Daming heir

Chapter 401 In front of my family, is there a dynasty of the same age in the world?

Something big is going to happen in Qufu!
Zhang Zhiyuan, the commander of the capital of Beiping, and the commander of the guard capital of Yanwangfu, made Zhang Zhiyuan crazy!

Under the watchful eyes of the officials of the Shandong Dao Sansi Yamen, the over ten thousand frontier cavalry headed towards Qufu City in the southwest with a cloud of dust and smoke.

The officials of the entire Shandong Road finally panicked.

"What is he going to do!"

"What the hell is he going to do!"

The Commander of Shandong Daodu, who was at home for a long time, was flushed and tense, gritted his teeth, and beat his chest and feet constantly.No signs of illness at all roared at the cavalry army that had gone away and gradually disappeared from sight.

The commander of Shandong Daodu roared for a while, then spit and ate a mouthful of dust, turned to look at other Shandong Dao officials: "Whether there are rebels in Qufu, he Zhang Zhiyuan can know the fart! He is now wielding troops Going south to Qufu, does he want to go against the heavens!"

"Is he going to rebel against the sky?" An official from the chief envoy's yamen snorted in a low voice: "Didn't the Dusi hear that he said that there were rebels in Qufu, and he was going to lead troops to protect Qufu?" Is it?"

After this person finished speaking, even he didn't believe it at all, and there was a sneer on his face.

After the tens of thousands of frontier troops went south, they have been stared up and down on Shandong Road. What news can Zhang Zhiyuan find out?
Today, all of a sudden, some rebels appeared in Qufu who intended to harass the saint's family.

It was obvious that Zhang Zhiyuan was looking for excuses to play up the cover, in order to leave here with the army horse, and go to Qufu to coerce the past.

"What should we do now? Do we just let Zhang Zhiyuan mess around in Shandong Road like this? He really wants to cause chaos in Shandong Road?"

The Commander of Shandong Daodu still had anger in his heart, but he had nothing to do with Zhang Zhiyuan, who was entrusted with the emperor's order.

He had a bit of a taste: "That Zhang Zhiyuan took the order, even I, the capital of Shandong Province, didn't pay attention to it. Control the army horses of Shandong Province! Who can control him?"

"Let's write a letter. Write a letter to Qufu, explaining today's situation. The rest can only be solved by Qufu itself. Zhang Zhiyuan has thousands of troops, and he really dares to risk the world's evil and do stupid things. Come?"

The chief envoy of Shandong Province spoke in a cold voice, with a gloomy face and an extremely bad mood.

The inspector at the side said: "Should we still write a memorial and submit it to the heavens, so that the court will know that Zhang Zhiyuan led the troops south into Shandong, and he has not put down the rebellion for a long time, causing rebellions everywhere in Shandong Road, and there is a tendency to multiply?"

"This statement is feasible. Call all the people in the yamen to write a letter to the sky."

The chief envoy of Shandong Province felt a little bored, and left a few words, put his hands in his arms, turned around and led the people from the chief envoy's yamen back to the city.

The rest of the people also don't want to stay in this place that has been emptied long ago, and there is nothing but the dust that doesn't want to fall all over the sky.


"Henan Road Dading!"

"Henan Road Dading!"

"Great victory for the imperial court!"

"Great victory for the imperial court!"

Another morning, starting from Baihu Street, there was a young Jinxue Jinshi who took over from the former Governor of Si Yamen, shouting loudly the news about the army and horses he had just received, and rushed to the inner city of the Imperial City.

This is a good news from the military. The officers and soldiers of the Forbidden Army guarding the imperial city dare not step forward to stop it.

The young new governor ran all the way, passed through the palace gates, and headed towards Wenyuan Pavilion.

This is not a routine process, but since Henan Road did not use military horses to report the victory, but chose to have the local government present a memorial to report the victory, it is natural to ignore the matter of going directly to the holy place, and instead go to Wenyuan Pavilion.

In Wenyuan Pavilion at this time, Xie Jin went to work step by step every day.

Bai Yuxiu, who had already served as an official in the Department of Literature and Selection of the Ministry of Officials, unreasonably moved a stool and sat in front of her husband.

"Henan Dao asked to fill the official vacancies, and the students have already arranged. Among the ten people, there are six people who are my disciples. They have all passed the public examination papers at the Book Bureau. After being reviewed by others, they are all listed and arranged for official vacancies according to their respective strengths and intentions."

Bai Yuxiu whispered about what she had done in the anthology department of the Ministry of Officials these days, and looked at her husband from time to time, noticing the changes on his face.

