Apocalypse Rebirth: 3000 million won at the beginning

Chapter 1077 The Fall, the Collapse of the Team


At Sima Xi's urging, Mu Yang quickly controlled the helicopter to take off.

But at this moment, two people had already ran under the helicopter and grabbed the suspension under the helicopter.

The body is swaying in the wind.

The helicopter flew higher and higher, and the two people were also taken away by the helicopter.

However, due to the helicopter's own load-bearing problem, the two extra people caused the fuselage to shake, making it difficult for Mu Yang to stabilize the helicopter.

"Commander, it's overweight. It's difficult for the helicopter to rise. You have to drop something before it can rise. Otherwise, if this continues, the helicopter will crash due to the overweight!" Mu Yang shouted towards Sima Xi in the cabin.

overweight? ? !

Didn’t I just say that I won’t be overweight?

He looked around and saw that he couldn't bear to throw away everything in the cabin.

Finally, he focused on the woman who followed him up.

"Go, throw her down!" Sima Xi said to the helicopter team and the two men sitting in the cabin.

The two hands looked at each other, hesitating for a moment.

But it was just a moment of hesitation. If he didn't throw her down, he might go down.

Get up and walk towards the woman.

"Commander, Commander, don't throw me down, please, Commander! Ah!"

The woman was pulled up by two men, making an explosive sound.


When the cabin door is opened, this woman is about to be thrown out.

One of the men suddenly saw two hands on the helicopter's suspension.

I poked my head forward and saw two people hanging under the suspension.

"Help me, pull me up!"

After the two people under the suspension saw the cabin door open, they climbed up with all their strength.

"Commander, there are two people hanging outside the helicopter. No wonder the helicopter is overweight!" A subordinate shouted to Sima Xi.

Sima Xi's eyes turned cold and he was filled with anger.

He took out the gun from his waist and walked over, seeing the two hands on the suspension.

Without hesitation, he reached out his hand and fired several shots below.

Bang bang bang!


The two people under the suspension were hit by bullets, and they fell down after losing their grip.

At this time, the helicopter was already at a height of 100 meters. If it fell from such a height, it would be fatal.

The right side of the helicopter tilted slightly to the left due to the weight loss of more than 200 kilograms.


Sima Xi fell to the left and almost stopped.

Breaking out in a cold sweat, he quickly returned to his seat and fastened his seat belt.

After the helicopter stabilized, it immediately took off.

"Okay, Commander, okay!" Mu Yang excitedly pulled the lever back and raised the helicopter.

The two men looked at each other and looked at the woman they were holding, who fell into a coma due to too much fear.

Then he looked at Sima Xi again.

"Commander, she's not overweight, why should she be thrown down?" one of them asked.

Sima Xi tightened his clothes and said impatiently: "Forget it, just bring her in!"

The two quickly closed the cabin door, then pulled the fainted woman to her seat and fastened her seat belt.

on the ground.

There was a panic, and many people raised their heads and looked at the helicopter flying away, their eyes full of despair!

They were abandoned!

The anti-aircraft anti-aircraft guns were also leveled at this time and used to bombard the zombies outside.

Even if they want to use anti-aircraft anti-aircraft guns to shoot down the helicopter, they still need time to recalibrate. By the time they have calibrated, the helicopter has already run away.

"Commander, you left us behind!"

"It's over, it's over, it's over!"

The zombies are swarming.

The North Gate and East Gate were attacked by zombies, and the temporarily built walls that were not very strong also collapsed.

More and more zombies are rushing into the Oil City, and many people feel a sense of powerlessness in their hearts!

Wang Kui watched the helicopter leave with a chill in his heart.

There are zombies outside. They are safe in the armored vehicle, but they are only temporarily safe.

My brain was spinning wildly, thinking of various ways to survive.

Got it!

His eyes lit up and he said to Wang De in the armored car: "Commander-in-Chief, I know a place to stop the zombies!"

Wang De glanced at him and said, "You mean in the bunker?"

"Yes!" Wang Kui nodded vigorously.

"Quick, quick, drive that way!" Wang De said to the driver.

The driver stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the bunker.

A large number of zombies are entering the city, densely packed. If a person with trypophobia sees this scene, it will instantly give rise to goosebumps.

thump, thump, thump!

Armored vehicles knock down zombies and make a sound when the tires crush them.

They drove as fast as possible and the bunker was in the middle of Oil City.

Every second counts!

The armored vehicles behind them were not so lucky.

A step slower.

