Chapter 405 The Incredible Paper Bridge

In the eyes of the officials of the Ministry of Industry, the bridge built by Shen Longliang is extremely crude.

It is nothing more than dozens of paper tubes, seemingly randomly connected together.The bridge deck above is just a dozen sheets of rice paper, which are simply pasted with paste.

"This kid can't be serious, can such a simple thing be called a bridge?"

"And have you noticed that those paper tubes are still hollow. Even if he took a little trouble to roll those paper tubes into solid ones, I think he put his heart into it."

"If you don't want to compare, don't force it. Let us bask in the sun for so long for nothing, and finally he took out this kind of thing?"

Someone else yelled at Shen Longliang: "I said boy, even if you are perfunctory, you should use some snacks, at least make some patterns, so that it will be eye-catching."

After all, the bridge is made of rice paper, which inevitably reminds people of something not very good.

Some officials from the Ministry of Industry mocked disdainfully: "This bridge of yours is for the dead, right?"

The officials kept mocking, but the craftsmen didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

The so-called expert will know if there is one as soon as he stretches out his hand.

People who are not skilled enough really can't understand what is so special about Shen Longliang's humble paper bridge.

But here is the Ministry of Industry.

The craftsmen present today are all the top masters in the world.

Because of this, they could vaguely understand that the paper bridge made by Shen Longliang was special.

Due to the limitations of the times, there are many places where they don't understand the principles.But they can understand that what to do in some places can increase the support of the bridge.

Just because they understood, the craftsmen were even more shocked.

What the hell is going on with these students, and how can they be so powerful.

The jeers from officials continued.

"Just this kind of broken bridge, do you want to compare it with the bridge of our artisans?"

"I don't think there is any need to judge at all. Just declare the craftsmen of our Ministry of Industry to win."

"As long as your eyes are not blind, you can tell who is winning."

The self-righteous irony of officials.

It's like slaps one by one, slapping the craftsmen's faces firmly.

In the past, craftsmen respected scholars very much.What people learn is the way of Confucius and Mencius, and what they care about is the rise and fall of the world.

In comparison, these craftsmen usually only repair bridges and roads, build houses and ordnance.

Although it is better than the peasants who face the loess and their backs to the sky, they just rely on their bodies to earn a living.

Compared with those scholars who know a lot of truths, their bitterness is indeed much worse.

But today.

These so-called scholars, all pretending to understand, let them have a new understanding of these people.

Zhao Helun pretended to help Zhu Han make amends: "Your lord's student, maybe he misunderstood the topic. Otherwise, let the officials explain it to him carefully, and let him do another one quickly while it's still early?"

Zhu Han pointed in the direction of Shen Longliang.

But Shen Longliang put the paper bridge he had just made on the table, grasping the edge of the table with both hands and trying to climb up.

But although the wooden table was enough, Shen Longliang climbed up from one side, but the table legs on the other side were lifted due to his weight, and almost fell over.

After only trying once, Shen Longliang gave up directly.

The students of Chaohuangzhuang beckoned: "Don't watch the excitement, come and help me with two people."

Zhang Yunjie directly ordered someone: "Come with me."

When the two came to the table, they understood what Shen Longliang meant without communicating.

One of them was pressing on the table, and Zhang Yunjie climbed onto the table as soon as he turned over, then turned around and pulled Shen Longliang onto the table.

Their actions stunned everyone except Zhu Han.

"What do these guys want to do?"

"Hmph, it's nothing more than a new trick to please the public, so don't pay too much attention to it."

"No matter what they do, it will not change the fact that this paper bridge is not as good as the wooden bridge made by the craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry, and is better."

Older craftsmen like Wei Chi and Wei Lao understood something vaguely.

Everyone couldn't help but gasped.

"This...impossible?" Wei Chi said in disbelief.

Elder Wei also shook his head again and again: "Absolutely impossible, how can such a thing be done? This bridge is made of paper!"

No matter what their attitude or reaction is.

On Zhang Yunjie's side, everyone has already taken action.His gaze swept over the officials and craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry, full of contempt and disdain.

