Daming heir

Chapter 374

Chapter 374

Is Fourth Master Huang a good man?

The answer is clearly presented in black and white.

Even so, Zhu Yunxi had already begun to wonder if his ears had heard it wrong.

Zhu Gaochi probably didn't close his eyes and fall asleep all night, and he was anxious for a long time. Now that Tian Mai said such words, he immediately stepped forward and grabbed Gao Guang's chest.

Zhu Gaochi's eyes widened, and he asked in a deep voice, "Say it again! The victims are outside the city, why are they petitioning!"

People like myself are busy, worrying about the country and the people, and staying up all night, in order to clarify the ups and downs of Henan Road, so that the millions of people in Henan Province can be a clean world.

But now these disaster victims actually want to petition for the officials of Henan Province?

Xiaopang felt for a moment that he had become a joke, the biggest joke in the 28th year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty.

Higher than the Light is actually quite confused.

Just now when I saw the situation outside the city, Gao Guang also couldn't understand what happened for a long time. After confirming the situation, he hurried over to ask for instructions.

"My lord, that is indeed the case. Those disaster victims came very early. If our people had not blocked the gates of the various cities, I am afraid that they would have entered the city to petition. The subordinates and others did not know how to deal with it, so they could only come here to ask for help. I agree."

Zhu Gaochi put down Tian Mai helplessly, sighed softly and patted Tian Mai's chest, smoothing the other's chest: "It's really weird everywhere, are these people bewitched or threatened?"

Xiaopang was very worried, and he also couldn't understand what happened today that the victims of the disaster had petitioned the officials of Henan Province to offend them.

Zhu Yunxi turned the belt to fix it in the correct position, looked up and said, "Let's go and have a look, and then make plans."

The few people didn't know what was going on for a while, so they could only see the situation clearly before making plans, called a group of Jinyiwei officers and soldiers, and left Zhou Palace.

At this time, outside Kaifeng City, more and more "disaster victims" had gathered in front of the city gate.

Because the ban on blocking Kaifeng Fucheng has not been released, the accompanying officers and soldiers and the Henan Dusi soldiers who entered the city last night have been strictly controlling and blocking the gates of Kaifeng City.

Fearing that more and more disaster victims outside the city would flood into the city if something went wrong, causing even greater disturbances, after consulting the Henan capital, the city gate has never been opened.

"Master, please open the city gate..."

"The officials in the Kaifeng Mansion are clean officials and good people."

"We can all testify for the superiors, life is getting better and better these years..."

"Open the city gate! Open the city gate!"

Outside the city gate, no less than [-] disaster victims had already gathered in this place alone. Led by the first few people in the team, they kept shouting at the officers and soldiers blocking the closed city gate.

It's just that these people are very measured, never approached the officers and soldiers, and kept a sufficient distance to shout.

"Shangguan's mansion respects innocence as an official. The house in the old man's house collapsed, and the mansion used his own money and food to build a new house for the old man's house."

"Fu Zun is innocent!"

"I would like to ask the imperial court to enlighten me."

"Men, please open the city gate..."

"Open the city gate..."

Outside this city gate, the people kept shouting loudly, which merged with the shouts in front of other city gates.

The officers and soldiers guarding the city gate looked at the situation in front of them, feeling uneasy in their hearts, fearing that if these people rushed up at that time, there would be a big disturbance.

Although the emperor's grandson has been ruthless and indifferent to the officials of the court these years, he has always been kind to the people in the world.If there is a real conflict at this time, if there is a bloody incident, people like myself will be ungrateful inside and out, and they will definitely suffer.

In the city of Kaifeng.

The lives of the people did not come to a complete halt just because of how many people were arrested by the government.

The smell of fireworks in the streets and alleys, along with the sunrise, carried on like yesterday.

It's just that the high-rise government office that collapsed in the fire last night has become a topic of conversation among the people who got up early, and many speculations spread like wildfire.

Zhu Yunxi took his people and rushed to the gate of Kaifeng under the guard of a group of officers and soldiers.

Along the way, people from various city gates rushed over to report the latest situation.

Zhu Gaochi blinked constantly, gathering all the data together.

"Currently outside the city of Kaifeng, no less than [-] disaster victims have gathered, all of whom are petitioning for the officials of Henan Province."

"Many people in the city are going out of the city, and they are waiting for us to decide whether you want to open the city gate."

blah blah blah.

