From small town scholar to chief scientist

Chapter 177 May Be a Nobel Prize-Level Achievement

Chapter 177 May Be a Nobel Prize-Level Achievement
Not long after, Zhou Yi left a contact information with several people.

Academician Cao on the side said:
"I originally thought that after the end of this project, we would cooperate with Jinling University, Shuimu University and other universities to jointly develop a new unmanned self-driving car. I didn't expect you to be the first to get there."

General Lee said:
"For the above requirements, we had no choice but to find Professor Zhou. After all, Professor Zhou is the patriarch in this direction. The disciples of Hales and Shannon may not be as strong as Professor Zhou."

Academician Cao said:
"Landing on Mars and developing Mars is a very meaningful thing. It is also one of the places where humans are most likely to immigrate to other planets in the future after removing the moon. We have to grasp both the stars, the sea and the present, and we cannot learn from the past. The feudal dynasty of China should give up the sea."

The current cosmic starry sky, for the current society, is a sea of ​​ignorance, which needs to be explored diligently.

General Li still knew Zhou Yi's life experience quite well, and he was afraid that Zhou Yi would think that their project was a waste of money, so he continued:
"The composition of the Martian atmosphere: 95.3% carbon dioxide, 2.7% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, 0.2% oxygen.

In contrast, the current atmosphere of Aquamarine is composed of 78.1% nitrogen, 20.9% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and 0.1% carbon dioxide and other gases. Compared with it, there is some gap.

But there are striking resemblances to the atmospheres of watery blue stars billions of years ago.When the blue star was first formed, there was no oxygen, and the atmosphere was completely composed of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. It was not until the photosynthetic organisms evolved on the blue star that enough oxygen was produced to evolve organisms.

After we humans land on Mars, we can use the organisms on the water-blue planet to absorb a large amount of CO2 through photosynthesis, release more oxygen, accelerate the transformation of the Martian atmosphere, and artificially intervene on Mars, so that the atmospheric composition of Mars can quickly approach the water-blue Star, ready for our colonization of Mars. "

Zhou Yi glanced at General Li and said:
"I know, and according to some data, there may have been primitive people or aliens on Mars many years ago, and some strange buildings are too ingenious to be formed naturally."

General Li on the side said:
"Well, if you think about it this way, we are very pleased. The reduction of signal transmission time is only the first step, but it is also the most important step. If you can't land on Mars safely, everything is empty talk.

And the signal is strengthened, the first application may be in military communication and civilian communication, the technical patents generated at that time will all belong to you, and the money earned will be distributed to you in accordance with the proper sharing method. "

Speaking of this, Academician Cao also thought of something and said:

"After the asphalt road is improved, Professor Zhou, your share will also be transferred to your account, but there should not be many in China, unless this technology is promoted abroad."

Zhou Yi said:

"The technical reform of the asphalt road is not the result of me alone. You have also done a lot of work. This."

Academician Cao said:
"Your credit must not be buried. At that time, a specific share will be given according to each person's contribution and the importance of the work. It is not very clear yet."

"Ooooh, okay."

Zhou Yi said.

At this time General Li said again:
"Doing unmanned vehicles actually requires information transmission. It may be easier to do our project first, and then work on five-person driving vehicles and unmanned aircraft."

Zhou Yi said:

"Okay, let's settle it like this. You will contact me in half a month. I'm at Shuimu University."

"it is good!"

General Li and General Qian spoke together, chatted for a while and left.

Zhou Yi said at this time:
"Academician Cao, what do you say in the laboratory? I think it can be done now, and I will fly to Ugly Country on the thirteenth day of the first lunar month."

"You can do it now, but the people who come here are not very optimistic about you, because the span is too big, and you have no achievements and experience in this area before."

Academician Cao said,
"And it's Academician Zhang, an academician of the Academy of Engineering, who has a bad temper and is on vacation now, try your best."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yi also expressed his understanding.

It is really outrageous to say it out. A person who does pure numbers suddenly says that he has made achievements in the direction of materials science, which leaves everyone speechless.

If it weren't for the titles of several awards on Zhou Yi's head, I'm afraid no one would pay attention to Zhou Yi.

Not long after, under the guidance of Yuan Zhen, Zhou Yi soon came to the exclusive laboratory of Dongda University.

There are three people in the laboratory, one is an old man, and the other two are probably doctoral students under the leadership of Academician Zhang, and their expressions are also full of resentment.

