from Xingyuan

Chapter 266 123. The Truth of History

Chapter 266 123. The Truth of History

N4 sat beside Li Aoz, her legs folded together, her high-heeled shoes fell on the ground, revealing her beautiful ankles, she held her chin, her eyes sparkled:

"I'm curious, why have you been provoking big countries all this time?"

"To go to space." Li Aoz didn't bother to hide it: "You will find out later."

"You can choose to cooperate, and Mingji Heavy Industry is like this."

"So you haven't gone to space for 300 years."

Li Aoz said narrowly:

"Because capital is profit-seeking, sponsors will not allow you to do thankless things. The development of aerospace requires 20 private enterprises to provide materials for various components, at least [-] workers, and select the best from hundreds of millions of people across the country. Good astronauts, and sending them into space full of evil and never coming back—that's no commercial value."

N4 blinked her beautiful eyes and said:
"I can't see that you are sometimes smarter than I think."

Li Aoz glanced at the flickering camera of the drone and shrugged. Du Zexin's dislike for [Biochemist] was too strong, and it might also be the result of the route dispute.

"If I were you, I wouldn't make myself too smart, otherwise I would..."

"How about it?"

"Intelligent people always have a flexible identity background instead of sticking to their positions."

"Interesting statement, I can probably guess that you have encountered a strong enemy, and you will be in big trouble."

N4 glanced at the players:

"This is your astronaut? You want to take these little ones into space? I don't understand. What is the purpose of your business?"

Li Aoz didn't hide anything.For a person with an intelligence level of N4, concealment is meaningless, but it arouses her curiosity. She will take the initiative to search, and then she can deduce a lot of things, which becomes more troublesome.

So he replied:
"If you know Cresta, you should know what's in the universe."

"I you know the truth about Er Sha?"

"From Lord Entropy to the destruction of the old era, I know everything."

Li Aoz timely released a mission 'witness to the past' to the players, allowing everyone to watch his meeting with N4.

At the same time, he downloaded the material he recorded from the abandonment fog from the system, and molded it through mold ratio projection:

"I learned the truth about Azure Star a long time ago, so you guys should come and listen too. There are some things that need to be shown."

He pointed to the abandoned fog in the projected video:

"Look, this thing is called Abandoned Mist. It can reproduce things in the past. It usually erupts underground. It looks like an ocean, but it's actually just a sea of ​​information. You can directly record this information with electronic devices. , such as this dolphin, if your equipment is good enough, you can directly analyze its genetic information and the memory in its brain at this moment."

"As for the source of the abandoned mist, do you know?"

Li Aoz pointed to Esha in the sky:

"Like Esha, this is not a natural phenomenon, nor is it a virus, and it is hardly even a disaster. Because their source is an existence that can be regarded as a god."

"We can call him—Lord Entropy."

"I'm super!"

The players were shocked that it was the first time they entered such a high-powered mainline, and the two anchors had already opened the live broadcast room to record the plot.

"God?" Du Zexin switched his consciousness back to the mobile armor, and asked through the radio, "Is there really a god in this world?"

"Yes." The person who answered was N4. She put her hands on her knees and explained: "For human beings, there are too many existences that can be called gods, but for the universe...the gods are not out of reach. The presence."

"I can tell you clearly," Li Oz explained: "Everything you have accepted - [Mechanic], [Warrior], [Biochemist] and our best [Mutant], these inheritances, in the In the universe, there are paths to ascend to the gods."

"Cresta still has such a record?" N4 glanced at Li Aoz with doubts.

N4 doesn't know what Li Ozi said about the "response person", and Li Ozi doesn't plan to tell her, let her continue to guess


Li Aoz opened his eyes and said nonsense, he was in the middle of giving a speech, and with his super charisma, everyone focused on him and stretched out his hand:
"Cresta, also known as the 'White Tower'. They are organizations that people of the old era specialize in contacting with extraterrestrial civilizations. A long time ago, Cresta was told that there was a major threat on the blue planet, and he had to prove himself as soon as possible Only those who can step into the interstellar space can enjoy the immigration right of the universe."

Cooperating with various relics and inscriptions from the old times in the video, Li Ozi continued to explain:
"According to the interstellar principle: the division standard of civilization must be able to walk out of the mother planet by its own strength, otherwise it will be regarded as a primitive animal.

——The stepping out of the parent star mentioned here actually refers to at least being able to carry out various activities within 1 light-year.

Civilizations are not allowed to directly contact civilizations above the atomic level.

All civilizations must not interfere with the progress of civilizations that have not left their parent star, and must not use the civilization that has been promoted for the first time as a transfer battlefield.

Some help can be given to civilizations that have potential and are about to step into the universe, but they cannot be controlled in the form of colonization.Don't over-assist and create mental dependence. "

"Yes, according to interstellar standards, everyone on Azure Planet is essentially the same as monkeys, there is no difference."

"But fortunately, a galaxy-level civilization named Fenis Federation has taken a fancy to the potential of the Azure Star, kept in touch with the Azure Star, and is preparing to bring the Azure Star people into the scope of civilization and further develop it as a subsidiary civilization. .”

"The vigor of warriors, the magnetic field energy of mechanics, the cell source power of biochemists, the vitality of healers, the energy of looters, and the incomparably powerful arcane power of our mutants, and a unified standard for dividing strength— — This is all from extraterrestrial civilizations.”

"The rise of the Red Arrow Empire is due to the knowledge left over from the remains of the White Tower. In fact, it cannot be called a rise, but a revival."

