Daming heir

Chapter 384

Chapter 384

Outside Kaifeng Mansion, northeast direction.

With the establishment of the Yamen of the Governor of Water Affairs of the Yellow River and the big change of the Yamen of the two departments in Henan, Pan Deshan, the passionate minister of river control, finally gradually began to display his ambitions.

Today, the weather is very good.

Early in the morning, there was a thunderous movement of troops and horses in the Kaifeng mansion.

Numerous officers and soldiers escorted the emperor's grandson, as well as officials from the Sansi Yamen of Henan Province and the Yamen of Kaifeng Prefecture, who had taken on a new look, to the outside of the city.

All the way to the river, Pan Deshan, the governor of the Yellow River water affairs, had already waited for a long time with the officials of the governor's yamen.

On the levee, a lot of people have been recruited and requisitioned, and they are doing preparatory work for the subsequent repair of the Yellow River levee.

With the arrival of the emperor's grandson, there were countless red robes and green everywhere on the entire embankment.

Pan Deshan was very excited at the moment.

Although he has become the Governor of the Yellow River Water Affairs and has been in charge of the safety of the Yellow River for many days, seeing the emperor's grandson personally bring the officials from the Sansi Yamen in Henan Province today still makes him feel emotional for a while.

Even though he is already the governor of the third rank, Pan Deshan is still only wearing a close-fitting regular uniform today, and his boots and trousers have already been covered with muddy water.

Pan Deshan's face was rosy, and he walked ahead leading Zhu Yunxi and the others.

He waved his finger to the surface of the Yellow River, where the torrential river flows endlessly, and said loudly: "Your Highness, this is Liuyuankou, one of the many ferry crossings on the Yellow River."

Zhu Yunxi looked at the river ahead.

Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Shangbing behind him, as well as Pei Benzhi, Gao Gaoguang and Yu Ma, the chief officials of the Sansi Yamen in Henan Province, and a large number of officials all followed Pan Deshan's direction and looked around.

Pei Benzhi served as an official in Henan Province for eight years, and now he is the chief envoy of Henan Province. It can be said that he was the No. 1 official in Henan Province at that time.

He began to explain to everyone with a soft smile: "When you pass Liuyuankou, you will go to Weihui Mansion to Fengqiucheng, and then go north to enter Beiping Dusi. In the past, most of the supplies in Henan Province were from the Nine Borders. Cross the river at Liuyuankou.

Speaking of it, you may have rarely heard of it, but there are two stories circulating at the mouth of Liuyuan, which are touching and tear-jerking. "

The newly-appointed chief minister of Henan Province seems to be a very interesting person, and he has not become rebellious because of the sudden rise of his official rank.

During these days of getting along with each other, the new officials from top to bottom also showed a lot of sympathy towards Pei Benzhi, the Henan Province chief envoy who rose up suddenly.

Gao Gaoguang raised his brows even more, and said in agreement: "Oh? I don't know Fangbo Pei, can you speak for us?"

Zhu Yunxi also listened carefully, but his eyes were looking at the endless plain behind the embankment.

The rest of the people looked at Pei Benzhi curiously, waiting for the chief envoy to tell the story to everyone.

Pei Benzhi also didn't see the outside, coughed lightly and said: "One is too long, I will talk about it next time when I will be the host, cook a few things myself, and drink with you. Today I will only talk about the other one. The man named Liu Yuan girl."

Stories, there are girls.

It must have been a tear-jerking love story.

Even if the people present were all dressed beasts of the Ming Dynasty, who wouldn't like to hear such stories.

Yu Ma, who is the commander of the Henan Metropolitan Commander, didn't even see the calm demeanor of the general in command. Instead, he urged: "Pei Fang Bomo is going to whet my appetite again, tell us quickly and let us know."

On the embankment, there was a burst of laughter.

Pei Benzhi took a look at Yu Ma, and continued: "Let's talk about this girl named Liuyuan a long time ago. It is rumored that this girl was born with beauty and beauty. When she was in her hometown, she was praised by people and envied her. Its good looks.

At that time, there was an imperial draft.Because of her beauty since she was a child, the lady of Liuyuan was recommended and selected as a beauty. She left her hometown and came here to serve in Beijing with the intention of crossing the river. "

Before Pei Benzhi could continue, Zhu Gaochi coughed heavily: "Fangbo Pei, why don't you tell that other story first."

While speaking, Zhu Gaochi still raised his eyebrows at Pei Benzhi.

Everyone present also silently suppressed some original laughter.

