greek mythology stuff

Chapter 132 King of Argos

Chapter 132 King of Argos

Otis thought about it.

He changed the subject and suddenly asked another question: "The old king you mean is Tantalus, right? He is the current king of Sipyrus, and no one is more suitable than him."

His tone was full of affirmation, but it made him even more puzzled: "But isn't he the heir of God King Zeus? Who is qualified to be the new king?"

"Perseus," Chiron answered him.

"I've never heard of it, who is he?" Otis asked.

"The grandson of King Argos has not yet been born." Chiron told him: "In addition, he is also the heir of God King Zeus, the most orthodox heir..."

Otis continued to ask: "But Tantalus has done a good job, why replace him? Obviously there are useful tools, why do you need to replace them with new ones?"

"I can't understand."

"I can't understand either." Chiron replied, looking at the fire outside the city in the distance.

"But this is the future, I see it, it doesn't matter if I understand it or not."

"Did you see it? You can prophesy!"

Chiron smiled, but didn't look back, but spoke slowly, as if revealing some secret: "Time is a river, no one can go upstream, but can go down to the future."

"Sometimes I don't have to go to the future, but choose to surface and look downstream from a distance."

"Tantalus will die, Perseus will rise, that's what I see."

"But..." The voice from under the hood of Otis was a bit strange: "As you said, Perseus was not born..."

"Maybe what you see is wrong. After all, the future is changeable. How can it be like a fixed pattern?"

"Just like I already know that he is a descendant of King Argos, I can stop him, distort his mind, and even prevent him from being born."

"Then did I just change the future? If the future is something like this, a picture you see, isn't it too childish?"

"How can you judge that it's a child's play?" Chiron finally turned around, and he looked at him carefully as if he was meeting Otis for the first time, but the expression on his face seemed to have been expected.

"You think it's child's play, just because you're standing too low," Chiron said.

"When you stand a little higher, even if it's just a little higher, at my level, you will find that the arrival of all destiny has long been foreshadowed."

"It's not destined, it's you, me, us, them, it's the common will of all that makes it inevitable."

"You can go to Argos and wait to see if you can change everything."

"But I don't recommend you to go. It's not something you can intervene in, and the consequences are something you can't bear."

"You'd better take my advice, it will do you good."

Chiron said as he pushed open the door of the house and walked outside: "You'd better not stay in Sipyrus any longer, even I have to leave."

"The great man is coming, and the robes given to you will not help you."

Otis asked him after him: "Then how can I find you? I have to give you what you want."

A faint but clear voice came from Chiron who was far away: "You can call my name, I have marked you, and I will respond."


Chiron left.

The youthful Otis looked into the distance in front of the opened door, and the flames outside the city were soaring into the sky in his vision. Was it a forest that was set on fire?

Sata's illusory spirit penetrated into the black robe and into Otis' body.He asked Otis in his mind: "Where are you going, have you thought about it?"

Otis never hesitated even for a moment, he said loudly, "Argos!"

"Then let's go together." A voice came from the body.

Otis was a little curious: "You won't persuade me?"

The voice in the body laughed: "If advice is useful, what else do you need to fail? How can people learn from failures, sum up experience, and advise the next generation?"

Otis also laughed: "Then... let's go to Argos!"


The current king of Argos is named Acrisius.

He was very old, almost old age.He has children and younger children.

The older a person is, the more pious he is, and he starts to place more expectations on the gods, and so does Acrisius.

The gods always respond to those who are famous in the world, and Acrisius was such a person.

But the god's response is not always good, and there is also a bad part. This may be because the god's response itself is a good thing.

But mortals do not honor a deity any more because he sends him a bad response.

People will always subconsciously look for countermeasures, hoping to face misfortune.

The king of Argos, the aged Acrisios, was naturally not exempt.

He recently had an oracle in the temple.

God told him: "The son born to your daughter Danae will not be good for you, he will take your throne and murder your life..."

As the king of Argos, Acrisius did not question the oracle, because the oracle was told to him by Zeus himself.But he is still nostalgic for life, trying his best to avoid all of this—even if it cannot be avoided, he should try his best to delay the arrival of all of this.

Danae is his beloved daughter. He did not do anything drastic, but imprisoned Danae in a high copper tower.There is no way to go up this high tower, all the necessities of daily life are lifted by a hemp rope.

There are heavy guards around the tower, and birds cannot pass it.

Even so, Acrisius tried his best to keep his daughter's life good, so that she was still a beautiful woman, a princess.


This tower can only guard against mortals, but cannot guard against gods.

As the one who gave Acrisius the oracle, he came when Zeus remembered.

He rides thunder and lightning, and comes with a golden rain. He is so bright that the guards below ignore him, and he is so charming, satisfying all the fantasies of an innocent girl for the other half.

When Danae touched his face, her delicate body would tremble uncontrollably.

This is so amazing! I can stand shoulder to shoulder with the queen Hera!
She nearly fainted with joy when Zeus mentioned that they would have a child.

In this copper tower, Danae selflessly gave all of her mortals to Zeus, her desires, happiness, delusion and... chastity.

They lived together in a tall tower that was not too wide, and every part of the small room had left traces of their joy.

Acrisius found out when Zeus was gone.

But it's too late...

(End of this chapter)

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