Daming heir

Chapter 640 1 Everything is traceable

The entire Zhili Road was in chaos.

As the Ming Dynasty Bank promulgated a fixed currency exchange ratio, and it was strictly forbidden for anyone to use illegal currency exchange ratio without permission, those people in the 18th Prefecture of Zhili Province who had lost all their money but still had to raise money were instantly dumbfounded.

They forcefully pushed the silver price up to 18:[-] or even [-]:[-]. Now with the official document of the Ming Dynasty Bank, the gold-silver ratio in the [-]th Prefecture of Zhili Province has dropped to [-]:[-].

A full five times the loss!

And this is only the loss on the books, the losses below the book number are even more severe.

When people feel that even if the price of gold and silver reaches one to ten, the silver in their hands can still recover some losses.

Daming Company ran out again.

Because the situation this year is better than last year, the minimum grain price in Zhili Road this year shall not be lower than the average price year-on-year last year. Violators will be punished.

This was the final blow that really made people start looking for ropes to hang themselves at home.

"It's over..."

"Our family is finished..."

"It's not like this silver flower, and it's not like not spending it."

The capital city of Suzhou was exceptionally quiet today. There were few people on the streets, and there was no bustle like the big cities in the south of the Yangtze River.

And in every luxurious house in an excellent location, countless people began to cry and howl, feeling that the future of this business was a gray one.

Those merchants who were determined to leave Zhili Road were originally dissatisfied because the governor's office wanted to collect past business taxes.

At this moment, seeing the local businessmen in the Zhili Dao area losing their fortunes in this turmoil, they all felt relieved in an instant.

Even if they pay some business taxes, it will be nothing compared to the losses suffered by these natives of Zhili Road this time.

In Suzhou City, in a house next to the Suzhou River.

The servants in the house were in a hurry, walking through the corridors and alleys in a hurry.


Deep in the house, a cry of surprise came from the maids.

All the servants began to walk towards the back house.

Less and more.

Everyone saw that the master had hung himself on the beam.

His legs were swaying feebly, and he was obviously breathless.

"Go! Go to the prefect's Yamen!"

The housekeeper was an old man. He immediately stared and arranged for the family members to go to the government office to report the news.

The sharp-eyed servants had quietly left in the chaos, searched around the house, and then escaped quietly.

And such scenes are constantly being staged in Suzhou City, and even in the entire 18th Prefecture of Zhili Province, such things are being staged everywhere.

Government offices in various places are completely unable to sit still.

No one thought that in just over a month, things would develop to this point.

News that countless people had been hanged at home quickly spread throughout Suzhou.

After noon.

Lion Rock outside Suzhou City.

In a privately occupied villa.

The prefect of Suzhou sat down on his throne with an expressionless expression. In front of him, there were sparsely located people with high profile in the territory of Suzhou Prefecture.

It’s just that there are a lot of familiar faces missing today.

"This government did not expect things to develop to this point. It's just that... death can't solve the problem."

The Suzhou Prefect's tone was a bit difficult, but the situation in Suzhou Prefecture must be stabilized now.

If these people in front of him become confused at this time and reveal all the past events, even he, the prefect of Suzhou, may not be able to protect himself.

No one spoke.

The Suzhou magistrate looked at everyone, shook his head and said: "Now that I think about it, this change can actually be considered a foreshadowing, but we didn't expect it.

Since the Hongwu New Deal, when did the imperial court make compromises?It is for this reason that I should have advised you to be careful when doing things. "

Still no one spoke.

And some people, just as the Suzhou magistrate thought, began to think about how to push others to take the blame. For example, the prefect in front of him was a good candidate to take the blame.

And more people are distressed about their losses during this trip.

The Suzhou magistrate spoke again: "But now that things have happened, we can't regret it. The current situation can only be said to be to make up for everyone's losses as much as possible."

Having said this, someone finally looked at Suzhou Magistrate.

Make up for the loss.

This is the question that everyone is thinking about now.

How to make up for the losses.

The prefect of Suzhou quickly gave the answer: "It's a pity for those people who couldn't think of it. It's just that they hanged themselves to avoid disaster, but they left behind a whole family, old and young, and their livelihood outside.

We were all familiar with each other in the past, and we probably had a lot of friendships, and we went to have tea, drink, and listen to music.At this time, no one can pretend that the family is in ruins.

If everyone likes the business of each family, then pay the full price to support it.