Surrounded by zombies!

Zombies crowded in front of their car, and the vehicle ran over them. However, because there were so many zombies, the zombie corpses that passed over automatically stacked up, raising the body of the armored vehicle.

If there are only a few or a dozen zombies, the weight of the armored vehicle can crush these zombies into pulp.

But what they faced were hundreds, thousands of zombies!

This is equivalent to forming a zombie wall dozens of meters wide!

The car body was piled high with zombie corpses. They continued to drive forward, and the zombies on the right rushed over.


The armored vehicle rolled over and stalled instantly!

The people inside were shaken and dizzy.

But Wang De and the others said that the closer they went to the center of Oil City, the fewer the zombies would become.


Wang De held the gun and opened the car door without hesitation.

He fired a shot at a zombie that was charging towards him.

He hurried to the entrance of the bunker, "Wang Kui, how do I open the bunker!!"

Wang De was anxious in his heart, and he kept shooting the zombies running over with his gun while talking.

Wang Kui got out of the car in a hurry.

Then while shooting, he ran to Wang De and stepped on the switch with his foot.


The iron plates on the bunker moved instantly.

Wang De was the first to run down, holding his gun.

When he ran down, he found several people already standing in the bunker.

"Zhou Sheng, why are you here? No, didn't you go to guard the north gate?" Wang De was slightly startled when he saw Zhou Sheng and others, and said.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Zhou Sheng's face, but he quickly recovered and said, "I can't hold on anymore, alas."

When Wang Kui saw that the passage below was opened, he quickly said to the driver of the armored vehicle: "Don't worry about the vehicle, get down quickly!"

The guy who was driving the vehicle wanted to drive the vehicle down.

But at this time zombies were rushing over from all directions.

If an armored vehicle wants to drive in, it must reverse.

When Wang Kui saw that he didn't listen to his advice, he cursed.

He took the other two men and ran towards the bunker.

After Wang Kui ran down, there was light in the bunker, allowing him to see Zhou Sheng.

His expression was exactly the same as Wang De's, both were a little surprised.

Why is Zhou Sheng here?

But he immediately understood that everyone was just trying to survive.

hoo hoo hoo!

At this moment, several zombies rushed down from the bunker entrance!

Zhou Sheng's expression changed, he looked at Wang Kui and said, "Didn't you close the bunker door?"

"There are people up there, wait a minute!"

Zhou Sheng ignored him and charged towards the zombies that rushed in. Then he walked to a pillar and pressed the door closing button.

Click, click, click!

The iron plates of the bunker immediately moved and slowly closed.

At this time, the driver in the bunker happened to turn the car in the right direction, but the bunker was already half closed, and the remaining space was impossible to enter.

"Damn it!"

The driver cursed, opened the door, and ran toward the bunker with his gun in hand.

At this moment, a zombie rushed from behind him and bit him on the back.

He fell forward and kicked the zombie behind him hard with his feet.

Bang bang bang!

He shot several zombies around him with his gun and got up hastily.

Taking a look at the back, I saw that the clothes were thicker, but the zombie had not bitten through the clothes.


He turned his head and was about to run down the bunker!

But when he looked back, he was horrified to find that the iron plate on the bunker was only less than half a meter wide, and he was still five or six meters away from the bunker.

"and many more!"

He rushed towards the bunker as fast as he could.

The people under the bunker heard what he said, and Wang Kui glared at Zhou Sheng, trying to ask him to stop closing the door.

But Zhou Sheng's eyes were cold and he guarded the switch, preventing Wang Kui from shutting it down.


The driver rushed over with all his strength.


He turned sideways and crawled into the bunker.

too slow!

One second, just one second, and he would be able to get in!

But just because of this second, his fate changed.


its stuck!

He turned sideways, with his lower body outside and his upper body inside the bunker.

The bunker uses a hydraulic gravity rod with a squeezing force of ten tons.

The human body will not cause much hindrance to the bunker iron plate at all.

The iron plates of the bunker pressed down mercilessly.


The screams reached the bunker.

The iron plate of the bunker was like the sharpest knife, cutting his body in half.

Starting from the navel as the boundary, the lower half is outside and the upper half is inside the bunker.

Boom boom boom!

His upper body rolled down the steps.

Blood flowed all over the floor.

"Xiaopeng!" Wang Kui was trembling when he saw his miserable state.

The other two men he brought down also had sadness in their eyes.

They all knew each other and had been working together for two or three years.