The sound of horseshoes sounded on the streets of Fucheng, Kaifeng.

Zhu Yunxi frowned and looked at the city gate that was already in front of him. He didn't see him, but he could already hear the shouts of the people from outside the city gate demanding to open the city gate.

"Have someone go and open the city gate, so I have to see these disaster victims for myself."

Following Zhu Yunxi's opening, there were at least two officers and soldiers in the team galloping towards the closed city gate.

When Zhu Yunxi and others arrived at the city gate, the two heavy city gates were slowly opened under the pull of a large number of officers and soldiers.

The gap in the city gate is getting bigger and bigger.

A burst of noise suddenly poured into the city gate from outside the city gate, and the sound was spun and amplified in this natural amplification area.

The officers and soldiers outside the city saw that the emperor's grandson was coming in person, and immediately someone turned around and rushed into the city gate, before Zhu Yunxi's horse.

"Your Highness, the people gathered outside the city, and the situation is unknown, please take your highness as the most important thing, and don't go out of the city to get close."

Zhu Yunxi held the horsewhip in his hand, and looked out of the city gate indifferently, because the city gate opened and finally the crowd moved forward a little closer.

"They are all the people of my Ming Dynasty, how could they murder Yu Gu?"

Having said that, under the worried gaze of the general who closed the city, Zhu Yunxi rode his horse and led people out of the city gate.

"Please ask the imperial court to check clearly. The Shangguan's government is not guilty, and the Yamen Shangguan is not guilty."

"I would like to ask the imperial court to enlighten me."

Zhu Yunxie rode a horse to the outside of the city, and Zhu Gaochi behind him hastily asked Zhu Shangbing to lead people around Zhu Yunxie and stand in the front.

Yu Ma, who had heard the news early in the morning, had already rushed out from the city gate with his soldiers and horses.

Yu Ma got off the horse and came to Zhu Yunxi's eyes. He stretched out his hand to hold the reins of Zhu Yunxi's horse, and looked up at the horse's back: "Your Highness, I will lead the horse for Your Highness."

Zhu Yunxi looked down at Yu Ma who was leading the horse with one hand and resting the palm of his hand on the handle of the knife at his waist, nodded and hummed.

Henan Dusi held the reins of the horse, and Zhu Yunxi sat on the horse's back.

The two walked out of the heavy guards of officers and soldiers all the way, and arrived in front of the victims.

The loud shouts also gradually subsided at this moment.

Zhu Yunxi sat on the horseback and looked towards the back of the crowd.

There is a very thick crowd, and there are still many people rushing towards here on the official road in the distance and on the ridges between the fields.

It seems that it is really a scene of local people petitioning for their parents and officials.

Zhu Yunxi got off the horse, and Yu Ma stood behind him within half a step, with his palm resting on the handle of the knife all the time, and his eyes were also focused on the crowd in front of him, vigilant that accidents might happen at any time.

When Zhu Yunxi got off the horse, the crowd in front of him immediately surrounded him.

A few white-haired old men wearing coarse linen clothes, with broken straw sandals on their feet, and mud spots on their trousers and arms completely occupied Zhu Yunxi's sight.

The old people wanted to go forward to grab Zhu Yunxi, but Yu Ma snorted coldly, holding the scabbard quickly and blocking Zhu Yunxi's body.

Yu Ma sneered: "This is His Royal Highness, the Grandson of the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. If you have any petitions, you can make it clear in front of His Highness."

The people who rushed out of the city early in the morning couldn't believe that the person who came out after opening the city gate would be His Highness the Emperor Taisun.

After hearing Yu Ma's explanation, there was a commotion and whispering in the crowd immediately.

Zhu Yunxi had a smile on his face, but his brows were slightly tightened, and he said softly: "I heard that you folks are going to petition and offend the officials of Henan Province? I'm here alone. What do you folks want to say today? They can all be said together.”

While talking, Zhu Yunxi's eyes were dark, and he took a few glances at the elderly people in front of him who seemed to be elected by the crowd.

An old man cupped his hands tremblingly and said: "Your Highness, Your Highness wants to be the master of Kaifeng Mansion! The mansion and the others are good people, good people for the country and the people..."

Just when someone here finished speaking, someone knelt down beside him.

"Your Highness, Fu Zun and the others have worked so hard for our folks in Henan Province all these years. Even if they make some mistakes on weekdays, it is for us."

