Apocalypse Rebirth: 3000 million won at the beginning

Chapter 443 Zombies Enter the Cave! ?

Chapter 443 Zombies Enter the Cave! ?

Ka Ka Ka ~
Outside the cave, the sound of branches being snapped became louder and louder.

Then there was a clatter.

The sound of the tree being pushed away and falling to the ground made everyone feel excited.

Li Yu walked slowly to the entrance of the cave, and made a hush gesture to everyone.

Everyone held their breath and tried not to make any noise. The ghost knows how many zombies are outside now. If these zombies find out, it will be troublesome.

Haven't had a good night.

Li Yu gently moved a small stone away, leaving only a small hole, which was very small, only a few centimeters.

Li Yu moved his eyes closer and looked outside.

I saw a large group of zombies appearing in the dark outside, and farther away, the place where they carried the corpses was very clean at this time, and it seemed that they had been eaten by the zombies.

Thinking of this, Li Yu resisted the urge to vomit.

The zombies at the entrance of the cave were all blocked by those trees, but the sound of branches falling just now came from there.

Indeed, two tree sticks were crushed and collapsed. With more and more zombies, those trees could not last long.

However, they can't do anything now.

Li Yu felt extremely helpless when he saw the zombies rushing over. He still underestimated the zombie's sense of smell. Even though the entrance of the cave was sealed, they still found someone in the cave.

It seems that I don't want to sleep tonight.

Li Yu turned his head, continued to block the small stone he just took down, and said to everyone: "The zombies outside may have found us."

The black snake who was lying down and pretending to be dead showed fear at this time, he didn't want to be dismembered by zombies.

However, neither Li Yu nor anyone else's expressions changed much.

Li Yu said to everyone: "The entrance of the cave may collapse, but the bottom half-person-high boulder cannot be pushed by these zombies.

Everyone is divided into groups to block the zombies at the entrance of the cave. "

Everyone nodded and did so. When they came out, long knives were inconvenient to carry, but they brought daggers, and Yang Tianlong carried a machete with him.

Speaking of this machete, it was not long after the end of the world broke out. Yang Tianlong and the others had just joined the base and found this machete when they went to Yugutai in the city center to deal with the enemies.

Yang Tianlong likes this knife very much. I don't know what kind of material this knife is made of. It can chop bones without any gaps, and it is also very sharp.

Yang Tianlong always liked melee combat. He liked to chop horizontally and vertically with a big knife. For him, it was exciting.

It was his knife that was used to cut down the trees outside just now.

When cutting down the trees just now, they also got some sticks, and they brought them into the cave.Now it can be combined with a dagger to make a spear.

The spear is the most suitable in this situation.

Everyone took out their daggers and started making spears. This spear was definitely not as useful as it was carefully crafted in the base, but at least it was no problem to kill zombies.

Everyone was making spears. Captain Luo and the others wanted to help, but Li Yu refused. They have enough manpower now, and the hole is so small that they don't need so many people.

Li Yu watched everyone make the spears, and his mood was calm.

Although they came out to carry a lot of ammunition, hundreds of rounds each, and a total of more than 2 rounds of ammunition, if they were not worried that the load would be too much and affect their actions, each of them would carry more ammunition.

There are still some bullets in the car right now.

However, although there are many bullets, they should be used sparingly.So far, none of them have the ability to make bullets.

This feeling of sitting and eating made Li Yu very uncomfortable, so now he is trying his best to build equipment and raw materials that can produce bullets by himself.

He must achieve bullet self-sufficiency.

Now that a lot of raw materials have been collected, there are only a few key parts left in terms of equipment. It will be soon before they realize the freedom of bullets!

dong dong dong~
On the stones piled up at the entrance of the cave, there was a muffled sound suddenly.

Then there was another sound.

dong dong dong~
Just now, Lao Lu and the others used small stones to block the gap, and now these small stones also fell down.

The zombies outside the cave were constantly colliding with the stacked stones, that is, the stones at the bottom were heavier, otherwise they might have fallen down under the impact just now.

The third uncle ate the whole apple, and out of habit, he ate the whole apple, not even the core.

After eating, he straightened his expression, and immediately raised his dagger to get ready.

Suddenly, a few stones fell from the pile of stones at the entrance of the cave.

After the stone fell, the zombies behind saw Li Yu and the others and became even crazier.

The movement is also getting bigger and bigger, but the small hole can only accommodate two zombies at the same time, so the zombies behind are also crowded forward frantically.

The entire entrance of the cave was filled, and Li Yu and the others could not see the outside, nor did they know what was going on outside.


A huge stone rolled down. This stone weighed a hundred catties, but because it was not flat, it was pushed down all at once.

After pushing it down, the entire hole became, with a width of nearly 80 centimeters, the heads of two zombies.

Probing directly into the entrance of the cave, Zhang Yawu grabbed it and yelled at Li Yu and the others.

But because the weight of the rock at the bottom of the cave is too heavy, it is difficult to push it away.

Seeing the two zombies stuck in the gap, Li Yu immediately relaxed. He only thinks about one thing now, how to get out tomorrow.

After thinking for a while, he lit a cigarette and started smoking.

The area in this hole is large enough, and the air can also circulate, but it is just a small hole in some gaps, which cannot be seen with the naked eye.

I came in in a hurry yesterday, and I didn't have much time to think, but I didn't want to be surrounded by these zombies, so I went in directly.

What I originally thought was that I could hide in the cave without being discovered by the zombies. After the sun came out tomorrow, the zombies hated the sun, so they would naturally disperse.

But hating the sun doesn't mean you can't stay in the sun.

These zombies can still stay in the sun, but they will be very uncomfortable. Zombies like damp and dark, so they like to come out when it rains and when it is dark.

Now, Li Yu and the others were discovered by zombies. According to the current situation, it is very likely that these zombies will not leave until tomorrow.

Because for these zombies, they can tolerate the sun when they see food.

Just like in normal times, outside the base, there are always some zombies around and don't leave, because these zombies know that there are people in the base.

Li Yu looked at the two heads of the zombie, scratched at the tooth dance, and muttered helplessly: "It seems that I still have to kill like crazy, otherwise I won't have time to go back tomorrow. It's really hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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