Chapter 113
The goddess of weaving life suddenly fell into aphasia.

Her eyes fell on the dark and flowing chaos beyond, and found that she couldn't see why anyway.His eyes drifted back to the chaos where the great ones lived together, but he couldn't even see the chaos here.

Hephaestus guessed that she had digested a little bit, and suddenly said another thing: "I went to the underworld recently, and discussed with Hades about extending the life of all spirits, thinking about his reality by the way. .”

"Is it going well?" Putting aside the unreasonable things, Clotor asked Hephaestus.

Hephaestus said calmly: "It's settled."

He changed the subject: "But did you know that Hades had returned before night fell, and quietly moved from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, and now he is the real one who is in charge of the central control of the underworld."

"The elder brother of Plutos, the god of wealth, the mortal Triptolemus, who was pushed out by him to fend off arrows, has been released into the world and changed his name."

"I checked. His name is Matthew now. He wanders in the night of the world and claims to be the real sun god who was seized by the evil god Apollo."

"People around him think that he is a saint who has fallen into the world, and he has attracted a small group of believers, and he has gradually gained popularity."

Cloto listened carefully, she thought for a while and said: "It is his luck to get Hades' memory, even if a small part is mixed with falsehood, but it is his misfortune."

"He can't learn Hades' patience and indifference."

"If Hades is a giant python hiding in the ground, then he is at best a brightly colored reckless bird."

"Fighting Mount Olympus alone will not end well."

"Not necessarily." Hephaestus laughed. "How much he can do depends on how much Haddish wants."

"The more Hades wants, the more he will be secretly supported."

"After all, it is very easy to take back the memory, but Hades didn't do that."

"Although Triptolemos' life in command of the underworld was false and arranged, his experience is real and the knowledge he gained is true."

"You see, the first thing he did when he returned to the world was to gain faith. He concluded that the night will eventually disappear, but sooner or later..."

"Clotto, put aside your prejudices, you will find that this is the right thing he did."

"Just skipped the long process of primitive accumulation of beliefs, directly robbed all of a god, devoured his flesh and bones, and used his bones as his starting point."

"It's like an ant fighting a beast. If you win, you get everything. If you lose, it's normal."

"The point is, he may not lose yet. The complicated chaos gives him the possibility of winning, which may not be very small..."

"But it will never be too big." Cloto took over the words. "It would be incredible if he won."

"He's just a pawn, whether his name is Triptolemus or Matthew, he's just a pawn."

"If I were Hades, I would have woven the time of his death when I set him free."

"A chess piece must never lose control. This is an iron law that a chess player must keep in mind."

"And you too, my love, you must remember that."

Hephaestus just smiled: "So you are not Hades, nor me."

"Think about it, when will you need chess pieces? It's when the situation is out of control."

"Only when we are not sure about accomplishing a goal, we need a specific chess piece. At other times, we play dispensable and idle chess."

"But if we are not sure about ourselves, what can our chess pieces do? It's better to let him charge by himself, maybe there will be surprises."

"And a brilliant chess player will never be stingy with his rewards and praises."

"If I were Hades, I wouldn't be stingy to give chess pieces a chance to become chess players."

"This—is the best compliment, and it is also the last thing you need to pay."

"After all, Triptolemus fought for everything himself, so what does it have to do with me?"

"I have made the most money with the least effort."

Although what Hephaestus said was somewhat obscure, Clotho still summed up what he wanted to express, and she chuckled lightly:
"Holding a person with a nihilistic ideal and making him do everything he can to create value is the most extreme use of mortals' idle time and energy."

"Smart way."

Just as Hephaestus was about to respond to her, a sudden change occurred in the chaos.

Both of them turned serious, and at the same time looked towards the dark night that lay in the chaos.

The surface of the night, which was like a tide, was boiling, as if something terrible was stirring within.

He is coming out!
The night is like a vast ocean divided into two by His mighty power, and He walks on the road that the night divides for Him.

Every time He took a step forward, the night behind him would naturally submerge behind him, filling the path he had traveled.

So there is a dark night behind him, and the road ahead is always smooth.

As soon as He appeared, Erebus, the God of Darkness, walked out from the depths of the darkness. His steps were steady and strange. Although the distance he walked was not long, the distance he walked was already ahead of the unknown.

On the long journey in the chaos, he felt as relaxed as if he was strolling in his own garden.

He stopped in front of the chaotic night, and then carefully looked at his wife Nix, who was dressed in a black veil, with a beautiful face, as if he wanted to find the familiar shadow in her.

But even though their faces are the same, their temperaments are quite different—they don't have the indifference and silence of their wives, nor the madness and determination of Hermamene.

The returned person seemed to be a brand new individual, her temperament was gentle and elegant, her manners were generous, and even the most essential source of the gods had changed.

That is the natural process of the development of all things.

Erebus' mood fluctuated slightly, and he asked calmly, "Who are you?"

The woman smiled softly, and she asked back, "Who do you want me to be?"

Her temperament became cold in an instant: "Nix?"

Another split second switched to vague madness: "Or... Hermamene?"

This was just a joke, after she finished speaking, she returned to her gentle and elegant appearance.She smiled softly, put her fingers on her plump breasts, and her eyes were full of ecstasy: "I have the memory of two people, as long as you like, I can be anyone."

"no matter where!"

As she spoke, she couldn't help laughing, her laughter was like a silver bell.

She turned away, away from the night and not near the darkness.

Erebus looked at her back without saying a word.But the woman suddenly turned around again, stirring up his mood.

She parted her red lips lightly, and her ethereal tone seemed to be whispering behind Erebus: "I still like you to call me Nix, my...husband!"

After speaking, she smiled and left, crossed the darkness, walked towards the fallen world cluster behind the darkness, and then disappeared there.

Behind her, Erebus watched obsessively. Although his expression did not fluctuate and was still calm and indifferent, it vaguely revealed complex and unspeakable emotions.

He stayed where he was for a while, then suddenly felt his interest faded, and turned back to his dark lair.

And under the dim yellow sky behind the wooden door, Hephaestus narrowed his eyes slightly—the gods can actually change the source.

I just don't know if even the people have changed together...

Clotho on the side looked complicated: "Is she my mother? Why is God the Father..."

Hephaestus interrupted her: "It doesn't matter who she is, she also knows that your Father God will not trust her like before..."

"It's better to leave and let time decide everything."

"It's also the empowerment that comes from her roots—the irreversible progression of all things naturally going forward."

"She just needs to wait..."

(End of this chapter)

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