"The Fu Zun has countless living people, and the villagers are all thinking about the Fu Zun's goodness. We heard that the Fu Zun was taken down by the court, so we thought we could come and explain clearly to the Fu Zun and the court."

Zhu Yunxi frowned.

He just wondered where these people came from.

The situation in Henan Province has been on the table since last night, and there have been countless related issues. Will people come to petition under such circumstances?

He was just troubled, why did these people appear here, and who was instigated by them to stage such a trick in front of him, the common people petitioned for officials.

Henan Road is trying to coerce public opinion and coerce the court to let go and bow its head.

Zhu Yunxi's eyes skipped over the old people in front of him, and looked at more petitioners ahead.

He took two steps back: "Don't worry, the court is fair, and the court will never frame anyone for nothing. If they are good people, the court will treat them leniently, and if they are bad people, the court will also severely punish them according to the laws of Ming Dynasty."

While talking, Zhu Yunxi turned his head and gave Zhu Shangbing two winks who was guarding behind him with someone.

Zhu Shangbing immediately waved his hand and pressed the knife, leading a group of officers and soldiers to Zhu Yunxi's eyes.

The transformation happened so suddenly that the crowd gathered outside the gate of Kaifeng Prefecture did not react.

"Did you notice something was wrong?" Zhu Gaochi walked forward quickly from behind, his eyes were gloomy and squinting at the petitioners who were led by Zhu Shangbing to block the front again.

Zhu Yunxie nodded: "There is something wrong with this matter, but I originally thought that someone coerced these people to come to Kaifeng City to petition, in order to coerce us to forgive the official circles in Henan Province, and to punish those people lightly."

Zhu Gaochi's eyes narrowed, it was obvious that Brother Xi had discovered other problems just now.

"What is it?"

Zhu Yunxi's face was gloomy: "These people are not victims of disasters in Henan Province at all!"

Not disaster victims.

Zhu Gaochi frowned, turned his head in disbelief, and once again looked at the victims outside the city.

Since they are not disaster victims, then who are these people?
At this time, the crowd also had a commotion because of the court's sudden turn of events and officers and soldiers gathered in front of them to stop them, and gradually some people began to shout.

"The imperial court has blind eyes and hurts good people!"

"Henan Dao is wronged!"

"Let go!"

"Let go!"


The crowd erupted with much louder shouts than before.

From under the city gate, more officers and soldiers rushed over, forming a human wall in front of Zhu Yunxie and others.

The commotion among the crowd is getting more and more chaotic.

Just at this moment, the sound of armored soldiers came from a distance.

A huge "pro" flag appeared in everyone's sight.Afterwards, the flags of Shangzhiki Junwei, Habayashi Youwei, and the smallest flag with the word "Chen Liu" written on it.

Tang Bi, the commander of the Yubayashi Youwei Commander of the Shangzhi Qin Army, and Pei Benzhi, the magistrate of Chenliu County, Kaifeng Prefecture, rode side by side, driving their horses to the front of the entire team.

The black gauze cap on Pei Benzhi's head was tilted by the horse, but he looked nervously at the messy crowd outside the city gate.

Before he ran to the city gate, Pei Benzhi already raised his hand and pressed his black gauze cap, trembling half up on the horseback: "Your Highness! These people are not disaster victims!"

"They are not disaster victims from Kaifeng Mansion!"

"Your Highness, don't be fooled by these people!"

"Be careful, Your Highness!"

Pei Benzhi continued to shout loudly to warn, and Yu Ma beside him had a complex expression. He waved his palms to signal Habayashi Wei behind him to follow up, and cut off the back of the petitioners outside the city gate from behind.

In an instant, the entire city was in chaos.

The petitioners, whose identities were torn apart by Pei Benzhi in public, began to turn around and run away.

However, the officers and soldiers of Habayashi Guard took a step faster. Groups of cavalry surrounded them from behind, with horseshoes bursting, threatening those who wanted to escape to stop abruptly.

Pei Benzhi finally rode his horse to the front of the crowd.

As soon as the officers and soldiers guarding the front stepped forward and reached out to hold Pei Benzhi's horse, he had already turned over on the horse's back, stumbled and wobbled to the ground.

Lifting his feet, he kicked a petitioner who was kneeling in front of him. Pei Benzhi let out a low shout of anger, passed through the crowd, and arrived in front of Zhu Yunxi.