Zhu Yunxi silently watched the undisturbed plain for a long time, and when he heard the sound of the story around him suddenly stop, he couldn't help frowning and slapped Xiaopang on the shoulder.

Then he said to Pei Benzhi: "There has never been a draft since ancient times. Since it is a story from a long time ago, it doesn't matter."

Zhu Gaochi snorted twice, he was just talking too much.

Pei Benzhi cupped his hands, and then continued: "At that time, everyone praised the beauty of the Liuyuan girl, even her parents and family members, and they also felt that it was a good fortune for the whole family to have her daughter elected to the emperor's side. But no one knew , Liuyuan girl's longing and nostalgia for her family and hometown.

On that day, the girl from Liuyuan was sailing on the river in a boat, looking at the gradually hazy village on the bank, she couldn't help crying.The mournful cry moved He Bo.

In an instant, the Yellow River set off a huge wave, overturned the dragon boat, and borrowed the girl from Liuyuan to become a water god, guarding her hometown forever.And the name of Liuyuankou was handed down just now. "

After finishing speaking, Pei Benzhi couldn't help but want to slap himself twice.

Everyone was silent.

Zhu Yunxi looked at the silent crowd, but smiled, and clapped his hands to make noise.

He looked at the crowd and said softly: "It seems that the story about the Yellow River is probably the same for everyone."

Pan Deshan immediately bowed to the side and said: "His Royal Highness has made great efforts to rule the country. Today, the Yamen of the Governor of the Yellow River Water Affairs has been established. The minister and governor of the Yellow River Water Affairs will be called Huanghe Anlan, and the incident of Miss Liuyuan's overthrow of the Yellow River will not be repeated."

Zhu Yunxi waved his hand and said indifferently: "It is a story, so it cannot be counted. This is also a fable, like an alarm bell that often rings on our heads, telling us to focus on the survival of all living beings and the people."

Pei Benzhi and Gao Guang hurriedly led the officials to bow and bow in response.

Zhu Yunxi laughed suddenly, and under the puzzled gaze of the crowd, he said again: "Speaking of which, you all know about the cement road that is being built from Yingtian City to Hangzhou Mansion, right?"

Everyone nodded.

There was a round of heated discussions between the DPRK and China this year regarding the construction of the Yinghang Cement Road.Originally Wenhuadian Walking and Xie Jin, a Hanlin scholar, wanted to start three concrete roads at the same time, but in the end, after a competition, one was built first for the time being.

Zhu Yunxi then said: "You may not know that the cement method has also been used on countless ditches and rivers in the south of the Yangtze River this time. The newly built bridge can carry tens of thousands of heavy loads, just like a smooth road."

The emperor's grandson was on the Yellow River, but he talked about the cement road in the south of the Yangtze River, and the topic changed a little quickly.

But everyone still tasted the true meaning from the last words.

Gao Gaoguang raised his head quietly and looked at the Yellow River hundreds of feet wide behind Zhu Yunxi, feeling suspicious in his heart.

Can the method of cement make the Yellow River smooth?
Pei Benzhi felt that if the method of cement was really useful, it might as well be tried.

If it comes true, wouldn't Da Ming be able to make the Yellow River natural moat smooth?
If this thing is done seriously, Daming will be famous forever.And more importantly, the Yellow River will no longer be an obstacle blocking the north and south of Ming Dynasty, and the Nine Sides will also receive stronger support.

North-South exchanges will become more calm.

Zhu Yunxi smiled. The complexity and difficulty of the bridge project is not something he can explain clearly, nor is it something he can accomplish if he wants to.

That is to build bridges across the natural moat, not to lay concrete roads on the land.

The two are completely different things.

But it’s always about hope and imagination, isn’t it?
If you don't even dare to think about it, how can everything in the world come true?

Zhu Yunxi smiled and said: "I still hope that all the kings will send their strength to one place. Maybe one day, the big river and sky moat in front of me will really become a smooth road."

After finishing speaking, a picture immediately appeared in Zhu Yunxi's mind.

A bridge built of countless huge concrete piers spans the river that has been running for thousands of years, and countless Chinese people can only cross it by boat.

The huge steel structure straddles the bridge like a keel.The tough steel rails communicate the north and south directions.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound of steam resounded across the vast land.

At the edge of the sky is a stream of pure white water vapor, rising from the ground, drifting into the sky, and changing into pieces of clouds.

