I really just want to be a big lord

Chapter 118 Disappointment

Chapter 118 Disappointment
For a main city, no matter what the reason is, if there is no presiding judge sent by Shengyou Palace, there will not be other so-called deputy presiding judges, or any mid-level and senior personnel from Shengyou Palace to take over the position of acting presiding judge, but There is another mechanism.

When there is no presiding judge in a main city, all marquises and dukes will form a temporary jury to decide some matters that must be decided immediately until the new presiding judge sent by the holy capital takes office.

As a "various rules lover", Kaios naturally knew about this rule long ago.

But he never figured out why Shengyou Palace made such a rule that seemed to be full of loopholes.

What if there is only one marquis left in a main city due to special circumstances?
Doesn't that mean that the relevant affairs are all decided by him?

If there is not a single Marquis left, but the regulations do not mention something like "If there is no Marquis, then the Earls will discuss together", it seems to mean "If there is no Marquis, then do whatever you want."

Keos pondered for a while, and felt that the possible reason might be that when there is only one marquis in a city, the strength of the marquis is already enough to be the talker, and if there is no marquis, a group of earls It is also difficult to discuss the outcome. It is the same whether there is this temporary trial mechanism, and it is useless to set it up.

But he still didn't quite understand why Shengyou Palace didn't set up deputy positions, or let people in middle and high-level positions take over temporarily, that would not be much simpler.

In short, after Pan De's presiding judge was urgently transferred to Valli City, Yulang City had no presiding judge for a short time, and entered the mechanism of the temporary jury.

The composition of this jury is a grand duke and six marquises, which naturally includes the Marquis of Steel Heart.

However, Keos didn't think that the Marquis of Steel Heart would make trouble at this time, because although he himself was in the temporary jury, if he really wanted to vote according to his position, he actually didn't have an advantage.

In the entire jury, there were two marquises who had a bad relationship with him, and it could even be said that they had deep conflicts and fundamental conflicts of interest.

One is Marquis Erickson, who the presiding judge of Pender clearly stated that if the Marquis of Steelheart goes to war against him, he will join the war. , Grant Marquis of the point of sale cooperation.

Among the remaining four people, there are the Grand Duke Kelbert and the Marquis of Alan who are relatively detached.

Although the absolute strength of Grand Duke Kelbot may not even be comparable to those at the end of the crane among the six marquises, his duke title is here, and he must be the one who can speak the loudest in the temporary jury , and the Marquis of Alan is the most famous and well-connected among the seven because of his attainments in the field of art.

Of these two, the former has a good relationship with Presiding Judge Pan De, and the latter has just communicated with Kaios not long ago. They are both well-known painters, so they should be somewhat biased.

Looking at it this way, 2+2, basically 4 negative votes are relatively stable.

Moreover, the remaining three members of the seven-member temporary jury, except for the Marquis of Steel Heart himself, the other two Marquis may not be of one mind with him.

Taking advantage of the fact that there is no presiding judge now, and using flimsy reasons to quickly pass the temporary jury to apply for declaring war on Kaios, the possibility of success is very small.

But also must guard against.

Anyway, prepare for the worst first, and then look at the situation in detail after the new presiding judge takes office.

Kaios received a letter from Presiding Judge Pan De in the morning, and in the afternoon he prepared a gift worth [-] magic coupons and a painting of his own, and asked the housekeeper to personally deliver it to Eli Marquis Kesen, let's say hello first.

In the evening, Pete brought back a message from Marquis Ericson's butler: "Taigu Factory is good."

The words were inexplicable, but Kaios immediately understood what it meant.

Once the Marquis of Steel Heart and Kaios entered an all-out war, there was a reason why Marquis Ericson would send contracted servants and troops to help Caios fight.

There is a good reason why a business partner's death can drastically affect income.

Of course, Marquis Eriksson himself could apply for war against Marquis Steel Heart with his old grievances, but if the two Marquises fought directly, it would be difficult to stop. Marquis Eriksson didn't want to get himself involved.

So this message means to participate in the Taigu factory of Kaios.

Keos naturally had no objection, even with the introduction of the presiding judge Pan De, the "protection fee" must be paid, so he immediately made a contract, and directly sent Taigu worth at least [-] magic coupons. Seventy percent of the shares in the factory were transferred to Marquis Eriksson, and Pete sent them there overnight.

The Taigu factory is the most profitable industry of the Li family, bar none.

