Daming: Brother, there is no future for monks, let's rebel

Chapter 136 Invention of Canned Military Food, Daming’s First Patent Certificate

Chapter 136 Invention of canned military rations, the first patent certificate of Ming Dynasty

With a rushing sound.

All the students who were about to enter Taixue took their sabers one after another and handed them over to the guards next to them for safekeeping.

Zhao Min had to hand over his family's sword.

As a result, Zhao Min was already extremely disappointed.

Without a weapon, no matter how close he was to Zhu Han, it was impossible to have the means to assassinate him, not to mention so many tough guards, the battle-tested Zhu Han would definitely be extremely difficult to deal with.

After all, Zhu Han was the one who killed Emperor Tuohuan Timur under the defense of the Great Yuan Guards.

Everyone put down their weapons, and Zhao Min followed the students into the hall of Taixue. The hall of Taixue was the first large-scale building newly built by Ying Tianfu after the founding of Ming Dynasty.

The building materials used in the entire Taixue hall are all stone.

The Taixue Hall is more than ten steps high and dozens of steps wide.

The appearance of the entire Taixue Hall looks magnificent, like a huge pagoda erected in Yingtian City, Nanjing.

After everyone entered, they found their seats according to the seats of their tickets.

As expected, Zhao Min's seat was very close to the front. Wan Hu, who was lecturing in front of him, almost sprayed his saliva on the faces of the students in the front row.

The person next to Wanhu is none other than Zhu Han, king of Ming Dynasty.

But now Zhao Minzhong didn't have a sword, so he could only look at the face of this enemy with hatred, and wanted to imprint his appearance deeply in his mind.

Until the end of the whole public class, Zhao Min didn't listen to a single word of the content of the public class, and his mind was full of Zhu Han's handsome face, which lingered in his mind for a long time and couldn't get rid of it.

With a deep impression of Zhu Hanshi and an unforgettable hatred, Zhao Min left the Taixue University Hall with everyone.

After returning to the inn where he stayed, Zhao Min has been thinking about how to carry out the assassination revenge plan in the future.

If Zhu Han, the thief, could not be killed, Zhao Min felt that his trip to Nanjing Yingtian Mansion would be considered a complete failure.

The hatred of the country and the family cannot allow oneself to fail.

When night fell, Zhao Min lay on the bed in the inn, unable to fall asleep for a long time, thinking hard about how to carry out a step-by-step revenge plan.

Today's experience let Zhao Min know that the possibility of assassinating Zhu Han in such a public place as Taixue Guozijian is very low. It will pounce on itself to subdue itself.

Zhao Min was in the Taixue University Hall today, but he saw that those students admired King Zhu Han very much, and could even be said to love him.

Hubei, Anzhou.

As the newly established state capital of Ming Dynasty, this is the frontline base camp for attacking Chen Youliang.

Outside the city of Anzhou, more than [-] Ming troops are marching forward in an orderly manner. Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty came to the front line in person and led the soldiers to attack Chen Youliang's remnant forces.

As long as Chen Youliang's remnant forces are driven out of Anzhou, the whole of Hubei will come under the rule of Ming Dynasty.

However, the Ming army came from afar, and after a long period of fighting, they were exhausted.

Now that Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty came to the front line in person, although the morale of the soldiers should be slightly improved, the battle is still stalemate for the time being.

Naturally, Chen Youliang was keenly aware of the exhaustion of the Ming army.

Taking advantage of the fatigue of the Ming army, Chen Youliang took the opportunity to launch several raids, causing the Ming army in front to panic for a while.

Especially those soldiers and horses recruited by Huguang even fled several times.

As a result, Zhu Yuanzhang had to clean up the military law and personally ordered the beheading of the deserters to show the public, which stabilized the morale of these recruits.

Zhu Yuanzhang stood on the top of the city of Anzhou, looking at the warships on the Yangtze River, showing an unhappy expression.

"Now that Chen Youliang occupies the dominant terrain, which one of you can break through Chen Youliang's defense?" Zhu Yuanzhang said at this time, thinking in his heart that if his younger brother Qi Wu was here, there would definitely be a way to break through Chen Youliang's situation.

"Your Majesty, now that Chen Youliang has an advantage in terrain and has a large number of soldiers and horses, we can send troops to fight on wheels to consume his personnel and food." Admiral Hu Dahai of the Ming Dynasty said first.

