from Xingyuan

第330章 035.霜镀221年1月28日

第330章 035.霜镀221年1月28日

【Name: Yawen Heskissing】

[Position: Elite Agent of Law Four Agency]

[Status: MIA (Missing In Action, missing in battle)]

Davidin put down the tablet, and the secretary beside him, Prine Philby, saw his calm expression, and couldn't help saying:

"I'm sorry, even the number of the unit she is in has been revoked. The Gullant battlefield is still deadlocked, but we will continue to search. We have contacted the 112th Infantry Division and requested the assistance of the 74th Mecha Combination Brigade— —”

"What are you searching for?" Davidin said calmly, "It's not cost-effective to spend several divisions searching for an agent."

"But that's your daughter after all—"

"A daughter who needs to exchange their lives for the children of tens of thousands of farmers and workers is not my daughter." Davidin's unreasonable answer made Prince shudder.

"We will negotiate with Gurante next. After taking the oath of office, I will fly to Gurante immediately. I will reach a consensus with President Sislon, including the colonial issue."

After finishing speaking, he turned around immediately, and stepped into the meeting place calmly under the escort of the Law-200 Constitutional Guard, who were armed with live ammunition.A large number of reporters were stopped outside the cordon. Seeing the appearance of the first male president in [-] years, they rushed forward frantically, with flashing lights flying, and the microphones and interviewers almost rushed to the front of the stage.

The Frost Plating officials present stood up one after another, and even the foreign guests who participated in the ceremony followed suit.Especially the representative of the Red Arrows-Prince Humberlin, he wiped the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief provocatively.

"What we want to form is a brand new Frost Plated government."

Davidin gave Candice an encouraging look, as well as the frost-plating reformist bureaucrats around him, and said very calmly:
"Thank you for choosing me, thank the people for choosing David Lin, and thank history for choosing Frost."

"There is also a Gamma stage in the Law Four mechanism, called Blizzard. Is he still deployed in Gurante?"

The news from the Law One Guard came from the headset:
"Your Excellency, we have subdued a group of militants from the Medway faction, and they plan to detonate a small plutonium bomb on the Gemini. How should we deal with it now?"

Then, he glanced at the speech in his hand and began to read:
"On December 221, 12 of the Galactic Era, the former President of the Frostplated Republic, Medway Ostervia, was killed by a terrorist attack during her daily travels and died on the spot. We are deeply saddened by this. Mai The former President, Dewei, was a great protector of women. He has made great contributions to the development of Frost Plating for more than 31 years in power, and should be treated as a state funeral. Today, we mourn the death of Ms. Mai Dewei deeply—— For this reason, the audience will observe a minute of silence."

The pressure is natural. Davidlin put his hands on the table in front of him, facing the camera and the audience, and smiled slightly:
"Good morning, dear friends."

Before Candice could speak, he suddenly raised his hand, wrapped his arms around Marshal Candice's shoulder, patted him to comfort him, and whispered:

Candace's pupils shrank, and then realized something.

Instead of denying it, it is better to deliberately guide it in a crooked direction and let everyone focus on the new regime.

Geer Candis said in a deep voice:

The protracted contradictions, the fusing economy, wars and disasters, and external threats—the situation of Frost Plating has reached the most severe moment after the era of the Twin Queens.

"At that time, you will block the trains, airports, and borders to prevent all Frostplated and Medewi's chaebols from fleeing. This matter is very important, even if we offend half of Frostplated elites for this, we will not hesitate. "

The guards are extremely cautious, arching against the human wall tightly, and every shot may be a camouflaged barrel. For absolute security, Frost Plated's top [mechanic] keeps an eye on the mechanical equipment and network ports at all times, even if it is Under the protection of Gemini's super firewall, at least 26 attacks will be attacked every minute. As long as one attack bypasses the defense, it will cause serious disturbances in the venue.

The reporters kept asking questions, scrambling for hot spots almost like roaring, but Davielin always calmly answered the questions he intended to answer, and did not respond at all to those who were not polite.

"The D200 White Wolf suspension car is regarded by Frost as an absolute pride, a top-notch product of technology and craftsmanship. Now there are rumors that the White Wolf self-destructed and crashed because of a hacker attack, not the terrorist attack that the official said?"

The representative of Zhengxu was indifferent, and just casually glanced at the instigator who was following him - Jose Rey Diaz.

Official Zhengxu made a joke.

The gamma-level powerhouse who participated in the assassination and detonated the bomb himself looked sad, without any guilt or regret.

Davidin shook his head. He was casually pacing in the conference hall. The frost-plated officers and reform bureaucrats present all looked at this man.

"Li Aoz, who was once wanted by the Frost government at a sky-high price, has now become a hero for all mankind. What do you think?"

But in fact, the reason for Prince Hambolin's sadness is indeed true sadness: he has long-term private financial transactions with Medway, and has equity in Medway's company, and the dividends he receives every year are not small.