On the government side, with me here, no one will say anything that shouldn't be said. "

This is to use the livelihood of the dead families to make up for the losses of the living families here.

As for the matter of underpinning or not, no one took it seriously.

Let’s make up for our own losses first.

At this time, someone's expression softened a little.

"Fu Zun is wise."

The Suzhou magistrate looked at the people with changed expressions in front of him, but his heart felt bitter.

Perhaps some of the losses suffered by these people can be made up for.

But I am afraid that I will face accountability from the top next.

The future is bleak.


"So does this all end here?"

Still on top of the Chaoyang Gate Tower of Yingtian City, Zhu Gaochi asked Zhu Yunxi a question.

Zhu Yunxi withdrew his gaze from admiring the sunset in the south of the Yangtze River and looked back at Xiaopang.

There was a hint of coldness on his face, and it was a bit chilly.

"These greedy people started this thing, so it's up to us to decide when it will end."

Zhu Gaochi's eyelids moved slightly: "You have made so much back this time, and you want to continue?"

Zhu Gaochi looked at Zhu Yunxi in front of him again, and suddenly felt strange.

I don't know since when, in Zhu Gaochi's eyes, Zhu Yunxi's behavior became more and more like his old man.

When he started doing things, he began to pursue them more and more relentlessly and kill them all.

Zhu Yunxi sneered: "I have smashed millions of taels of silver and dumped them on the borders of the 18th Prefecture of Zhili Province. How can I still sit back and watch the country's money continue to wander outside?"

Zhu Gaochi's back felt numb: "But those properties and wealth are all in your hands."

"That's just interest."

Zhu Yunxi smiled faintly.Why did the increase in silver prices in the 18 prefectures of Zhili Province proceed so quickly this time?
In addition to the local government officials sitting back and watching, secretly there is a steady stream of money being delivered by themselves.

Nowadays, it can be said that half of the industries in the entire 18th Prefecture of Zhili Province have quietly entered the name of Daming Company.

From the time he was preparing to establish Daming Bank and Daming Trading Company, Zhu Yunxi had no intention of relying solely on the people below him to work hard bit by bit.

With half of the industries in Zhili Road, the Ming Dynasty Company will start sorting out its accounts and sorting out the industries from now on. As long as it waits for the New Year, it can be fully launched next year and control the most important industries in the country as a royal official office.

Zhu Gaochi's lips twitched, but he didn't speak.

Zhu Yunxi smiled softly: "If those people didn't think they could take advantage of the opportunity to make a lot of money, how could they have given Gu this opportunity and allowed Daming Company to get involved in so many industries? And how could Daming Company be able to do so as quickly as possible? How can you get things done in the shortest possible time?”

Zhu Gaochi sighed.

He really had nothing to say.

Although in his opinion, Brother Hee's move was indeed a bit too weird, but he could only blame those people below for being too greedy.

At this time, several teams of people riding official horses, but looking like private merchants and caravan guards, rushed out of the city from Chaoyang Gate.

Zhu Gaochi's eyes narrowed slightly.

These people are naturally from the Ming Dynasty Company.

It's just that they moved so quickly. They were probably going to take back those properties locally.

Zhu Gaochi silently guessed.

If it weren't for the fact that all the profits earned by Brother Xi this time were put under the name of Daming Company and used for the needs of the country, he would definitely have opposed it from the beginning.

The methods are too cunning and not fair enough.

Using the power of the state to fight for the property and wealth in the hands of greedy merchants and gentry is really inconsistent with the status of the emperor and grandson of the Ming Dynasty supervisor.

Zhu Gaochi shook his head vigorously, throwing these things out of his head that could not be changed by his own will.

Then he spoke softly: "Next, what means are you going to use to get the money back?"

Zhu Yunxi was silent for a moment before replying: "You should ask me where I want to attack next."

After hearing this, Zhu Gaochi couldn't help but shrink his eyes.

It was obvious from Zhu Yunxi's words that he did not intend to take the money back directly.

He has other means.

Zhu Gaochi couldn't help but ask: "Where are you going to attack next?"

Zhu Yunxi sneered, waved his hand and stretched out the city wall, drawing a line in front of Zhu Gaochi.

"Of course I want to take action against the loyal local ministers of our Ming Dynasty. I want them to obediently send back my money intact!"



"Let me investigate carefully!"

