Daming heir

Chapter 696 Pattern! pattern! Still a pattern!

In the meeting hall.

Everyone showed doubts about Zhu Yunxi's statement.

Originally, the Xicheng Project was expected to make money from the houses in the Scenic Lake District.

Now that the house is not even built, how can we make back the money invested?

Sun Gou'er nodded and clasped his hands in his fists: "Your Highness, I really don't know. If you follow what Your Highness said, how can this Xicheng project be paid back?"

"Sell the land!"

"Selling construction!"

"The Xicheng project will now set up another construction team."

Zhu Yunxi said three sentences in succession, and then looked at everyone with confidence.

But the faces of everyone present became more and more confused.

It is really difficult for them to connect these things together.

Zhu Yunxi could only smile in return.

This does not mean how stupid they are. In fact, these people in Ming Dynasty have not experienced severe beatings and various tricks in real estate.

He explained: "Establish a construction team, and divide the Xicheng Guanjing Lake District House Project into various plots of land, corresponding to the powerful officials at all levels of the court, private businessmen, and wealthy households.

When the land is auctioned, this will be a profit.

Then they exclusively contract the construction of houses on these plots, which are two incomes.

A maintenance and repair team will be established to be responsible for the sanitation, cleaning, object repair and other chores of each household and shop after the project is completed. These are three benefits. "

Make a fortune by photographing land, make another fortune by undertaking construction, and make long-term profits from property services in the later period.

The Xicheng project aims to become the most conspicuous economic growth point for Yingtian Prefecture and even the 18th Prefecture of Zhili.

Since he has such a plan, Zhu Yunxi doesn't mind using all the ways to make money.

Sun Gou'er, Xia Yuanji, and Zou Xueyu are currently writing furiously to record in detail what Zhu Yunxi said.

Zou Xueyu raised his head and asked: "The land auction and construction will probably not be difficult. But for the later maintenance and repairs mentioned by His Highness, I am afraid no one will be willing to pay for it."

At this time, those who can buy land and build houses in the West City Scenic Lake District are those who are not short of money.

Such a family has countless servants.

Where can I use the Xicheng Project Department to provide maintenance and repair services?

"Don't pay?" Zhu Yunxi snorted coldly and put his hands on the table: "Whoever doesn't pay will have the daily garbage from the Xicheng project piled at the door of his house!

If anyone wants to take out the garbage outside the city by himself, he should start collecting tolls from his door! If he didn't lose everything, he would be sorry for the people working on the construction site now! "

There was silence in the meeting hall.

Zhang Ergong stared with his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open, it was really difficult for him to express his opinion on this.

"When the Xicheng project is completed in the future, everyone will need to pay maintenance and repair fees. This will determine a price and make it public during the bidding and investment stage of the project. If you are doing a small business on the Xicheng project, the price can be lower. If Those who view the lake area are naturally higher up.”

Zhu Yunxi imparted "advanced experience" to everyone in front of him without reservation.

Everyone present fell silent one after another.

This is a path they never imagined.

How can you make so much money?

Is money really so easy to make?

Everyone was dubious, but finally temporarily agreed with Zhu Yunxi's statement.

The Xicheng Scenic Lake is dug deeper and deeper, and becomes bigger and bigger.

On the Scenic Mountain not far away, the piles are getting higher and bigger.

Several open channels and culverts coexist, flowing according to the topography of the West City, and finally merge into the culverts buried deep under the ground, and flow out of the city, ensuring that there is always a clean water source everywhere in the West City.

On the ground, each functional area is also divided by cement roads and gradually takes shape.

Except for the residential area, all other functional areas are free from wall obstructions, allowing unobstructed access in all directions.

But this is not to reduce construction costs, and in a sense it even increases construction costs.

By the time of the twelfth lunar month.

The entire Xicheng District is already full of busy people.

The rough core location of several entrances and exits, an area covering no less than half of the imperial city, was the first place where the foundation was laid, cement was laid, and upward construction began.

This will be the busiest food city in Xicheng District in the future.

At this time, in order to provide daily meals for all the workers at the huge Xicheng project site, many Yingtian people who were dedicated to eating had already set up stalls here.

Since the second Xicheng Project Project Meeting, Xicheng Project construction has entered a faster stage.

Every day, at least nearly 10,000 workers are busy on this construction site.

Yu Dalian, the prefect of Yingtian Prefecture, is smiling from ear to ear every day now.