He continued to speak softly: "As for the remaining [-]% of the officials who were selected, they have not taken the public examination papers. The students and others think that it is better to keep quiet at this time. Regarding the official vacancies, they also have to go through the Wenxuan Department. , There are also important positions in the official position.

According to His Highness, Henan Road, as the hinterland of the Central Plains, is known as a thoroughfare, connecting the north and the south, so it should be settled earlier.When His Highness puts down the rebellion in Henan Province, the imperial court will carry out innovations in Henan Province with great fanfare. At that time, with the disciples of my heart, things will be done more smoothly. "

After finishing speaking, Bai Yuxiu coughed lightly, and a throat-nourishing tablet pressed under her tongue exuded a delicate fragrance.

Xie Jin tapped on the table, and looked lightly at the up-and-coming talent whose Highness placed high hopes on him: "Less talk about them and us in the future, they are all officials in the court, which one of them and which one of us? The emperor runs errands and works for the common people."

When Xie Jin said this, he clasped his hands together and raised his fist in the direction of the palace.

Bai Yuxiu straightened her chest and lowered her head: "It's student Meng Lang."

Xie Jin hummed: "After the settlement of Henan Road, those who are in the middle of the court will get rid of Liu Qi. Those Juren who have failed the exam for a long time should also take a look at it. The imperial court is now the one who employs people At the same time, so what if it’s just Juren? If you can’t be the county magistrate, can’t you still not be able to do the errands of the county magistrate, county book, and pawn?”

Bai Yuxiu's expression flickered slightly, showing some hesitation.

"I am afraid……"

"I'm afraid of what?" Xie Jin snorted coldly: "Aren't they willing to condescend? What kind of dignity do they have! If they don't even want to do this, then they haven't really understood the unity of knowledge and action It’s useless to ask for it, it’s better to get rid of the miscellaneous and keep the essence. The days ahead are still long enough for Da Ming to go in a better and better direction.”

Bai Yuxiu thought about it, and it was probably as Mr. said.

Then he nodded and said, "Perhaps, Master Zhang should be involved?"

Xie Jin froze for a moment, frowned and looked at the student in front of him, his brows gradually relaxed: "Just do it, if you don't try what you do, how will you know."

Bai Yuxiu let out a sigh of relief.

Although when I was with my husband, I would always have a sense of insignificance like an ant, but my husband would always take the trouble to remind me that precepts and deeds are nothing more than that.

Originally, I was trying to separate the science of mind from the science of philosophy, but I forgot that the Ming Dynasty Hall can only be the court hall of His Majesty, there is no right or left.

So I also mentioned Zhang Dajiang, who was promoted to an official position as a craftsman, because I wanted to use him as a reference, so that those who have never been admitted to the two lists of Jinshi can also cast aside their prejudices and be less so-called. The idea of ​​condescension, to start from a down-to-earth county magistrate, county book, and pawn.

Mr. is just a word, and I will try it when I think of it.

A white cat is a black cat, a cat that catches mice is a good cat.

In Bai Yuxiu's mind, he recalled what His Royal Highness the Emperor Taisun said at the Book and Newspaper Bureau.

Thinking of the emperor's grandson, Bai Yuxiu thought of Henan Road, which he hadn't heard from for a long time.

He said: "Sir, the rebellion in Henan Province should be put down, right?"

Xie Jin smiled slightly: "The rebellion in Henan Province will be put down."

Bai Yuxiu nodded and stopped talking.

At this time, there was a burst of shouting from outside the hall.

"Henan Road Great Victory!"

"The rebellion in Henan Province has been put down!"

The sound became louder and louder from far to near, and the period was filled with joy.

Bai Yuxiu keenly discerned that this was the young student who had come to replace him as the Governor of the Si Yamen.

When Bai Yuxiu just stood up, the young new governor ran in sweating profusely and out of breath.


The young governor suddenly paused, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, bowed his hands and said: "The student has met the gentleman and the senior."

Xie Jin nodded without making a sound, but the palms on the legs under the table were already tightly clenched into fists, but they did not show in front of the students.

Bai Yuxiu glanced at the young junior, walked aside with a smile, poured a cup of herbal tea, and brought it in front of the junior: "Drink some water first, moisten your throat before talking."

The young governor nodded vigorously, drank the herbal tea in one gulp, wiped his mouth with a sleeve and said, "Sir, senior, the rebellion in Henan Province has been put down! Great victory in Henan Province! , won the name of one hundred thousand enemies under the Kaifeng city, and conquered Henan with all one's strength!"