In terms of scale, the entire sales and production system of the "creator" that Kaios currently produces "Magic Refining System" and other refining items including "Magic Shadow Box" must be much larger and much larger , the total assets are even on the order of millions.

But in fact, because only the "Magic Refining System" has started to be sold on a large scale, other products have not yet begun to generate income, but instead continue to require investment, and the product "Magic Refining System" is also constantly opening assembly plants in various places, mass production Buying materials, building factories, buying leaders for worker training, investing in building R&D teams, after-sales teams, etc. will definitely make a lot of money in the future, but at least the current net income is still negative.

In fact, Kaios' original idea was to invite Marquis Eriksson to cooperate with the "Magic Shadow Box" that will soon be launched on the market.

However, since Marquis Eriksson proposed Taigu factory on his own initiative, he did not want to be involved in his pioneering business, and it can be seen that Marquis Eriksson has a basic understanding of his family's industry. Then it's okay to hand over the head of Taigu Factory.

Originally, his current focus has been shifted to the "creator", and when the "Magic Array Magic Equipment System" completes the final trial modification and enters the stage of mass production, he will take up most of his energy.

Therefore, according to his previous plan, it was to dispose of all the previous industries that did not directly provide the settlements of the people—the people still needed to be expanded, but the whereabouts of the people had already been arranged, and the old industries could no longer be relocated. After allocating people, instead, try to reassign all the manpower saved by the old industry to the new industry.


Kaios originally wanted to see off Judge Pan De. On the one hand, he wanted to express his heart, and on the other hand, he also wanted to find an opportunity to see if he could have a few words with Judge Pan De. It is also good to say a few words.

But Judge Pandor left in a hurry. It seemed that there was an emergency in Valli City. The disciplinary knights with more than 100 guards immediately cleared the way after leaving the city. After the carriage of Judge Pandor left the city, he began to run at full speed, completely ignoring the horsepower. The wear and tear is obviously intended to continue traveling part-time after changing horses on the road, even without rest at night.

So Kaios, who was standing by the roadside, let alone meeting with Judge Pan De, even Dominique, could only nod from a distance when he passed by.

Judging from Dominic's expression, he also seems to be preoccupied now. It seems that the situation that Presiding Judge Pender will face when he goes west to Valli City may also be very serious.

When Keos came out and returned from Beishan Manor this time, he naturally applied for the protection of the patrol team of the Retribution Knights.

Although the captains of the two patrol teams did not reject his application, he could clearly feel that the attitude of the two disciplinary knight captains who had dealt with him frequently before was obviously different from before.

Kaios secretly added another layer to the difficulties he might encounter next.

When Judge Pan De left Yulang City, he also took away a large number of cronies of the Knights of Disciplinary Order, including Dominic and Jaeger—many of these people were originally brought to Yulang City by him, and some were in Yulang City. promoted and cultivated.

Obviously, for the remaining members of the Punishment Knights of Yulang City Shengyou Palace, the presiding judge Pan De has become a thing of the past, and the next new presiding judge will be their master for the next few years or even ten years.

Two days later, Keos met Earl Vaux at Beishan Manor.

When he heard that Vaux came to the door, Kaios was actually a little bit worried. This old man is his biggest "creditor", and he still owes the other party 40 magic coupons. He endorsed and asked him to go to Vaux to borrow money, but things are unpredictable. After all, now that Judge Pan De has left Yulang City, it is possible for him to come to collect the money in advance—there is an exemption from interest in the contract and a request to shorten the loan. terms of the repayment cycle.

Of course, in this case, Kaios also had a plan and found several channels to borrow magic coupons, but he would have to pay a considerable price.

Fortunately, Earl Vaux came here not to call for money in advance, but to hand him a contract - part of his debts was used to pay for the purchase of Taigu Factory's shares.

Kaios already knew that Earl Vaux did not use all the magic coupons he owned when he did the magic coupon lending business. Many earls and marquises were his sources of magic coupons.

Marquis Eriksson is one of his important sources of magic coupons.

Some of the 40 magic coupons that Caios still owed belonged to Marquis Eriksson.

Although Kaios borrowed the magic coupon from Earl Vaux, if he ran away or couldn't pay it back, then Earl Vaux would not have to bear the loss of Marquis Eriksson, because these borrowing bills were originally issued by Marquis Eriksson is known and certain.