There are nearly 10,000 workers, most of whom are locals from Yingtianfu.

The money earned by these people working on the Xicheng construction site can be counted in Yingtian Mansion's economic growth data.

And the money these people earn will most likely be spent in Yingtian.

After all, it was Ying Tianfu who made the profit.

Not to mention how happy Ying Tianfu's life has been recently.

Then he said that on this Xicheng construction site, the food city is still under construction.

Early in the morning.

As in the previous two months, Zhu Yunxi arrived at the Xicheng construction site from Taisun Mansion early.

The kitchen at the entrance has been closed and moved to the food court in the center of West City.

A huge shack built on a concrete floor with windows on all sides. Even if there is no heating facility, the stoves in the shack that provide three meals a day for nearly 10,000 workers on the construction site can keep the shack warm.

Zhu Yunxi, who arrived early, sat in his fixed position.

A table sheltered from the wind near the door.

Since he started sitting here, both the officials of various departments and workers on the construction site have tacitly given up this table.

Even during peak dining hours, there is no table available to sit on, but this table is always empty.

Following Zhu Yunxi, he sat down.

Xiao Jia, a waiter with a long rag on his shoulders, walked over with a smile on his face.

"Your Highness, should you order one as usual?"

Zhu Yunxi nodded: "As usual, put more pepper powder in the soup."

Xiao Jia was smiling and nodded: "Yes, yes."

After confirming what Taisun wanted to eat today, Xiao Jia turned around and walked towards the manufacturing area in the middle of the shed.

Zhu Yunxi was carrying a teapot that he had brewed and placed on the table before he arrived every day.

The tea leaves are not good, they only come from four or five leaves.

The tea cup is not expensive porcelain, it is just a large black pottery bowl.

Zhu Yunxi picked up the pot and poured tea, blew on the foam in the bowl, and took a sip.

Then he looked out the door.

Some processes need to be completed in advance before each day's work.    Such as feeding, mixing, etc.

This matter cannot be delayed.

If the incoming materials are delayed, one day's work will not be completed, and the specified construction period will be delayed.

Workers are carrying building materials that were transported to the construction site from various places outside the city today.

The other workers have finished washing and are coming to the shed.

These are just some workers.

There are five sheds like this on the entire Xicheng construction site.

Each can accommodate nearly 3,000 people eating at the same time.

When the workers walked to the shed, they all bowed and saluted Zhu Yunxi who was sitting on the table at the door.

Zhu Yunxi nodded to everyone.

When a shout rang out, Xiao Jia, who was smiling, had already arrived at the table carrying a bamboo basket full of food.

So, Zhu Yunxi stopped and nodded, while the workers who came in behind were a little disappointed, but that didn't stop them from continuing to bow and salute.

Xiao Jia placed the bamboo basket beside the table.

He opened the bamboo basket and began to take out the things one by one and place them in front of Zhu Yunxi.

"Your Highness, my father specially added some ingredients to today's mutton soup last night. It tastes very different from the previous one. I just added enough peppercorns for you, Your Highness. You can take a few sips while it's hot."

While talking, a bowl of clear mutton soup, sprinkled with a handful of green onions and pepper powder, was placed in front of Zhu Yunxi.

With a smile on his face, Zhu Yunxi nodded, then took the bowl with both hands and drank.

Xiao Jia continued to take out the things from the bamboo basket.

"Your Highness, these are beef buns."

"This is pickled bracken."

"Pickled radish."

"Fried glutinous rice cake."

"Meat dumplings."

"Little red head."

After Zhu Yunxi drank less than half of the bowl of mutton soup, Xiao Jia finally took out everything in the bamboo basket.

Then, Xiao Jia looked outside the door again.

Then his eyes flashed and he turned to look at Zhu Yunxi who had already started eating beef buns.

"Your Highness, Prince Yan is here."

After saying this, Xiao Jia looked away a little further and asked doubtfully: "Is Prince Qin here too today?"

Following his doubts, Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Shangbing walked in swaggeringly.

The two sat down. Zhu Gaochi looked at Zhu Yunxi, snatched the bowl of mutton soup that was missing a lot from him, took two big gulps, and there was not much left in the bowl.

Then he grabbed the beef bun with one hand and picked up the pickles with chopsticks with the other hand and put it into his mouth.

Zhu Shangbing looked at Xiao Jia: "Here are three more bowls of mutton soup, and then a bowl of white porridge. I want you to cook it for the longest time. Take more rice oil and put it in the bowl, and then make two rice dumplings. Serve with it. Some spicy vinegar dishes, go and come back soon."

