I really just want to be a big lord

Chapter 56 The Developmental Ideas of the Invincible Field

Chapter 56 The Developmental Ideas of the Invincible Field
The origin of the black forest, or the extremely evil forest, is mentioned in three books that are somewhat unofficial.

Obviously, the person who wrote these three books regarded this incident as the reason and turning point for the persecution and bad reputation of the Necromancer.

Trying to create a kind of, necromancers are a group abandoned and betrayed by the Three Kings and the Holy Blessed Alliance, a group of tragic loners.

But Keos certainly did not believe this statement. The form of necromancy was doomed to make it impossible to enter the mainstream. The existence of necromancers was destined to arouse the fear, vigilance and rejection of other people, other auras, and magicians.

Even in these three books, before the Holy Blessing Palace started the Black Forest Project, the Holy Blessed Alliance did not accept the necromancers, but was always searching for them.

One of the conditions offered by Shengyou Palace to the necromancers is to give them freedom, let them practice freely, and no longer treat necromancy as a taboo.

Under such circumstances, even if the Necromancer cooperates with the Three Kings, and at the request of the Holy Blessing Palace, when he produces the undead spells and natural disaster curses that infect the endless forest, can he think of a way to make small moves to prepare for himself?
However, in the books related to the history of the Holy Blessed Alliance that Keos has read, when it comes to the history of the Western Territory, there has never been a little detailed introduction to this "extremely evil forest", as if it is a pure place name—even as a place name They are all avoided as much as possible. In many cases, the location description of "Extremely Evil Forest" will be replaced by "Southwest of Thunder Valley".

This can at least show that the Holy Blessed Alliance is indeed hiding something about the origin of the "Extremely Evil Forest", and there is a high probability that the Holy Blessed Palace is a little guilty.

Another interesting point is that in the orthodox books of the Holy Blessed Alliance, the descriptions of the Three Kings are basically based on their wisdom, kindness, strategizing, and artistic attainments, and there is basically no description of their own aura or magical power. describe directly.

However, in these three unofficial histories, there are almost exaggerated direct descriptions of the strength of the three kings, and they even wrote in detail what magic they used, how powerful they were, and what effects they caused.

Keos also noticed that in the orthodox history of the Holy Blessed Alliance, it has never been clearly stated when the three kings died.

According to some historical events that also appeared in the orthodox history mentioned in these three unofficial histories as reference points, the three kings should have been at least 180 years old when they were in the "Black Forest Project".

At such an advanced age, there is still such a terrifying, destructive strength?
Of course, it is also possible that these unofficial histories are inaccurately compiled and deliberately distorted in these aspects.


These three unofficial histories not only serve as a reference for Kaios to explore the true history of the Holy Blessed Alliance, but also help him understand many thoughts of the original owner to a certain extent.

The "Fabio" in "The Notes of the Exorcist Master Fabio" claimed to be one of the necromancers who were recruited by the Three Kings to formulate the "Black Forest Project". Details of the undead spell.

But Kaios, who had read "Introduction to the Basics of Undead Spells", could tell at a glance that these were all nonsense, not even the basics of undead spells.

This book is the least valuable of the four books, just pure wild history stories.

"The Way of the Lich" tells the story of a necromancer who was hunted down by the Holy Blessed Alliance after the appearance of the "Extremely Evil Forest". "Extremely Evil Forest" is like a story of a fish entering the sea.

In this book, in addition to whipping the three kings who betrayed their faith and died like dogs, in the process of talking about the protagonist's journey to become a "lich", he also explained in detail his cultivation method, which is similar to a tutorial.

Obviously, the original owner just read this part of the content and felt that he had a way to make a copy, turning himself, who already had an "altar of the undead" in his body, into a lich.

Then there is "Blood and Bone, Staff and Soul". In addition to talking about the three kings using the necromancer's backstab, this book also discusses the structure and existence of the soul from the necromancer's perspective.

Regarding this aspect... To be honest, it’s not that Keos is biased towards Presiding Judge Pandor. Even from a completely neutral point of view, Pender’s notes are much more systematic and precise than the description of the soul in this book.

In addition to the basic description of the soul structure, this book also mentions a variety of undead secrets, and each description is quite impressive.

Two of them are the "Soul Cultivation Method" and the "Body Casting Method".

The former is to seed the soul of the undead, so that the undead will automatically complement the missing driving spirit, body spirit and hidden ancestor spirit.

Theoretically speaking, when a normal person's soul is slightly damaged due to acquired reasons, it can be slowly recovered.But the premise is that normal people, the overall soul structure is intact, not dead, most of the souls have dissipated.

As for the "body casting method", on the basis of the "soul nourishing method" to nourish the soul, the complete soul is further used to recast the flesh and blood.

To put it bluntly, these two steps are the so-called "resurrection".

But from the basic description of the soul in this book, Keos's secret methods are probably not reliable.

The three steps of the original owner's Lich, Soul Cultivation, and Body Casting are obviously derived from these two books.

