I really just want to be a big lord

Chapter 114 1 Must Become Stronger

Chapter 114 Must Be Stronger (Bottom Middle)
What is the most powerful force in this world?
When he first heard this question, many answers popped up in Qi Weiyu's mind.

There are normal answers such as "Shengyou Palace" and "Super Powerhouse", as well as slightly thoughtful answers such as "Lightning", "Natural Disaster", "Art", "Faith", and answers such as "My lord crappy sycophant, "the villain's loyalty to the lord" and the like.

However, he hesitated for a while at last, and still didn't say anything, and honestly asked the master to "teach".

What the master said afterwards still makes him a little confused. He thinks it makes sense but also doesn't quite understand it, and he doesn't know how it has anything to do with what they are going to do now.

Qi Weiyu touched a hard bulge on his abdomen, which was the cover of the connection.

In several harvesting seasons, I have not carried out the operations of swallowing, transforming, and filling magic plants. The millstones and magic devices built in the body have already begun to have the phenomenon of depletion and rejection. When eating or sleeping at night, I often Brings throbbing pain.

The body transformation originally intended to harvest magic plants, extract and fill magic power has now become a useless burden.

In the past few months, to be honest, Qi Weiyu and other farmers secretly complained to their master, Baron Keos, that the "magic refining system" created by the master has ruined the profession of farmers.

But at this moment, this complaint has disappeared without a trace in Qi Weiyu's heart.

He is now the master's contracted servant, and has completed his status leap.

Next, no matter what the master asked him to do, he would do it without hesitation.

One by one, the farmers who entered the room with Qi Weiyu to answer the questions were called by name. Before they went in, they all had nervous expressions, but after they came out, everyone was just like Qi Weiyu, excited, expecting, and unbelievable.

Like Qi Weiyu, they still don't know what the lord wants them to do, but since they are already contracted servants, it doesn't matter what they do.


In the room, after signing the "soul subordination contract" with the last farmer who passed his assessment, Keos looked at the little undead Lenna who was summoned by him from the ring.

"How about it, will it be tiring to continuously establish soul slave contracts?"

Little Lunna, who was sitting on the table, yawned and nodded repeatedly, but what she said was: "I don't feel tired doing things for my brother!"

"Well, I'll take you to eat delicious food later." Kaios patted her head and said.

"Yeah!" The little undead was instantly refreshed, and his eyes even seemed to be shining.

Kaios glanced at the open notebook in front of him, on which he made a list with a pencil, and there was a long section of notes behind each name.

These eight names in total are the eight farmers who just established a soul subordination contract with him.

In fact, from the moment the farmers entered the fence, Kaios had been watching them through the windows of the second-floor room.

He purposely did not arrange for the farm stewards to bring these farmers, and when they arrived at the place, he did not ask the guards to clean up the discipline of the farmers. Apart from letting them line up, he did not restrict their talking or other actions with each other.

Including before and after he spoke, the commotion among the farmers, and everyone's reactions were also under his observation.

When farmers first arrive in a place, their future is uncertain and there is no one to control them. In this case, it is easiest to see their different habits.

During this process, Kaios paid attention to three people, one of whom was Qi Weiyu.

The farmer was not tall among all the farmers, but he was very energetic, especially his eyes were very clear, and he had been observing the surrounding situation since he got off the carriage, and his eyes scanned all directions.

And he was the only one who took the initiative to strike up a conversation with the guard. Although he didn't hear what he said, judging from the guard's reaction, he had good conversation skills.

The next literacy test was even simpler. He didn't expect a high literacy rate among these farmers, but the final result was better than he expected.

As far as his final "written test", he even proposed a practice problem with the background of the magic circle.

Although it is related to the magic circle, the practical knowledge is very elementary, but it is not something that can be solved by memorizing formulas by rote, but rather a test of using skills.

In fact, there were only three people who got it right, but he finally chose eight people to establish the soul subordination contract. Judging from the process of answering the questions by the other five people, they also have certain basic knowledge, which proves that they take the initiative to learn on weekdays.

This kind of active curiosity in non-essential situations is what Keos values ​​more now.

