from Xingyuan

Chapter 258 115. Reunion after a long absence

Chapter 258 115. Reunion after a long absence

Its shape is very simple, with edges and corners. Twelve green electronic eyes light up on the buried inverted triangle head. The turbo engine on the chest rotates at high speed, distributing the energy of the reactor to the whole body. The overall curves are many. They are all sharp triangles, full of sharpness, full of sci-fi aesthetics of future craftsmanship.

The paintwork of this machine is very simple, white, with some yellow and black on the edges, but such a simple color scheme is full of an indescribable sense of oppression.

It's like, a warning.

Holding a rifle and a shield as big as its body, it stood alone among the ruins of the city, like a knight who insisted on protecting morality in the end.

The three pairs of huge sail-like propellers on the back are covered with various muzzles and missiles, the rocket pods on the shoulders, and the two electromagnetic rail guns on the waist all prove that it is a pure war machine.

Li Aoz was suspended in mid-air, facing this unknown machine, he asked again:

"Du Zexin, is that you?"

"...why separate the frost-plated colonies?"

In response to him, only an indifferent voice sounded on the radio:
"You're a frost-plated man, aren't you?"

Li Aoz scratched his chin:

"Well, I just got a green card from Red Arrow—"

The beam rifle was raised and aimed at Li Aoz's figure.

"You lied to me! Li Aoz!"

Du Zexin shouted angrily:

"You said you were doing it for the benefit of the Frostplated people, so why did you take away our colony?!"

"Did Rule Three send you to assassinate me?"

"Answer me, Li Aoz! Didn't you ever think of helping Shuangbai people? What you said, you are also a Davidin faction, and you introduced Miss Yawen to me. Are these things... all fake? "

Li Aoz supported his waist, and slowly opened the armor on his face, revealing his calm face.

"I did not lie to you."

His attitude was very sincere, and he dropped the weapon in his hand:
"Du Zexin, I've told a lot of lies, but in fact, the only person I haven't told is you."

[The charm judgment is successful, 'Du Zexin' believed your lie. 】

"Li Aoz...Li Aoz, why do you always convince me of your sweet words?"

Du Zexin put down his gun, but still maintained his hostility. He opened the cockpit of the mecha and stood on the monitor of the mecha. Compared with a few months ago, Du Zexin looked more sophisticated, with black and white hair blowing in the wind , wearing the elite spy uniform of Rule Three.

Only his haggard face was full of despair:

"You... who are you?"

"In Frost Plating is Frost Plating, and in Red Arrow is Red Arrow."

"Stop joking around at times like this, tell me, I don't want to shoot you, Leo, you've helped me a lot, but you've taken the colony away from the Frostplaters... I, I now I I don't know what you want to do, how should I face you."

"Why are you so strong?"

"Why are you going back and forth?"

"How did you get to know the news of Davielin's arrest?"

"Why, did you come to Tianhuan to make a big fuss?"

"If you weren't a spy for the Red Arrow, I really don't know what else to explain."

Du Zexin looked at him with complicated eyes:
"I thought we could be friends."

For a moment, his tone reminded Li Aoz of a kitten that was abandoned on a rainy day, curled up in a cardboard box, expecting a kind person to take it home.

But that's right, after all, over the past few months, the incidents of Mingji Humanity, Shuangban and Gulante have made Du Zexin very disappointed with the country, and Li Aoz's actions have also shaken him.

Now, he probably doesn't even know why he is fighting.

"You've said that, if I don't answer again, I'll look like a scumbag."

Li Aoz shrugged and replied solemnly:
"My real identity is No. 13 Narrative [Empire of Heroes] - Galaxi Civilization - special envoy of Fenis Federation, nicknamed 'Echoer', has lived on Azure Planet for more than [-] years, I didn't wake up until now."

The corners of Du Zexin's eyes twitched: "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Otherwise, how could you think that I, a bank security guard, would advance by leaps and bounds in a few months and become a strong man who killed four Gamma-ranks in a row?"

Li Aoz's speech left Du Zexin speechless.

Because there is no logical error in what you said.

If Li Aoz really came from an alien, then the source of his strength and many mysterious places can be explained.


"Li Aoz, if you are really an alien, what are you doing now, for what?"

"For you."


"Yeah, I like you guys." Li Aoz rubbed his fingers, the fingertips ignited a flame, and healed quickly, he said aftertaste: "There are still people who understand me on this planet, I think if I just stand by It makes me feel uncomfortable to see you all screwed up."

"Do you mean to say—"

"Yes, that's what you think." Li Aoz raised his head and looked at Du Zexin: "This planet is about to be destroyed. I'm going to the universe to find a way to save it."

"From the very beginning, I have been working hard for it. Whether it is sneaking into the underworld, coming to the sky ring, or going to Gulante, I am always looking for a way to go to the universe."

"Now, I've found it."

The barrier has been shattered, and Li Aoz pointed to the Hojo Building not far away:
"In the abandoned fog below the Hojo Building, there is a 1.4-megaton hydrogen bomb."

"I'm going to use that thing to blow me up into space."

"This is my plan, Du Zexin, if you still want to stop me now, then you can do it."

As Li Aoz said, he beckoned, and the two weapons fell into his palms again. He confronted Du Zexin cautiously to prevent Du Zexin from accidentally killing him when he decided to do it.

He knew that what he had done had hurt Du Zexin's national sentiment, but he had no choice. Gurante would be liberated sooner or later. It would be better to let him be liberated early in exchange for the opportunity to go to this party.

What would Du Zexin think?

He must feel that what he did was rotten. As a person from the Azure Planet, who has never seen the sun, he must not be able to understand what he did.

But that's okay, after all, the first time Li Aoz met him was when they fought. If there was no reason between men, they could communicate clearly with their fists.

It's just that Li Aoz didn't know why, he planned to trust Du Zexin.

Perhaps it was because of his strong [charm] that he could convince the other party, maybe it was because he didn't want to make Du Zexin even more unlucky, or maybe Li Aoz had a good feeling for Du Zexin and didn't want to hurt him further.

In short, even if Tianhuan's regular army and the remaining three Gammas were approaching quickly, he gave Du Zexin enough to think about.

However, Du Zexin had been silent for a long time, and suddenly stroked his forehead, sighed, and jumped back to the cockpit.

【Sure enough, he still can't understand. 】

Li Aoz felt a faint sense of loss in his heart.

That being the case, there is nothing more to say.

He reluctantly raised the sharp knife and was about to aim at Du Zexin when he heard Du Zexin's voice on the radio:
"One hydrogen bomb is not enough."

(End of this chapter)

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