These people simply don't understand the power of His Royal Highness.

The bridges made by Shen Longliang are amazing, but all this knowledge was taught to them by His Royal Highness.

The thoughts in my mind are fleeting.

Zhang Yunjie raised his left foot high and stepped directly on the paper bridge.

The officials of the Ministry of Industry were surprised at first, but they soon became disdainful.

"You have to pretend to be a little bit more like it, it's obviously useless."

"Don't they think that they can fool them by pretending to step on a few feet like this?"

This kind of sarcasm had just begun, Zhang Yunjie's subsequent actions directly made them swallow the sarcasm abruptly.

Zhang Yunjie first added a little strength and adjusted his position slightly.

Then he stepped on the paper bridge with a little force, and the whole person stood on the paper bridge at once.

Seeing this scene, everyone present widened their eyes in disbelief.

Among them, the craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry were the ones who were most shocked.

"God, can you really bear a person?"

"This bridge is actually made of paper. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have doubted whether they used some kind of fairy magic."

There was also a craftsman with an extremely complicated expression, depressed but admiring: "It seems that this time, we lost again."

"Wait, look!" Suddenly someone pointed in Zhang Yunjie's direction and exclaimed.

Everyone looked at it, and once again Shen Longliang was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

The reason they are so shocked.

It was because after Zhang Yunjie stood up, Shen Longliang also put his feet on the other side of the paper bridge.

This paper bridge is three feet long and one foot wide. Although it is a bit crowded for two people to stand on it, there is absolutely no problem.

In order to prevent falling, Zhang Yunjie and Shen Longliang hooked their shoulders together and stood firmly.

At this moment, the weight of the two of them was all on the paper bridge.

The craftsmen were too shocked to care about anything else.

Hula rushed up, and in the blink of an eye, Zhang Yunjie and Shen Longliang were surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside.

"Look, it turns out that they really rely on the structure of the bridge itself to support them."

"It's amazing that this kind of thing can actually be done."

"But why is this happening? The two of them add up to at least 220 kilograms, right? Just these few layers of broken paper can support it?"

Those who are close can see clearly that the paper bridge has many supports, although some deformations have occurred, but it is obvious that the supports are stable enough.

As long as you don't keep adding weight, you should be able to do it for quite a while.

Seeing this scene, the artisans of the Yanjing Ministry of Industry were completely convinced.

A bridge, beautiful and beautiful is of course very good.But the most important thing is the load bearing of the bridge after all.

A bridge built with a pile of paper can support two people at will, so how much weight can a bridge built with wood or stone bear?

Just thinking about it, the craftsmen in the Ministry of Industry felt their scalps go numb and they felt shuddering.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way for me!"

The officials of the Ministry of Industry very rudely drove the craftsman aside, and came to the table to watch carefully.

One of the officials from the Ministry of Industry just glanced at it and questioned dissatisfiedly.

"A few pieces of paper, how could it bear the weight of two grown men? Could it be that you used some other material?"

Another person also sneered and said, "If you use it, you can admit it honestly. There is no rule on materials that cannot be used in the competition. There is no need to cheat like this?"

"It must be something else, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to be so strong."

Up until now, they couldn't find any other reason, so they kept using these words to attack the students of Huangzhuang.

That tone, that attitude.

It was as if Shen Longliang had used other materials, either shameless or cheating.

Shen Longliang and Zhang Yunjie looked at each other, and jumped off the paper bridge.

"You guys are sick, aren't you? We, Longliang, made this bridge in front of you. Did you use other materials? You are blind, so you can't see it?"

While ridiculing the officials of the Ministry of Industry, Zhang Yunjie started to tear down half of the paper bridge.

He tore open the paper rolls that were used as beams and pillars, and put them in front of the officials of the Ministry of Industry: "Open your eyes and see clearly, there is nothing else in it except paper and paste!"

The paste hadn't dried completely, and the inside of the paper roll was sticky.

But apart from the rice paper and the paste, there was indeed nothing else.

Wei Chi's whole body was trembling with excitement: "Little brother, can you tell me why this thin piece of paper can bear such a huge weight?"