It is only now that Keos knows that Earl Vaux not only borrows money from other people to lend to others, earning intermediate interest, but also directly trades IOUs, which is equivalent to a small loan platform...

Of course, because the interest rate on Vox's magic coupons is extremely low, there is no commission for these transfer orders, which is equivalent to purely working for Kaios.

According to the contract brought by Earl Vaux, Kais owed [-] magic coupons to Marquis Eriksson, which will become [-]% of the Taigu factory shares that he asked Peter to bring to Marquis Ericsson. transfer money.

To be honest, when he saw the contract, Kaios had mixed feelings.

Originally, according to his plan, he would give [-]% of the shares of Taigu Factory to Marquis Ericson for free as a sincerity of cooperation and "protection fee".

Unexpectedly, Eriksson actually got another [-] yuan to "buy" at this time.

For Keos, this is not the feeling of "Originally I gave [-] for free, now I get [-], and the protection fee is [-]% off, oh yeah!".

Rather, there is a kind of disappointment... "Insufficiency and conspiracy".

When it comes to major matters of life and death, Kaios really doesn't care much about the difference between [-] and [-] magic coupons. A painting worth at least [-] magic coupons.

What really disappointed Kaios was the attitude expressed by Marquis Eriksson, as well as the short-sightedness that cares about everything and pays attention to small profits.

If Marquis Eriksson didn't give a magic coupon, and directly took the [-]% shares of Taigu Factory for nothing, Kaios would not have any objection, because Marquis Eriksson took the money because of the relationship with the presiding judge Pan De. If he is given a "protection fee", he will definitely keep him safe with all his heart.

But now, Eriksson took out another transaction contract, saying that he bought the [-]% shares of the Taigu factory with magic coupons, and he didn’t pay with magic coupons separately, but asked Vaux to come to him with the contract. Debt for stock means that Vaux is regarded as a witness and an intermediary, which means:
"I took your Taigu factory just to make it easier for me to have a reason to apply for war and support you later. I didn't take you for nothing."

This is actually nothing, Eriksson didn't have much contact with him at first, even if he got the confession from the presiding judge Pender before he left, and promised to help him resist the threat of the Marquis of Steelheart, he might not be willing to bind him immediately Too tight, it's normal to have reservations.

But the problem is that the market price of [-]% of Taigu Factory’s shares is at least [-]. If it is not for urgent sale, if it is sold normally, it is normal for the entire factory to sell for [-] or even [-]. Forty-nine thousand or so.

And the Marquis Eriksson only paid [-] yuan in debt...

Originally, Kaios wanted to make friends with Marquis Eriksson, and after Judge Pender left Yulang City, he embraced him as his new thigh.

He is absolutely sure that he can help Marquis Eriksson earn a lot of magic coupons, so that Marquis Eriksson will willingly provide himself with comprehensive security asylum.

But from this incident alone, he could see that the character of this Lord Marquis would not be much better than that of the Marquis of Steel Heart, but he was not as famous as the latter.

Of course, he would not express anything on the surface, and he was talking good things about Marquis Eriksson to Earl Vaux - although he could clearly hear that Vaux also had a lot of troubles when he cooperated with the Marquis thing.

Next, Keos continued to focus on his own preparations.

Instead of waiting for the price of full-time farmers to drop, he directly bought two batches of 400 full-time farmers and more than 1700 family members with them at a price not much different from a year ago, and resettled them in one In a newly built settlement.

At the same time, he also bought contracted servants with higher ranks and certain combat effectiveness. He bought three mid-level magicians of level 9, six mid-level auras of level 9, and one high-level aura of level 10 at a high price.

It's not that he doesn't want to buy a level 11 or even top level powerhouse, there is really no suitable one.

Just as Kaios was intensively making various preparations, the Marquis of Steel Heart finally made his move.

Strictly speaking, it was not the Marquis of Steel Heart who made the move himself.

When Kaios got the news from a team of disciplinary knights, he took his men and rushed to the inner city of Yulang City. After his stockings customization shop, what he saw was the smashed counter, samples and leg models scattered around. And... a woman who was crushed in a pool of blood by several disciplinary knights.

Both of her hands were severed at the wrist, and a dagger was still held in one hand that fell not far away.

Not far away, the store manager Ada cried and pleaded with the contracted servants, asking them to call a doctor to treat her.

The woman whose hands had been cut off was Caios's contracted servant.

(End of this chapter)

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