After entering the Yangtze River, the naval forces led by the admiral of the Ming Dynasty Hu Dahai called out to attack Chen Youliang's navy. One ship, only dozens of dilapidated warships were hit, and they fled to Sichuan in the west.

Therefore, Hu Dahai’s contribution can be said to be ranked first in this military operation of the Western Expedition of the Ming Dynasty. Advantage.

"This method is good, but now we feel that we should be more ruthless to Chen Youliang. If there is a wheel war, will it give him a chance to recuperate?" Zhu Yuanzhang said.

When everyone heard that Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was not very satisfied with Hu Dahai's wheel plan, they immediately put forward their own suggestions to Emperor Daming.

"Your Majesty, I have a solution. We can send elites who have been listening to Chen Youliang from the mountains to go around behind Chen Youliang, and then launch a surprise attack when they are not prepared. We only need to cut off the enemy's rear and destroy their food and grass supply lines. Chen Youliang's men If the [-] troops are not destroyed, they will have to retreat." As the infantry commander of the Ming army's westward expedition, Zhang Dingbian immediately stepped forward and said.

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad, this is a good idea." Old brother Zhu Yuanzhang said, "Zhang Dingbian, if this matter is entrusted to you, can you have some confidence in winning?"

Hearing the inquiry from Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhang Dingbian said without hesitation:
"At the end of the day, His Majesty is willing to personally lead the troops to launch a surprise attack around Chen Youliang's back."

All of a sudden, everyone praised Zhang Dingbian's brave and fearless behavior.

Zhu Yuanzhang was also very happy, he stepped forward and patted Zhang Dingbian on the shoulder, and said, "Very good, no wonder Qiwu often told me that as long as you fight Chen Youliang, you must give you a chance. It seems that you His courage is not inferior to that of Zhao Zilong who was full of courage back then."

Hearing that Zhu Yuanzhang said that he was Zhao Zilong, Zhang Dingbian was very happy immediately, and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the final general will not disappoint His Majesty and the King of England!"

Zhang Dingbian personally led three thousand elites.

From the outside of Anzhou City, follow the mountain road and start to detour to the rear of Chen Youliang's army.

At the same time, Chen Youliang's army was not so happy because it temporarily blocked the attack of the Ming army. Many soldiers were very absent-minded.

Even, quite a few soldiers tried to escape and join the Ming army, and the reasons for this made Chen Youliang very worried.

"Your Majesty, there are rumors among the soldiers and soldiers in the army that the army is in Hubei to distribute the land to the local tyrants, and the poor people are allotted a lot of good land. Many soldiers in the army heard that their families have been allotted good land, and now they all have no intention of fighting. , and even many guys secretly want to escape." The Prime Minister of the Han Kingdom, Zou Pusheng, said worriedly.

Chen Youliang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, also had a sad look on his face.

Not long ago, some Ming soldiers were captured during the battle with the Ming army. They were all natives of Hubei, and many of them were Chen Youliang's former troops.

From these populations, we learned that after the Ming army entered Hubei, they immediately started fighting the local tyrants to divide the land. The soldiers of the Red Turban Army were basically from poor backgrounds, so they were naturally allocated a lot of land, and lived a stable life with land and houses.

In this way... Chen Youliang's soldiers could no longer remain calm.

You must know that they joined the Red Turban Army just to kill the Tartars and live a good life.

Now, the Ming army is fighting against the local tyrants in Hubei to divide their fields, and everyone is living a good life, so what motivation do they have to continue fighting, they might as well put down their weapons and go back to their hometown to live a stable life.

Even in Chen Youliang's army, there have been secret rumors that if they win the battle against the Ming army, the family members in Hubei will lose the land they just allocated. If they lose, as long as they don't die, they can return to their hometown to farm in the future live.

Chen Youliang temporarily stabilized the confrontation by virtue of his military skills.

But the morale of the army plummeted, but he was in a hurry.

"Hmph! He, Zhu Chongba, can beat local tyrants and divide up the land, so can't I?"

Chen Youliang's heart suddenly moved.

Zou Pusheng, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, was also brightened, "Your Majesty means to learn the strategies of the Ming army?"

Chen Youliang nodded and said, "That's right, since the soldiers in the army all want land, let's divide it up for them. I heard that Zhu Chongba allocated fifteen acres of land to each of the people in Hubei?"