Old Wei also looked at Shen Longliang eagerly, but after all, he was old, and many of the craftsmanship of this era were secrets that were not passed on, and he would never tell others easily.

Hastily and reluctantly added: "I'm just curious, if it's not convenient for you brother, you don't have to tell me to wait."

The last sentence was almost uttered through gritted teeth.

Shen Longliang, an honest boy, was stared at by so many people like wolves and tigers. He couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable, and he was speechless for a while in embarrassment.

Zhang Yunjie didn't have so many worries: "There is nothing that cannot be said, but it is just simple structural mechanics. The reason why these papers can support our weight is because..."

Good guy, Zhang Yunjie is fat as no one else, and started to give lectures to these artisans of Yanjing Ministry of Industry.

The craftsmen were fascinated by it as soon as they heard it.

Many of what Zhang Yunjie said can be compared with their previous experience.They usually summarize the laws, and have never studied the principles.

However, while solving some doubts, they also had more doubts.The craftsmen couldn't fully understand the many new terms that Zhang Yunjie uttered.

The more they listened, the more profound they felt. Not to mention, they could still clearly feel that what Zhang Yunjie said was obviously just the tip of the iceberg.

If they can understand all of them, their level can definitely be improved a lot.


The officials of the Ministry of Industry stormed away angrily.

Unlike craftsmen, most of them couldn't understand what Zhang Yunjie was saying.

Even if you can understand a little bit, you are very disdainful of this knowledge.

"It's just some strange skills and tricks. These people still treat them as treasures, ignorant."

"To learn these things specifically, their path has gone astray."

Zhao Helun, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, felt that he had been slapped severely by Zhu Han again in public.

Although the result has not been announced yet, judging from the current attitude of those craftsmen, the result is already obvious.

If he just lost, Zhao Helun wouldn't feel so ashamed.

But the current situation is that the artisans of the Yanjing Ministry of Industry are almost hanged and beaten by Zhu Han's students.This group of wastes prides themselves on their superb skills every day, but in the end they can't even compare to a group of little dolls.

Zhu Han looked at Zhang Yunjie who was standing on the table, lecturing to the officials of the Ministry of Industry, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

Although this kid is good at arithmetic, he actually knows very little about architecture.It seems to be erudite, but in fact it is simply following the script.

It's just that what he talks about is the teaching material rewarded by the system to Zhu Han for later generations, and it is knowledge that has surpassed the people of this era for hundreds of years.

So it sounds very bluffing.

"Zhao Shangshu, there is still one game to compete, how about taking this opportunity to prepare in advance?" Zhu Han said with a smile.

Zhao Helun cursed inwardly: "Winning two out of three rounds is nothing more than a fart?"

This is simply an undisguised mockery!
So angry!

But on the surface, he could only pretend to be respectful and admiring: "My lord is joking, your students have won two rounds in a row, and there is no need for a competition in the third round. We, the Ministry of Industry, lost this time because we were convinced."

Seeing that the people from the Ministry of Industry had already conceded defeat, Zhu Han left the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry without further delay.

Before leaving, he still didn't forget to call Zhang Yunjie, who was a good teacher, away.

In fact, regardless of whether he wins or loses in this competition, Zhu Han's goal has been achieved.

He couldn't believe it anymore. After hearing the scientific theories of later generations, a qualified craftsman can continue to turn a blind eye?

"Seniors, the prince is calling us, please leave!"

This guy Zhang Yunjie was also sluggish, he deliberately stopped halfway through his speech.

Jumping off the table, pulling Shen Longliang and another Huangzhuang student who came to help, they got out of the crowd.

Zhang Yunjie has not forgotten the attitude of these craftsmen before.

This move is no less than a broken dog in later generations.

The craftsmen were fascinated by it, but suddenly it disappeared.That uncomfortable feeling almost made them want to vomit blood.

If it wasn't for King Zhu Han's guards, he would have stared at them covetously.

They all wished that Zhang Yunjie would be tied up and tortured every day... No, they would serve him with delicious food and drink every day, and let Zhang Yunjie spit out all this knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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