For Kaios, the biggest purpose of establishing a soul subordination contract is to give them hope and motivation, and to help them establish their identity, not to control them.

Among the three correct answers, the one that impressed Kaios the most was still Qi Weiyu's answer.

His answer was the shortest among the three, and the method he used was very innovative, even beyond the few answers that Kaios expected when preparing the questions.

Because of this, he chatted with Qi Weiyu a few more words.

He told Qi Weiyu: "...in this world, the most powerful force...is the 'method of using all power for your own use'."

He could tell from Qi Weiyu's slightly out-of-focus and blank eyes that the other party didn't understand his words at all.

But never mind, soon he will understand, and everyone will understand.


On the first day, a total of 130 farmers, under the leadership of eight small captains who already had the status of contracted servants, arranged a room for accommodation, then ate and rested.

On the second day, the farmers were led to recognize the north, south, and north, learn to count, and some basic queue orders.

On the third day, continue to learn about queue commands.

Until the No. 16th day, the farmers who had been training in the queue for half a month finally saw their lord Kaios Li again.

To be honest, the training during this period made the farmers even more confused. They practiced different formations. Did the master want them to form an army?

But although they are all in good physical condition and tall and tall, none of them practice aura. If they go to the battlefield, wouldn't they be pure cannon fodder?

Not to mention more than 100 people, even more than 1000 people, can't stop the full-power aura wave of a high-level aura fighter, or the brutal charge of a high-level magic beast?
Moreover, their training queues had to constantly change their formations, run and disperse, and they hardly got together for training in confrontational postures, nor did they distribute weapons to them.

However, although there were doubts, none of the more than 100 farmers complained—not even in private.

Needless to say, the eight captains who are already contracted servants, the others know that the eight have become contracted servants, and they all understand that what they are going to do here must be something that the lord attaches great importance to. Like Qi Weiyu and other eight people, he can become a contract servant.

On the other hand, the intensity of practicing queues and simple literacy here is not great, and it can even be said to be very easy, but the food is ridiculously good. There are meat, eggs, milk and fruits every day, and everyone can even distribute them to the control body. The magic stone and the anti-rejection medicine of the magic device convinced them that they were definitely not useless wastes who had lost their jobs, and they would definitely be of great use.

The lord will not spend a lot of money to raise waste.

At this time, Kaios was still on the table where the simple boxes were piled up, watching the eight teams rehearse their formations.

Although it was still very irregular, at least after each captain shouted orders and slogans, all the team members could respond quickly and walk to the approximate position.

After reading it, Kaios nodded to Harvey, and the latter immediately asked the other guards to remove the boxes from the carriage.

The box was opened, and it looked like a suit of clothes inside. The farmers were very curious, but after a few days of simple training, they all forcibly held back, because the eight captains had told them in the past few days that half a month The eight of them before were selected by the master as contracted servants, not only because they could read and write, but also because of their previous discipline performance.

Keos asked Qi Weiyu and another captain, Payson, to select the five members with the best performance, and then Harvey led the guards over and gave each of them a set of heavy vests that had just been taken out of the box.

The vest looks very thick, and it is not light to wear. It is made of delicate leather on the outside, and is lined with dense and fine magic patterns. It can be seen at a glance that this is not a decorative magic pattern, but a real guy with specific functions!
After distributing the vests, the guards gave them wide standard belts and a magic wand for each of them.

The farmers look at this thing very kindly. When they harvest the magic plants and extract the magic power, they also have to wear such a standard belt, which is full of empty magic sticks for filling.

But after getting the belts, the farmers immediately noticed the difference. These belts did not have filling ports, and the magic wand given to them was also full of mana.

According to Harvey's command, Qi Weiyu, Pai Sen and the five farmers selected by the two of them each put on the vest and belt, and inserted the magic wand into the belt as required, and inserted the tube into the port in their abdomen. .

The pipe also has a shunt port, which is connected to the vest.

They quickly realized the function of this equipment, which is to allow them to convert the magic power of the magic wand into their own magic power, and then input it into the vest, which is the reverse of the previous farmer's operation.

This made them a little puzzled. If you want to input magic power into the magic patterns on the vest, why not just plug the magic wand into the vest? It should be a simple matter to make an interface, right?