Zou Pusheng said hastily: "Your Majesty is right. Ming thieves wantonly invite people to buy people's hearts. Everyone has fifteen acres of fertile land, regardless of gender or age."

Chen Youliang stroked his short beard and said with a smile: "Zhu Chongba is too stingy, if this is done, I will give each of the people in Huguang [-] mu of land, twice as much as Zhu Chongba!"

If Chen Youliang wanted to counterattack Huguang, he had to boost his morale. Now that he was painting a big cake, he might as well make it bigger.

After Zou Pusheng heard it, he also nodded in agreement, "Your Majesty is right, in this way, the morale of the soldiers will definitely be boosted!"

Afterwards, Chen Youliang and Zou Pusheng discussed how to use this matter to boost morale!
The treatment as a big Han soldier is naturally higher, and the policy of [-] acres of fertile land per person is directly set.

As soon as this news came out, the originally sluggish morale suddenly improved a lot.

Everyone in the Han army is looking forward to fighting back to Hubei, and then live a good life as a master.

However, the big cake painted by Chen Youliang is not able to fool everyone.

After some calculations, many knowledgeable soldiers immediately realized that something was wrong. This high subdivision of land would only be enough to kill all the wealthy landlords in Hubei.

However, it is obviously impossible to kill all the rich landlords. On the contrary, the [-] mu of land owned by the Ming army is more reliable.

Discussions in the Han army about "dividing the local tyrants and dividing the land" became more and more heated.

While some question whether it will be possible, most soldiers are very happy.

At this time, a surprise attack interrupted the beautiful longing of the soldiers of the Han Dynasty for "dividing the land by attacking local tyrants".

As night fell, in the mountains outside the camp of the Han army, General Zhang Dingbian of the Ming Dynasty led three thousand elites and was ready.

"General, we have eliminated the enemy's sentinels ahead!" A Ming army Qianhu came up to report.

Zhang Dingbian nodded in satisfaction, and then waved his hand, "All put on Han military uniforms, and approach quietly!"

With an order, more than 3000 soldiers of the Ming army immediately changed into the uniforms of the Han army that had been seized before.

Under the cover of night, Zhang Dingbian led three thousand elites to start the raid plan.

"Who, stop!"

With a shout, the troops under Chen Youliang's command found a team approaching the camp.

This group of soldiers and horses wore Han army uniforms, and they looked like their own people, but the night was too dark to see the flags clearly, and they didn't know which group of soldiers and horses they were.

"Brother, we are here from Yuzhou to deliver the luggage!" said the leading officer.

This person was Zhang Dingbian, who was about to approach the camp of the Han army, but met the secret sentry of the Han army, so he could only deal with him patiently.


"What kind of baggage is being transported?"

"What's the password?"

The Han army secretly asked questions again and again, but obviously relaxed their vigilance, and slowly approached.

"It's all salted fish and bacon from Yuzhou, used for labor!" Zhang Dingbian said with a smile.

Hearing that it was salted fish and bacon, the sentinel of the Han army was immediately overjoyed. After approaching, he just wanted to have a look at the salted fish and bacon, but suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from behind, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

"Set up the rocket, go bury the gunpowder!"

Zhang Dingbian killed the guard with a single knife, and urged his subordinates again and again.

There must be more than one secret whistle of the Han army, they must hurry up.

Following a quick preparation, the soldiers of the Ming army led by Zhang Dingbian were immediately ready to break through the wall of the Han army camp.


Following several loud noises in the dark night, the gunpowder arranged by the Ming army under the wall of the Han army camp made a shocking noise.

With the loud noise, the camp wall of the Han army also turned into a pile of tattered sawdust and clods.

However, Zhang Dingbian did not rush to launch a surprise attack, but ordered to launch another flying rocket.



Boom boom boom!
There was another loud bang, but this time it all erupted in the Han army camp.

The entire Han army camp was in complete chaos.

Seeing that the time had come, Zhang Dingbian immediately held a long gun, stood up and waved forward, and shouted to the soldiers beside him:

"Brothers, Fenghou's military achievements are ahead, follow me to grab it!"



With a shocking cry of killing, Chen Youliang's Han army immediately fell into panic.

"It's not good, Your Majesty, the thieves are sneaking up!"