"Your Highness, these people are not the victims of my Kaifeng mansion!"

"Your Highness, I beg you to learn from me. Don't be fooled by these thieves!"

With a smile on his face, Zhu Yunxi looked at Pei Benzhi, who was bending forward in front of him to remonstrate, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Xiaopang next to him, and both of them laughed silently.

Pei Benzhi stared blankly, frowned, and carefully raised his head to look at His Royal Highness the Empress Dowager and Prince Yan standing in front of him laughing.

Pei Benzhi opened his mouth and said hesitantly: "You two know?"

Looking at Zhu Yunxi's reaction, Pei Benzhi was a little suspicious for a while, he hurried to prevent the emperor's grandson from being deceived, but it seemed that he didn't need to warn himself, His Highness clearly saw that something was wrong with these people.

However, Zhu Yunxi shook his head: "Since it is Pei County who revealed the truth, please ask Pei County to prove this point for us."

As he spoke, Zhu Yunxi waved his finger at the so-called petitioners who were already chaotic under the siege of heavy troops.

Pei Benzhi hadn't reacted yet.

Why did the grandson of the emperor claim to have revealed something that he already knew, and why did he have to prove it by himself.

Zhu Gaochi looked at the dumbfounded Pei Benzhi with a smile on the side, and couldn't help laughing: "Your Highness said so, what are you waiting for in Pei County, if it weren't for the magistrate of Pei County, His Highness and I would really be deceived."

Pei Benzhi finally came to his senses, his eyes lit up, and he turned around and walked in front of many people who were captured by the officers and soldiers.

Zhu Yunxi and Zhu Gaochi also led people out again.

At this time, the accompanying officials who were originally scheduled to gradually accept the two departments of Henan Province and the yamen of Kaifeng Prefecture had already heard the news and rushed over.

The crowd jumped over the numerous officers and soldiers under the city gate.

"Your Highness, these people are the people who came to Kaifeng to petition for Henan officials?"

The accompanying officials who rushed over looked nervously at the crowd besieged by the army, really worried that there would be a civil uprising in Henan Province.

Zhu Yunxi looked back and said, "They're all here, let's watch slowly. Pei Benzhi just said that these people are not victims of the disaster in Henan Province, so let him reveal to us now, who are these people. "

A group of accompanying officials who just arrived didn't know the situation outside the city gate at this time, so they could only nod with a group of accompanying officials, and turned their attention to Pei Benzhi who had already walked in front of a person who was arrested by the officers and soldiers. .

I saw Pei Benzhi's face was gloomy, he turned his head to look at the crowd, and then grabbed the man, and in front of everyone, stripped the man's chest and clothes off.

"Your Highness, son, all superiors, you can see clearly, if I am a citizen of Henan Province, why would I have such fair skin?"

As he spoke, Pei Benzhi took off the coat of the man who already had a frightened expression on his face, revealing the inner coat.

Pei Benzhi pointed angrily, "The people don't have enough to eat, and they don't have enough clothes to cover their bodies. How rich should our Ming Dynasty be, so that all the people can wear such white and delicate satin?"

Then, he inserted his fingers into the man's hair, and the five fingers slid down along the way.

"The people work day and night, and they don't wash for three months. Now they are in the midst of a disaster, who can stick their fingers through their hair?"

The angry Pei Benzhi infected Gao Guang and others.

Gao Guang and others stepped forward one after another and grabbed the people who were captured by the officers and soldiers.

"There are no calluses in the palm of my hand!"

"Why does the hole in the rough cloth look like it was scraped out by a knife?"

"The teeth are so white!"

There were many officials who went out of the city, each of them grabbed people and looked up and down.

More and more people became angry.

Pei Benzhi knew the details of these people in his heart, but he was still furious when he exposed the heels of these people with his own eyes, and even his voice trembled with anger.

"Your Highness, everyone! What kind of world should it be, so that even the victims of disasters can look so good-looking! The skin is fair, the clothes are thick, the teeth are not black, and the hands and feet are callous!"

Pei Benzhi's questioning and roar echoed in everyone's ears.

In the distance, there are also loud shouts.

"Your Highness, Your Highness!"

"The disaster victims outside the gates of Kaifeng City began to retreat..."

Zhu Yunxi snorted coldly and waved his hand away.

With a sullen face, he questioned Pei Benzhi.

"Where are the real disaster victims in Henan Province!"

(End of this chapter)

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