However, because the original owner did not meet all the conditions, he did not directly follow the description in the book and did it step by step. Instead, he followed the secret method of "refining the body into an altar" that Benan taught him, and went one step further. According to his own understanding, he carried out a series of "blind operations".

He seemed to firmly believe that after he cut his own soul to feed Luna's soul, Luna would have a way to refine the strongest undead body in her undead domain.

As long as it is in her undead domain, her dharma body is the strongest, stronger than the top level and super level.

And after he becomes a lich, he takes Luna to the "Extremely Evil Forest", and can help Luna turn the land full of undead breath into her undead realm.

"Extreme Evil Forest" is an existence that even Shengyou Palace goes around. If "Extreme Evil Forest" can be controlled, then the dharma body refined by Little Luna will definitely be the strongest in the world, and no one can match it.

Of course, the logic of the original owner has countless loopholes, but let alone, by mistake, something has really come up.

At least Kaios successfully connected with Little Lenna's undead realm, and he had the ability to be a lich without becoming a lich.

Speaking of it, it should be that the original owner cut his own hidden ancestor spirit before, causing him to lose his complete perception ability, so even if Luna established the undead domain to have some of his hidden ancestor spirit's ability, he couldn't sense it.

And after crossing Kaios, although the format of his own soul is different from that of this world, through the remaining driving spirit in his body, he successfully connects with Little Luna's undead domain.

Moreover, no matter how wild and exaggerated the original owner's ideas are, there is at least one very important skill that he really got from these books - the soul cutting method.

Extracting the soul, distinguishing the structure of the soul, and cutting the soul, each step is extremely difficult, but the original owner really did it, and he still uses his own soul.


Originally, Kaios only planned to stay in the Jade Bird Factory for half a day before going to the next industry, but after discovering the office that needed a bracelet to open, he changed his mind and temporarily decided to spend the night in the Jade Bird Factory.

The reason he gave Pete and the factory manager was that he had a sudden inspiration to design a pair of stockings.

Keos stayed in the office until the next morning, including lunch, dinner and supper, all eaten in the office.

Early the next morning, Kaios called the manager of Jade Bird Factory and handed him his design draft.

The manager was a little surprised when he looked at the design draft. He thought that the stockings that Kaios had spent so long designing would have very complicated and beautiful patterns, and even some elaborate wear designs. He was a little worried that the workers in the factory would have It was not produced with that ability.

But in fact, the design of Kaios is very simple, so simple that there is almost no design.

It was not one stocking, but twelve stockings, basically the same shape - pantyhose form, the only difference was the color, and a few of them had black lines like shrimp threads on the back.

Do these twelve items really need more than ten hours of design?

Is this the art of simplification?

The manager thought of the identity of the painter of Kaios, and looked at these design drafts again, and suddenly became a little awed.

Moreover, although the design of these twelve stockings is very simple, there are a lot of marked content, focusing on color matching and material requirements.

Their gauze skirts, jumpsuits, and stockings are all made from a magic plant called "Sunny Frost Fruit". The juice of this magic plant can be made into clothing materials by drawing and spinning.

Moreover, this kind of magic plant can be pre-treated before planting according to the required gloss, elasticity, color, and thickness, and the juice extract of "Sunny Frost Fruit" planted after the treatment can achieve the required characteristics.

Now mainstream stockings are customized with high gloss and low elasticity, which will look more high-end and more textured. However, "Qingshuangguo" consumes a lot of money, requires high dimensional accuracy, and is difficult to make. It's a high-priced custom product in itself, so it doesn't matter.

However, this scheme of Kaios requires high flexibility, high toughness, and cost control, which is very rare.

The corresponding "Qingshuang Fruit" had to be set up and cultivated temporarily. In this way, it would take two to three months at the earliest to produce the first batch of samples.

"Master, then I will order you to prepare 'Qingshuang Fruit' in the quantity of 120 pieces of one kind, [-] pieces in total?" the manager said after simply reading the design drawing.

He already felt that he was estimating towards a generous amount, but what he didn't expect was that after listening to it, Kaios said directly:
"Prepare 'Qingshuangguo' according to the quantity of 2000 pieces of one kind, but after the materials are ready, first make 10 pieces of one kind and send them to Beishan Manor for me to see, and then start production after I confirm. During this time You can dispatch and train the workers first, and if you don’t have enough funds for materials, you can apply to Butler Pete.”

2000 pieces of one type, 24000 pieces in total?This number is higher than the total number of stockings produced by Jade Bird Factory since its establishment.

This... Are there so many noble women in Yulang City?

Is the master planning to let the noble ladies of the entire Holy Blessing Alliance have one of them?
Naturally, Keos would not explain his purpose to the manager now, this was actually just a small test of the water.

After leaving the strange bird factory, Kaios continued his industrial inspection tour.

After one and a half months, Kaios and his team arrived at the northern boundary, ready to see their development camp "Fengyuan No. [-]" in the northern boundary.

And the leader of this camp is Benin.

(End of this chapter)

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