"Protect Your Majesty!"

Chen Youliang's camp of the Chinese army was also hit by a flying rocket and burst into flames, but Chen Youliang escaped the catastrophe by patrolling the camp outside.

However, this fright still made Chen Youliang's face turn livid.

"Light all the torches!"

Following Zhang Dingbian's surprise attack, the Han army's camp was in a state of panic, and everyone was guarding cautiously, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

However, all of this is also Zhang Dingbian's strategy of shaming.

After a fierce beating and rushing, Zhang Dingbian led the soldiers to withdraw from the battlefield quickly, and rushed directly to the Han army Tunliang City behind.

Tunliang City, which had no military support, was soon deceived by Zhang Dingbian to open the city gate, and then fell into a sea of ​​flames.

Tens of thousands of Han troops' supplies, food and grass were burnt to pieces!

When the next day dawned, Zhang Dingbian led his troops and horses and retreated, leaving only the scorched earth Tunliang City and tens of thousands of Han troops in disarray.

Facing the situation of lack of food and grass, no matter how powerful Chen Youliang was, there was nothing he could do.

"Hey! I can only retreat!"

Chen Youliang looked at the scorched earth and said helplessly.

Zou Pusheng and the others on the side were helpless.

Everyone knows that if there is no food and grass, if the fight continues, it will be courting death and there is no chance of winning.

However, once the troops retreat now, the Ming army will definitely take the opportunity to approach, and the land in Yuzhou will never be taken back.

"Your Majesty, should you persist a little longer and ask Yuzhou and other places to quickly prepare for the delivery of food and grass?" A general still did not give up persuading.

Chen Youliang shook his head, "It's impossible, Zhu Yuanzhang won't give us a chance to wait for the food and grass to arrive!"

Chen Youliang certainly knows the consequences of retreating now, but if he doesn't retreat, there is really no way out.

"Retreating to Xichuan, and then taking advantage of the Land of Abundance to seize Guanzhong to the north is Zhuge Liang's grand plan!" said Prime Minister Zou Pusheng.

Chen Youliang and the others also knew that Zou Pusheng was trying to comfort everyone, and no one found out.

The retreat of the Han army was very straightforward and decisive. When Zhang Dingbian led [-] elite soldiers back to return, he did not expect the Han army to retreat.

Zhang Dingbian's surprise attack this time burned all the food and grass of the Han army, making the Ming army invincible in the next confrontation.

"Your Majesty, this is the duty of the last general!" Zhang Dingbian made great achievements, but he was not arrogant.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded very satisfied, not to mention how much he loves Zhang Dingbian, the fierce general discovered by his younger brother Zhu Han.

"It's just that although the enemy army has lost food and grass, the soldiers have not lost much. Your Majesty should also be careful of them jumping over the wall!" Zhang Dingbian continued.

Regarding Zhang Dingbian's suggestion, Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, said: "That's right, order! The whole army immediately strengthens its vigilance!"

For the surprise victory achieved, the Ming army was full of joy and encouragement.

However, the Ming army had been on guard for several days, only seeing the Han army sending troops to cruise around repeatedly, but never seeing the Han army attacking.

After several times in a row, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately realized that something was wrong.

He hastily dispatched soldiers and horses to test the attack, never expecting...

At this time, the Han army was in full shape, there was not much resistance at all, and it immediately collapsed without a fight.

The Ming army easily captured the Han army's camp, but it was already an empty city.

Looking at the empty Han army camp, Zhu Yuanzhang showed a very regretful expression.

"Oh! What a pity!"

He glanced around Zhang Dingbian, Hu Dahai and other generals, pointed to a circle of Han army camps and said.

"If Qi Wu was here, Chen Youliang would definitely not be allowed to retreat so easily!"

When all the generals heard this, they all showed a look of deep approval!

"The King of England is resourceful and decisive. If he were here, Chen Youliang would die without a place to bury him!"



. . . . .

Chen Youliang led the army to retreat.

It also meant that they were protected by the natural danger of the Three Gorges, and the Ming army naturally gave up their pursuit for the time being.

Zhu Yuanzhang ordered Zhang Dingbian to be the marshal of the marching capital in Hubei to guard Hubei to prevent Chen Youliang's counterattack.

As the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he personally sat in Hanyang and directed the Ming army to continue to pacify the Hunan area in the south.