Yuan Zhen introduced with some caution:

"This is Professor Zhou, Professor Zhou Yi from Shuimu University. This is Academician Zhang Tiande from our School of Chemistry. These two are Academician Zhang's doctoral students, Zhang Chao and Jiang Song."

Zhou Yi said very politely:
"Hello, Academician Zhang, hello, two senior brothers."

Academician Zhang snorted coldly and said:

"Professor Zhou, it's good for you to study mathematics. As long as you have an idea, all kinds of resources will be provided. There are like us, who criticize and report layer by layer, from mathematics to chemistry. In this span, only Professor Zhou in the country has the treatment. gone."

The two doctoral students did not dare to speak, and glanced at Zhou Yi, as if saying hello to God Zhou.

For those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, if an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering is asked to assist a person who is separated by several mountains, no one will feel any resentment.

If you are a genius in our chemistry, then there is nothing to say, I, Zhang Tiande, like Cao De, will wholeheartedly trust you to assist you,
But you are a mathematics student. If you can’t hit a single stroke in eight lifetimes, how can there be any transformative research? Isn’t this nonsense.

The most annoying thing is that the people above believed the young man's words.

This kind of treatment is everyone's envy.

Zhou Yi knew that they must be unconvinced in their hearts. Zhou Yi probably wouldn't be convinced. Zhou Yi said very politely:

"I'm really sorry for disturbing Academician Zhang's rest during Chinese New Year. In addition, I think this research is very meaningful. It is based on the research on the quantity of chemical materials based on mathematics. There is also a new arrangement method. I think I can try it."

Academician Zhang said:
"Okay, anyway, it's been said above, and I'm also curious about what new ideas you have. Mathematics and material science are closely related, but Professor Zhou's resume does not have this part of research.

That's why I have a little doubt. I hope Professor Zhou will not let us play with you, but really make a big discovery.

If you are playing with you, Professor Zhou is not only wasting your own time, but also wasting our time, and he is ashamed of the trust of the above and your mathematical talent. "

After speaking, Academician Zhang's tone has become a little harsh.

Zhou Yi said:

"Academician Zhang's direction, I am not aimless, I am sure."

"Well, tell me your idea first, and I'll see if it's feasible. If you can't even convince me with the theory, then only my doctoral students will stay with you to do experiments."

Academician Zhang said.

Yuan Zhen on the side knew this would happen. Academician Zhang was already hot-tempered. Who could figure it out if he accompanied a mathematician to do chemical experiments.

I saw Zhou Yi said at this time:
"When I researched nano-SiO2 and SBS, I had a conjecture, choose nano-SiO[-] and SBS as raw materials,
Use the combination algorithm I involved in the stacking ball to prepare nanocomposite modifiers, and study the influence of material composition design on asphalt modification effect.

I have a few thoughts here. "

As soon as Zhou Yi finished speaking, the eyes of the two doctors on the side were stupefied. Only Academician Zhang sat down and said in a thoughtful tone:
"It's feasible. If you talk about it in detail, it seems that you really didn't come here to play."

Zhou Yi rolled his eyes, if it weren't for the fact that you came to the laboratory because you are responsible for academics and you are a Chinese New Year senior, you would have left a long time ago.

Zhou Yi also sat down and said:

"First of all, the combination of this composite material according to my idea may improve the firmness of asphalt and improve its impact resistance."

As we all know, most domestic highways use asphalt roads, but airports do not.Because the asphalt road has weak impact resistance, once the asphalt road is used on the airport runway, the consequences will be unimaginable. It is possible that two large pits will be formed the moment the plane lands.

Academician Zhang nodded and said:
"You want to make this composite in the lab and add it to the asphalt?"

Zhou Yi said:

"Not all, this new type of composite material also needs to consider the proportion of the asphalt, the proportion of nano-silica in the composite material, the proportion of SBS in the composite material, and the proportion of the new material in the entire asphalt ,

The proportion of nano-silica in the entire asphalt, and the proportion of SBS in the entire asphalt are very complicated, and different dosages may bring different results. "

Only then did Academician Zhang admit that Zhou Yi was not here for a joke, but really wanted to make something.

"Okay, let's do it with you. This idea is very feasible. I'll get back to your contact person. I'm afraid I can't finish it in a short time."

Zhou Yi said:

"Do it as soon as possible. Academician Cao is still waiting for our data to be re-modeled. I haven't thought about this problem in the models I made before. At that time, Academician Cao's work may have to undergo a major change."

"Zhang Chao, you go to contact the professors in the college and tell them that this is the result that can be published as a top journal. If you don't come back, you won't bring it with you."

Zhang Chao said quickly:

"Good teacher."