Seeing Xia Peng's fate at this time, the feeling of sadness over the death of a rabbit and a fox arises spontaneously!

Xia Peng vomited blood and was cut in half by the iron plate. He did not die immediately, but losing half of his body could not stop the bleeding. Death was the only thing waiting for him.

"Team. Captain, I shouldn't."

Before he could finish his words, the next second his hands loosened and his head fell to the ground limply.

"Damn it!" Wang Kui suddenly stood up.

He pointed the gun at Zhou Sheng and cursed: "You bastard! Can't you just pause the switch!? Damn!"


Several people behind Zhou Sheng immediately raised their guns and pointed them at Wang Kui.

Zhou Shengyinlu looked directly at Wang Kui and said in a bad tone:

"It's his problem if he doesn't come down quickly. Do you want us all to die here just to save him?"

Swords were tense, and people on both sides pointed guns at each other.

At the touch of a hair.

If a shot were actually fired, neither side would benefit.

At this moment, a coughing sound came.

"Cough cough."

Wang De said to the two of them: "Stop arguing, why are you arguing again!"

Wang Kui was in a rage and ignored Wang De at all.

On the other side, Zhou Sheng pointed a gun at Wang Kui without giving up.

He didn't let the seven men behind him put down their guns.

Seeing that the people on both sides didn't hear him at all, Wang De said angrily: "What the hell? Didn't you hear me when I told you to put down your guns?"

Wang Kui snorted coldly, then glared at Zhou Sheng and walked to Xia Peng to collect his body.

Zhou Sheng glanced at Wang De and Wang Kui, waved his hand, and then the men behind him put down their guns.

These men behind him are all his confidants.

Now that everyone is trapped in this bunker, those outside may not survive.

Their team could be said to have collapsed overnight!

Wang De didn't bring any confidants with him. He, the commander-in-chief, was only a commander-in-chief in name only, a mere commander!

Wang De also seemed to notice the change.

He lowered his head and was silent for a long time.

The situation has changed.

His heart was extremely desolate. A few hours ago, he was still very ambitious, thinking about seizing power from Sima Xizhong, controlling the Oil City in one fell swoop, making it bigger and stronger, and creating glory.

But now, a few hours later, he was reduced to hiding in this bunker.

And they are not completely out of danger yet.

The zombies in the bunker don't know when they will leave.

On the other hand, they don't know whether or when the people from Oil City will come back. What will they do then?

I don’t know, everything is unknown.

Wang De, who is easily thirsty when he is nervous, wants to drink some water now because he is in a irritable mood.

But he rummaged around the bunker and didn't find any water.

Although there is food and fuel in this bunker, there is no water.

Wang De, who searched around but couldn't find any water, squatted limply on the ground.

He wanted to sit on the ground, but it was too cold.

Everything is finished!

at the same time.

At the west gate of Oil City, most of the zombies flocked to the car next to the west gate.

Click, click, click!

The paint on the car was chewed off by zombies.

They greedily swallowed the zombie attracting potion.

There were even zombies lying on the ground, biting up the potions and ice cubes on the ground.

Even those broken glass bottles, they did not let go and swallowed the sharp glass with them.

The zombies that had not been snatched came close to the faces of those who had taken the potion, biting them crazily.

The whole scene can only be described as terrifying.

after an hour.

The car was completely scrapped, and the outer layer of paint seemed to have been polished, revealing the steel brackets inside.

Moreover, the entire car was crushed, and the ice and snow on the ground disappeared.

The floor was clean as if it had been swept several times.


After the potion was divided up by zombies, these zombies did not leave here.

Still hungry and surrounded by humans, these zombies continued to rush towards humans.

Zombies have one characteristic, which is their naturally formed conformity.

The zombies outside the wall are still pouring into the city.

On the wall, several people retreated to the guard tower and looked at the zombies outside in horror.

Bang bang bang!

"Bullet, give me a magazine!" Chu Zhao said to a subordinate behind him.

"Captain, this is the only magazine I have."

"Me too, I only have three bullets left!"



Seeing the zombies rushing towards the sentry tower, Chu Zhao's thought at the moment was: Why is the sentry tower in the oil city not made into a straight ladder, but in the form of steps?

Bang bang bang!

The zombie hit the guard tower door with its body.

In order to ensure the view, this sentry tower is made of concrete at about half a person's height below, but the upper part is made of glass.

The glass blocks the wind and the cold air outside.

But it can't stop the zombies from hitting!


The glass shattered and zombies rushed in.

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