Although there is no such powerful force as Chen Youliang in the Hunan area, there are many local chieftains and barbarians, especially in the western Hunan area, where there are bandits and bandits everywhere, which is the key point of bandit suppression that Zhu Han emphasized.

"The thieves in Hunan are all poor people who were oppressed by Meng Yuan. Now that the Ming Dynasty is flourishing, I love the people like my son. For these people who have been forced to go astray, they are all pardoned at one time. As long as they go down the mountain and report to the government within three months , all of them can be pardoned and get [-] acres of Yongye farmland per person!"

"This decree from me is only issued once. After three months, there will still be robbers who will destroy the mountains and caves, so that these stubborn people will have nowhere to hide!"

Brother Zhu Yuanzhang's "Show Hunan People's Edict", although it is full of vernacular, but it is effective!

In less than two months, more than half of the gangsters in Hunan who have been endangering the country for decades were immediately reduced. Many country gentry and scholars helped the Ming army wipe out the remaining bandits.

The whole of Hunan is a peaceful scene!
Officials from all over the country are also keeping their duties, and they have changed from a chaotic province to a benevolent place where they don't close their doors at night and don't pick up their belongings.

Because of the great rule in Hunan, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty ordered to exempt the land tax in Hunan for two years, allowing the people to recuperate and resume production.

In particular, a large amount of low-priced salt was transferred from Jiangnan, which greatly relieved Hunan, which had been short of salt for many years.

The whole of Hunan immediately supported the emerging Ming Dynasty!
Chen Youliang, who returned to Yuzhou, couldn't help but sigh when he heard that Hunan was so easily settled by Zhu Yuanzhang.

"The two provinces of Huguang, I'm afraid they won't belong to me anymore!"

After learning that his elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang had pacified Huguang, Zhu Han immediately sent someone to send a large amount of military rations to Huguang.

This batch of military rations is not ordinary grain and grass, but the latest canned military rations invented by Ying Tianfu.

"Your Highness, this batch of new military rations can feed Hu Guang's army for a month!"

Wanhu Tao Guangyi, head of the Taixue Mountain in the Ming Dynasty, said to Zhu Han.

This batch of canned military rations is all made of tinplate, and the technical points in it are all completed by the disciples led by Wan Hu.

"Wan Hu, you have made another great contribution!"

"With such a batch of military rations, even in a hot and humid place like Huguang, we can stockpile a large amount of food and grass, so we won't be afraid of shortages!"

Zhu Han never hesitated to praise Wan Hu.

Although Zhu Han is the key guide for the breakthrough of tinplate can technology, he does not take credit for it. With his current status, he does not need any more credit at all. He only needs to inspire the enthusiasm of Wan Hu and other Ming technology madmen. , You can achieve rapid self-development.

The land of Huaxia has always been a treasure land with abundant supplies!

However, various natural disasters and man-made disasters have repeatedly occurred in history.

One of the important reasons is that China's territory is too large. When one place has a good harvest, another place suffers from a famine, but it cannot provide food and grass relief in time.

And after Zhu Han invented the tinplate canning technology, he could hoard canned food on a large scale in the harvest year. After all, the shelf life of this thing is as long as several years, and it can even have a abnormal storage method for decades, so there is no need to worry about famine. There is a shortage of food.

Moreover, with a large number of tinplate canning technology, the large-scale loss of grain and grass transported across thousands of miles is also saved. According to the transportation capacity of ancient transportation lines, half of the amount of grain and grass transported for a thousand miles is often lost on the road.

"The great meritorious service that benefits the country and the people is actually due to His Highness's contribution, and officials dare not be greedy for credit!" Wan Hu immediately said humbly.

Zhu Han waved his hands with a smile, and said, "I'm just putting forward an idea, and the person who really implements it is Wanhu!"

"That's also His Highness's original creation, and the officials will never dare to be greedy for credit!" Wan Hu said very seriously.

"Haha, this matter is already your credit, and you can't push it away even if you want to." Zhu Han said with a smile.

How could he compete with his subordinates for such credit?

Wan Hu looked puzzled, and asked Zhu Han suspiciously, "Your Highness, what do you mean by that?"

Zhu Han took out a thick piece of fine paper from his bosom, on which a series of words were densely written, and stamped with the seals of the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Household Affairs.