One hundred thousand enemies?
In front of her husband and junior, Bai Yuxiu always looked more calm and relaxed than in Wenxuan's office, with her head tilted and a strange smile on her face.

There may not be so many rebels in the entire Henan Province. The name of the [-] enemy may have been exaggerated several times.

But for this, Bai Yuxiu is happy to see it succeed.

He glanced sideways at the gentleman over there.

Xie Jin frowned after hearing the good news of Henan Province's great victory, "Why did the general secretary come to report the victory instead of Henan Province's army and horses?"

The young governor immediately replied: "It was the Sansi Yamen of Henan Province who submitted the memorial. There has never been an army horse returning to Beijing to report victory."

Xie Jin let go of his hand hidden on the table, his eyes quietly deep, and he said quietly: "What is your Highness going to do?"

Bai Yuxiu looked at her husband, glanced sideways at her junior, and said in a low voice, "Could it be because the rebellion on Shandong Road has not yet been put down?"

Xie Jin sighed softly, looked at the two students standing in front of him, and said quietly: "Shandong Road... That's where my ancestor's family is."


"The Three Kingdoms of Qin and Han, Wei, Jin, North and South, Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, Song, Yuan and Ming."

"In the past, the world has changed its name several times. How many princes have passed away?"

"There has never been a thousand-year dynasty in this world, but there are thousands-year-old families!"

Outside the city of Qufu, there is a huge house located on the wilderness, with an even more ancient atmosphere, even ordinary people can distinguish it.

On the high ground in front of the mansion, a few men in brocade clothes and jade belts, served by a group of servants in silk and satin, looked at the yellowed fields in the distance.

The breeze blows, and the fragrance of rice flowers is refreshing.

The leading man, Yumian Zhongxiu, is not very old, only in his twenties, but elegant and calm.

After a few words, there was a self-confidence between the brows, the demeanor of being independent from this world.

"There has never been a thousand-year dynasty in the world."

"But! My family is a thousand-year-old family!"

Several people of the same age around him let out a burst of laughter, which was extraordinarily relaxed and hearty.

Laughter echoed in the wilderness, and the curtain never came to an end for a long time.

After the laughter finally subsided.

Someone turned sideways and looked at the leader: "Brother, there is a letter from the third division. Zhang Zhiyuan, the commander of the capital of Beiping, led more than ten thousand cavalry from the nine borders. He probably arrived here in these two days. This person is also the commander of the guard of the Yan Palace. "

Kong Gongjian looked sideways at his younger brother, and said with a light smile, "Father hasn't been to Beijing to see him yet."

"Father is planning to enter Beijing during the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Kong Gongjian looked back at the Confucian mansion. The pine tree was higher than the courtyard wall, and it had stood here for a thousand years.

He said with a smile on his face: "Talk to father, please come to Beijing to see His Majesty in a few days."

As the eldest son of contemporary Yan Shenggong, Kong Gongjian has been smart since childhood, and everyone in the whole family has high hopes for him.

And Kong Gongjian did not disappoint everyone in the Confucian mansion. Although he had not been crowned for a few years, he took good care of the entire Confucian mansion, inside and out.

Even Kong Na, the current Yansheng Gong, often listens to the opinions of this son-in-law.

At this moment Kong Gongjian asked his father Kong Na to come to Beijing to meet His Majesty, although his younger brother didn't know what he meant, but he nodded honestly: "I heard that the literature in the court has not been prosperous recently, so my father should also go to Beijing to give lectures, preach and learn, and solve the confusion for the Holy Son of Heaven. "

These words were so straightforward that Kong Gongjian couldn't help but frowned, but he didn't say anything.

As for the people around, there was no reaction or movement at all.

It seems that in the Confucian mansion, it is as common as people need to eat and drink water every day.

Another person said from the side: "It's just that at the moment, the frontier army is coming, it is inevitable that they have the intention to offend the ancestors, should we send a letter of warning to dissuade them. Or ask Qufu City to come forward and let them divert."

Kong Gongjian asked softly, "Did the Sansi Yamen tell you why General Zhang led the army to my house?"

His younger brother immediately rushed to the mouth and said: "They said that Zhang Zhiyuan claimed that there were rebels who gathered to rob my house and did something wrong to my house. Zhang Zhiyuan didn't go to quell the rebellion, but he kept saying that he wanted to protect the safety of the Kong family. It frightened my family. But what he wants to do, can my family feel at ease? "

Kong Gongjian still had a smile on his face: "The imperial court has its own laws and regulations, so what General Zhang said, thought, and worried, is there something wrong? Tell the family to prepare food and wine, and prepare all the food and grass that the army will need after the arrival of the army. The military horses of the imperial court are still hungry on their own land."