Why do such a complex switching system, let them do the input?

"Team 1, Juli team." Harvey shouted to Qi Weiyu who had finished wearing the equipment and received the basic operation instructions of the equipment.

Qi Weiyu, who suddenly received the order, hastily followed the training of the past few days and gave the order to his five team members.

The five people immediately dispersed to five corners, two of them got closer, and Qi Weiyu walked to a position a little in front of them and stood still.

At this time, a guard put on a thinner vest over the armor and walked to the middle of the six-member team.

"Start filling the vest with demons, the first three to fill one route, the last three to fill five routes, and keep the team position." Harvey continued to order.

Although it is the first time for farmers to see and wear this vest, it is not difficult to charge the different magic pattern routes on the vest. It has been explained when the vest was just distributed. It is easier than choosing different empty magic sticks on the belt to fill when they harvest the magic plants.

Then, something miraculous happened.

Qi Weiyu and the other six people clearly felt that a magic force connected them together, while the guard among the six people felt a magic enhancement effect on himself, and his power was significantly enhanced. strengthening.

At this moment, no matter Qi Weiyu and others who were in it, or other people watching, they all realized——they inspired a magic circle!
"Team 1, move forward slowly." Harvey ordered.

A little nervous Qi Weiyu gave an order: "Go slowly."

At this time, he and the other five team members carefully stepped forward and walked forward slowly.

The guard among them, who was blessed by their magic circle, also moved forward at their speed.

Once they move, the distance between each other can no longer be maintained accurately. Qi Weiyu and other team members can clearly feel the magic power input into the vest magic patterns by pushing or pulling.

Naturally, based on this feeling, they strengthened or weakened the magic power they input, maintained the overall magic power balance, and maintained the magic circle.

Ahead, a guard rushed towards the guard in the vest inside the circle.

"Stop!" Harvey said again.

Qi Weiyu knew that the order was for him, so he also raised his right hand and said loudly: "Stop, keep your position."

The six of them stopped and continued to keep the vest guard in their ranks.

The guard who charged in was level 5, while the vest guard was only level 4. But at this time, with the support of the magic circle, the vest guard bent his knees and raised his hand.

Obviously, the power-enhancing magic brought by the magic circle played a role.

"Team 1! Form the Spirit Squad!" Harvey ordered again.

Qi Weiyu immediately followed up with the order, and his order should be more specific, including the direction they are facing and who is the benchmark for the team.

The team quickly began to change, and it took the six people nearly ten seconds to rearrange the team, and then they heard Harvey's order:
"Refill the vest with demons, the first one for three routes, two, three, four for five routes, and the last two for one route."

Although they had already numbered each of them before, when they heard this order suddenly, two farmers still didn't react and were a little dazed.

Fortunately, Qi Weiyu quickly reminded his team members, so everyone followed the order and recharged the mana again.

This time, another new magic circle was established.

The vest guard who was originally wrestling with the six people, because he lost the power bonus brought by the magic circle, was instantly at a disadvantage, and almost fell down after taking several steps back. It was the mercy of another guard that prevented him from losing immediately.

But after the establishment of the new magic circle, the situation immediately turned around, and the vest guard easily pushed the guard who was one level higher than himself to the ground.

This time, it wasn't that he himself received some kind of bonus, but that the other party was weakened by the "Spirit Limiting Array", and the movement of the spiritual energy was sluggish, the use of the spiritual energy was greatly hindered, and the strength was weakened by at least 20%.

Standing beside Kaios, the middle-aged magician wearing a magic robe sighed softly: "The magic plant farmers are not magicians, they can't use even the simplest magic, and they don't know what magic circle they are arousing. Realized, but it is their instinct to control the transmission of magic power...Using this, let the farmers form a dynamic magic circle that can move and change! Master, your idea is really genius..."

Kaios looked back at him and said with a smile: "Adrian, while you are flattering, you also praised yourself by the way, right? Didn't you make all these equipments by yourself?"

The magician named Adrian bowed his head slightly, and said in a respectful tone, "I am just a sharp sword. Whether I use it to behead or chop vegetables, and how powerful it can be depends on the master's skill."

(End of this chapter)

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