"Your Highness, what is this?"

Wan Hu was immediately overwhelmed by the seals of the three divisions of the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Obediently!What the hell is this? It's actually the joint seal of the three divisions?
Zhu Han pointed with his hand, "This is a patent certificate, and it is also the first patent certificate of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Your Highness, what is a patent certificate?" Wanhu Tao Guangyi entered another blind spot of knowledge.

Afterwards, Zhu Han explained to Wanhu what a patent certificate is.

In particular, the 50-year patent fee in it made Wan Hu completely frightened.

"Your Highness, this, this, I dare not joke!" Wan Hu was almost crying out of anxiety.

But he understood that once he got the patent rights, from now on, people all over the world would pay him a share as long as they bought one piece of soft iron cans.

Even if the Ming court wanted to buy these canned foods, it was equivalent to giving him money.

With such a huge wealth, Wan Hu felt terrible just thinking about it!
Money touches people's hearts, who knows if it will bring disaster to themselves.

"Haha, don't worry, I know what you're thinking, this patent right is shared by you and me, that is, this business is a joint venture between us." Zhu Han said with a smile.

Zhu Han naturally knew exactly what Wan Hu was worried about.

However, Zhu Han wants to share the huge profits of this patent right with Wanhu.

Because, only with huge profit incentives, can the people of Ming Dynasty understand that inventions and creations are money, future and honor!

Only in this way can the people of Ming Dynasty display their great ingenuity!
The so-called 'thousand gold bone', that is the truth.

"Thank you, Your Highness, sir!"

In the end, Wan Hu also understood Zhu Han's intention, and readily agreed.

"Oh, by the way, from now on, the iron sheets used in the canned food of Daming will all be called Wanhu iron!"

Finally, Zhu Han said, after all, the name tinplate has a historical reason, so naturally it can no longer be called tinplate.

Simply take Wanhu as the name.

"Wanhutie?" Wanhu Tao Guangyi suddenly felt flattered.

As soon as this name comes out, I am afraid that everyone in the world will know him as Wanhu Tao Guangyi.

"That's right, it's Wanhutie! Moreover, this kind of canned food will be called Wanhu's canned food in the future!"

"I want everyone in the world to know that Wanhu saved the world from starvation with his own intelligence and learning, and that Wanhu's canned money is well earned!"

As soon as Zhu Han finished speaking, not only Wan Hu was stunned, but everyone who accompanied him was also stunned.

They were all shocked by Zhu Han's grand scheme.

Since ancient times, under the enlightenment of Confucianism, people all over the world have felt that money cannot be discussed, and anyone who talks about money publicly is a very low-level behavior.

However, Zhu Han chose to talk about money, so that everyone in the world could see it, and he no longer felt ashamed of talking about money.

"A gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way! We deserve the money, so what are we afraid of!"

"Moreover, in the world, whoever wants to make money can invent and create by himself, and apply for a patent by himself!"

"Whoever creates happiness for the people of Ming Dynasty will be protected by the government of Ming Dynasty!"

"The patent rights of the common people of the Ming Dynasty are protected by the Ming Dynasty's army!"

Although the current Ming Dynasty is a new establishment, Zhu Han has sufficient confidence that he can flourish the industry, agriculture and commerce of the Ming Dynasty in a very short period of time!
And if you want to encourage business, you must encourage the invention and creation of new technologies!
The protection of patent rights is naturally imperative!

"Your Highness's foresight and foresight are indeed the blessings of the Ming Dynasty!"

"The blessings of the common people in the world!"

Wan Hu led a group of officials, and immediately spoke respectfully to Zhu Han.

. . . . .

The batch of ten thousand household canned food made by Zhu Han for the military of the Ming Dynasty had just been shipped to Huguang, and immediately caused the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty to fall into a frenzy.

This batch of Wanhu canned food is all made of pork and sea fish from the south of the Yangtze River, which is a rare meat.

Moreover, in order to ensure the quality of food and increase the antiseptic effect, a lot of salt is added in these cans!

Even after Zhu Han took a sip, he felt his tongue was marinated.

However, these salty and thick Wanhu cans are very popular delicacies for the Huguang area that lacks salt!

The officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty used a can of Wanhu canned food to easily exchange for a catty of fresh pork in the hands of the people in Huguang!

