Immortality begins with Xiaoao

Chapter 202 Wu Zetian's Response

Chapter 202 Wu Zetian's Response
When he received Yu Fei's letter again, Wu Zetian was really shocked and angry. The [-] Shence Army was completely annihilated. It was only a day after he received Wang Xiaojie's request for help, and Yu Fei's letter came at the same time.

This means that Wang Xiaojie did not stop the rebels even for a day, which is incredible.

It's just that Wu Zetian can't afford to think too much now, Luoyang is too close to Guanzhong, no matter if you go out of Tongguan to Hexi or out of Sanguan to Nanyang, you can reach the city of Luoyang in three days.

When the situation of the bandit army is uncertain, Luoyang is no longer suitable as the capital of the country.

But it is even more inappropriate to move the capital directly. After arriving in Luoyang just now, he was frightened and moved the capital immediately. Wouldn't this make the world laugh at him?
It’s nothing more than ridicule, the most important thing is not defending Luoyang, and the two capitals are occupied by the bandit army, will people think that the Great Zhou Dynasty is about to perish, and reproduce the situation of the chaos of the princes at the end of the Sui Dynasty, then it will really mess with yourself position.

Besides, I still have 20 Shence Army in my hands. Luoyang is also the best place in the world, with plenty of food and grass. There is no problem for the army to eat for a year. As long as they don't go to the field and just defend the city, who can break a city like Luoyang ?

After analyzing the pros and cons, Wu Zetian made up his mind that Luoyang could not give up, at least not so easily.

"What are you panicking about? Some rebels in the area, look at how scared you are."

Wu Zetian's prestige grew, and with a cold shout, all the officials immediately stopped the commotion and bowed to Wu Zetian, and some even fell to their knees in fright.

After Wu Zetian took a few steps slowly on the imperial steps, he ordered with a solemn expression:

"The Zhongshu drafted the decree. Although the king of Luling had serious faults, he was pure and filial, and he was established as the prince. Then he issued a letter, and the Chang'an rebels Li Fei and Yuan Tiangang rebelled under the guise of the clan. The crime is unforgivable, and Yuan Tiangang was abolished. If you take the position, you can disband the bad people. Order Cui Lie, the governor of the Western Regions, to move south and attack the rebels from the rear. Then order the soldiers and horses from all over the world to enter Luoqin King."

Wu Zetian doesn't say anything else, political wisdom is definitely full of existence, first admit his mistakes, re-establish Li Xian as the prince, appease and win over the old officials of the Tang Dynasty, and then spend Yuan Tiangang as the teacher of the country, dismiss bad people, and let the Western Regions guard Attacking from the Western Regions to Guanzhong, and ordering the world's soldiers and horses to be kings, ordinary people really can't make any waves in the face of Wu Zetian's moves.

After Yu Fei shilled the vanguard to take Tongguan and Sanguan, he marched slowly all the way, stopping for a day or two at each place, firstly to surrender the surrounding soldiers, and secondly to rearrange and adjust the officials.

As for Wu Zetian's so-called political means, Yu Fei didn't care. Any strategic means ultimately depends on strength. When one party's strength causes absolute crushing, the strategy becomes empty talk.

More than ten days later, Yu Fei led the army and went straight to Luoyang.

Wu Zetian was also very decisive. He took all the army back to Luoyang and just defended it wholeheartedly. When Yu Fei approached Luoyang, he even sent Pei Yan, Minister of Rites and Zhongshu, to come to Yu Fei's army to persuade him to surrender.

Of course persuading surrender is just what Wu Zetian said to the outside world, but the real situation is that he wants to negotiate a peace. It has only been more than two years since Wu Zetian proclaimed himself emperor, and there are still many loyal ministers of the Tang Dynasty all over the world. When these people have no leader, they are naturally vulnerable , Wu Zetian never put these people in his eyes.

But now after a big defeat, Wu Zetian has already felt that his throne is a bit unstable. It is impossible to say that he does not regret it. It doesn't matter if you lose Chang'an in the conquest of the army, the righteousness is still on your side after all.

But now, first of all, there is a large amount of corvee to build Luoyang, and then wantonly kill Li's clan, which leads to loss of support. If there is no accident, Wu Zetian will gradually stabilize the country, and these are just minor illnesses.

However, Yuan Tiangang just seized the opportunity when Wu Zetian moved the capital and the regime was unstable, and brazenly encouraged Yu Fei to raise his troops, and Wu Zetian was caught off guard. The era, even the era before Yu Fei, would also cause turmoil in people's hearts. Now Wu Zetian only wants to stabilize the situation and give her some time.

Therefore, Pei Yan, as the prime minister, came to discuss with Yu Fei, which can be regarded as showing the greatest sincerity.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Yu Fei looked at Pei Yan with a smile and said nonsense about monarchs and ministers. He really couldn't stand his face, so Yu Fei interrupted:
"If I remember correctly, Pei Shangshu is the assistant minister, but where is Datang being assisted by Shangshu now?"

Pei Yan was dumbfounded but didn't know how to answer, and his face turned extremely red in an instant.

Yu Fei didn't bother to tease him any more, and continued:
"Pei Shangshu don't want to talk nonsense anymore, just tell me, what did the usurper Wu's daughter ask you to do?"

Hearing that Yu Fei had changed the subject, Pei Yan was relieved to stop chasing after his own personal virtues, and he didn't try to argue with Yu Fei. When Yu Fei called Wu Zetian a daughter of the Wu family who usurped the throne, maybe Wu Zetian was also usurping the throne in his heart. .

"My emperor's order is for the sake of the people of the world. As long as the general retreats, my emperor can make the general the King of Qin and stay in Guanzhong forever. Please think twice."

Yu Fei was a little amused, why was it for the people of the world, why there were no people in the world when Luoyang was built with corvée, but now it sounds nice, these politicians are the most shameless.

Now he sneered and said:

"Pei Yan, as an envoy, I don't want to humiliate you, so go ahead and tell Mrs. Wu that she can't sit still in this world."

Pei Yan was startled, and hastily said:
"If the general is not satisfied, we can discuss it further, even if we add the land of Bashu."

Yu Fei didn't bother to talk to him anymore, he just waved his hand, and then two unscrupulous people came in from outside the tent, saluted Yu Fei first, and then dragged Pei Yan out of the tent.

"General. General"

Pei Yan, who was kicked out of the barracks by bad people, was a little frustrated. He didn't know how to explain to Wu Zetian when he went back. Although this queen was a woman, she surpassed most men in the world when it came to cruelty.

Thinking of Wu Zetian's methods, Pei Yan couldn't help but shudder, but there was no way, his family was all in Wu Zetian's hands, now Pei Yan didn't even dare to escape.

Back in Luoyang, after Wu Zetian knew Yu Fei's reply, he was naturally furious, but Pei Yan was reprimanded by Wu Zetian like his own slave as the prime minister, Pei Yan felt ashamed and annoyed, but he had no choice.

Fortunately, Wu Zetian was very scheming after all, and he was able to wake up in time, but he just scolded Pei Yan and let him go.

Now that there is no room for manoeuvre, Wu Zetian also let go of his luck, and ordered Wu Sansi and other Wu family kings to go out of Luoyang to supervise the military kings of the various prefectures and counties. Morale, waiting for Yu Fei's arrival.

(End of this chapter)

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