"But in this way, you are already suspected of having an improper position, and such behavior will definitely arouse opposition—"

The lights are flickering, and countless pairs of eyes are focusing on him at this moment. Television stations, self-media, and live webcasts, the whole world is paying attention to Frost Plating, one of the four countries, and how it will change when it has its first male president.

The reformer of Law [-] took a step forward, and issued a cold and hoarse electronically synthesized voice:
"All rise!"

'Just wait for me, the committee will give you some color sooner or later. '

Davylin pressed his throat lightly, and shut his mouth and ordered:

"Marshal Candice, after taking the oath of office, I will immediately declare a state of emergency in the capital and blockade the capital in the name of 'searching for and assassinating the former president's assassin'."

"No, our gamma-orders are numerous. Within 10 years, we won't allow the strong to fight out from the common people like the Tianhuan people. Only when it is absolutely necessary, we will take them out."

After wearing the president's dark blue formal suit, he looked more like an opera singer attending an event.It was only when those golden-green eyes swept across the crowd and inadvertently met his gaze that he could feel the weight of iron-fisted authority.

David Lin was leaning on the podium. He was handsome and handsome, and he didn't look like a soldier. In order to show that the new government was not machismo and called for equality between men and women, he shaved off his beard on purpose, so he couldn't tell that he was already a 52-year-old man. A man in his prime.

Davielin almost never answered directly, but was deliberately ambiguous, which aroused Feifei's daydream.

'You're not afraid to put it in the freezer, Jose. '

From an outsider's perspective, Prince Hambollin's performance seemed to be saying: Thanks to Medewig, the Red Arrow has never met such an easy opponent.

Davidin looked polite and gentle, but his eyes were like steel and flames, resolute and fiery.

The current Frost Plating must not cause external conflicts. Any unnecessary conflicts will lead to the death of the new regime.

"I regret that."

For them, things have come to this point, and no matter what they do, they are better than the current situation.

'From now on, I will not be me, but the frost-plated president. '

"On the Azure Planet, the gamma stage cannot yet determine the direction of the war, and the people are our strength. Let's win the 'Zero Point' Frost first-and one more thing, I want to call the economic forces of the second law to Gemini gather."

Turning ahead, Davidlin's guards stepped forward and opened the main entrance of the parliament hall. Davidlin just took this opportunity to get rid of the reporters, and walked in front of 2000 delegations, reporters, media and national officials from the central aisle. But, stepping on the podium steadily all the way, the guards of Law One lined up behind him and stood up.

"It's not clear—Governor Lalier Nanhu, the person in charge of the Law Four agency, probably doesn't know about the assassination of the old hag Medway. Even if he knew, he might not give up his arms."

"Hand over to Law Three for interrogation, and then pay attention to objects that are suspected of being explosives."

As soon as David Lin finished speaking, Secretary Prin quickly shouted:

"Everything is subject to official information. If you have any doubts, please report with your real name."

Now the old hag Medway is finished, and the protection that usually protects his business is gone.If this continued, he estimated that he would soon be thoroughly investigated by the Red Arrow royal family.

"I have a solution. You just do it, and all the pressure will only point to me."

"Mr. David Lin! What do you think of the sudden death of former President Medway?"

Davidin had a clear mind, and looked at the commander-in-chief of the Frost Plated Army, Marshal Geer Candis, and asked:

Now that the fate of 3000 million people in Quanshuangdu was in his hands, he could not help but feel a sense of heaviness, an unprecedented weight on his spine.

However, with the exposure capabilities of the modern media, sooner or later they will discover the clues of Medway's murder.

"Mr. Davidlin, Frost's situation is very bad. There are only two gamma-orders in the country. 'Blizzard' has not expressed its political stance yet, and 'Zero Point' Frost has expressed his allegiance to the President. That is to say, we only have two A Gamma order, do you want to thaw out of the freezer?"

Davidin stood on the podium. This was the fifth time he had taken this position. Before that, he was the Minister of Defense of Frost Plating, but he was secretly arrested and imprisoned by Medway before he could speak for a long time.

"But you haven't appointed the prime minister yet, and you have directly overstepped your authority and mobilized the Law [-] agency under the government. Is this..." Candace hesitated for a moment, but decided to remind the man in front of him: "And if you do this, those elites will not Will agree."

"Mr Davidlin, the time has come."

Having said that, he was actually quite happy in his heart.

Getting rid of the old hag is a good thing for the Three Kingdoms.Zhengxu has long had immigration conflicts with Shuangpin. The influx of a large number of Shuangpin male immigrants has raised Zhengxu's unemployment rate by 5.5%. As a permanent neutral country on the bright side, Zhengxu cannot rely on wars to consume the population like Tianhuan.

Unexpectedly, Frost Plated himself couldn't bear it anymore, and initiated the plan on his own initiative.

'It depends on whether this President David Lin can change the problem of frost plating. '

(End of this chapter)

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