Moreover, both parties feel that they have made a lot of money.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty ate fresh meat, and the local people used these cans to obtain precious salt. After all, these cans were tightly packed, easy to carry, and the price was cheaper than selling salt to buy meat!
So, it's just a short period of one or two months!
The first batch of military cans shipped to Huguang was consumed by the soldiers, showing a strong popularity!
"Child Qiwu, the food he made is so delicious that the soldiers not only ate it up quickly, but even sold it quickly!"

Zhu Yuanzhang felt speechless when he saw the soldiers quickly consume all the cans of Wanhu.

These Wanhu cans were originally intended to be carried by the soldiers as emergency military rations.

Fortunately, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty ate up these Wanhu cans first.

The elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang immediately wrote to Zhu Han, explaining the popularity of Huguang canned food, and wanted Zhu Han to make the Wanhu canned food unpalatable, so as to prevent the soldiers from consuming it too quickly.

Unexpectedly, after Zhu Han received his brother's letter, he immediately replied in his own way.

"Wanhu canned food, enough!"

There was only one short sentence in the letter, which made the elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang even more speechless.

Of course, not only this letter, but also a large number of Wanhu cans were shipped to Huguang.

There are more cans in this batch, and there are more varieties of flowers.

There are not only canned bacon and canned fish that soldiers loved before, but also a large number of canned soybeans, canned peaches, canned hawthorn and so on.

Because there are so many tricks, even Hu Weiyong, who supports military supplies, doesn't know these novelties.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what to do with so many cans of military rations?! Are they stored in warehouses? Or distributed to soldiers?" Hu Weiyong asked the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang cautiously.

If it was before, Zhu Yuanzhang would definitely hoard them to prevent the soldiers from eating them all in one go.

But, it's different now, Zhu Han has already said that enough is enough, let the soldiers go and eat, and when they vomit, they don't have to worry about the emergency rations being eaten in advance.

"Qi Wu said, no matter how much it is, it is enough, and it will be distributed to the soldiers!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand and said.

Soon, the Ming officers and soldiers in Huguang began to eat enough of these Wanhu canned food.

In addition to some canned meat and fish, the most numerous canned soybeans, canned taro, canned potatoes, etc., soon became extremely disgusting food for the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

However, it happened that these cheap cans were the most supplied in the Ming army, which made the soldiers even more moved and had a headache.

Many unpopular canned staple foods were disliked by the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty like swill. Of course, this is not nonsense by the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. After eating a few canned staple foods, the Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty immediately recalled the days when he walked around the streets. The experience of begging.

No way, this kind of canned staple food has a huge problem of being unpalatable, especially the lack of many spices in the Ming Dynasty today. For canned staple food, we can only add more salt, which makes the food unpalatable and unpalatable. So salty.

The modern armies in history, whether they were Britain, France, Germany, the United States or Russia, their staple food, canned food, was also notoriously unpalatable, which is an unsolvable problem of canned food.

Imagine the taste of mutton steamed buns that have been soaked in a jar for two months!
Many canned staple foods were quickly taken out by Ming soldiers to exchange for other fresh foods or to sell.

After all, although these canned staple foods are unpalatable, there is enough salt and oil after all. For the poor, it can be regarded as an improvement in food!
As a result, many canned staple foods can be seen everywhere in Huguang.

Some spies placed by Chen Youliang sent these "ten thousand canned food" to Chen Youliang's army in Xichuan.

Chengdu, Sichuan.

Not long ago, Chen Youliang led the Han army to defeat the remnants of the local Yuan army with an unstoppable momentum, and captured the entire territory of Sichuan with ease.

After more than 1000 years, another Han Empire appeared in Chengdu.

Not long after Chen Youliang led the army to pacify Sichuan, he got this batch of "ten thousand canned food" sent by Huguang spies.

After hearing about the origin of Huguang's batch of 'Wanhu canned food', Chen Youliang immediately fell into deep thought.

In particular, when Chen Youliang tried a few cans of Wanhu, he felt a burst of deep despair!


"Such delicious food, have the soldiers under Zhu Chongba already eaten enough?"

"Then how full must the supplies of the Ming army be? Even this Wanhu canned food is already enough?"

"The Ming army has such a thick supply, wouldn't it be possible to quickly accumulate sufficient supplies to attack my Sichuan?"