Zhou Yi continued to say:

"Actually, it's not over yet. I still have a vision to study the effect of Aspha-min warm mix agent on asphalt's fire resistance, sand resistance and hurricane resistance. In the future, if we immigrate to alien planets and develop Mars, this technology will soon be available on Mars." , help us control a large number of sites in the first place?"

Academician Zhang said:
"You still think so far, if you really make it, the results may allow you to win a Nobel Prize in many years, but it's hard to say, because this direction is very difficult.

But Aspha-min warm mix agent can indeed be taken into consideration,

Professor Zhou, I sincerely apologize for my previous attitude. "

At this point in the exchange, Academician Zhang Tiande has obviously recognized Zhou Yi's theoretical ideas, and it is feasible to a certain extent.

If it is really as hard as Zhou Yi expected, it can reach the level of hardness of the cement road, and it is very likely to win a Nobel Prize.

But looking at Zhou Yi's appearance, it seems that he doesn't care about the Nobel Prize.

Zhou Yi said:

"To do academics, you must have the attitude of Academician Zhang. I am also sorry for letting you come here during the Chinese New Year, and this idea may not be realized. It is just some theoretical ideas of mine. If you can't do it, don't blame me."

Zhou Yi also said very experienced.

Academician Zhang's attitude changed drastically at this moment, and he said very kindly:

"The essence of doing scientific research is trial and error. I believe your three mentors should have told you that there are countless wrong paths to take from a theory to application. How can we succeed once? We are not the chosen ones.

Even if it was unsuccessful, we tried our best, but your theory is really good, but we don't know whether your mathematical theory can support the success of our experiment. "

Zhou Yi knew it was a big bug when he got Hilbert No.18 to ask questions, both in theory and application are too strong.

In particular, applications may be involved in various industries.

Information technology is only one aspect.

"There is no problem with the mathematical theory, but I have no idea whether the experiment can meet the expectations, so I want to do the experiment on your side, otherwise I will go back to Shuimu University to do this experiment."

Zhou Yi said.

"Don't go back to Shuimu University to do this experiment. The people there won't cooperate with you like we do. Wait for a day or two when we have all the staff, and then we can start working!"

Academician Zhang was feeling a little excited at this moment, and the dissatisfaction just now had disappeared.

On the contrary, with a trace of nervousness, I was afraid that Zhou Yi would go back to Shuimu University directly.

If so, not only Cao De, but also the principal and secretary would scold him to death.

"Well, I want to go back and write a theoretical paper. With my thoughts, you are all here, and I reckon it's about the same."

Zhou Yi said.

"Okay, Zhang Chao, send Professor Zhou off, Yuan Zhen from the other mathematics institute, you will be responsible for running the chores of the mathematics institute and the chemistry institute in the future, is it okay?"

How dare Yuan Zhen have any problems, this master is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and he wouldn't dare to say a word even if he gave himself a hundred courage.

"it is good."

Yuan Zhen said helplessly.

After they left, Zhang Tiande said:

"I thought I was going to study with the prince, but I didn't expect to be doing scientific research with the boss. No wonder Cao De, an old man, is so caring. He called me here. If he really wants to make something, he has to be treated to a drink." .”

Jiang Song, a doctoral student at the side, said:
"Teacher, it seems that Professor Zhou is going to win this year's Sloan Research Award, and he may also win the New Horizons Award in Mathematics. I thought that Professor Zhou would also be awarded the Mathematical Breakthrough Award, but Mr. Zhang's paper has not been reviewed, so I'm afraid it's hard to say. "

Zhang Tiande said:
"They are afraid that there will be earthquakes in the mathematics world this year. The first earthquake may be brought by Mr. Zhang, or it may be brought by this Professor Zhou.
I heard from Cao De that Zhou's analytical method has a great application to number theory, and if Zhou Yi hadn't been pulled by the higher authorities to apply it, I am afraid that some number theory conjectures would be solved by him.

Then go and urge all the professors in the academy to get Nobel Prize-level achievements, if you don’t want to come, get out of here, my chemistry academy doesn’t support idlers. "

Apparently Zhang Tiande is the dean of the Academy of Chemistry.

"Good teacher, the main reason is that everyone has returned to their hometowns. Even if you are catching a plane, it depends on whether there are tickets available in the next few days."

Jiang Song said.

 Recently, Dian Niang’s comments are not displayed, it’s not that the author deleted the comments, I believe everyone should know the reason for the non-display. It’s all written now, there should be no comments that can be deleted. . .

(End of this chapter)

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