After he gave the order, Xiao Jia immediately nodded and ran back.

Zhu Shangbing snatched the bowl of meat dumplings that Zhu Yunxi had not touched and stuffed them into his mouth.

Watching the two of them devouring their food, they looked like they hadn't eaten in days.

Zhu Yunxi rolled his eyes helplessly: "Are you suffering from famine?"

Zhu Shangbing ignored him and kept eating.

Zhu Gaochi said gloomily: "The cabinet started meeting last night and continued until the morning meeting, and then went to the morning meeting to discuss matters. By now, my chest is pressed against my back. How can I not be hungry?"

"What is being discussed? The cabinet is not going to eat at night?" Zhu Yunxi was confused for a moment, then turned to look at Zhu Shangbing who was still stuffing something into his mouth, and waved his hand: "The cabinet is meeting, what's the point of having a stick like him?" relation?"

Zhu Shangbing's mouth was full, and he raised his head and stared at Zhu Yunxi with his big eyes.

"What do you mean I'm a stick? I can't go to the cabinet meeting?"

After saying that, he saw that Xiao Jia had come over with something, so he ignored Zhu Yunxi, waved to Xiao Jia, grabbed the food that the other party brought over, and continued to devour it in his mouth.

Zhu Gaochi smiled awkwardly and explained: "The cabinet is discussing what should be done about the emperor's abdication. They have been discussing this matter since last night. After a long time, they still can't come up with anything useful.

However, Gao Yangzhi finally took out a few memorials and said that many people in the local area were beginning to have some relapses because of this incident. He hoped that he could take the people from the Sanfa Division out of Beijing to investigate and investigate. Shock these people. "

It turned out that it was because the old man wanted to give in.

Zhu Yunxi nodded, and then became a little confused: "Then this has nothing to do with his stick."


Zhu Shangbing, whose mouth was full of things, could no longer speak. He could only stare at Zhu Yunxi with wide eyes.

Zhu Gaochi was also a little dumbfounded: "He brought someone to guard him. Except for a few people in the cabinet, only the people in our clan know what he said."

It turned out that I was just going to watch the show.

I thought Xiaohan was recognized by the cabinet and could participate in national affairs.

Zhu Yunxi smiled and did not ask any further questions about the old man's concession that Zhu Gaochi said.

Instead, he looked at Xiao Jia who was waiting aside.

"I heard that your father has been raising money recently. After the food city is built, he plans to find a good location to continue his business?"

He was talking about Xiao Jia's father, Lao Jia.

Xiao Jia nodded: "Back to Your Highness, the old man is indeed raising money. The bank manager Sun came over a few times ago and heard about this matter. He said that if the old man is willing, the bank can open an interest-free loan to It’s for our family, but the old man refused.”

"Why refuse?"

Da Ming Bank now not only has investment projects, but also has external deposit-taking and lending businesses.

Of course, the interest rate on loans was naturally the lowest in the entire Ming Dynasty.

This is also to force private loan sharks to lower their interest rates.

Lao Jia and his family were originally from Xicheng. Due to the Xicheng project, the whole family was relocated and their livelihood was not very good. At that time, with the Xicheng project moving into the city, it can be said that the last bit of income for the whole family was suddenly cut off.

The project department heard about this and thought that there would be fire on the construction site anyway, so they asked their family to come over and do the work.

Xiao Jia shook his head and explained: "My father heard that after the construction of Xicheng, those shops were not sold to the public, but only rented out. He thought that renting a good storefront and continuing to make these meals would not cost much money.

In addition, His Highness took pity on us and allowed our family to work here, and the price given was adequate. If you do the math, you can save this money when the Xicheng project is completed.

The bank is doing things that benefit the country and the people. How can we lose money that can be put to greater use just because of our family? "

"Your family is quite honest!"

At this time, Zhu Shangbing finally swallowed the food in his mouth and praised Xiao Jia.

Zhu Yunxi smiled and shook his head: "Your dad's situation is still not good. Manager Sun has said that, and your dad doesn't even dare to think about it."

"Pattern?" Xiao Jia was a little confused.

Now that I haven't even settled on a mother-in-law, I don't know what the pattern is.

Zhu Yunxi waved his hand: "Everyone has started eating, and the kitchen is probably not busy anymore. Go and ask your father to come over, and talk to him alone." (End of Chapter)

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