Daming: Brother, there is no future for monks, let's rebel

Chapter 59 Dingyuan's No. 1 Celebrity!

Chapter 59 The No.1 Scholar of Dingyuan!

Therefore, Zhu Han decided to expand his engineering team, at least to have the ability of four-way attack simultaneously.

As his personal disciple, Zhou Dexing even asked Zhu Yuanzhang for orders, and became Zhu Han's personal assistant, specializing in training blasting engineers.

The news that the forward of the Red Turban Army, Marshal Zhu Yuanzhang, conquered Dingyuan and captured Daluhuachi Timur alive spread quickly in Dingyuan County.

Many scholars who were originally watching the situation felt that the Red Scarf Army from Haozhou had a bright future.

Especially the coach Zhu Yuanzhang, who defeated Haozhou in the first battle and Dingyuan in the second battle, is simply the ability of the gods to attack.

Moreover, this red scarf army has strict discipline, and they do not steal, rob, prostitute or gamble in Dingyuan City, which is fundamentally different from those rumored rebels who have no military discipline.

Some scholars with vicious eyes felt that Zhu Yuanzhang had the air of the three chapters of the Han Gaozu Liu Bang's entry into the customs.

Under the halo of military exploits and military discipline, scholars around Dingyuan came to serve Zhu Yuanzhang one after another.

In less than three days, all the powerful children in Dingyuan City, whether they were studying literature or martial arts, all entered Zhu Yuanzhang's command.

All this happened so fast that the elder brother Zhu Yuanzhang didn't even know how to deal with it.

"Brother, please teach us quickly. There are so many people here now, and they are going to work as errands with our thighs in their arms. What should we do!" Zhu Yuanzhang said with some annoyance.

Zhu Han was very disdainful of his brother's reaction.

"Brother, didn't I tell you, to open up the situation, we are not ordinary rebels, but marshals of the rebel army. Dealing with these scholars is not easy!" Zhu Han laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense, we really don't know, teach us quickly." Zhu Yuanzhang said.

"In fact, it is also simple. It is to increase some official positions to accommodate these scholars who have defected to us. Let them have official posts and meritorious service. Then we can guarantee that we are of the same heart and one mind. Anyway, they have good vision. They know Mongolia The number of popularity cannot grow," Zhu Han said.

In fact, these scholars came to join their brother Zhu Yuanzhang, in addition to Zhu Yuanzhang's own strength, there is another important reason, that is, the Mongolian Yuan court committed suicide.

In the Mongolian and Yuan courts, the attention paid to scholars from the Central Plains was quite low. Although there were often some imperial examination competitions, the really important officials in the Mongolian and Yuan courts were mainly Mongols and Semu people, and they repeatedly suppressed Han Chinese imperial examination officials.

What's more, the imperial examinations of the Mongolian and Yuan courts were often suspended due to various reasons.

A large number of scholars are useless, and they are even more dissatisfied with the Mongols.

As long as Zhu Yuanzhang can guarantee them a way to become officials, Zhu Han believes that these people will sincerely work hard.

"Is it that simple to be an official for them?" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't believe it.

For these scholars, Zhu Yuanzhang has a kind of respect from the bottom of his heart.

So in the face of these people, he has always felt a little at a loss recently.

Hearing what Zhu Han said now, there is a charter immediately.

"Haha, if this is the case, then we will know what to do. Isn't it just to be an official? It's too easy to set up more official positions." Zhu Yuanzhang laughed.

Zhu Han reminded again: "Brother, when setting up these official positions, there must be not only quantity, but also quality. Anyone with any ability can hold any official position. You can't come to a cat or dog and just give an official position. In that way, truly People who are capable will not come."

As the saying goes, Chen Li should only list the incompetent. If the official position is not awarded according to the degree of ability, then people will think that the old brother Zhu Yuanzhang is just a grass-roots team without basic rules, and there will be no future.

"If that's the case, then how can we tell how capable they are? We don't know how to do that either." Zhu Yuanzhang asked hastily.

For his younger brother's words, he has 1 approvals in his heart, but these really belong to his blind spot of knowledge.

"To put it simply, we can divide by reputation first. People with a good reputation in Dingyuan County must have the same skills, so they will be given a higher official position. If they have a mediocre reputation, then they will be given an ordinary official position." , if they don’t have much reputation and can only read and write, then let them serve as basic bookkeepers and military bookkeepers, and then slowly inspect them, and promote them in turn according to their ability and merit.” Zhu Han said patiently.

Although this is just a set of the simplest methods, for the Yuan Dynasty who was generally illiterate and blind, it was a brand new knowledge for Zhu Yuanzhang.

In the past few days, those scholars who have come to contribute, one by one, said Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, or Confucius, if they didn’t mean it, they made Zhu Yuanzhang big, but they didn’t get any point.

With Zhu Han's method, no matter what they say, they will first be awarded official positions according to this method, and it will be able to prevent many tongue-in-cheek people from stealing, raping and playing tricks

At this time, someone outside the door reported.

"Report to Marshal, there is someone outside the door begging to see you!"

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled at Zhu Han, "Look, this is probably for an official to do again."

Zhu Han also smiled, and asked the soldiers.

"You can report your name"

The soldiers quickly answered.

"My lord, that man said his name is Li Shanchang!"

"Li Shanchang?" Zhu Yuanzhang said.

"Li Shanchang?!" Zhu Han was surprised.

"Yes, Marshal, he claims to be Li Shanchang."

Zhu Yuanzhang saw Zhu Han's surprised expression.

"Brother, who is this Li Shanchang? Is he famous?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

He had been active in Haozhou before, and he was not too familiar with Dingyuan.

"Very famous, counted as Dingyuan's No.1 scholar!" Zhu Han nodded.

Li Shanchang, in history, was the number one hero in the founding of the Ming Dynasty. He helped Zhu Yuanzhang complete the transformation from a small rebel general to a man who fought for the world. With the help of more than 20 years of business, Zhu Yuanzhang was able to fight everywhere without lacking the guarantee of food, grass and military pay. Half of all the credit belongs to Li Shanchang.

Such a great character, finally, I didn't let my brother miss it.

"No. 1 officer, is that going to be given to the biggest official?" Zhu Yuanzhang realized immediately.

"Yes, but you can't give it directly. We have to talk about it first, let Li Shanchang know that we value him and appreciate him, and then give it to the senior official, not because of his fame, otherwise some famous sour Confucian scholars will come later. It's easy to deal with," Zhu Han said.

A talent like Li Shanchang is definitely not something that can be easily taken for his own use by throwing an official position in his face. He must be convinced to serve his life.

After Zhu Han's explanation, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded.

"Go and ask Mr. Li to come in!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said to the guards.


Zhu Han immediately stopped him.

(End of this chapter)

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