The sun has set, but the lights of the Zhili Governor's Yamen are already brightly lit. No one from the various departments has gone home, and they all gathered in front of the main hall of the Yamen.

Zou Xueyu's face was full of anger, and he kept slapping his palms on the high pile of papers on the table in front of him.

The document made a loud bang as he slapped it.

Zou Xueyu roared several times, and his voice softened a little, but it was still stern: "It's really shocking! If I hadn't taken this opportunity, I really didn't know that the place was so abandoned! What on earth are these people doing? of!"

No one in the hall spoke.

Yu Dalian, the magistrate of Yingtian, sat aside with his teacup in his arms, his eyelids sinking, thinking about his own affairs.

Today's thing is actually very simple.

It was this time that by re-clearing the land, the governor's office asked the tax office to assist. By the way, without knowing what was going on, they found out that the commercial taxes of the 20th Prefecture of Zhili Province had been concealed for more than 18 years.

The commercial tax, which was originally not very large, was mostly covered up by those below using Spring and Autumn techniques.

In the past, this was commonplace.

After all, the land tax is under everyone's nose, and the court also keeps records. If it is too little, people from the Ministry of Household Affairs will definitely go to verify it, not to mention that there will be a review by the Metropolitan Procuratorate at any time.

However, commercial tax has never been taken seriously, so there are more places for manipulation.

How much commercial tax is collected and how much is paid depends entirely on the conscience of the local government.


Yu Dalian felt that in the hearts of his colleagues, conscience was only worth one tael of silver at most.


"These are the silver of our Ming Dynasty! They are all the money that should be placed in the Taipingcang of the Ministry of Household Affairs! They are all the money that should be used for the governance of our Zhili Governor's Yamen!"

"It must be recovered!"

Zou Xueyu continued to roar angrily from above.

Yu Dalian put down the teacup in his hand.

Since Mr. Dutai has already said that he wants to recover, then he, the number one horse boy under Dutai, will naturally follow Mr. Dutai closely at this time and set an example.

Yu Dalian put down his teacup and stood up.

"Reporting to the Supervisory Office, I have ordered Yingtian Magistrate's Yamen to re-examine the general ledger of commercial taxes due from the first year of Hongwu to the 24th year of Hongwu from tomorrow. We will strive to complete the inventory of all accounts within one month. Before the end of the year, Hongwu will be recovered All local commercial taxes owed from the first year to the 24th year of Hongwu!"

Yu Dalian issued a military order.

The governor's Yamen officials present were silent.

These are all settled matters. Today's meeting is just a formality.

With this process, things will fall into place.

When the time comes, the local government will no longer blame the Governor's Yamen for taking action.

Zou Xueyu's face darkened: "Check! All the way to the 29th year of Hongwu this year! I want to see how much money these people have swallowed from the imperial court!"

Yu Dalian's face brightened.

"The subordinate takes orders."

As for how to trace back the accounts for more than 20 years, Yu Dalian did not consider it.

Anyway, the current situation is that if you just check it down, you will definitely find out the hidden deception.When the time comes, set a random number and keep nine out of ten without being wronged.

There is another thing, it must be that the amount of tax concealed exceeds the set amount of tax!
Yu Dalian thought of another thing.

He looked at Zou Xueyu, who was furious above the words.

Zou Xueyu said in a deep voice: "What does Ying Tianfu have to say?"

Yu Dalian took a step forward and said softly: "Supervisor, if we want to investigate the concealment of business taxes in the past 29 years, I am afraid that we will inevitably have to trace the past officials. If this is the case... I am thinking..."

Zou Xueyu raised his eyebrows. He had not thought of this matter.

"What are you thinking about?"

Yu Dalian immediately said: "I am thinking that if I want to trace the business tax to the previous officials, should I invite His Highness the King of Qin to come over for assistance? After all... His Highness's task of reviewing local officials has not yet been handed back to the court..."

Zou Xueyu's eyes suddenly lit up.

When he looked at Yu Dalian again, Zou Xueyu's eyes already showed that he wanted to cultivate this number one horse boy.

Zou Xueyu immediately slapped the case and said: "I will write a letter to His Highness the King of Qin now, and ask His Highness to assist the Governor's Yamen in tracing back the hidden business tax case of the 18th Prefecture of Zhili Province in the past 29 years."

"The governor is wise."


Monthly ticket recommendation ticket

I have a cold, it feels so uncomfortable~ Everyone should also keep warm~

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