"This is a good thing. The old era was thriving, and with the help of cosmic civilization, the problem of food and clothing was solved, and interstellar spacecraft and gravitational wave antennas were developed. The energy crisis was saved by high-energy laser fusion technology. Stepping into the universe is just around the corner. .”

"In the first year of the Milky Way Era, some people also call it the Esha Era. The overwhelming Esha blocked the sky. From then on, the way to the universe was blocked, and the future of civilization ended. From then on, it entered the era of the outside world. The White Tower also into an institution that controls energy and monopolizes paranormal knowledge—that is, the GTB."

"The environment of the Azure Star is not suitable for the survival of the strong above the Gamma level, but if GTB is willing to open up that knowledge, at least the Gamma level will not be so difficult. It must rely on regular surgery to maintain health, and the Azure Star people, in those With the help of knowledge, it is completely possible to reach the beta stage of the whole people-this can be done only by popularizing university education."

Li Aoz's speech shocked everyone, especially Du Zexin.

"No wonder I feel that the Beta doesn't seem that difficult to advance." Du Zexin recalled: "The Gamma class may require strength, but it seems that as long as the Beta class has official knowledge, it can basically be promoted."

As a newly promoted Beta, he feels deeply about this.

"Because you have the correct path of extraordinary knowledge, these are controlled by the government. Without education, there will be no strong people. Gulante is the best example. Gulante has less than 3000 million people in the country, and there are only 6 local people. Beta stage, and the Beta stage with a population of 6 million people has a full 70 people, which is too much to be distributed in the field of military and political research.”

Lee Oz said:

"Imagine, if people from the outside world are included, there may be a total of 26 to 30 billion betas in Azure Planet. Today's Shikoku, with the ability of these garbage and incompetent scum, can they still rule the country? What you need is an alliance. An absolute community, the form of a country is not enough to govern such a powerful human race."

"30 billion Beta stages...the productivity will undergo a qualitative change."

N4 is more practical:
"If GTB doesn't control that knowledge, I am afraid that within a few decades, a large-scale war will break out among human beings. Such a scale of battle will definitely completely destroy the civilization on the surface of the earth."

"Don't be embarrassed, you are not worthy of being called civilized."

Li Aoz spread his hands:

"The Fenice Federation is very happy to see the development of the Azure Star. The White Tower explained the reason: From the position of the starry sky, the Azure Star is very suitable as a springboard to help the Fenice Federation fight against the deadly enemy - Maxwell The public group, that is a war galaxy that is full of militarism, and for this strategy, the Feness Federation is even willing to help the people of the Azure Star reach the Gamma level of all people."

In fact, Li Oz did not tell these people that in the universe, the gamma order is the norm.Only in order to take care of the low-level civilizations did we have to divide the two levels of Beta and Alpha.

Those civilization members who joined the narrative level are often born at the Delta and Zeta level. The productivity of the entire civilization is extremely terrifying. Even if all the members of the Azure Star are wiped out, it is not enough for them to organize a campus basketball game. many.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of cosmic people, the current Azure Planet is completely a chimpanzee, and can only be assisted by animal protection organizations.

Therefore, if the behavior of Fenis Federation is not purposeful and is so kind to Azure Planet, then in the eyes of outside civilizations, it is completely like the performance of the Virgin.

"I knew that aliens would not help in vain... So your goal is to win the support of the Fenesse Federation and liberate the blue star from the hands of Lord Entropy?"

Du Zexin turned the turret, as if shaking his head.

"I'm not unhappy, I understand this kind of thinking, but this may send the Celestials to the front line of the war... We have enough people who died in the war."

"Do not."

Lee Oz said:

"In addition to Mr. Entropy, Azure Planet is also facing the threat of society-society is a living civilization, which can be said to be a monster. It is very scary, but society is attracted by Mr. Entropy. If you solve Mr. Entropy, they will leave .And to solve Mr. Entropy, there are only two ways.”

"Tell me."

"The first one, I will go to an alien planet to apply for immigration, remove all our people, and then destroy the blue star with a star destroyer weapon. The entropy king who is still a larva will be wiped out directly. Once and for all."

This is what Li Aoz and the players did in their previous lives.
"Sounds reliable, so what's the price?" N4 asked.

"The price is not small. First of all, the cost is not low, but I will find a way. Secondly, a civilization without a home planet can only live on a site given by others. To be a wandering civilization, the status is very low, and it is not qualified yet Enjoy basic interstellar communication and transportation routes. Just like stateless people, even if someone trades slaves to the Celestials, no one will care."

"There is a more deadly problem - not everyone can go to space, 20.00% of people will die directly in the process of space immigration, and 30.00% of people will die from diseases that do not adapt to their new homes. Add conflict, work-related attrition - in the end, maybe only 20.00% of five people can develop civilization smoothly."

"What about the second one?"

"The second one is a little troublesome." Li Oz said: "A civilization at the cosmic level can pull out the larvae of Lord Entropy, and at the same time attract the attention of society, and throw the larvae of Lord Entropy into a black hole, which is equivalent to The state of the seal. When the black hole evaporates, Mr. Entropy will grow again, and then it will be repeated."

"The good thing is that if the parent star of the blue star is kept, the geographical value of the blue star will continue, and it can officially become a part of the interstellar civilization. And not too many people will die because of space immigration."

"What's the price?" Du Zexin was curious. "It's a little appeasement, but it's okay to listen to."

"The price is that you may have to wait for me for a while."

"about how long?"

"Oh, it's not too long."

Li Oz said:
"At most 100 years."

(End of this chapter)

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