Pirates: Start Awakening Death Template

Chapter 156 Yunye's "gift"!

Chapter 156 Yunye's "gift"!
'Oh?is that guy? '

Stussy looked in the direction of Yunye with beautiful eyes, covered her mouth and was surprised: "Didn't you bring a gift? Doesn't he know that Lingling will be angry if she doesn't have a gift?"

"Quack, you're so courageous, don't you know the rules?" Morgans also smiled with a teasing tone.

Kibson and Feld also have different complexions. There are such idiots in the new world?

Why can such a fool come in here?
The people around were all looking in Yun Ye's direction at this moment, some looked joking, and some looked like they were watching the show.

In short, everyone didn't think that Yunye could end well.

On the other side, Charlotte Lingling and the members of the Charlotte family all looked in the direction of Yun Ye.

Several ministers stared at Yun Ye with unfriendly expressions.

"Well, I didn't prepare a gift for me. Is there really such a bold person?" Charlotte Lingling looked at Yunye with a cold face and fierce eyes.

Only when Katakuri looked at Yun Ye, his brows could not help but frown, how could this kind of temperament feel a little familiar...

And Felix, who saw this scene in the distance, was almost scared to pee. What's the matter with this little brother?Come to the tea party without a gift, this is too bad!
You should have made it clear to him!
But he didn't dare to jump out, so he could only shake his head secretly, a young life was about to be confessed here...

Being watched by everyone, Yun Ye didn't panic at all, but looked at Charlotte Lingling, and said with a faint smile: "When I came, no one informed me that I needed to bring a gift! What do you think, Xia Lotte Lingling!"

"Well, it's not a small tone! Since you didn't bring a gift, let's take your soul as a gift!" Charlotte Lingling looked at Yun Ye and grinned.

She wanted to scare Yun Ye, and then completely extract his soul!
There is also a requirement to activate the soul soul fruit to extract the soul, that is, the owner of the soul soul fruit is afraid!
"This is not the first time you have said this! But, do you have the ability?" Yun Ye stood up, looked directly at Charlotte Lingling, with a crazy smile on the corner of his mouth.

Because Yunye didn't have a restrained aura, nor did he have a domineering look, so Charlotte Lingling didn't see through Yunye's soul at this time.

He also didn't see the strangeness of Yun Ye's soul like before!
"Huh? Not afraid?" Charlotte Lingling frowned, and what does this brat mean?
Many people around were startled, could it be that this person is some kind of big shot, not even afraid of Charlotte Lingling?
"Also, do you want my gift? Then I'll give it to you!" Yun Ye laughed loudly, suddenly bursting out with terrifying domineering aura!
With a sound of 'buzz', a domineering look like a deep prison suddenly overwhelmed the audience!
This domineering arrogance swept towards the surroundings like a wave, and countless weak people and Homiz all passed out with white eyes at this time!
"Ba... Overlord look?"

"Who the hell is this guy?"

"It turned out to be domineering!"

"Does he still dare to do something here?"

Many people who have not passed out are shocked in their hearts. They are well-informed and they naturally know what kind of power this is.

This brat in front of me is actually the owner of Overlord Color?
"What are you panicking about? This is the headquarters of the Big Mom Pirates. Even if you have a domineering look, it won't make any waves!"

"That's right, if you dare to be so arrogant here, you'll see him later!"

But soon, someone realized that this is the territory of the Four Emperors, it is really life-or-death to dare to explode the domineering arrogance here!
"Hey, really..." When Doflamingo saw this scene, he was not surprised at all.

But the rest of the kings were shocked. How dare this guy provoke Charlotte Lingling here?
Who the hell is this guy?

Many people have this thought in their hearts at this time.

At this moment, the faces of all the members of the Charlotte family changed drastically. How dare anyone dare to fight them at this moment?

On the side, Katakuri, the leader of the general star, seemed to think of something, his heart shook, and the same domineering arrogance rushed over, and a trident appeared in his hand!

He yelled: "Everyone be alert!"

'Boom! '

The two domineering colors crashed into each other, and the sky was suddenly overcast with clouds, rolling continuously, and tens of thousands of purple-black lightning bolts shot out!
Katakuri's appearance as if he was facing a big enemy surprised everyone present.

Who is that person?To make Katakuri, the leader of the generals, show such an appearance!

Yun Ye looked at Katakuri, and said slowly: "Overlord color has improved a bit, general star Katakuri!"

However, Yunye's domineering arrogance once again overwhelmed Katakuri's domineering look!

After hearing this, and feeling the collision of the two overlord colors, everyone was surprised again, dare to speak to Katakuri like this, who is this person?

And... this domineering look? !
Feeling his domineering demeanor being suppressed, Katakuri didn't have the slightest surprise, his face was still solemn: "Quincier, you bastard...you really dare to come here alone?"

'boom! '

Katakuri's words were like a bomb thrown in everyone's heart and detonated!
There was silence in the arena.

Then the next moment everyone's face changed drastically!

"What? Quincy?"

"That person is actually a Quincy Master?"

"Are you fucking kidding me!?"



"War is about to break out!"

Many people came to their senses, and after learning that the person in front of them was the Quincy Master, they immediately had a premonition that things were going to get worse!

With the lunatic character of Quincy, if he appears here, a big battle will definitely break out!

If you continue to stay here, it will definitely be very dangerous!
Ever since, the field was completely chaotic!

Almost all the guests were rushing to the distance at this time, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong!

The expressions of the kings of the dark world also changed drastically at this time. This person is actually a Quincy master?

Then they looked at Doflamingo, thinking of his behavior just now, this guy must know Yun Ye's identity!

The Quincy will come here, in fact, many people have this premonition that he will come.

But no one expected that the Quincy came here with his true colors!
Only now was it discovered! !

Charlotte Lingling seemed to have just come back to her senses, staring at Yunye closely, and suddenly burst out laughing "Well, well", with a ferocious expression on her face: "It's you, masked brat! I thought you didn't dare to come Yes! But since you are here, let’s stay here for good!”

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and made a move, and Zeus, who was at the side, suddenly turned black, and a terrifying force of thunder and lightning was brewing inside, and then, a terrifying thunderbolt rushed towards Yun Ye!
Yun Ye dodged in a flash, and then rushed towards the sky with his whole body.

After reaching a certain height, he stopped. He stood on top of everyone like a god, looked down, and grinned: "Want a gift? Charlotte Lingling, then I'll give it to you! Besides, aren't you Do you want to extract my soul? Then, come and try!!"

Then, a terrifying aura surged from Yunye's body, bless it with the domineering aura!
'Boom! '

It seemed that the whole cake shop was shaking, and it also made the hearts of countless people tremble!

Together with those important people, their hearts are trembling at this time!
Yun Ye looked down, looked at Katakuri, and grinned wildly: "I heard that your knowledge and color can meet the future, so... can you stop it?"

"...Breaking the Dao 99·The five dragons are destroyed!!"

(End of this chapter)

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