Kong Gongjian, the successor of the Confucian Mansion, said it was easy to be the next Yan Shenggong, and he even asked the Confucian Mansion to prepare with all their heart and soul to entertain Zhang Zhiyuan, who had obvious intentions and those traitors who had never shown up.

This made the surrounding people unavoidably sullen.

When did the Kong family suffer such humiliation?

It’s just that Kong Gongjian’s words, in the land of Qufu, are like golden rules.

He said that Zhang Zhiyuan, who led the army to the south, should be well treated, and the Kong family would naturally put all their energy into preparing for these things.

When Kong Gongjian finished appreciating the crops that were about to be harvested in the fields outside the mansion today, and decided what to do next in the mansion, today’s encounter was considered a matter, and it was time to go back to the mansion for dinner, and then it was time for lunch break and reading. .

Just waiting for Kong Gongjian to speak.

In the distance, in the middle of the leg-length crops, a long cavalry team rumbled.

These cavalry were so abrupt that they appeared outside the Confucian Mansion in Qufu.

The dark cavalry stands out so conspicuously among the endless fields of mature crops.

"This group of people came so fast, are they rushing to beg for food!"

Kong Gongjian's younger brother cursed in a low voice.

Kong Gongjian stopped in his tracks, and looked seriously at the huge cavalry team that was coming towards the Confucius Mansion in the distance.

Over ten thousand soldiers and horses are marching, even if the whole army keeps silent, the resulting movements cannot be small.

Soon, a large number of servants flooded out of the mansion of the most holy teacher's house, which has been continuously expanded and repaired for thousands of years.

The servants only held sticks in their hands, but they were all strong and vigorous.

Kong Gongjian stared deeply at the military horse that finally came from afar, and said in a low voice, "It seems that the family will be busy for a while today, and I can't read any books."


"They say that there are so many books in the Confucian mansion that one person can't read them all in a lifetime, but is it true?"

Tang Keke, who was only half a stature behind Zhang Zhiyuan in driving horses, was born as a Confucian child, so he naturally knew more about the rumors about the Confucius family, who was the most holy teacher. , couldn't help but speak curiously.

In fact, no one knows how many books the Confucian Mansion has.But everyone, including Tang Keke, knows that those books are really beyond the reach of one person in a lifetime.

Saying these words at the moment, it would be better to say that he was joking.

Zhang Zhiyuan didn't answer this question, he was a reckless man in the army, he couldn't read those petty words, and he didn't understand the principles of sages.

"The order was sent to stop the army five miles away from the Confucian Mansion. Divide the troops around the Confucian Mansion, dig deep ravines, cut down trees and erect barricades and camp walls, so as not to give the rebels any chance."

The deputy general loudly conveyed the general's will to the herald.

A loud shout echoed in the wilderness outside the Confucius Mansion, the sound was like a tiger's roar, long and thick.

Those who responded to the military order shouted "Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!"

Immediately, more than [-] cavalry marched in formation, and began to separate four battalions of soldiers and horses from front, back, left, and right, and came to the outside of the Confucian mansion.

The central army of the headquarters went ten miles outside the gate of the Confucian Mansion.

On the high ground outside the gate of the Confucian mansion, there was Kong Gongjian who had been keeping a calm smile. Seeing this situation, he also put away the smile on his face and turned into endless silence.

He looked at the army that had appeared in the largest number outside the Confucian Mansion in the past few decades, and his eyes kept moving.

Soon, a tall and powerful general came into view.

It must be Zhang Zhiyuan himself, the commander of the capital of Beiping and the commander of the guard capital of Yanwangfu.

Kong Gongjian saw Zhang Zhiyuan.

Riding on the horseback, looking at Zhang Zhiyuan in front of the Confucian mansion calmly, he also noticed the young Kong family standing on the high ground looking at him.

A contemptuous smile appeared on Zhang Zhiyuan's face.

"I will not be able to understand the written word."

"Only the sword in your hand."

"I hope you are cautious."


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"I broke the emperor's daughter's body"

Introduction: As the younger brother of the emperor, Si Hongzheng awakened the system of marrying wives to strengthen the country. As he continued to marry wives, he gradually revived the country that had been corrupted for a long time, and finally married a man who ruled the world!

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