greek mythology stuff

Chapter 18 Speculators must have chapters?

Chapter 18 Speculators must be rewarded?
Nysa Valley, where Demeter, the goddess of fertility, hid her daughter Persephone.

Today, Demeter suddenly wanted to come and see her daughter.

She hadn't seen her daughter Persephone for more than 100 years, and out of her own motherhood, she wanted to visit.

Although it is very likely to expose the whereabouts of her daughter, Demeter can't help the desire in her heart.

But it turned out to be a disappointment for her.

Weeds are overgrown in the valley, and the beauty has long been lost.

She hurriedly asked the gods everywhere, and sent an oracle to the country that believed in the gods most in the world.

For a time, gods and mortals went together for one goal, to find Demeter's daughter Persephone.

Finally, she got the exact answer from Helios, the sun god.

"Great goddess, it was Hades, the lord of the underworld, who took your daughter away."

"She is now the glorious queen of the underworld, sharing the throne of the underworld with Hades."

"Your husband, God King Zeus also acquiesced in this matter."

Demeter's face was uncertain, she wanted to bring back her daughter from the underworld.

But this matter is too difficult, people who enter the underworld, even Zeus is difficult to fish out.

So she ordered Helios to tell Zeus: "Bring my daughter back to the world."

"Otherwise, what he wants to do must not be realized."

Goddess Demeter walks the talk.

She left the sacred mountain of Olympus and went to the world, wandering the world in the incarnation of an ordinary woman.

In the world, she wields her scepter wildly, and with the power of abundance, all things will no longer grow.

The newborn humans were harvested, and the people at the bottom soon ran out of food and fell into famine.


Humanity has been divided since the gods created woman.

They are divided into several countries because of different beliefs, namely Friage who believes in the gods fanatically, Eleusis who believes in the gods shallowly, the primitive human clan that worships flames, and the primitive human clan that is close to primitive human beings and does not believe in gods Thessaly ya.

It is rumored in the market that there is a country called Stykua at the eastern end of the land, and the king is a man named Linkos, but people know little about it, and it has gradually become a legend.

The founding monarch of Eleusinus was Eleusinus, who was not so much a believer in the gods as a speculator.

He always believes in gods that can bring benefits, and he believes in all gods that can bring bad luck. As for neutral gods, such as Hephaestus, the god of fire, and Oceanus, the god of oceans, etc. , he didn't believe it at all, there was no temple, no priests, and he didn't even bother to perfunctory.

What drove Eleusinus forward was not lofty ideals, but interests.

After his death, his son Keleus inherited his country, and of course he also inherited his character of being unprofitable and early.

One day, Demeter, the goddess of fertility, wandered here. She sat in the shade of an olive tree by the city wall and rested here.

She has withered the earth for several years, during which many mortals died, but there is still no news from Olympus Mountain, and she is a little tired.

Kleus' daughters found her.

Although Demeter has changed her real shape to cover up her beautiful appearance, and she is also dressed in plain black clothes, but her pampered majesty has betrayed her, and the daughters of Keleus can see her extraordinary at a glance. .

They tried to talk to Demeter and invited her to their house.

Demeter just wanted to find a place to rest, and the palace was a good choice.

She made up a life story for herself, and called herself Deo. The daughters of Keleus did not expose her and took her to the palace.

When passing by the lintel, the tall Demeter accidentally touched the lintel with his forehead. For a moment, a hundred flowers bloomed in the palace, competing for splendor.

This scene happened to be seen by King Keleus who came with his wife Metaneira.

He understood that a god had come to his country.

This is his chance!

He pretended not to know, greeted Demeter, and arranged a maid position for her in obedience to Demeter's wishes.

But no matter how greedy and daring Keleus is, he dare not use a god.

He took care of Demeter carefully, obeying the goddess' wishes in everything, and he was more considerate than his daughter and parents. Even if it was a small matter, if the goddess just frowned or expressed some opinions, Keleus would be able to deal with it immediately. Perfect implementation.

As if walking a tightrope, Kleus carefully grasped the middle scale, neither appearing contrived, nor neglecting the goddess.

He was successful, and his service even caused the goddess Demeter to have an illusion that the work of a mortal maid was much easier than that of her own servant.

This made Demeter a little embarrassed, and she wanted to do something to ease the boring time.

It so happened that Demophon, the son of Kleus, was born, a newborn, still very fragile.

Demeter took the initiative to find Keleus and said to him:

"I can take care of your son."

"I once had a daughter who was very experienced in this."

Kleus suppressed the ecstasy in his heart when he heard the words. His contribution was not without price. There was not much food in the palace, but the courtesy to Demeter still did not decline. He could say without exaggeration that the maid Demeter Myrtle's meals were better than his king's.

Now, the rewards are coming.

He respectfully handed over his infant son Demophon to the goddess, and said, "Thank you very much."

The goddess who experienced the pain of a wronged daughter liked Demophon very much. This baby reminded her of Persephone when she was young.

With Demophon's company, the smiles on Demeter's face gradually increased, and even, in her heart, she already regarded Demophon, who was still a baby, as her own son, and no longer as a substitute for Persephone goods, but equal status.

My own child should have the best things in the world, he should be an eternal god, not a mortal.

That's what Demeter thinks.

If it was in the past, Demeter would have no idea about turning a mortal into a god.

But since Hephaestus was reborn in Lemnos and gained powerful divine power, everything has changed.

The gods were surprised to find the oath left by Hephaestus at the bottom of the fire rules.

'Everyone in the world can bathe in the fire, so as to burn away the mortal world and become the cornerstone of the gods. '

Hephaestus added rules to the power of the flame from the root, and the flame can not only destroy, but also have the power of new life.

This can be said to be known to all the gods, and of course Demeter knew it too.

She picked up the infant Demophon, put him on the stove, and wrapped him carefully with the power of abundance.

In the blazing flames, Demophon's mortal blood was completely ignited.

This should have been a quick process, but it was Demeter, the goddess of fertility, who took the initiative to fight against the power of Hephaestus, which made the process infinitely prolonged.

Because the power of the flame is too absolute, one must either cast a divine body and regain a new life, or be reduced to ashes in the flames.

Anyway, it was hard for Demeter to imagine that after the body was turned into ashes, the will could keep the self from dissipating, and complete the final rebirth process in the flames.

If there were such iron-willed mortals, the gods would have overflowed.

She intervened in it. Although the process was slow, it was better than stability. Demophon would definitely become a god in the end.

Demophon, he was lucky...

(End of this chapter)

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