A powerful steam train, pulling dozens of huge carriages, gallops on the steel rails.In the smog, behind the window of the carriage, there were Ming army officers and soldiers in armor and helmets, as well as those ordinary people who traveled north and south looking for relatives and friends.

In the second half of the train, there is a new type of artillery with a large caliber, as well as countless Wugang vehicles and military ordnance.

In the end, there is a carload of grain and grass supplies, merchants' goods.

All night long, the entire Ming Dynasty became like a whole because of these existences, and the blood of the empire was flowing vigorously, bringing sufficient power to the empire at all times.

The world knows it!

Sunset is bright, sunrise is bright.

"Your Highness, the minister and the governor's yamen have some superficial attempts on the method of cement. Please take the time to give me some pointers."

Pan Deshan's shout brought Zhu Yunxi, who had been thinking about Daming countless years later, back to reality.

Zhu Yunxi's gaze was in a daze for a moment, and he looked at Daming in reality.

He smiled self-sarcastically without attracting attention, and then looked at Pan Deshan: "But it's okay to say."

With a submissive expression, Pan Deshan led the crowd to a further distance.

After turning around a bend in the river, Pan Deshan led everyone to look at the large area under the embankment that had been emptied and paved.

I saw that on this large construction site, there are still countless bricks, stones and wood piled up.In the middle, a huge workshop quietly rose from the ground.

How familiar are the several workshops in Zhu Yunxi's sight.

He couldn't help looking at Pan Deshan at the side, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Pan Deshan said softly: "After leaving the Xuzhou mansion, I went to Yingtian to reply to the letter. I asked the master craftsman to dispatch some people to use it on the Yellow River.

These are the concrete workshops that have been rushed out not long ago.There is no stone production here, so the production of cement is decided by the Henan government.The site is only used for the production of concrete. "

Under Pan Deshan's introduction, Zhu Yunxi and everyone turned their attention to the construction site under the embankment again.

I saw that in those workshops, a truckload of concrete was being delivered continuously.Then they will be gathered together and handed over to another group of people, who will pour the concrete into the wooden models on the ground.

In a large open space around, countless wooden models are placed together, like an army array neatly and densely packed.

From the perspective of color, the farther the distance is from the wooden model, the lighter the color of the concrete inside is, and the deeper the color is, the darker it is.

On the other side of the open space, there are countless strips of light-colored concrete joined together, like thick city walls.

Pei Benzhi, Gao Gaoguang and others didn't know the reason and reason.

However, Zhu Yunxi recognized Pan Deshan's intention at a glance.

He couldn't help but said softly: "Do you want to use cement to replace stone strips?"

Pan Deshan nodded, but shook his head: "I have studied daily recently, and I deeply feel that if these cement bricks are poured by the cement method, the progress of building the embankment will be greatly accelerated.

Although cement pouring bricks seems to have many processes and is too complicated, it can be mass-produced at the same time.However, the stone strips used to build the embankment of the Yellow River in the past dynasties had to be completely removed from the mountain, and it took a lot of manpower to chisel them into shape, and then transport those heavy stone strips to the desired place.

In contrast, the method of cement is not allowed to be so cumbersome and time-consuming.

However, the ministers thought that the stone strips still need to be used in many places, so it is not a complete replacement of the stone strips. "

This is the interpretation of professionals.

Whether it is Pei Benzhi, the newly-appointed governor of Henan Province, Gao Guang, the inspector, or Yu Ma, the chief envoy, they are already ignorant of this.

At the scene, only Zhu Yunxi continued to speak, talking with Pan Deshan: "Do you have any other opinions or attempts on the application of the cement method by the governor's office?"

Pan Deshan nodded heavily, with a look of joy on his face.

He waved his hand and pointed to the embankment under the feet of everyone, pointing towards the bottom of the embankment.

"Your Highness, the governor's yamen talked with the people sent by Zhang Dajiang, and then came up with a feasible method.

As long as the wooden planks are used to block it in advance, and then the river water is discharged, and then bamboo strips...preferably iron bars or...steel strips are used as the frame keel, and finally concrete and wooden panels are poured.

As long as these are all dried and solidified, it will be a natural dam water gate, which can withstand the power of floods for thousands of years.

If this method is used to build a series of dams and water gates where the branches of the Yellow River are connected thousands of miles up and down, the connection between the Yellow River and the branches can be controlled, and the water discharged into the river can be determined by people. "

Pan Deshan spoke very carefully, but Zhu Yunxi was delighted to hear it.

He knew that Pan Deshan's talent in water control was not inferior to that of the ancients, and he did not lag behind others.