Chen Youliang's worries definitely terrified everyone.

"Your Majesty, although the Ming army has enough food and grass, we now occupy the land of abundance in Sichuan. As long as we take a little rest, we will surely be able to defend ourselves!" Prime Minister Zou Pusheng said hastily.

Immediately afterwards, Zou Pusheng made a suggestion to Chen Youliang to recuperate here in Sichuan, lightly pay and pay less, use the powerful productivity of the land of abundance to recuperate, store food and grass, and prevent Zhu Yuanzhang from attacking himself.

Chen Youliang immediately accepted Zou Pusheng's suggestion.

"The prime minister is right. I will leave this matter to the prime minister. Don't forget what we said before."

"Zhu Chong's Eighth Brothers are able to divide the land by hunting local tyrants in Huguang and Jiangnan, so naturally we can't lag behind him in Sichuan. We also have to fight local tyrants to divide the land in Sichuan."

"Don't be soft on those local tyrants and evil gentry!"

The local tyrants here in Sichuan are all outsiders to them, the Red Scarf Army in Huguang, and the soldiers of the Red Scarf Army in Hubei have no sympathy for the landlords in Sichuan.

Chen Youliang planned to kill all the landlords in Sichuan, snatch their land into his own hands, and then distribute it to his soldiers.

However, Zou Pusheng felt that this suggestion was too radical.

Zou Pusheng immediately said to Chen Youliang, "Your Majesty, there are still many literati in Sichuan that can be used. If we kill all these landlords, it will be tantamount to offending all the Sichuan gentry. We can first adopt the method of division and disintegration, and then Hit the local tyrants and divide the land."

When Chen Youliang heard Zou Pusheng's words, he immediately asked, "Prime Minister, but is there any way to divide and disintegrate them?"

Zou Pusheng said, "Your Majesty, we can obtain scholars first. As long as they are able to serve as officials for us, we can give them some tax-free privileges and let them keep their own land. If these people actually come to join us We are equivalent to giving them the land, and for those landlords who refuse to cooperate, we can use means to confiscate their land."

"Of course, not all the land will be confiscated. For many lands, we can learn from Zhu Chongba and use their strategy to redeem these lands. In this way, some too radical resistance can also be avoided." Hearing Zou Pusheng's words.Chen Youliang immediately felt that this was a very good idea.

Chen Youliang smiled, nodded silently, and said:

"Prime Minister, if we start to recruit scholars in Sichuan, how many people do you think should be recruited?"

Hearing Chen Youliang's words, Zou Pusheng shook his head, "Your Majesty, the reason we open a course to recruit scholars is nothing more than to win over local gentry and landlords in Sichuan, but many landlords may not have the talents and knowledge to be admitted to our scholars. Come on, we will choose a group of poor literati to serve as our officials, and give the poor literati the privilege of exempting taxes, which is of no use to us in establishing a firm foothold in Sichuan."

It turned out that Zou Pusheng's plan was not to really select talents.

Instead, through this method of obtaining a scholar, give those Sichuan landlords and gentry who are willing to cooperate a space for cooperation.

As long as these people can come to serve Chen Youliang as officials, let them keep their land.

If they refuse to cooperate, then kill them all and rob them of their wealth, and others will have nothing to say.

Hearing Zou Pusheng's words, Chen Youliang was immediately very happy.

As long as this method is implemented, many big landlords and gentry in Sichuan will definitely become Chen Youliang's powerful support.

Chen Youliang said with a smile, "Prime Minister really has a good plan, so I have decided to implement the probation system in Sichuan, what does the Prime Minister think?"

Zou Pusheng nodded with a smile, and said, "Your Majesty is really familiar with history books and familiar with ancient and modern times. That's right, my suggestion is to adopt the Han Dynasty's procuratorial system."

The so-called investigation system is actually a system of recommending officials to each other.

For the Qin and Han Dynasties in ancient times, it was considered a relatively advanced official selection system.

But for the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, the imperial examination system that had been implemented for thousands of years, this is definitely a retrogression in the system.

Today's Chen Youliang doesn't have so many ideas to conduct a real imperial examination, which is just a means to win over the big landlords in Sichuan.

Therefore, it doesn't matter to Chen Youliang who is talented or not.

In fact, he himself despised those literati who read the Four Books and Five Classics.

(End of this chapter)

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