! For the new world!"


The pitch-black sword collided with the cross-word spear, and Li Aoz was flipped on the spot. Immediately afterwards, the qigong cannon of the Dragon Sect warrior slapped violently on his chest, blowing Li Aoz's left ribs to pieces. Open, revealing the beating heart, the sniper in the distance quickly pulled the trigger, and a machine gun bullet exploded on the heart, accurately cutting Li Aoz's heart into pieces, and evenly scattered and splashed.

Li Aoz staggered to the ground and got up rolling again. His flesh and blood were like woven strands, quickly building a structure and regenerating quickly. Just as he raised his head, a spell pierced his skull head-on like a throwing knife.

"Resentment Talisman: The technique of haunting ghosts!"

The spell exploded in an instant, and a vicious black ghost with a mucus-like head wrapped around Li Aoz's body immediately. He spit out his slender tongue and directly pierced into Li Aoz's brain, continuously sucking Li Aoz's brain.

The ten-character gun broke through the triple sonic boom, pierced Li Aoz straight through, and then quickly pulled out the tip of the gun. Lu Yuping shook his wrist three times, and the rapid force was like a tsunami. On Li Aoz's broken body.

Crane Pai·White Crane Chihiro Strike!
"Go to death!"

Lu Yuping didn't pay attention at all, and his tone became a little trembling. The great Onmyoji in the distance encouraged the evil spirits, and rushed up quickly, trying to encircle and carve up Li Aoz and completely cut off his life, but Li Aoz was exposed. Eyeballs swept slightly.

【Death link】

The chain of death immediately linked every biological node in the field of vision, binding Li Aoz's life to it, so the damage Li Aoz suffered was instantly transferred to all the monsters who came rushing.

The vicious monsters suddenly died and fell to the ground during the charge, turning into a puff of black smoke and dissipating. The big onmyoji in the distance was so angry that his face was ashen. This is the army of evil spirits he bought with his own organs.

"Turn harder, he's going to die soon—"

Before he could finish his words of encouragement, Li Aoz's neck was punched in the throat by Chu Wei, a warrior from the Dragon Sect. The surging force exploded and immediately shattered Li Aoz's head.

"Heart and brain are destroyed, so you can't be resurrected!"

Chu Wei said so, but he didn't dare to be careless at all. Sure enough, the next moment, Li Aoz's body was still standing, and he pulled back with gravity, and ejected his headless body into Chu Wei's arms. Deflagrated and caught fire.

Phoenix bomb.

The flames swallowed Chu Wei in an instant, and the short-distance explosion did not completely destroy Chu Wei. How could the majesty of the Gamma order be defeated so easily, let alone a Dragon School warrior with stellar energy protection, the energy The resistance is not low at all.

Chu Wei was blown back three steps, and the gas was broken, but he himself was unharmed, and his clothes were set on fire. He lightly brushed off the ashes, then grabbed his hand, the big hand transformed from invisible energy, and lifted it away to cover up Vision of flame.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a bloody mouth.


The dominator form bit Chu Wei's neck fiercely, and then the katana and the big sword pierced Chu Wei's ribs one after another. This physical stabbing is nothing to [Warrior] damage, but the most important thing is the percentage magic damage attached to [Severe Vitality].

"Cough uh!"

Chu Wei was seriously injured, and his health plummeted by 20.00%. He quickly smashed his elbow on Li Aoz's spine, and his strength penetrated Li Aoz's back, exploding brilliant blood on his chest.

"Go away, you wild dog!"

Lu Yuping was taken aback by this way of fighting, and quickly picked up the cross spear, stabbed into the abdomen of Li Aoz who was regenerating, stirred vigorously, and directly tore his two kidneys and intestines into pieces through the hook of the sickle blade. smash.

The pain of a severe blow to the kidney is almost the same level as that of childbirth. If it is a human being, it is impossible to resist this blow. Even a huge creature like a blue whale, whose internal organs are pierced by 30 centimeters, is basically a dead end.

However, Li Aoz refused to let go at all. His life value quickly recovered with the blood sucking from [Severe Vitality], and he no longer hesitated. This opportunity is too rare.

"How?! How could you not die! You are dead! You are going to die!"

The radiant energy of Shu Shadow Front gradually increased. He turned the hilt of the great sword, and the dusty sanctuary immediately lit up with runes. This magical weapon from outside the sky was enchanted with the purest sacred magic. Its effect is simple and rude, that is, Increase propulsion.

According to the ancient civilization standard of magic science and technology of Galaxi, the creation of magic weapons of this level is used to forcibly land on the enemy's flagship and perform decapitation operations.

Therefore, Li Aoz knew that this weapon still had a real form.

He directly turned the hilt of the great sword in the opposite direction, and the power of arcane energy was continuously extracted and poured into the body of the sword. The next moment, Chu Wei's expression changed.

hum... hum...

This sound is like an electric drill starting.

"Hey you--"

The hilt of the sword was instantly extended, the flesh and blood were stirred quickly, and the internal organs were shattered one after another. Chu Wei's back was completely pierced by the blade, and then his feet were lifted off the ground, and he was mercilessly forced by Li Aoz's wrist that pulled the meteor. He picked it up and pointed it at the sky.

"Chu Wei! You bastard! How dare you!"

The same [Warrior] Lu Yuping, although he disliked Chu Wei who had a different path, was the most sympathetic comrade in arms. Seeing Li Aoz's cruelty, he quickly drew his spear and stabbed at the weapon in Li Aoz's hand.

"Die, you piece of shit!"

"(Galaxi) Dusty Sanctuary - Shipbreaker mode!"

The fragments of light erupted instantly, and the powerful holy light particles gathered like a storm, setting off a turbulent death spiral in place, and the wind that rolled up immediately swept away Lu Yupingsan, a warrior of the Crane School, and rolled more than ten meters in place before getting up .

Lu Yuping's eyes were full of shock, and he looked at the golden storm in disbelief:

"Dragon God, what the hell is that!"

The blade turned.

Chu Wei's body was shattered in an instant, and the flesh and blood were melted and burned in the high-speed rotating light drill, turning into the same light particles, spinning away.

"Chu Wei!"

"This bastard!"

"Tsk, it's actually like this."

The three Gamma-order powerhouses took a step back, showing horror and anger.

How could this be, how could this be...

Chu Wei, he is a [Warrior], ordinary small nuclear bombs should not be able to kill him, how could he die so miserably?
"Nan Wusan, what a terrifying power this is, how could Azure Planet have such a weapon?"

The Great Onmyoji's face was terrified:

"Don't keep it, take all shots and kill him completely!"

Li Aoz flicked the 'Dust in the Sanctuary Shipbreaker', and the blade of this great sword has been deformed again. The rune shell that originally wrapped the light-forged blade bloomed like a shock shuttle at this moment, turning into a fighting sword. The long lance, the blade above the handle is still slowly turning, engulfed in shattered brilliance.

" demon."

"Don't be embarrassed."

Li Aoz turned the long spear, the wound on his face healed quickly, covered with elegant stardust, his voice was like a meteor piercing the night sky high in the sky, hoarse and roaring:
"Demons, generally call me - 'King of the Stars'."

【Pegasus Power】

Li Aoz raised his spear.

The next moment, a pair of 300-meter-long stardust wings spread out from behind him, spanning blocks and buildings.

(End of this chapter)

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