But he didn't expect that Pan Deshan had done so much research on cement, which is still a new thing in Daming, and even thought of cement to pour the water gate of the dam.

And most importantly.

He has already produced a finished concrete water gate.

Right at the bottom of the embankment at your feet!
Pan Deshan continued: "His Royal Highness, I have been discussing with my colleagues in the Governor's Office recently, whether it is possible to send the steam engine made by the master craftsman at the Taiping Mansion Mine to the Governor's Office?"

Zhu Yunxi frowned: "What do you want a steam engine for?"

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Pan Deshan's face, he rubbed his hands and said, "I think that the current embankment of the Yellow River can be used as the main body, and I still rely on the current embankment to control the river and build embankments.

But today's levee is countless higher than the ground, and it would be quite labor-intensive to transport materials up and down by manpower.But the steam engine can easily lift tens of thousands of heavy objects.I heard that the master craftsman is laying a kind of steel rail, and the steam engine can run on it to transport heavy objects.

The minister wondered whether this method could be used on the embankment of the Yellow River to save people's energy. "

Zhu Yunxi didn't know what to say anymore.

Pan Deshan, who hadn't seen him for a long time, brought many surprises to himself today.

However, Pan Deshan's words did not seem to end.

He continued: "This is one. In addition, I think that if the mechanism is cleverly built, maybe the steam engine can be placed on the water gate of the cement dam to open and close the water gate. It is used for the rescue of bottom boats, pulling the boat out of trouble."

After Pan Deshan said his last thoughts, he raised his head and looked at the grandson in front of him.

He blinked, worried in his heart, whether he would make the emperor dissatisfied by saying so many requests together.

However, Zhu Yunxi's heart is already overwhelmed now.

What kind of talent is this?
He looked at Pan Deshan, and felt that he had accidentally met a man who thought he was only capable of harnessing rivers, but he didn't expect him to have so many insights and skills.

Just when Pan Deshan was still hesitating, whether his petition would be rejected.

Zhu Yunxi had already said in a deep voice: "Everything asked by the governor's yamen, I will be alone."

His voice was not loud, but it reached the ears of everyone present.

Everyone looked sideways at him.

Pan Deshan was already very happy.

He hastily bowed and cupped his fists: "Thank you, sir."

Zhu Yunxi stepped forward and patted Pan Deshan's clasped hands: "Pan Qing, will the Ming Dynasty be prosperous in the future..."

blah blah blah.


"Urgent report!"

Just when Zhu Yunxi hadn't finished his sentence, there was a dense and messy sound of horseshoes in the distance, accompanied by the roar of the people on horseback.

Zhu Yunxi frowned.

As everyone turned around and looked over.

I saw officers and soldiers belonging to three different yamen, Jinyiwei, Henan Dusi, and Yubayashi Youwei, galloping in groups on the Yellow River embankment, all the way to the crowd.

The officers and soldiers dismounted from their horses, and before they could stand still, they rushed into Zhu Yunxi's eyes in a hurry.


The officers and soldiers were all on one knee, clasped fists.

Zhu Yunxie's face became serious, and he hid the hand he withdrew from Pan Deshan's face in his sleeve.

Obviously, I have already made a comprehensive estimate, and I have already expected what will happen at this moment.

But when things are really about to happen, they still can't help but get nervous.

The officials present frowned, not knowing what happened, they could only watch and wait for the officers and soldiers to report.

Zhu Gaochi on the side looked at Zhu Yunxi's sleeves where his hands were hidden, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What happened?"

Zhu Yunxi lowered his voice and asked.

"Urgent report!"

"Henan Road Rebellion, Guangzhou Prefecture, Runing Prefecture, Nanyang Prefecture, Henan Prefecture, Shanzhou Prefecture, Ruzhou Prefecture, Xuzhou Prefecture, Chenzhou Prefecture, Guide Prefecture, Huaiqing Prefecture, Weihui Prefecture, Zhangde Prefecture , all rebellions started, and the momentum was huge, and all the prefectures and counties in Henan Province were involved, with thousands or even tens of thousands of people."

"There is a lot of wind in the Kaifeng mansion, and there are traitors hiding in the mansion's borders, threatening the safety of the Kaifeng mansion."

"Your Highness, at this moment, there are raging fires on the Henan Road. All the military camps, please move back to Kaifeng City, and all the troops will defend the Kaifeng City. Please call for soldiers and horses from all directions to help, and suppress the chaos in the Central Plains!"


Monthly ticket recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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