Chapter 30 Guo Zixing joins the gang

If Guo Zixing and the others don't rush to respond with troops, when the Red Scarf Army completely takes Haozhou City, then Guo Zixing and the others won't be able to speak.

"Yes, father, give the order!" The second son Guo Tianxu also persuaded.

Of course Guo Zixing understands the reason. The nearly thousand heroes gathered in his home are just waiting for this day!

"it is good!"

"You guys, come out with me to kill the Tartars!"

Guo Zixing roared, and led his nephews and nephews to rush out of the Guo family courtyard.

As soon as he went out, he encountered dozens of Meng Yuan officers who were fleeing for their lives with their heads in their arms. Guo Zixing and others charged and killed them all, and knocked them all down to the ground.

"Cut off the head and take it with you, it's a battle achievement!" Guo Zixing ordered loudly.

The eldest son, Guo Tianci, several people raised their knives and fell, regardless of whether these Mongolian Yuan officers and soldiers were dead or alive, they chopped off all the heads and tied them around their waists.

Guo Zixing led the crowd to charge towards Sun Deya and others' house.

Now that Haozhou City is in chaos, they must form a group to be safer.

The Mengyuan officers and soldiers they met along the way were completely devoid of morale, fleeing towards the west gate one by one.

After walking not far, they met the troops led by Sun Deya and others head-on.

"Brother Guo!"

"Brother Sun!"

As soon as Guo Zixing and Sun Deya met, they joined forces immediately.

The two of them basically have the same idea, that is to form a group first, not only can they drive and kill the officers and soldiers of Mengyuan more safely, but also have a greater right to speak when Haozhou City is taken.

After all, they have a total strength of three to four thousand people, which can make the powerful dragon of the red scarf army attacking Haozhou unable to suppress them.

"Kill with me!"

"Let's capture the government office!"

Under Guo Zixing's suggestion, all the soldiers joined forces and rushed towards the Haozhou government office. The Mongolian Yuan officers and soldiers along the way did not have any strong resistance except to flee.

When they arrived at the Haozhou government office, they suddenly discovered that the Haozhou government office had been occupied by a group of red scarf soldiers.

Guo Zixing, Sun Deya and other Haozhou tycoons were all shocked.

Each of these red scarf soldiers is well-equipped, full of bravery, and they are all absolutely elite.

Guo Zixing thought to himself: With such a powerful elite, no wonder they were able to destroy Haozhou City in two days. I really don't know what kind of hero this red scarf commander is?
"Who are you!"

When Guo Zixing and the others appeared, Tang He immediately became alert.

According to Zhu Chongba's instructions, the rebel army led by Tang He captured the government office first, and took control of the surrounding granaries, silver warehouses and other vital points.

Now suddenly a large group of soldiers and horses appeared, Tang He immediately became alert.

If it weren't for Guo Zixing and the others who were also wrapped in red scarves, Tang He would have shouted for enemy attack.

Seeing this, Guo Zixing immediately walked out with a smile.

"Brother, I am Guo Zixing, just like you, a man of the Han family who killed the Tartars!"

Guo Zixing clasped his fists and introduced himself, and it really worked.

In Haozhou City, Guo Zixing was a well-known hero.

Naturally, Tang He had heard about it a long time ago, and Zhu Qiwu had told him long ago that when he met Guo Zixing's rebel army, he must treat each other with courtesy.

"It turned out to be Old Hero Guo, I'll go in and report!"

Tang He didn't dare to delay, and immediately ran into the government office.

At this time, in the Haozhou government office, Zhu Chongba was taking stock of the seizures of the government office with Zhu Qiwu.

Because they destroyed the city so fast, the defeated Mongolian army did not even have time to burn government offices and warehouses.

"Qiwu, that's great, so much grain and silver are all ours!" Zhu Chongba was very happy.

Although there are still many defeated soldiers in Haozhou City, the overall situation has been settled.

"Brother, when the city is cleared, we must immediately open warehouses to release food and recruit rebel troops. The Tatars' counterattack should come soon." Zhu Qiwu said.

When attacking Haozhou City, they adopted the strategy of encircling three and missing one, and left the west gate to let the rout soldiers escape, preventing them from fighting trapped beasts.

I believe that it won't be long before these routs and reinforcements will come back again.

According to the captives captured, Dalu Huachi Timur's five thousand Mongolian cavalry were very close to Haozhou City.

"That's right, it's still not safe to defend the city with only 3000 of us!" Zhu Chongba said.

For the [-] Mongolian troops that are about to attack, Zhu Chongba and the others cannot rely on the city to fight a protracted war.

One is that there is no foreign aid, and Haozhou cannot escape death in the end.

The second is that with the passage of time, there will only be more and more soldiers and horses in the Mongolian and Yuan courts. After all, here in Huaixi, Zhu Chongba and the others are the first red scarf army to attack the city, and the Mongols will definitely focus on eliminating them.

"However, there is no need to worry too much about the strength of the troops. The tyrants in Haozhou have a lot of troops and can help us fight." Zhu Qiwu said.

"You mean Guo Zixing and others?" Zhu Chongba said.

"That's right, it's them." Zhu Qiwu nodded.

"That makes sense, but they have been silent all this time, will they not dare to join the rebel army?"

Zhu Chongba said with some doubts.

Regarding this problem, Zhu Qiwu was not worried at all.

In history, Guo Zixing and others were unambiguous after the Red Turban Army uprising.

There is still no movement now, probably because Zhu Chongba and the others are moving too fast and haven't reacted yet.

Anyway, no matter what, Guo Zixing will definitely join the rebel army.

If he didn't join the rebel army, how could the elder brother Zhu Chongba marry the virtuous Ma Xiuying?

That is a generation of virtuous queens, and her role in elder brother Zhu Chongba is not weaker than that of an important adviser.

"Brother, Guo Zixing and the others will definitely join the rebel army, we just have to wait."

When Zhu Qiwu said this, he suddenly thought of a question.

He then said: "Brother, we have captured Haozhou City now, but you are the commander-in-chief of an army, shouldn't you change your name?"

"Rename, what name should you change? Isn't our name very good!" Zhu Chongba was a little reluctant.

"Brother, our two brothers' names that weigh eight or seven five are just fooling around. If our family wasn't poor back then, our father would have spent money to ask a gentleman to help us choose a decent name!" Zhu Qiwu said .

Their names are bad names with the characteristics of the times.

It is rumored in later generations that the Mongolian and Yuan courts oppressed the Han people and forbade ordinary people to name them, but only allowed them to be named after various rankings and numbers, so there were some names with heavy eights and heavy nines.

In fact, this is definitely a misunderstanding, and even wronged the Mongols a bit.

In the Mongol and Yuan dynasties, even the names of the emperors were not particular at all, so why would they care what names the Han people took?
It is even more impossible to be idle, but to stipulate a system that does not allow lowly people to be named.

Zhu Qiwu clearly remembered that his older brother Zhu Chongba had said that the two brothers' great-grandfather was called Zhu Bailiu, their great-grandfather was called Zhu Sijiu, and their grandfather was called Zhu Chuyi.

(End of this chapter)

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